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Слово Как пишется по английски кукинг - однокоренные слова и морфемный разбор слова (приставка, корень, суффикс, окончание):

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Как пишется по английски кукинг

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Мои примеры



I love cooking.

Cooking is a useful skill.

Умение готовить — это полезный навык.

Cooking is not my department.

Кулинария — это не для меня.

Indian cooking

I could smell dinner cooking.

Я чувствовал запах готовящегося ужина.

French cooking

Creole cooking

I’ve been taking cooking classes.

Я беру уроки готовки. / Я хожу на кулинарные курсы.

I’m not overly fond of cooking.

Я не слишком люблю готовить.

He was cooking rice for supper.

Он готовил рис на ужин.

She is an apprentice in cooking.

Она еще только учится готовить.

Cooking time is about 20 minutes.

Время приготовления — около двадцати минут.

She showed her talent for cooking.

Она проявила свой талант к готовке.

She was singing while she was cooking.

Она пела, когда готовила.

Hamburgers were cooking in the kitchen.

На кухне готовили гамбургеры.

I need you to help me with the cooking.

Нужно, чтобы вы помогли мне с готовкой.

Italian cooking

He’s a novice in cooking.

В кулинарии он новичок.

He is skilled at cooking.

Он мастерски готовит.

Cooking can be a great art.

Приготовление пищи бывает великим искусством.

His cooking puts mine to shame.

По сравнению с его стряпнёй, моя так, стыд один.

My mother does all the cooking.

Моя мать готовит всю еду.

Cooking every day is a thankless task.

Каждый день готовить — дело неблагодарное.

Disjoint the chicken before cooking it.

Разделайте курицу перед её приготовлением.

Condense the milk by cooking it slowly.

Сгустите молоко, уварив его на медленном огне.

Microwave ovens have simplified cooking.

Микроволновые печи упростили приготовление пищи.

Cooking smells wafted up from downstairs.

Снизу доносились запахи готовящейся еды.

She was homesick for her mother’s cooking.

Она тосковала по маминой готовке.

Continue cooking until the meat is tender.

Продолжайте варить до тех пор, пока мясо не станет мягким.

Starch is used in cooking as a thickening.

Крахмал используется в кулинарии в качестве загустителя.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

I’ve gone off cooking lately.

My compliments on your cooking.

The band’s really cooking tonight.



1 cooking

cooking butter — кулинарный жир, топлёное масло

cooking battery — кухонная посуда, кастрюли

cooking things — кухонная утварь, кухонные принадлежности

cooking apples — яблоки, подлежащие тепловой обработке

2 cooking

3 cooking

4 cooking

5 cooking

6 cooking

7 cooking

I knew she was finally cooking with gas when she answered all the questions correctly — Я понял, что она наконец-то начала врубаться, когда на все вопросы ответила правильно

8 cooking

9 cooking

10 cooking

11 cooking

12 cooking

фальсификация отчетности cooking: book

13 cooking

14 cooking

15 cooking

16 cooking

17 cooking

18 cooking

19 cooking

20 cooking

См. также в других словарях:

cooking — n. 1. the practice or manner of preparing food or the food so prepared; cookery. Syn: cookery, cuisine, culinary art. [WordNet 1.5] 2. the act of preparing something (as food) by the application of heat. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Cooking — This article is about the preparation of food by heating. For food preparation generally, see Food preparation. Modern fruit salad and a Russian cigarette pastry stuffed with cottage cheese Cooking is the process of preparing food by use of heat … Wikipedia

cooking — cook|ing1 S3 [ˈkukıŋ] n [U] 1.) the act of making food and cooking it ▪ My mother does all the cooking. ▪ I love cooking. 2.) food made in a particular way or by a particular person ▪ My compliments on your cooking. ▪ Indian cooking ▪ simple,… … Dictionary of contemporary English

cooking — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ good, gourmet (esp. AmE), great ▪ We enjoyed some of her gourmet cooking. ▪ home ▪ I miss my mother s good home cooking … Collocations dictionary

cooking — cook|ing1 [ kukıŋ ] noun uncount ** 1. ) the process of preparing and heating food so that it is ready to eat: I do my own cooking and food shopping. 2. ) food cooked in a particular way: authentic Italian cooking vegetarian cooking cooking… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

cooking — 1 noun (U) 1 the act of making food and cooking it: I hate cooking. 2 food made in a particular way or by a particular person: Gail s cooking is always good. | Indian cooking | home cooking (=good food like you get in your own house) 2 adjective… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English

cooking — I UK [ˈkʊkɪŋ] / US noun [uncountable] ** 1) the process of preparing and heating food so that it is ready to eat I do my own cooking and food shopping. 2) food cooked in a particular way authentic Italian cooking vegetarian cooking II UK [ˈkʊkɪŋ] … English dictionary

cooking — /ˈkʊkɪŋ/ (say kooking) noun 1. → cookery. –adjective 2. of a lesser quality as suitable for use in cooking: cooking salt; cooking wine. –phrase Colloquial 3. be cooking, to be in full swing: that band is really cooking now. 4. be cooking with gas … Australian-English dictionary

COOKING — The main evidence for cooking comes from artifacts from elite feasting, often with an emphasis on roasting, found in tombs. Another class of evidence for the more standard cooking of the majority of society is the ceramic cooking stand… … Historical Dictionary of the Etruscans

cooking — n. 1) to do the cooking 2) home; home style cooking * * * [ kʊkɪŋ] home style cooking home to do the cooking to do the cooking … Combinatory dictionary



1 cooking

cooking butter — кулинарный жир, топлёное масло

cooking battery — кухонная посуда, кастрюли

cooking things — кухонная утварь, кухонные принадлежности

cooking apples — яблоки, подлежащие тепловой обработке

2 cooking

3 cooking

4 cooking

5 cooking

6 cooking

7 cooking

I knew she was finally cooking with gas when she answered all the questions correctly — Я понял, что она наконец-то начала врубаться, когда на все вопросы ответила правильно

8 cooking

9 cooking

10 cooking

11 cooking

12 cooking

фальсификация отчетности cooking: book

13 cooking

14 cooking

15 cooking

16 cooking

17 cooking

18 cooking

19 cooking

20 cooking

См. также в других словарях:

cooking — n. 1. the practice or manner of preparing food or the food so prepared; cookery. Syn: cookery, cuisine, culinary art. [WordNet 1.5] 2. the act of preparing something (as food) by the application of heat. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Cooking — This article is about the preparation of food by heating. For food preparation generally, see Food preparation. Modern fruit salad and a Russian cigarette pastry stuffed with cottage cheese Cooking is the process of preparing food by use of heat … Wikipedia

cooking — cook|ing1 S3 [ˈkukıŋ] n [U] 1.) the act of making food and cooking it ▪ My mother does all the cooking. ▪ I love cooking. 2.) food made in a particular way or by a particular person ▪ My compliments on your cooking. ▪ Indian cooking ▪ simple,… … Dictionary of contemporary English

cooking — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ good, gourmet (esp. AmE), great ▪ We enjoyed some of her gourmet cooking. ▪ home ▪ I miss my mother s good home cooking … Collocations dictionary

cooking — cook|ing1 [ kukıŋ ] noun uncount ** 1. ) the process of preparing and heating food so that it is ready to eat: I do my own cooking and food shopping. 2. ) food cooked in a particular way: authentic Italian cooking vegetarian cooking cooking… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

cooking — 1 noun (U) 1 the act of making food and cooking it: I hate cooking. 2 food made in a particular way or by a particular person: Gail s cooking is always good. | Indian cooking | home cooking (=good food like you get in your own house) 2 adjective… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English

cooking — I UK [ˈkʊkɪŋ] / US noun [uncountable] ** 1) the process of preparing and heating food so that it is ready to eat I do my own cooking and food shopping. 2) food cooked in a particular way authentic Italian cooking vegetarian cooking II UK [ˈkʊkɪŋ] … English dictionary

cooking — /ˈkʊkɪŋ/ (say kooking) noun 1. → cookery. –adjective 2. of a lesser quality as suitable for use in cooking: cooking salt; cooking wine. –phrase Colloquial 3. be cooking, to be in full swing: that band is really cooking now. 4. be cooking with gas … Australian-English dictionary

COOKING — The main evidence for cooking comes from artifacts from elite feasting, often with an emphasis on roasting, found in tombs. Another class of evidence for the more standard cooking of the majority of society is the ceramic cooking stand… … Historical Dictionary of the Etruscans

cooking — n. 1) to do the cooking 2) home; home style cooking * * * [ kʊkɪŋ] home style cooking home to do the cooking to do the cooking … Combinatory dictionary



Смотреть что такое COOKING в других словарях:



cooking: translation nounADJECTIVE ▪ good, gourmet (esp. AmE), great ▪ We enjoyed some of her gourmet cooking. ▪ home ▪ I miss my mother’s good hom. смотреть



COOKING: translation The main evidence for cooking comes from artifacts from elite feasting, often with an emphasis on roasting, found in tombs. Anot. смотреть


1. <ʹkʋkıŋ>n 1) готовка, приготовление пищи 2) кулинария, кулинарное искусство 2. <ʹkʋkıŋ>a 1. столовый; кухонный


cooking: translationSynonyms and related words:a la mode, calefaction, dielectric heating, electric heating, electronic heating, furnace heating, gas h. смотреть


adj AmE sl Now you’re cooking — Наконец-то ты рассекаешь That’s great! Now you’re cooking with gas — Отлично! Вот так давай и дальше I knew she was finally cooking with gas when she answered all the questions correctly — Я понял, что она наконец-то начала врубаться, когда на все вопросы ответила правильно The guy seems to be cooking with gas on the front burner — Парень рассекает все только так. смотреть


cooking adj AmE sl Now you’re cooking Наконец-то ты рассекаешь That’s great! Now you’re cooking with gas Отлично! Вот так давай и дальше I knew she was finally cooking with gas when she answered all the questions correctly Я понял, что она наконец-то начала врубаться, когда на все вопросы ответила правильно The guy seems to be cooking with gas on the front burner Парень рассекает все только так. смотреть


1) варение2) варный3) варочный4) варка– black cooking– cooking acid– cooking condition– cooking cycle– cooking liquor– cooking range– multiple cooking–. смотреть



• процесс перегнивания • процесс перегнивания в метантенке * * *фабрикация



(n) готовка; кулинария; кулинарное искусство; требующий тепловой обработки


adj столовий, кухонний;

utensils кухонний посуд.


сущ. кулинария; стряпня Syn: cookery, concoction


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