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Как пишется по английски петергоф

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1 Петергоф

2 Петергоф

3 Петергоф

См. также в других словарях:

Петергоф — Петергоф, название г. Петродворец до 1944. От названия Петергофа происходит наименование Петергофского шоссе, прежние наименования улиц Петродворцовой и Трефолева (Петергофские улицы), Лермонтовского моста (Ново Петергофский мост). Название… … Энциклопедический справочник «Санкт-Петербург»

Петергоф — уездн. гор. С. Петербургской губ. Окрестная местность ужев конце XV в. занята была великокняжескими и помещичьими селениями. ПетрI в 1711 г. начал строить здесь дворцовые здания, по образцуверсальских. Местность П., возвышенная над морем и… … Энциклопедия Брокгауза и Ефрона

ПЕТЕРГОФ — название г. Петродворец до 1944 … Большой Энциклопедический словарь

Петергоф — название г. Петродворец до 1944. От названия П. происходит наименование Петергофского шоссе, прежние наименования улиц Петродворцовой и Трефолева (Петергофские улицы), Лермонтовского моста (Ново Петергофский мост). Название сохранилось в… … Санкт-Петербург (энциклопедия)

петергоф — сущ., кол во синонимов: 3 • город (2765) • наукоград (15) • петродворец (5) Словарь … Словарь синонимов

Петергоф — (с 1944 Петродворец), город близ Петербурга (в 29 км), осн. Петром I в 1709 как летняя царская резиденция. Поблизости от П. находился военный лагерь, куда Л. выезжал в 1833 и 1834 на летние учения со Школой юнкеров. Жизнь в этом лагере Л. описал… … Лермонтовская энциклопедия

Петергоф — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Петергоф (значения). Город Петергоф Флаг Герб … Википедия

Петергоф — дворцово парковый комплекс 18–19 вв., расположенный в 29 км от Санкт Петербурга на южном берегу Финского залива (ныне Государственный музей заповедник «Петергоф» в г. Петродворец). Впервые упомянут 13 сентября 1705 г. в походном журнале Петра I.… … Художественная энциклопедия

Петергоф — приморский комплекс имп. резиденций 18 19 вв. в пригороде СПб. на юж. бер. Финского залива. Основан Петром I в 1714. Центр комплекса гл. коронная летняя резиденция императоров: Большой дворец с Ниж. и Верх. садами. Вокруг частные резиденции… … Российский гуманитарный энциклопедический словарь



Free admission with St Petersburg Card

Peterhof is one of the world’s most famous palace-park ensembles

The Peterhof Museum Complex is one of the most popular museums not only in Russia, but in the whole world. Even a few hours here are enough to feel the spirit of history, which still lives on and breathes in this magnificent place.

As a former residence of the Russian monarchs, Peterhof brings together the finest achievements in national and international culture. This unique complex was created by outstanding architects, decorators and sculptors, whose spectacular works of art slot perfectly into the natural beauty of the coastal landscape.

Peter the Great planned Peterhof as the residence of a sea king. This was to be his incarnation of Russia as a great European power, with a foothold on the shores of the world’s oceans, capable of competing with the finest Western courts — above all, with Versailles.

The history of Peterhof begins back in 1705, when travelling chambers were built for Peter the Great on the southern shore of the Gulf of Finland. Soon, not far from this place, work began on the creation of a new imperial residence, which, Peter determined, would one day outshine all the other royal palaces of Europe. The tsar deliberately built his new residence by the sea, as a triumphant symbol of the successful conclusion of Russia’s long struggle for an outlet to the Baltic Sea. Peterhof was officially opened in the presence of the tsar and foreign diplomats in August 1723.

The architecture and decor of Peterhof reflects all the artistic styles of the past and the personal tastes and preferences of every Russian monarch.
One of the world’s most famous palace-park ensembles, Peterhof was virtually destroyed during the Second World War. The post-war resurrection of the entire complex was one of the finest chapters in the history of restoration in Russia. The present-day beauty of Peterhof is the result of decades of painstaking work by architects, painters and masters of decorative and applied art. Restoration work continues even to this day, in the Chapel Royal of the Grand Palace, which ought to be completed by May 2011.

Today, the museum complex stretches across five hundred hectares of territory, embracing Strelna, Peterhof and Oranienbaum. Dotted with sparkling fountains, the Lower Park and Upper Gardens flow effortlessly into the shady and romantic glades of Alexandria, forming a unique fusion of regular and landscape parks. Every day, more than twenty museums — vastly different in their origins, ideas and contents — delight visitors with exciting new discoveries and the joy of their handsome treasures.

The Peterhof Museum Complex is rightfully regarded as the «capital of fountains.» Included in the state register of most valuable cultural objects of the Russian Federation, Peterhof now bears the proud title of one of the «Seven Wonders of Russia.»



Peterhof is one of the most popular, beautiful and attractive places for tourists in the suburbs of St. Petersburg. If you will be in St. Petersburg in the summer, then you definitely need to find time to visit the park with beautiful fountains and Peterhof Palace.

Peterhof was founded in 1710 as the emperor’s country residence. It received the city status in 1762. There were villages Kuusoja and Pohjajoki on the place of Peterhof on the coast of the Gulf of Finland prior to the beginning of the XVIII century. The most famous town landmark is the «Peterhof» museum.

Sea Channel view of the in Peterhof from the Grand Palace is shown in the picture.

The Museum Peterhof includes: «Peterhof Grand Palace,» «Upper Garden», «Lower Park» and other objects.

The most interesting place for tourists (in summer) in Peterhof is «Lower Park». Lower Park has an area about 102 hectares. The park stretches from west to east along the coast of the Gulf of Finland by 2.5 kilometers. Its width from north to south is about 500 meters.

The main decorations of the park are its fountains. «Grand Cascade» fountain is situated in the central part of the park, in front of Grand Palace. «Sea Canal» is laid from the Grand Cascade to the coast. The canal divides the park into two parts. «Adam» and «Eve» fountains, «Chess Mountain» and «Gold Mountain» fountains cascades, Monplaisir Palace and Hermitage Pavilion are located at the equal distance from the canal on both sides of the park. «Oak» and «Umbrella» fountains are children’s favorites. The most famous fountain in the park is «Samson tearing the lion’s mouth» named fountain.

The sculpture «Samson tearing the lion’s mouth» is shown in the photo (water off).

Operating mode of the Peterhof Lower Park

How to get to Peterhof

The most convenient way to get to Peterhof is by boat or by bus.

By bus (bus stop «Fountains», «Фонтаны» Петергоф).

From metro station «Avtovo» departs buses № 200, 224, № 300, № 424, № 424-A.

From metro station «Leninsky Prospekt» departs buses number 103, K-224, № 420.

From metro station «Prospect Veteranov» departs buses № 343, № 639-b.

By train from the «Baltic Railway Station», then by bus: № 344, 348, 350, 351, 352,355, 356.

Sea transport departs from the pier on Palace Embankment 18 (near the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg).



Join our Peterhof tours:

Book the Cessna Air Tour and see the aerial views of Peterhof, Kronstadt, Oranienbaum, Gulf of Finland and Saint Petersburg surroundings.

On the Saint Petersburg Helicopter Tour, you will be soaring along the Neva River enjoying some of the city’s greatest landmarks, including Peterhof and Kronstadt.

Peterhof (Rus: Петергоф) or Petergof (German for “Peter’s Court”), also known as Petrodvorets (Rus: Петродворец) is a major St. Petersburg tourist attraction. Peterhof is a town located on the southern shore of the Gulf of Finland (Baltic Sea), 29 km/18 mi west of St. Petersburg.

The town is famous for a luxurious palace and a series of parks, gardens and fountains – hence the other Petershof’s names – “the Russian Versailles” and “the capital of Russian fountains”. The palace ensemble and the city center are recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The estate was founded by Peter the Great who apparently was captivated by beauty of Versailles. However, each subsequent ruler marked his/her own reign by adding another palace or fountain to the grounds. Changes in the park’s appearance continued throughout the 18 th and 19 th centuries.

As many other St. Petersburg’s estates Peterhof could not avoid German occupation during World War II. After the war, the city was heavily damaged. In 1944, Authorities renamed Peterhof to Petrodvorets because of anti-German sentiment. However, in 1997, it was renamed back to Peterhof.

Nowadays, the entire palace ensemble of Peterhof includes Great Peterhof Palace, Marly Palace, Monplaisir Palace, Upper and Lower parks, and numerous architectural elements: cascades, fountains, marble sculptures, etc.

Great Palace

The Great Palace is the former summer residence of the Russian monarchs. It is located on top of the ridge separating the upper and lower parks and stretches for about 300 m. The Palace represents a symmetrical baroque composition. However, during the reign of Peter the Great, the palace looked somewhat different from what is seen now. A small royal mansion was erected at the site in his time. Because of peculiarities of the terrace soil the mansion started to subside. Its reconstruction was carried out by the French architect Le Blond and after his death, by the Italian architect Niccolo Michetti. Works were halted after Peter’s death and the royal mansion was almost abandoned until Peter’s daughter Elizabeth acceded to the throne. The chief architect of the royal court Bartolomeo Francesco Rastrelli was the one who enlarged the Great Palace to its present size and remodeled it into a masterpiece of Baroque art.

Apart from being impressively beautiful on the outside, the Great Palace also boasts its interiors. Major highlights include:

Despite the fact that the palace was heavily damaged during World War II, it was carefully restored and to this day amazes visitors with its magnificence.

Opening hours of the Great Palace: Open daily except Monday and the last Tuesday of each month.

Tuesday through Sunday: from 10:30 to 21:00
Ticket office: from 10:30 to 19:45

April 27 through October 13, individual tourists should visit the Great Palace according to the sessions:12:00-14:30 and 16:15-19:45

Accessibility to the Great Palace:

Partial wheelchair access is available.

Free wheelchair rental is available.

Entrance fee to the Great Palace: 1000 rub
Children under 16 years: free of charge

The admission ticket gives you the right to enter the museum through the turnstile only once!

Tips and Hints:

In summer, long queue at the palace is a common occurrence. We recommend you to spend the first half of the day walking around the parks, visiting museums, while the Great Palace is supposed to be seen at the end of your visit to Peterhof. Better time to buy tickets and avoid queues is 20 minutes before the opening of the ticket office or 30-40 minutes after its opening. By the end of the day, queues at the ticket office gradually decreases.

Lower Park

The Lower Park (the Lower Gardens) is the centerpiece of the whole Peterhof ensemble. Its area stretches from the Great Palace to the Gulf of Finland. The fountains ensemble of the Lower Park is one of the largest in the world and includes about two hundred fountains. Most of them were constructed under Peter the Great. Numerous fountains and pavilions are scattered all over the park. The largest fountain with the statue of Samson tearing open a lion’s jaws symbolizes Peter’s victory over the Swedes.

Opening hours of the Lower Park:
Open daily from 09:00 to 21:00.
Ticket office from 09:00 to 19:45.

Operation hours for the fountains: from 8:00 to 21:00.

The fountains work from May to October

The daily launch of the fountains is scheduled for 11.00 (Main Cascade). They work till 19.45. Other fountains start working at 10.00 or 11.00 and end at 18.00

Entrance fee to the Lower Park: 900 rub.
Children under 16 years: free of charge
Please note! The ticket to the Lower Park is one-off. Therefore, once you leave the Lower Park, you need to buy another ticket to get back.

Tickets to the Lower Park can be purchased online on the official website of Peterhof.

Tips and Hints

The most popular time for visitors is June – July because of White nights, when St. Petersburg stops to sleep and sinks into the constant daylight. There are especially a lot of people during opening and closing ceremony of fountains. These days are the busiest in the year. The largest number of tourists in Peterhof is around 11:00, when the daily opening ceremony is starting, while after 17:00 number of visitors decreases significantly.

It is also noteworthy that Saturday is the busiest day of the week, because parks, fountains and the Palace have extended opening hours. By 7 o’clock, there are less visitors in the parks that means less chaos and no queues.

As a majority of the museums are closed on Monday, this day is ideal for those who want just to walk in the park and see the fountains.

Upper Park

The Upper Park (the Upper Gardens) is the area that separates the Great Palace from the St. Petersburg-bound highway. The paths of the upper park are decorated with ponds, fountains, statues and arbors. The admittance to the Upper park is free.

Opening hours of the Upper Park: Open daily from 08:00 to 21:00.

Entrance fee to the Upper Park: free

How to get to Peterhof

By boat

In the summer time the fastest way to reach Peterhof is by hydrofoil named Meteor (Rus: Метеор) that will take you from the pier at Dvortsovaya embankment, 36 to Peterhof in just 35 minutes. However, this way is the most expensive (about 850 rub). You can purchase tickets either on the pier or online (the link is in Russian).

By train

Commuter train (electrichka) from Baltiisky Railway station of Saint Petersburg to Noviy Peterhof Train timetable here (to fill in the form and check the timetable use SANKT-PETERBURG-BALTII as Departure and NOVYI PETERGOF as Arrival). Travel time is 40-45 min. Then take bus 351A and 356 to get to Peterhof.

By bus

From Metro “Avtovo” (Rus: Автово): Minibuses 224, 300, 424.
From Metro “Leninskiy Prospekt” (Rus: Ленинский Проспект): Minibuses 103, 420

Travel time is around of 40-60 min, depending of traffic jams.

Tsarskoye selo, a former country residence of the royal family, the UNESCO’s World Heritage site and the object of cultural heritage of the Russian Federation.

Oranienbaum is a unique palace and park ensemble of the 18th-early 20th century located 40km from St-Petersburg, on the southern shore of the Gulf of Finland.

The Gatchina Park is one of the most beautiful and mysterious parks of St Petersburg. In different time periods the estate was owned by the emperors Paul I, Nicholas I Alexander II and Alexander III.

The Cruiser Aurora proudly wears the title of the number one ship in the Russian Navy.

26 thoughts on “ Peterhof ”

When will fountain close this year?
Thank you.

The closing ceremony is scheduled on September 21-22. However, the fountains will keep going for about a month since the ceremony.

When will fountian close this year?

Hello, where can I buy online ticket do the Great Palace?

Unfortunately no, you can’t. The tickets are avialable in the ticket offices in Peterhof.

if you came to the park by meteor and want to return to St. Petersburg the same way, do not leave Lower Park, otherwise you will have to buy an entrance ticket again. All sights, including the park ensemble of Peterhof, is located in the Lower Park!

We wish to visit Peterhof on Tuesday, july 31. Because it is the last tuesday of the month, is the place closed? Thank you.

Both lower and upper park are open daily. However, the great palace is closed on last Tuesday of each month.

hi! When is the opening of Hydrofoils to Peterhof this 2018? I travel on April 2018. Thank you.

The navigation period starts on April 15th. However, the start can be postponed due to weather conditions.
The regular boat service starts from May.

Hi! When is the opening of Peterhof fountains this 2018? Thank you very much.

According to unofficial information, the fountains will be launched on April 29.
The opening ceremony of the summer season will be held on May 19 or 20.
The accurate dates will be announced in late February-early March.

Are the fountains lit at night? I found few photos on google but couldn’t find if Peterhof allows entry at night.

Apparently, the photos you saw was made during the opening/closing ceremony of the fountains. On these days the fountains and parks works until late night, and are beautifully illuminated. The closing ceremony will be held on September 15, 2017. The opening ceremony will take place in May.

I am planing to visit in Oct as well. From reading your conversations above, do you mean that the fountains will still operate after the Closing Ceremony on Sept. 15, 2017?

Exactly! They will operate until 15th of October.

I plan to visit Peterhof in October 2017 and would like to ask for the exact closing date of the fountains in October. Thanks.

Hi Vivi!
I have called to the Peterhof museum and find out that the fountains will operate untill 15th of October.

hi! is the date confirmed? (October 15th, last day of fountains operating). thanks!

We got the information from the Peterhof’s officials. However, they told that the date is provisional. Contact us closer to October.

We have updated the information on the ticket prices and how to get to Peterhof.

Want more clarifications on the ticket prices & how to reach there


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