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Слово Как пишется по английски солдатик - однокоренные слова и морфемный разбор слова (приставка, корень, суффикс, окончание):

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Как пишется по английски солдатик

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Мои примеры



He is framed to be a soldier.

Он хорошо подготовлен, чтобы быть солдатом.

The soldier acted like a real hero.

Этот солдат поступил, как настоящий герой.

The soldier had a weekend pass.

Солдат получил увольнительную на выходные.

At last he felt like a real soldier.

Наконец он почувствовал себя настоящим солдатом.

The wounded soldier moaned in pain.

Раненый солдат застонал от боли.

George Washington was a great soldier

Джордж Вашингтон был великим полководцем

That soldier really lacked «solids».

Тому солдату действительно не хватало твёрдости характера.

He was a soldier and statesman.

Он был солдатом и политиком.

The wounded soldier begged for mercy.

Раненый солдат умолял пощадить его.

A British soldier was wounded in the fighting.

В ходе сражения был ранен английский солдат.

The soldier was cut down in his youth.

Этот солдат был сражён во цвете лет.

The soldier was embittered by the war.

Солдат был озлоблен войной.

The derelict soldier shirked his duties.

Нерадивый солдат уклонился от выполнения своих обязанностей.

The soldier was winged by a stray bullet.

Солдата ранило шальной пулей.

The general pinned the medal on the soldier.

Генерал приколол медаль на грудь солдата.

The disobedient soldier was given cleanup duty.

Солдат, проявивший неподчинение, получил наряд на уборку.

He’s a good soldier, but not really officer material.

Солдат он хороший, но в офицеры в общем-то не годится.

The soldier was awarded a posthumous medal for valor.

Этот солдат был посмертно награждён медалью за доблесть.

The soldier jabbed a rifle into his ribs.

Солдат ткнул в его рёбра винтовкой.

The soldier saluted as a sign of respect.

Солдат отдал честь в знак уважения.

He signed on as a soldier in the US army.

Он поступил на службу в армию США.

The soldier disobeyed the general’s orders.

Солдат не подчинился генеральским приказам.

The soldier lobbed a grenade into the bunker.

Солдат швырнул в блиндаж гранату.

A soldier accidentally discharged his weapon.

A soldier’s business is to defend his country.

Долг солдата защищать свою страну.

Each soldier is supplied with two pairs of boots.

Каждому солдату выдаётся по две пары ботинок.

The man began quaveringly to question the soldier.

Человек начал с дрожью в голосе расспрашивать солдата.

After his death, the soldier was cited for bravery.

Посмертно солдат был отмечен за храбрость.

The soldier acted qua soldier, not as a human being.

Этот солдат поступал как солдат, а не как человек.

The soldier’s brave deed was beyond the call of duty.

Храбрый поступок солдата превосходил обычное представление о долге.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Many soldiers were wounded in combat.

The soldier stood without moving a muscle.

The soldier’s leg was wounded by a grenade.


Стойкий оловянный солдатик / The Brave Tin Soldier

Стойкий оловянный солдатик

И вот однажды коробка открылась.

Ему подарили оловянных солдатиков в день его рождения.

Вот с этим-то одноногим солдатиком и произошла замечательная история, которую я вам сейчас расскажу.

На столе, где мальчик построил своих солдатиков, было много разных игрушек. Но лучше всех игрушек был чудесный картонный дворец. Через его окошки можно было заглянуть внутрь и увидеть все комнаты. Перед самым дворцом лежало круглое зеркальце. Оно было совсем как настоящее озеро, и вокруг этого зеркального озера стояли маленькие зеленые деревья. По озеру плавали восковые лебеди и, выгнув длинные шеи, любовались своим отражением.

И солдатик притаился за табакеркой, стоявшей тут же, на столе.

Отсюда он отлично видел прелестную танцовщицу, которая все время стояла на одной ножке и при этом ни разу даже не покачнулась!

Только одноногий солдатик и танцовщица не двигались с места.

Она по-прежнему стояла на одной ножке, протянув вперед обе руки, а он застыл с ружьем в руках, как часовой, и не сводил с красавицы глаз.

В этой табакерке никогда и не пахло табаком, а сидел в ней маленький злой тролль. Он выскочил из табакерки, как на пружине, и огляделся кругом.

Но оловянный солдатик притворился, будто ничего не слышит.

Утром, когда дети проснулись, они нашли одноногого солдатика за табакеркой и поставили его на окно.

Мальчик и служанка сейчас же выбежали на улицу, чтобы отыскать солдатика. Но сколько ни смотрели они по сторонам, сколько ни шарили по земле, так и не нашли.

Мальчик и служанка ушли обратно в дом. И тут вдруг хлынул дождь, да какой! Настоящий ливень!

По улице расползлись широкие лужи, потекли быстрые ручьи. А когда наконец дождь кончился, к тому месту, где между булыжниками торчал оловянный солдатик, прибежали двое уличных мальчишек.

И они сделали из старой газеты лодочку, посадили в нее оловянного солдатика и спустили в канавку.

Лодочка поплыла, а мальчики бежали рядом, подпрыгивая и хлопая в ладоши.

Вода в канаве так и бурлила. Еще бы ей не бурлить после такого ливня! Лодочка то ныряла, то взлетала на гребень волны, то ее кружило на месте, то несло вперед.

И вот лодочку занесло под широкий мост. Стало так темно, словно солдатик опять попал в свою коробку.

В эту минуту из-под моста выскочила большая водяная крыса.

— Держите его! Держите! У него нет паспорта!

И она изо всех сил загребала лапами, чтобы догнать солдатика. Но лодку несло так быстро, что даже крыса не могла угнаться за ней. Наконец оловянный солдатик увидел впереди свет. Мост кончился.

Оловянному солдатику, который плыл в маленьком бумажном кораблике, грозила такая же опасность, как нам, если бы нас в настоящей лодке несло к настоящему большому водопаду.

Но остановиться было уже невозможно. Лодку с оловянным солдатиком вынесло в большой канал. Волны подбрасывали и швыряли ее то вверх, то вниз, но солдатик по-прежнему держался молодцом и даже глазом не моргнул.

И вдруг лодочка завертелась на месте, зачерпнула воду правым бортом, потом левым, потом опять правым и скоро наполнилась водой до самых краев.

Вот солдатик уже по пояс в воде, вот уже по горло. И наконец вода накрыла его с головой.

Погружаясь на дно, он с грустью подумал о своей красавице. Не видать ему больше милой плясуньи!

Но тут он вспомнил старую солдатскую песню:

Откуда ни возьмись, из воды вынырнула большая рыба и мигом проглотила солдатика вместе с его ружьем.

Вдруг рыба заметалась из стороны в сторону, стала нырять, извиваться, прыгать и, наконец, замерла.

Солдатик не мог понять, что случилось. Он приготовился мужественно встретить новые испытания, но вокруг по-прежнему было темно и тихо.

И вдруг словно молния блеснула в темноте.

Потом стало совсем светло, и кто-то закричал:

— Вот так штука! Оловянный солдатик!

А дело было вот в чем: рыбу поймали, свезли на рынок, а потом она попала на кухню. Кухарка распорола ей брюхо большим блестящим ножом и увидела оловянного солдатика. Она взяла его двумя пальцами и понесла в комнату.

Оловянный солдатик так растрогался, что из глаз у него чуть не покатились оловянные слезы, но он вовремя вспомнил, что солдату плакать не полагается. Не мигая, смотрел он на танцовщицу, танцовщица смотрела на него, и оба молчали.

На другой день служанка стала выгребать из печки золу и нашла маленький комочек олова, похожий на сердечко, да обгорелую, черную, как уголь, брошку.

Это было все, что осталось от стойкого оловянного солдатика и прекрасной плясуньи.

The table on which the tin soldiers stood, was covered with other playthings, but the most attractive to the eye was a pretty little paper castle. Through the small windows the rooms could be seen. In front of the castle a number of little trees surrounded a piece of looking-glass, which was intended to represent a transparent lake. Swans, made of wax, swam on the lake, and were reflected in it. All this was very pretty, but the prettiest of all was a tiny little lady, who stood at the open door of the castle; she, also, was made of paper, and she wore a dress of clear muslin, with a narrow blue ribbon over her shoulders just like a scarf. In front of these was fixed a glittering tinsel rose, as large as her whole face. The little lady was a dancer, and she stretched out both her arms, and raised one of her legs so high, that the tin soldier could not see it at all, and he thought that she, like himself, had only one leg. “That is the wife for me,” he thought; “but she is too grand, and lives in a castle, while I have only a box to live in, five-and-twenty of us altogether, that is no place for her. Still I must try and make her acquaintance.” Then he laid himself at full length on the table behind a snuff-box that stood upon it, so that he could peep at the little delicate lady, who continued to stand on one leg without losing her balance. When evening came, the other tin soldiers were all placed in the box, and the people of the house went to bed. Then the playthings began to have their own games together, to pay visits, to have sham fights, and to give balls. The tin soldiers rattled in their box; they wanted to get out and join the amusements, but they could not open the lid. The nut-crackers played at leap-frog, and the pencil jumped about the table. There was such a noise that the canary woke up and began to talk, and in poetry too. Only the tin soldier and the dancer remained in their places. She stood on tiptoe, with her legs stretched out, as firmly as he did on his one leg. He never took his eyes from her for even a moment. The clock struck twelve, and, with a bounce, up sprang the lid of the snuff-box; but, instead of snuff, there jumped up a little black goblin; for the snuff-box was a toy puzzle.

“Tin soldier,” said the goblin, “don’t wish for what does not belong to you.”

But the tin soldier pretended not to hear.

“Very well; wait till to-morrow, then,” said the goblin.

When the children came in the next morning, they placed the tin soldier in the window. Now, whether it was the goblin who did it, or the draught, is not known, but the window flew open, and out fell the tin soldier, heels over head, from the third story, into the street beneath. It was a terrible fall; for he came head downwards, his helmet and his bayonet stuck in between the flagstones, and his one leg up in the air. The servant maid and the little boy went down stairs directly to look for him; but he was nowhere to be seen, although once they nearly trod upon him. If he had called out, “Here I am,” it would have been all right, but he was too proud to cry out for help while he wore a uniform.

Presently it began to rain, and the drops fell faster and faster, till there was a heavy shower. When it was over, two boys happened to pass by, and one of them said, “Look, there is a tin soldier. He ought to have a boat to sail in.”

So they made a boat out of a newspaper, and placed the tin soldier in it, and sent him sailing down the gutter, while the two boys ran by the side of it, and clapped their hands. Good gracious, what large waves arose in that gutter! and how fast the stream rolled on! for the rain had been very heavy. The paper boat rocked up and down, and turned itself round sometimes so quickly that the tin soldier trembled; yet he remained firm; his countenance did not change; he looked straight before him, and shouldered his musket. Suddenly the boat shot under a bridge which formed a part of a drain, and then it was as dark as the tin soldier’s box.

“Where am I going now?” thought he. “This is the black goblin’s fault, I am sure. Ah, well, if the little lady were only here with me in the boat, I should not care for any darkness.”

Suddenly there appeared a great water-rat, who lived in the drain.

“Have you a passport?“ asked the rat, “give it to me at once.” But the tin soldier remained silent and held his musket tighter than ever. The boat sailed on and the rat followed it. How he did gnash his teeth and cry out to the bits of wood and straw, “Stop him, stop him; he has not paid toll, and has not shown his pass.“ But the stream rushed on stronger and stronger. The tin soldier could already see daylight shining where the arch ended. Then he heard a roaring sound quite terrible enough to frighten the bravest man. At the end of the tunnel the drain fell into a large canal over a steep place, which made it as dangerous for him as a waterfall would be to us. He was too close to it to stop, so the boat rushed on, and the poor tin soldier could only hold himself as stiffly as possible, without moving an eyelid, to show that he was not afraid. The boat whirled round three or four times, and then filled with water to the very edge; nothing could save it from sinking. He now stood up to his neck in water, while deeper and deeper sank the boat, and the paper became soft and loose with the wet, till at last the water closed over the soldier’s head. He thought of the elegant little dancer whom he should never see again, and the words of the song sounded in his ears—

“Farewell, warrior! ever brave,
Drifting onward to thy grave.”

Then the paper boat fell to pieces, and the soldier sank into the water and immediately afterwards was swallowed up by a great fish. Oh how dark it was inside the fish! A great deal darker than in the tunnel, and narrower too, but the tin soldier continued firm, and lay at full length shouldering his musket. The fish swam to and fro, making the most wonderful movements, but at last he became quite still. After a while, a flash of lightning seemed to pass through him, and then the daylight approached, and a voice cried out, “I declare here is the tin soldier.” The fish had been caught, taken to the market and sold to the cook, who took him into the kitchen and cut him open with a large knife. She picked up the soldier and held him by the waist between her finger and thumb, and carried him into the room. They were all anxious to see this wonderful soldier who had travelled about inside a fish; but he was not at all proud. They placed him on the table, and—how many curious things do happen in the world!—there he was in the very same room from the window of which he had fallen, there were the same children, the same playthings, standing on the table, and the pretty castle with the elegant little dancer at the door; she still balanced herself on one leg, and held up the other, so she was as firm as himself. It touched the tin soldier so much to see her that he almost wept tin tears, but he kept them back. He only looked at her and they both remained silent. Presently one of the little boys took up the tin soldier, and threw him into the stove. He had no reason for doing so, therefore it must have been the fault of the black goblin who lived in the snuff-box. The flames lighted up the tin soldier, as he stood, the heat was very terrible, but whether it proceeded from the real fire or from the fire of love he could not tell. Then he could see that the bright colors were faded from his uniform, but whether they had been washed off during his journey or from the effects of his sorrow, no one could say. He looked at the little lady, and she looked at him. He felt himself melting away, but he still remained firm with his gun on his shoulder. Suddenly the door of the room flew open and the draught of air caught up the little dancer, she fluttered like a sylph right into the stove by the side of the tin soldier, and was instantly in flames and was gone. The tin soldier melted down into a lump, and the next morning, when the maid servant took the ashes out of the stove, she found him in the shape of a little tin heart. But of the little dancer nothing remained but the tinsel rose, which was burnt black as a cinder.


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