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Слово Как написать proposal на английском пример - однокоренные слова и морфемный разбор слова (приставка, корень, суффикс, окончание):

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Как писать предложения (proposals) на английском языке? Полезные выражения

На многих международных экзаменах по английскому языку (FCE, CAE, CPE) Вас могут попросить написать официальное предложение властям / совету директоров / общественной органгизации с целью улучшить что-либо.

При написании предложения необходимо соблюдать строгий формат. Должен быть заголовок — «Proposal to…», например, Proposal to increase the level of tourism in this area.

Далее следует короткое и четкое введение, где отражается цель предложения. Выглядит оно примерно так:


I would like to put forward the following proposal, which I believe would help to attract more visitors to our area. (New Proficiency Writing, Longman).

Затам структурировано с подзаголоками выражаете в официальном стиле Ваши идеи.

Наконец, заключение. Вот неплохой пример:


This proposal will involve substantial initial expenditure. However, the income generated by higher levels of tourism will very quickly offset this. I therefore hope my proposal will be given due consideration. (New Proficiency Writing, Longman).

Полезные фразы

Our city is of particular importance / relevance because of its excellent sport facilities.

Of equal merit is the centre’s thriving nightlife.

Not only can we provide sate-of-the-art conference rooms, but we can also offer a wide range of reasonably-priced hotels.

Above all the city is easy to get to.

It is beyond dispute / widely recognised / commonly known that the people living here are the friendliest in the whole country.

The city’s good reputation for live music and performance theatre makes it eminently suitable.

I would like to stress / underline / remind our total commitment to this project.

We believe wholeheartedly in / are totally committed to our ability to get our details right.

The city boasts over 30,000 hotel rooms to suit every taste and price.

We would urge you to consider our proposal seriously.


Review, report, proposal и letter в CAE Writing

Review, report, proposal и letter в CAE Writing

Если эссе — обязательный вариант первой части CAE Writing, то во второй можно сделать выбор из трех. В идеале нужно знать требования к четырем заявленным в CAE текстам: report, proposal, review и letter. Но достаточно выбрать два-три и работать над ними вместо гонки за всеми зайцами.
Все критерии Cambridge официально поместил в шкалу оценивания и показал, как анализируют работы письменные экзаменаторы.

Из «Cambridge English Advanced. Handbook for Teachers» от 2016 года

Самостоятельно пробираться по этим терминам и описаниям — тот ещё квест. Такая таблица в чистом виде больше парализует, чем сдвинет с места. Поэтому своим студентам я выдаю базовые моменты, от которых мы отталкиваемся, чтобы написать самый первый текст:

Тaк называемые samples на 17-20 баллов создают прекрасный ориентир на высший Pass A именно за письмо, когда за эссе и вторую часть выходит 34-40 баллов. Но у меня был случай, когда мы со студенткой добирали баллы на Pass за счет Speaking и довольствовались средним результатом 12-14 баллов за каждый письменный текст. Вдруг у вас тоже такой случай. Поэтому я публикую здесь самые разные примеры.

Мне нравятся подробные задания в CAE Writing. Если к ним присмотреться, выделить ключевые слова в предложениях, то проблем с начальными идеями для текста быть не должно. Остается только их развить по правилам жанра, которые я здесь привожу вместе с образцами. К сожалению, я не могу по пунктам расписать языковые и логические требования к письменной работе на Pass, Pass B или Pass A. Предпочитаю делать подробные рекомендации, отталкиваясь от самого первого текста студента.


Пример на 16 баллов из 20. Ключевые слова выделены.
You have just finished a three-week study and work programme in an English-speaking country. You have studied English in the mornings and worked for a local company in the afternoons. The programme organizer has asked you to write a report about your experience. In your report, you should evaluate the programme, explaining which part of the program was more useful, and suggest changes you would recommend for next year’s programme.

16 баллов: Content 5, Communicative Achievement 4, Organisation 4, Language 3


Пример ниже на 12 баллов. Адрес писать не нужно, как в примере. Так proposal становится похож на formal letter.
There are plans to demolish an old and unused building in the town where you are a student. You feel that the building should be saved. You decide to write a proposal for the town council explaining why you think the building should be preserved, suggesting what could be done to modernize it and saying how the building could benefit the local people.

12 баллов: Content 5, Communicative Achievement 2, Organisation 3, Language 2


Пример на 14 баллов.
You see the following announcement on a website, «Great Lives»:

Send us a review of a book or a film that focuses on somebody who has made an important contribution to society. Did you learn anything new about the person’s life the book or film? Did the book or film help you understand why this person made their important contribution?

14 баллов: Content 5, Communicative Achievement 3, Organisation 3, Language 3

Letter/ email

Письма бывают самые разные. В результате, приходится готовить много видов с разными целями, а не один, как в предыдущих заданиях. Книга «Successful Writing. Proficiency» by Virginia Evans дает исчерпывающие материалы. Вот основные виды писем в CAE, которые стоит из нее взять:

Здесь пример письма другу на 17 баллов. Задача — посоветовать.
My new job is great, and next month I get to travel on business. Guess what — I’m actually coming to your town for a week!
I’ll be free some evenings and one weekend. I want to make the most of this opportunity, so I’d like your advice please: where to go, what to do, and why?

17 баллов: Content 5, Communicative Achievement 4, Organisation 4, Language 4

Фото — Cambridge English: Advanced. Handbook for Teachers и Pixabay.


How to Write a Proposal Letter (With Template and Example)

This article has been approved by an Indeed Career Coach.

How you communicate in business environments directly impacts how you and your ideas are perceived. A proposal letter is a written form of communication that can have a major effect on your career. When constructing a proposal letter, your ideas must be clear, informative and persuasive.

In this article, you will learn how to write a compelling proposal letter and structure it properly.

What is a proposal letter?

A proposal letter is a professional document that introduces your business ideas to an important recipient who holds a decision-making role. A proposal letter can introduce an idea to try to convince the recipient to read a full document with supporting information, or it can be the proposal itself.

When do you use proposal letters?

Proposal letters can be used for a variety of endeavors, including small business projects, like requesting a loan or suggesting a new marketing plan to your manager. Proposal letters can also be sent as a brief precursor to a larger, more-detailed business proposal, like a government grant for a research project.

Why are proposal letters important?

Proposal letters are important because they are normally the first impression your recipient has of you and your business. A clear and influential letter will increase the likelihood of your audience favoring your proposal and moving forward with it.

How to write a proposal letter

What you include in your proposal letter will vary based on the project. Here are some common details you should consider including when composing a proposal letter:

Introduce yourself and provide background information.

State your purpose for the proposal.

Define your goals and objectives.

Highlight what sets you apart.

Briefly discuss the budget and how funds will be used.

Finish with a call to action and request a follow-up.

Close the letter and provide contact details.

1. Introduce yourself and provide background information

The goal of your proposal’s introduction is to gain the interest of your reader. This paragraph should include basic information about your company and an overview of the topic to make it clear what the recipient will be reading. If you are following up on a meeting, briefly mention the meeting in the opening statements for context. If your business already has a relationship with your letter’s recipient, mention this as well.

2. State your purpose for the proposal

Your purpose for the proposal is what you intend to accomplish, or what problem exists that you intend to fix. A proposal for a business arrangement would provide clear details and basic terms of the arrangement, while a proposal to redesign a company website would discuss your understanding of their current website issues.

3. Define your goals and objectives

Describe the long-term outcomes you plan to meet and the objectives you will establish to get you there. Be very clear and include specific figures if possible. For example, instead of, «We will increase our productivity significantly with this loan,» you might write, «We will increase our productivity by 40% over the next year with the loan amount we have requested. We will increase our productivity with the addition of two new machines and four additional employees.»

4. Highlight what sets you apart

If your proposal is the answer to a company’s problem, showcasing your valuable assets can help you stand out. State some of your special skills related to the project and reasons you are the best fit for the job. This might include experience with a similar issue or outlining a unique process that gets great results. If your proposal is for a business venture, highlight a few factors that differentiate your ideas from others. When highlighting your key differentiators, you could use bullet points to list your features so they’re easier to read.

5. Briefly discuss budget and how funds will be used

Cost is a major factor for decision-makers. Depending on your reason for writing a proposal letter, you may need to include details on how you will use a loan or how much your project will cost investors. You will probably not need to include a full account of costs, but providing a general idea of the budget will give investors a better look at the project.

6. Finish with a call to action and request a follow-up

A call to action is a request for your recipient to take additional steps and creates an urgency for them to move forward. This can increase the chances that they will respond. This action might be to simply reply to your proposal if they would like to speak further.

Also, including your intentions to follow up with them makes it clear you are serious about your proposal. Let them know the specific day you will contact them again so they can expect your call or email.

7. Close the letter and provide contact details

Thank the recipient for their consideration of your proposal and encourage them to contact you if they have any questions. End the letter with a professional closing, such as «Sincerely» or «Regards,» followed by a comma. Type your name a few lines below, then sign your name above your typed name.

Proposal letter template

Here is a template you can use as a general point of reference to ensure you include all the important information in your next proposal letter:

[ Your name ]
[ Company if applicable ]
[ Your address ]

[ Recipient’s name ]
[ Recipient’s company ]
[ Recipient’s mailing address ]

[ This first sentence should include your name and your company. Mention any previous meetings regarding the topic or any previous company history. Give a brief overview of what your proposal is about. ]

[ In the second paragraph, state the purpose of your proposal. Include specific information to make it clear. ]

[ In the third paragraph, identify the specific goals you intend to reach and the objectives you have set up to accomplish those goals. ]

[ In the fourth paragraph, provide an overview of what makes your mission unique. In the following sentences, support your claims with specific examples of previous experiences and successes. Use numbers to quantify your success whenever possible. ]

[ In the fifth paragraph, briefly discuss how you will allocate your loan or grant, or give an overview of a project’s cost to the investors. ]

[ In the sixth paragraph, give your recipient a call to action to urge them to act on your proposal. Include when and how you will follow up with them. ]

[ In the first sentence of your closing paragraph, express gratitude and thank the recipient for their time reviewing your proposal. Include your contact information and let them know you are happy to answer any questions. ]

Proposal letter example

Here is an example of a proposal letter for a business plan:

Sarah Johnson
Pro Design LLC
555 Silver Lane
Raleigh, NC 27513

Garrett Williams
Marketing Masters
1443 East Drive
Raleigh, NC 27514

Our team at Pro Design enjoyed discussing the opportunity to work with you on developing a new website for your company. We began working on this project last week after our initial email, and are submitting a proposed action plan for your review.

On December 12th, we discussed your growing concerns regarding the design of your website. The difficult navigation and lack of mobile compatibility were slowly affecting customer acquisition. By making the interface more eye-catching, user-friendly and compatible with both Android and IOS, we can increase the amount of time potential clients spend on your website, resulting in a greater number of leads and clientele.

Per the goal you expressed in the meeting, our objective will be to increase your clientele by 30% and increase your leads by 40% within the next year. This goal will be accomplished through the following steps:

1. Researching your ideal clientele to define your company’s branding

2. Working with your marketing team to develop consistent messaging to target your ideal client

3. Rebuilding the website from the foundation using the most user-friendly features

4. Creating a flawless mobile design that draws mobile consumers in

5. Seamlessly incorporating your branding and messaging with the new interface

Our company completed a similar project for a hotel in Atlanta eight months ago. Our design kept users on their website 150% longer and resulted in a 40% increase in sales over the course of six months.

If you would like to move forward with our proposal, please send me an email so we can begin discussing and planning the next steps right away. I will follow up with you through email next Thursday, December 12th.


How to write a proposal

It’s not a secret that students learning business English have different needs and expectations compared to the learners of General English. They are more goal oriented in terms of their professional development, and teaching them how to write effective proposals has to do not only with English but also with skills. Hence, it is our job as an educator to study the varieties of business proposals and choose the most appropriate structure to teach our students depending on their field of expertise.

Here we’re looking at the proposal structure that I have been working on with my B2 level of learners.

The structure

Below you can see a company sample proposal based on which we’ll analyse the structure.

You need to provide language training training services to the local bank who wants to train their employees to master the language. Your target audience is the frontline staff. The CEO of the company has asked you to put together the training options you have for their employees.

You must write about:

Write 180-200 words.

This proposal is intended to offer English language training to XXX bank based on the management request.

Business and General English Courses

We offer Business and General English Courses for your staff. The duration of Business English courses are 2 months to complete one level and 1.5 months for the General English courses. The courses are rich in real-life situations, up-to-date training materials and result-oriented methodology.

Business English courses cover topics like;

The classes occur 3 times a week with 2 hours long sessions. There is a test at the end of the course to determine the progress of the students.

General English courses cover topics like;

The classes occur 2 times a week with 2 hours long sessions. There is a test at the end of the course to determine the progress of the students.

Considering your area of expertise, Business English courses will be more suited for your employees as they cover a lot of relevant information for the day-to-day work. Your employees will have a chance to converse in simulated situations similar to those they might be having while at work, they will enrich their vocabulary in business related situations and will feel more confident when talking with foreign customers.

The courses are delivered by certified English trainers who are equipped with the necessary knowledge to guide your staff through their learning.

As you can see from the sample proposal above, the first and the foremost things is to introduce:

The first and foremost thing to consider when writing a proposal is to take a moment and think who your target reader is. It will help you to better organize your ideas and sound more persuasive in reaching your goal. Questions you can ask yourself while planning to write a proposal are:

2. Focus on the solution

The aim of a proposal is to highlight the problem ( in our case it’s a need for a training ) and offer a solution ( an appropriate course ). Unlike meeting minutes, where merely the facts are being stated, a proposal aims at offering credible solutions to the reader/client and persuading them in its validity.

To do this successfully, you can create an outline of a proposal before writing it. It should have three main section;

Paragraphs help to make the speech more organized, they are more friendly for the eye. To succeed, it’s best to allocate one paragraph for every new idea. This will give the reader a chance to see the whole picture and leave a favourable impression. Same is true for usine headlines. In the sample above, the proposal is logically sequenced in 3 paragraphs.

4. Cover all the points

This is especially true if you’re preparing your students to take some sort of business English exam (BEC). If that’s the case, make sure you highlight it for the students that they need to cover all the points presented in the taks. Otherwise, they will lose points against the criteria Task Achievement.

Depending on your proposal and who’ll be reading it, you need to sensor your paper to fit a certain style. Avoid writing in jargon and using abbreviations or unnecessarily complex language. Instead, write in plain, direct language as much as possible.


This is a common mistake in all types of writings. If you want to leave a professional impression on the reader, do your best to stick to the topic of the proposal. Don’t overlap it with unnecessary data and information that people can find on your company website.

2. Don’t forget that humour is not always appropriate

Pay attention to the genre you’re writing in. Using humour in business documents is not welcome as it hijacks the seriousness of the topic at hand.

Make the issue as relevant to the audience as you can. Tie it to their interest or goal as directly as you can. Make it specific to them, and avoid relying solely on generic appeal to emotions or values. This might do the trick sometimes, but relying on it is not what you want.

This is just one style of a proposal mostly used in everyday business writing, academic preparation courses (BEC) and language assessment slots. There are many other proposal samples ( service proposal, financial proposal, change of system, etc. ) All of them have their individual style and requirements, much depending on the company preferences and the sphere of expertise.

Try out this structure of report writing with your students and let us know how it works. It has always been a great success in my classrooms.


How to write a proposal? | C1 Advanced (CAE)

A proposal may be written for a peer group (such as colleagues or club members), or for a supervisor (such as a boss or a college principal).

You will be expected to make one or more suggestions, supported by factual information and evaluation, in order to persuade the reader of a course of action.

How to write a CAE proposal?

Proposals are often structured in a similar way to reports and should be clearly organised under headings.The main difference between a report and a proposal is that in the latter we have to give recommendations on improving the situation.

1. Start the proposal with an introduction and a clear sentence that states the purpose/aim:

The aims of this proposal are to…

2. Then you can focus on body paragraphs and tasks in the topic.
Group your ideas under headings for each section of your proposal.
Remember to answer all the questions that you were asked
Write in a formal and impersonal style

3. Express opinions and make recommendations in the last section/paragraph of your proposal
Include a final sentence summarising your opinion.

You should practice how to make polite recommendations and suggestions and how to use a range of persuasive language.

CAE Proposal: Structure

The aims of this proposal are to…
Subheading (1)
Describe the current situation
Subheading (2)
Say how you think it could be better
Final Recommendations
Make your recommendations

CAE Proposal: Examples

CAE Proposal Sample 1

Proposal subject:

Language students – let us improve what we do for you!
Unfortunately, we can’t spend much money, but we’d like to improve what we provide for our language students. Submit proposals to us explaining what is useful about the current facilities we provide, describe any problems you have with them and make recommendations for how we can improve them, giving reasons to support your ideas.

Student’s CAE Proposal Answer:

How to improve the quality of language classes: a proposal

The principal objectives of this proposal are to describe the current state of language teaching at the Pennsylvania State University, identify areas for improvement, and offer recommendations on exactly what improvements can be achieved.

At the present moment, Penn State offers courses of several languages on three different levels. One can study modern languages such as French, German, Italian Russian as a beginner, intermediate or upper-intermediate student.

Following a final year survey among students taking language courses, the following areas for improvement can be highlighted:

1. the number of languages in offer: undoubtedly narrow and restricted to European languages;
2. the structure of the courses is flat: no advanced level
3. little innovation in the language methods utilized: simple, old-fashioned grammar-translation method still reigns supreme.

It is vital to address the issues raised in the student survey. Therefore, the following actions ought to be performed with a view to improving the quality of the courses and their reception:

A. The offer should be increased to include other widely-spoken languages, especially non-European ones, such as Chinese, Arabic and Hindi. These languages are real challenges for the speakers of European languages.

B. It is advisable to expand the course options by offering lessons for advanced students. Only comprehensive offer can motivate students to immerse themselves in language learning.

C. Last but not least, some variety needs to be introduced into the array of teaching methods available to students, e.g. online multimedia lessons. The best method of language learning is using many various methods.

All of these measures, if promptly implemented, are surely going to increase student satisfaction in the area of language courses.

CAE Proposal Sample 2

Proposal subject:

You go to a university that has a high amount of international students and you have realised that the website is not up to scratch. Write a proposal for the University Dean about how it could be improved.

Student’s CAE Proposal Answer:

This proposal is aimed at outlining the way in which the university website could be improved so that it is more user friendly for international students. It will suggest what improvements can be made and also set out how this would benefit the students themselves.

Problems with using the site

A recent study into how easy it is to get around the site has revealed that 70% of students whose second language is English find it difficult to find specific information about their courses. Because of the language barrier, they find it hard to make their search terms clear and this has become a cause for concern. Translating the site is not an option and this can be a big problem, especially at the beginning of the academic year.

Ways the site could address these issues

It has been well documented that the university website has neither a site map nor an introduction video to help novice students to find their way around it. It would make a huge difference if there were some simple instructions to indicate where to find information. It is a delicate balance as we, of course, want international students to learn English, but also want them to navigate the site with ease.

I would like to make the following recommendations:

If these recommendations are in place, young people are bound to feel more prepared for their experience and take full advantage of this unique experience.

CAE Proposal: Topics

Proposal Question 1

There are plans to demolish an old and unused building in the town where you are a student. You feel that the building should be saved. You decide to write a proposal for the town council explaining why you think the building should be preserved, suggesting what could be done to modernise it and saying how the building could benefit the local people.

Proposal Question 2

Your college currently doesn’t provide enough support for students planning to spend time studying in another country. You see this notice in the library.

The college is planning to introduce a special course for students planning to spend time studying in-country. The college principal invites students to send a proposal outlining any problems students may face when studying abroad and suggesting ways in which the course could address these problems. A decision can then be made about what to include on the course.

Proposal Question 3

Students at your college have to give a spoken presentation as part of their final assessment and need some help. The school director has invited you to send a proposal outlining any problems students have with presentations and suggesting how these problems could be overcome.

Proposal Question 4

The company you work for is considering the idea of a flexible working day, where staff are able to vary their starting and finishing time. The manager of your department has asked you to write a proposal explaining why introducing a flexible working day could benefit both the company and its employees. You should also suggest how a flexible working day could operate in your own department.

CAE Proposal: Useful phrases

We will finish it with some useful vocabulary mostly used to organize information. Although it is taking a shortcut, if you learn several expressions for each paragraph in each type of text that could be on your exam, you will certainly be able to create a very consistent and well-organized text.

Stating the purpose of the proposal

The principal objectives of this proposal are to
The objective of this proposal is to…
The purpose of this proposal is to examine / evaluate / explain / describe / analyse / present…
This proposal aims to…

Background information

At the present moment,…
Comments made at the end of the questionnaires suggest…
Following a survey among…
Concerned members of the local community were invited to attend…
A number of concerns with regard to XYZ were expressed by…
The following areas for improvement can be highlighted

Making recommendations and suggestions

A working group should be set up by…
There should be an enquiry into…
It would be advantageous to…
It is recommended that…
I recommend that a larger survey should be conducted before a final decision is reached…

Final recommendations

Implementation of the above ideas would result in…
A working group should be set up by…
There should be an enquiry into…
I recommend that a larger survey should be conducted before a final decision is reached…
The following actions ought to be performed with a view to (improving the quality of…)

CAE Proposal: Mark scheme

It is necessary to properly and precisely use a wide array of words and expressions, including rarely used ones. To get a good grade with regards to vocabulary you should try to incorporate idioms. Communication

The text should be easy to understand for the target reader. You must use appropriate language whether it be formal or informal. Each type of text has its own requirements. Organization

The text must be easy to follow but also include complex grammatical structures and vocabulary.


Теперь вы знаете какие однокоренные слова подходят к слову Как написать proposal на английском пример, а так же какой у него корень, приставка, суффикс и окончание. Вы можете дополнить список однокоренных слов к слову "Как написать proposal на английском пример", предложив свой вариант в комментариях ниже, а также выразить свое несогласие проведенным с морфемным разбором.

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