Главная » Правописание слов » Как пишется dog friendly

Слово Как пишется dog friendly - однокоренные слова и морфемный разбор слова (приставка, корень, суффикс, окончание):

Морфемный разбор слова:

Однокоренные слова к слову:


141 friendly hands

142 friendly takeover

143 pocket-friendly price

144 wallet-friendly price

145 Chief Register of Friendly Societies

146 friendly overture

147 friendly societies

148 friendly suit

149 friendly take-over

150 user-friendly

151 user friendly

152 environmentally friendly fuel

153 environment-friendly

154 environmentally friendly

155 greenhouse friendly

156 ozone friendly

157 ozone-friendly technology

158 animal-friendly

159 environmentally friendly technology

160 Ancient Forest Friendly

См. также в других словарях:

Dog park — The recently renovated Tompkins Square Park dog run was the first in New York City, and it was recently named one of the top five dog parks in the United States by Dog Fancy magazine. This article is about the exercise area for dogs; there is… … Wikipedia

dog — ‘Dog’ is used vocatively in two distinct ways. It is either an insulting term of contempt, or it is almost a compliment, implying that the man addressed is a jolly fellow. As an insult, ‘dog’ has been in use since at least the fourteenth… … A dictionary of epithets and terms of address

Dog n Suds — Type Drive In Industry Fast food Founded 1952 in Champaign, Illinois Founder(s) James Griggs, Don Hamacher … Wikipedia

Dog Days (anime) — Dog Days Official Dog Days poster ドッグデイズ (Doggu Deizu) … Wikipedia

Dog communication — It is important to look at the dog s whole body and not just the mouth or tail before deciding what the dog is trying to communicate. What appears initially as aggression might be an invitation to play. Dog communication refers to body movements… … Wikipedia

Dog (Half-Life 2) — General CVG character width=180px name=Dog caption=A fan made render of D0g. series= Half Life series firstgame= Half Life 2 voiceactor= inuniverse=Dog (occasionally written as D0g or d0g) is a robot in Valve Software s 2004 first person shooter… … Wikipedia

dog — dogless, adj. doglike, adj. /dawg, dog/, n., v., dogged, dogging. n. 1. a domesticated canid, Canis familiaris, bred in many varieties. 2. any carnivore of the dogfamily Canidae, having prominent canine teeth and, in the wild state, a long and… … Universalium

Friendly fire — For other uses, see Friendly Fire (disambiguation). Blue on blue redirects here. For other uses, see Blue on blue (disambiguation). Friendly fire is inadvertent firing towards one s own or otherwise friendly forces while attempting to engage… … Wikipedia

Dog fighting in the United States — Gang members dog fighting in a vacant office building Dog fighting in the United States is an illegal activity in which fights between two game dogs are staged as a form of entertainment and gambling. Such activity has existed since the early… … Wikipedia

Dog behavior — Dogs roughhousing. Dog behavior refers to the collection of behaviors by the domestic dog, Canis lupus familiaris, and is believed to be influenced by genetic, social, situational and environmental causes. The domestic dog is a subspecies of the… … Wikipedia

friendly — adj. 1 behaving in a kind/pleasant way VERBS ▪ appear, be, look, seem, sound ▪ become ADVERB ▪ extremely … Collocations dictionary


dog friendly

1 business-friendly

2 friendly

дружески расположенный;

friendly in manner обходительный

дружески расположенный;

friendly in manner обходительный

friendly nation дружественная страна

сочувствующий, одобряющий (to)

дружески расположенный;

friendly in manner обходительный Friendly Society общество взаимопомощи;
friendly match спорт. товарищеская встреча

friendly nation дружественная страна Friendly Society общество взаимопомощи;
friendly match спорт. товарищеская встреча society: friendly

общество взаимного страхования

3 service-friendly

4 user-friendly

5 friendly

F. Society о́бщество взаимопо́мощи

friendly match спорт. това́рищеская встре́ча

6 friendly gesture

7 Friendly Society

8 in a friendly climate

9 friendly

10 Association of Friendly Societies

11 friendly merger

12 friendly society

13 Friendly Society Act

14 Interim Prudential Sourcebook for Friendly Societies

15 Registrar of Friendly Societies

16 Casing friendly

17 a friendly calf sucks two mothers

18 client friendly

19 friendly

20 friendly bid

См. также в других словарях:

Dog park — The recently renovated Tompkins Square Park dog run was the first in New York City, and it was recently named one of the top five dog parks in the United States by Dog Fancy magazine. This article is about the exercise area for dogs; there is… … Wikipedia

dog — ‘Dog’ is used vocatively in two distinct ways. It is either an insulting term of contempt, or it is almost a compliment, implying that the man addressed is a jolly fellow. As an insult, ‘dog’ has been in use since at least the fourteenth… … A dictionary of epithets and terms of address

Dog n Suds — Type Drive In Industry Fast food Founded 1952 in Champaign, Illinois Founder(s) James Griggs, Don Hamacher … Wikipedia

Dog Days (anime) — Dog Days Official Dog Days poster ドッグデイズ (Doggu Deizu) … Wikipedia

Dog communication — It is important to look at the dog s whole body and not just the mouth or tail before deciding what the dog is trying to communicate. What appears initially as aggression might be an invitation to play. Dog communication refers to body movements… … Wikipedia

Dog (Half-Life 2) — General CVG character width=180px name=Dog caption=A fan made render of D0g. series= Half Life series firstgame= Half Life 2 voiceactor= inuniverse=Dog (occasionally written as D0g or d0g) is a robot in Valve Software s 2004 first person shooter… … Wikipedia

dog — dogless, adj. doglike, adj. /dawg, dog/, n., v., dogged, dogging. n. 1. a domesticated canid, Canis familiaris, bred in many varieties. 2. any carnivore of the dogfamily Canidae, having prominent canine teeth and, in the wild state, a long and… … Universalium

Friendly fire — For other uses, see Friendly Fire (disambiguation). Blue on blue redirects here. For other uses, see Blue on blue (disambiguation). Friendly fire is inadvertent firing towards one s own or otherwise friendly forces while attempting to engage… … Wikipedia

Dog fighting in the United States — Gang members dog fighting in a vacant office building Dog fighting in the United States is an illegal activity in which fights between two game dogs are staged as a form of entertainment and gambling. Such activity has existed since the early… … Wikipedia

Dog behavior — Dogs roughhousing. Dog behavior refers to the collection of behaviors by the domestic dog, Canis lupus familiaris, and is believed to be influenced by genetic, social, situational and environmental causes. The domestic dog is a subspecies of the… … Wikipedia

friendly — adj. 1 behaving in a kind/pleasant way VERBS ▪ appear, be, look, seem, sound ▪ become ADVERB ▪ extremely … Collocations dictionary



781 дружески

782 дружеский

дру́жеская услу́га — friendly service; good turn разг.

дру́жеский визи́т — goodwill visit

783 дружественный

дру́жественные стра́ны — friendly states

в дру́жественной обстано́вке — in a friendly atmosphere

784 дружить

он не дру́жит с грамма́тикой — he is not too strong on grammar

не дружи́ть с голово́й разг. шутл. — be out of one’s head / mind, be off one’s trolley / rocker

785 дружно

жить дру́жно — live in peace and friendship, live in harmony / concord; get on well разг.

они́ все дру́жно взя́лись за де́ло — they all set to work together

раз, два, дру́жно! — one, two, three!; all together!; мор. yo-heave-ho! yoho!, heave ho!

они́ де́йствовали дру́жно — they acted in good / close coordination

786 дружный

быть дру́жным (с тв.) — be friends (with), be on friendly terms (with)

дру́жная семья́ — united family

дру́жный смех — burst of laughter

дру́жные аплодисме́нты — burst of applause sg

разда́лся дру́жный смех — there was a burst of laughter, they all burst out laughing

раздали́сь дру́жные аплодисме́нты — there was a burst of applause

дру́жными уси́лиями — by concerted efforts; ( обоюдными) by mutual efforts

дру́жная весна́ — bursting / powerful spring

дру́жные всхо́ды — good and even sprouts

787 знакомство

слу́жба знако́мств — introduction(s) service

заводи́ть знако́мство с кем-л — make smb’s acquaintance

подде́рживать знако́мство с кем-л — maintain friendly relations with smb, keep up acquaintance with smb

по ме́ре знако́мства с ни́ми, она́. — as she came to know them better, she.

по знако́мству — through one’s (personal) connections, by pulling strings

име́ть мно́го поле́зных знако́мств — be well-connected

име́ть пове́рхностное знако́мство с предме́том — have a passing knowledge of the subject

ша́почное знако́мство — nodding acquaintance

788 накоротке

быть накоротке́ (с кем-л) — be friendly (with); be buddies / pals (with) разг.

789 обстановка

междунаро́дная обстано́вка — international situation

докла́дывать обстано́вку — report the situation

боева́я обстано́вка — combat / tactical situation

в семе́йной обстано́вке — in domestic surroundings

в обстано́вке дру́жбы — in a friendly atmosphere

в обстано́вке разногла́сий — in an atmosphere of discord

790 отношение

име́ть отноше́ние (к) — have to do (with); bear a relation (to) книжн.

не име́ть отноше́ния (к) — have nothing to do with smth; bear no relation to smth книжн.

како́е э́то име́ет отноше́ние (к)? — what does it have to do (with)?

име́ть весьма́ отдалённое отноше́ние (к) — be very remotely connected (with) [related (to)]

бе́режное отноше́ние (к) — care (of); regard (for smb), consideration (for smb)

небре́жное отноше́ние (к) — careless treatment (of), neglect (of)

отноше́ние к жи́зни — attitude to life, position in life

быть в хоро́ших [плохи́х; дру́жеских] отноше́ниях (с тв.) — be on good [bad ; friendly] terms (with)

быть в бли́зких отноше́ниях (с тв.) — be on terms of intimacy (with), be intimate (with)

дипломати́ческие отноше́ния — diplomatic relations

в прямо́м [обра́тном] отноше́нии — in direct [inverse] ratio

в э́том отноше́нии — in this respect

в не́котором отноше́нии — in some respect

во всех отноше́ниях — in every respect

в други́х отноше́ниях — in other respects

во мно́гих отноше́ниях — in many respects

791 панибратский

792 по-дружески

793 по-приятельски

794 по-товарищески

э́то не по-това́рищески — that is not being friendly

795 по-хорошему

796 поддерживать

подде́рживать ого́нь — feed / keep up the fire

подде́рживать перепи́ску — keep up [maintain] a correspondence

подде́рживать разгово́р — keep up the conversation; keep the ball (of conversation) rolling идиом.

подде́рживать дру́жеские [дипломати́ческие] отноше́ния (с тв.) — maintain friendly [diplomatic] relations (with)

подде́рживать дру́жбу (с тв.) — keep up a friendship (with)

подде́рживать резолю́цию — second a resolution

подде́рживать мора́льно — give moral support (to)

поддержа́ть ата́ку — bolster [‘bəʊ-] up the attack

797 положительно

отве́тить положи́тельно — answer in the affirmative; ( согласиться) agree; ( разрешить) give permission

отнести́сь положи́тельно (к) — take a positive / favourable view (of), look favourably (upon), be friendly (towards), have a positive attitude (towards)

он положи́тельно ничего́ не зна́ет — he knows absolutely nothing

798 привет

передава́ть приве́т (дт.) — give / send (i) one’s regards

он передаёт вам горя́чий приве́т — he sends you his kindest / warmest regards

не забу́дь переда́ть ему́ мой приве́т — don’t forget to give him my regards

переда́йте приве́т ва́шей сестре́ — remember me to your sister, my compliments [kind regards] to your sister

приве́т, ребя́та! — hello everybody!

я ухожу́, приве́т! — I’m going now, bye [see you]!

с приве́том разг. — 1) ( с психическими отклонениями) loony, nutty, cuckoo 2) = привет 3)

ни отве́та ни приве́та от него́ — not a word from him

799 приветливый

800 приятельский

См. также в других словарях:

Dog park — The recently renovated Tompkins Square Park dog run was the first in New York City, and it was recently named one of the top five dog parks in the United States by Dog Fancy magazine. This article is about the exercise area for dogs; there is… … Wikipedia

dog — ‘Dog’ is used vocatively in two distinct ways. It is either an insulting term of contempt, or it is almost a compliment, implying that the man addressed is a jolly fellow. As an insult, ‘dog’ has been in use since at least the fourteenth… … A dictionary of epithets and terms of address

Dog n Suds — Type Drive In Industry Fast food Founded 1952 in Champaign, Illinois Founder(s) James Griggs, Don Hamacher … Wikipedia

Dog Days (anime) — Dog Days Official Dog Days poster ドッグデイズ (Doggu Deizu) … Wikipedia

Dog communication — It is important to look at the dog s whole body and not just the mouth or tail before deciding what the dog is trying to communicate. What appears initially as aggression might be an invitation to play. Dog communication refers to body movements… … Wikipedia

Dog (Half-Life 2) — General CVG character width=180px name=Dog caption=A fan made render of D0g. series= Half Life series firstgame= Half Life 2 voiceactor= inuniverse=Dog (occasionally written as D0g or d0g) is a robot in Valve Software s 2004 first person shooter… … Wikipedia

dog — dogless, adj. doglike, adj. /dawg, dog/, n., v., dogged, dogging. n. 1. a domesticated canid, Canis familiaris, bred in many varieties. 2. any carnivore of the dogfamily Canidae, having prominent canine teeth and, in the wild state, a long and… … Universalium

Friendly fire — For other uses, see Friendly Fire (disambiguation). Blue on blue redirects here. For other uses, see Blue on blue (disambiguation). Friendly fire is inadvertent firing towards one s own or otherwise friendly forces while attempting to engage… … Wikipedia

Dog fighting in the United States — Gang members dog fighting in a vacant office building Dog fighting in the United States is an illegal activity in which fights between two game dogs are staged as a form of entertainment and gambling. Such activity has existed since the early… … Wikipedia

Dog behavior — Dogs roughhousing. Dog behavior refers to the collection of behaviors by the domestic dog, Canis lupus familiaris, and is believed to be influenced by genetic, social, situational and environmental causes. The domestic dog is a subspecies of the… … Wikipedia

friendly — adj. 1 behaving in a kind/pleasant way VERBS ▪ appear, be, look, seem, sound ▪ become ADVERB ▪ extremely … Collocations dictionary



881 дружеский

882 матч

това́рищеский матч — friendly match

883 приветливый

884 безвредный

экологи́чески безвре́дный — eco-friendly

885 беседа

дру́жеская бесе́да — friendly chat

оживлённая бесе́да — lively chat/talk

провести́ бесе́ду — to give a talk

886 быть на короткой ноге с [lang name=Russian]кем-л

887 дружелюбный

888 дружеский

889 дружественный

дру́жественные стра́ны — friendly countries

890 дружный

дру́жная семья́ — close(ly)-knit/united family

разда́лся дру́жный смех — everyone burst out laughing

891 кивать

кива́ть голово́й — to nod (assent)

он кивну́л нам в знак приве́тствия — he gave us a friendly bow/nod, he greeted us with a nod (of the head)

892 относиться

относи́тьсяся к кому-л хорошо́ — to treat sb well, to be nice to sb

относи́тьсяся к кому/чему-л вражде́бно/дружелю́бно — to be hostile/friendly to sb/sth

как вы отно́ситесь к э́тому предложе́нию? — what’s your attitude to this idea/proposal?

э́то пря́мо отно́сится ко вчера́шним собы́тиям — this relates to yesterday’s events

э́то замеча́ние отно́сится и к ва́шей рабо́те — this remark applies/refers to your work too

э́то к де́лу не отно́сится — this is beside the point, this is irrelevant

он отно́сится к таки́м учёным, кото́рые… — he belongs to the/those scientists who…

э́та це́рковь отно́сится к 16-му ве́ку — this church dates back from the 16th century

893 отношение

отноше́ние к жи́зни — attutude to life

плохо́е отноше́ние к кому/чему-л — ill-treatment/maltreatment of sb/sth

междунаро́дные отноше́ния — international relations

отноше́ния ме́жду супру́гами — the relationship/relations between husband and wife

быть в хоро́ших/дру́жеских/плохи́х отноше́ниях с кем-л — to be on good/friendly/bad terms with sb

894 по-дружески

895 прибор

несло́жный в обраще́нии прибо́р — user-friendly device/gadget

бытовы́е прибо́ры — domestic/household appliances/devices

прибо́ры ночно́го ви́дения — night vision devices

бри́твенный прибо́р — shaving set/things pl

столо́вый прибо́р — cover

накры́ть стол на пять прибо́ров — to lay/to set the table for five

896 приветливый

897 приятельский

898 связь

связь ме́жду куре́нием и серде́чными боле́знями — connection/relationship between smoking and heart diseases

причи́нная связь — causation

в э́той связи́ — in this connection, в результате as a result

связи с ма́фией — sb’s connections with the Mafia, sb’s Mafia connections

дру́жеская связь — a friendly relationship, (bonds/ties of) friendship

укрепля́ть междунаро́дные связи — to strengthen/to promote international links/relations/ties

подде́рживать с кем-л связь — to keep in contact/touch with sb

потеря́ть с кем-л связь — to lose contact/touch with sb

устана́вливать/завя́зывать связи — to establish contacts/links, при неформальном общении to network coll

возду́шная/косми́ческая связь — aerial/space communication

междугоро́дняя телефо́нная связь — long-distance telephone communication

ли́ния связи — telephone line

пряма́я связь, ли́ния межправи́тельственной связи — hot line

сре́дство связи — a means/a medium of communication

министе́рство связи — the Ministry of Communications pl

отделе́ние связи — (local) post office

благодаря́ косми́ческим спу́тникам связь ме́жду контине́нтами улу́чшилась — satellites have improved communications between continents

899 страна

родна́я страна́ — one’s native country/land

страна́ чуде́с — wonderland

ска́зочная страна́ — fairyland, dreamland

дру́жественная страна́ — friendly country/nation/state

стра́ны Бли́жнего Восто́ка — the Middle East countries/states

стра́ны, владе́ющие я́дерным ору́жием — nuclear states

900 товарищеский

См. также в других словарях:

Dog park — The recently renovated Tompkins Square Park dog run was the first in New York City, and it was recently named one of the top five dog parks in the United States by Dog Fancy magazine. This article is about the exercise area for dogs; there is… … Wikipedia

dog — ‘Dog’ is used vocatively in two distinct ways. It is either an insulting term of contempt, or it is almost a compliment, implying that the man addressed is a jolly fellow. As an insult, ‘dog’ has been in use since at least the fourteenth… … A dictionary of epithets and terms of address

Dog n Suds — Type Drive In Industry Fast food Founded 1952 in Champaign, Illinois Founder(s) James Griggs, Don Hamacher … Wikipedia

Dog Days (anime) — Dog Days Official Dog Days poster ドッグデイズ (Doggu Deizu) … Wikipedia

Dog communication — It is important to look at the dog s whole body and not just the mouth or tail before deciding what the dog is trying to communicate. What appears initially as aggression might be an invitation to play. Dog communication refers to body movements… … Wikipedia

Dog (Half-Life 2) — General CVG character width=180px name=Dog caption=A fan made render of D0g. series= Half Life series firstgame= Half Life 2 voiceactor= inuniverse=Dog (occasionally written as D0g or d0g) is a robot in Valve Software s 2004 first person shooter… … Wikipedia

dog — dogless, adj. doglike, adj. /dawg, dog/, n., v., dogged, dogging. n. 1. a domesticated canid, Canis familiaris, bred in many varieties. 2. any carnivore of the dogfamily Canidae, having prominent canine teeth and, in the wild state, a long and… … Universalium

Friendly fire — For other uses, see Friendly Fire (disambiguation). Blue on blue redirects here. For other uses, see Blue on blue (disambiguation). Friendly fire is inadvertent firing towards one s own or otherwise friendly forces while attempting to engage… … Wikipedia

Dog fighting in the United States — Gang members dog fighting in a vacant office building Dog fighting in the United States is an illegal activity in which fights between two game dogs are staged as a form of entertainment and gambling. Such activity has existed since the early… … Wikipedia

Dog behavior — Dogs roughhousing. Dog behavior refers to the collection of behaviors by the domestic dog, Canis lupus familiaris, and is believed to be influenced by genetic, social, situational and environmental causes. The domestic dog is a subspecies of the… … Wikipedia

friendly — adj. 1 behaving in a kind/pleasant way VERBS ▪ appear, be, look, seem, sound ▪ become ADVERB ▪ extremely … Collocations dictionary


Теперь вы знаете какие однокоренные слова подходят к слову Как пишется dog friendly, а так же какой у него корень, приставка, суффикс и окончание. Вы можете дополнить список однокоренных слов к слову "Как пишется dog friendly", предложив свой вариант в комментариях ниже, а также выразить свое несогласие проведенным с морфемным разбором.

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