Главная » Правописание слов » Как хорошо написать контрольную по английскому 6 класс spotlight

Слово Как хорошо написать контрольную по английскому 6 класс spotlight - однокоренные слова и морфемный разбор слова (приставка, корень, суффикс, окончание):

Морфемный разбор слова:

Однокоренные слова к слову:

ГДЗ по английскому язык 6 класс spotlight: test booklet Тест буклет Ваулина, Эванс Просвещение

Английский язык является одной из важных дисциплин школьной программы. Сложности с его изучением возникают, как правило, не из-за того, что дети перестают стараться, вникать в предлагаемый материал или просто не хотят учиться. Причина того, что большинство учеников легкомысленно относится к этому уроку кроется в том, что языковое обучение в школах основано только на теоретической части. При этому происходит банальное заучивание грамматики и лексики. В результате стремление детей познавать что-то новое угасает, снижается успеваемость. Овладеть тонкостями этого предмета и вникнуть в основные правила разговорной лексики и грамматики можно при помощи пособия гдз по английскому языку за 6 класс тест буклет Ваулина, которое пригодится не только школьникам, но и их родителям.

Приоритетные группы пользователей онлайн решебника

Использование решебников с готовыми ответами сегодня широко распространено и уже не пресекается даже родителями школьников и учителями. А все потому, что создаются они специально, чтобы облегчить подготовку к проверочным работам и свести к минимуму трудности, с которыми могут столкнуться шестиклассники при выполнении домашних заданий. Применяя на уроках или дома готовые ответы по английскому языку для 6 класса тест буклет авторов Ваулиной, Эванс, Дули, Подоляко, можно не только списать готовое решение, но и воспользоваться поданной в нем информацией в качестве примера для написания собственных сочинений, изложений, диалогов и т.д. Также такой сборник будет полезным для:

Какими преимуществами обладают справочные материалы по английскому языку для 6 класса тест буклет (авторы Ваулина, Эванс, Дули, Подоляко)?

В первую очередь, это качественная подача тематической информации. Все пособия такого плана содержат правильные, основывающиеся только на материалах из учебника с использованием достоверных источников и дополнительной литературы. Также к преимуществам решебника относятся:

Изучать английский язык с еуроки ГДЗ намного проще и легче. Используя справочники с ответами, можно хорошо подготовиться к проверочным работам и без труда получить высокую оценку своих знаний.


Контрольная работа 6 класс Спотлайт

«Управление общеобразовательной организацией:
новые тенденции и современные технологии»

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Пояснительная записка к

директорской контрольной работа по английскому языку учащихся 6 классов

Предлагаемая работа для учащихся 6 классов по английскому языку в форме тестов ориентирована на программу учебника « Sportlight », рекомендованный Министерством образовании и науки РФ для общеобразовательных учреждений. Тесты отобраны в соответствии с компонентом государственного федерального стандарта общего образования.

В работе учащимся предложено 26 заданий с выбором одного правильного ответа. Работа состоит из двух вариантов. Время выполнения – 40 минут.

В работу включены задания по следующим темам:

Лондон и его достопримечательности.

Дикие и домашние животные.

Семья. Семейные праздники.

Любимые занятия англичан.

Грамматика: употребление времён английского глагола (настоящее простое, прошедшее простое, настоящее завершённое, простое будущее).

Грамматика: существительные в притяжательном падеже.

Отметка «5» ставится за верное выполнение 23 – 26 заданий

Отметка «4» ставится за верное выполнение 18 – 22 заданий

Отметка «3» ставится за верное выполнение 13 – 17 заданий

Отметка «2» ставится за верное выполнение до 12 заданий.

Директорская контрольная работа по английскому языку 6 класс

Выбери лишнее слово в данной группе слов:

crocodiles, camels, eagles, rhino, pandas.

a whale, a hen, a giraffe, a tiger, a lion.

the mountains, the zoo, the desert, the tree, the house. (3 scores)

Выбери и вставь слово, подходящее по смыслу.

1. Your mother’s son is your.

a) brother b) husband c) grandfather

2. Your father is your mother’s…

a) husband b ) daughter c ) nephew

3. A female parent is your.

a) father b) cousin c) mother

4. My father … smoking two months ago.

a) get rid of b) gave up c) stand up

5. Do you get … with your elder brother?

a) ready b) rid of c) along

6. дом моих родственников

a) my relatives’ house b) my relative’s house c) my relatives` houses

a) children’ room b) childrens’ room c) children’s room (7 scores)

1. Next year my family … the Zoological Society of London.

a) joined b) has joined c) is going to join

2. Look at his dirty shirt! He … just … with Nick.

a) watched b) has had a fight c) came

a) rains b) rain c) raining

4. I … my mother about the house now.

a) am helping b) helping c) help (4 scores)

Выбери правильную форму глагола.

2. The Tower of London, for example. They (build / built) it 900 years ago.

3. Look at the picture. My father (is taking / takes) part in the famous marathon in London.

4. It is not my first trip to Britain. I (visited / will visit) London and Edinburg two years ago. (4 scores)

b ) Вы когда-нибудь собираетесь побывать в старинном замке?

b ) Моя племянница кормит своего маленького котенка.

3. Вечером она убрала со стола, подмела пол и легла спать.

a) In the evening she has cleared the table, swept the floor and gone to bed.

b) In the evening she cleared the table, swept the floor and went to bed.

4. My friends have made this model ship themselves.

a ) Мои друзья сделали эту модель корабля для себя.

b ) Мои друзья сделали эту модель корабля сами. (4 scores )

Прочитайте текст и укажите, являются ли предложения после него верными ( True ) или неверными ( False ).

In England on the 1st of January people don’t go to work and children don’t go to school, but New Year’s Day is not a big holiday. Very many people go to bed before 12 o’clock on New Year’s Eve. But some families celebrate this evening at home. They organize a party or a dance.

At 12 o’clock in the night the young people go out into the streets. In London they go to Trafalgar Square. There they see a great tree brightly decorated with little lamps. The people of Norway send a tree every year to the people of England.

1. In England New Year’s Day is a big holiday.

2. On New Year’s Eve many people go to bed before 12 o’clock.

3. At 12 o’clock in the night the young people go out into the streets.

4. In London they go to Trafalgar street. (4 scores )

Директорская контрольная работа по английскому языку 6 класс

Выбери лишнее слово в данной группе слов:

a whale, a horse, a fish, a dolphin, a shark.

the sea, the ocean, the river, the lake, the forest.

save, fight, world, join, stretch. (3 scores)

Выбери и вставь слово, подходящее по смыслу.

1. … out! The dog is very big and angry!

a) look b) watch c) listen

2. I must wash … the dishes after supper.

3. «Go …!»- said my mother.

a) home b) house c) play

4. my brother`s son is my…

a) nephew b) father c) son

5. my father`s brother is my…

a) aunt b) cousin c) uncle

6. день рождения моего кузена

a) my cousins` birthday b) my cousin`s birthday c) my cousins birthday

a) my sisters` friends b) my sister`s friend c) my sister`s friends (7 scores)

1. I usually …my Granny on Saturday.

a) visits b) visited c) visit

2. … they go to the Zoo with us next week?

3. Look! The children … tennis outside.

a) play b) played c) are playing

4. Every year he … special presents for his nephews.

a) buys b) bought c) has bought (4 scores)

1. My parents and I (came / come) to see the festival in Edinburg.

2. We (stayed / stay) in London only for five days.

3. My brother (has gone / went) to Britain last year.

4. My parents and I (visit / visited) him last year. (4 scores)

1. This book is worth reading. a ) Эту книгу следует прочитать.

b ) Эту книгу стоит прочитать.

b ) Я уже чищу клетку своего попугая.

3. Давай немножко отдохнем. Мы уже перевели половину текста.

a) Let’s have a short rest. We have already translated half of the text. b) Let’s have a short rest. We translated half of the text.

4. We enjoyed ourselves at the disco. a ) Мы хорошо провели время на дискотеке.

b ) Мы хорошо провели время с ними на дискотеке. (4 scores )

Прочитайте текст и укажите, являются ли предложения после него верными ( True ) или неверными ( False ).

In England on the 1st of January people don’t go to work and children don’t go to school, but New Year’s Day is not a big holiday. Very many people go to bed before 12 o’clock on New Year’s Eve. At 12 o’clock in the night the young people go out into the streets. In London they go to Trafalgar Square. There they see a great tree brightly decorated with little lamps. The people of Norway send a tree every year to the people of England.

1. In London they go to Trafalgar street.

2. They can see a great monument decorated with little lamps.

3. The people of Norway send a pie every year to the people of England.

4. When Big Ben begins to strike 12, the people in the square join hands and dance “Auld Lang Syne”. (4 scores)


Контрольные работы для обучающихся 6 классов по УМК Спотлайт

«Управление общеобразовательной организацией:
новые тенденции и современные технологии»

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

1. Match the number with the correct item.

2. Fill in the gaps using the right form of the pronouns in brackets.

1. This is (he\his) case.

2. (We\our) table is there.

3. That is (they\their) house.

4. This isn’t (I\my) book. It is (she\her) book.

5. Where is (you\your) blue ballon?

6. Ann is (I\my) sister.

7. Open (you\your) textbooks and put down these words, please.

8. (They\their) parents are at the theatre.

4. playing/we/tennis/what time/are

4. Choose the correct tense:

1. We are reading/read now.

2. I like/am liking to draw funny pictures.

3. Kate is sleeping/sleep at the moment.

4. My mother works/is working as a doctor.

5.Read the letter and mark the right statement below with T (True) or F (False):

How are you? It’s my birthday next Sunday and I’m having a party. Come to my house. We always have a fantastic time!

I usually decorate my room with balloons and we play party games.

My mum always makes me a birthday cake. We have a table full of food, sandwiches, crisps, small cakes and chocolate biscuits. My mum also makes chicken and some salads. There is a lot of coke, orange juice and lemonade to drink.

The party starts at seven. Don’t be late! Write back soon.

1. Ann’s birthday is next Sunday

2. Kate decorates the room with flowers.

3. Her mum always makes a birthday cake.

4. They serve banana biscuits.

5. The party starts at nine o`clock.

*6. Write the letter for your new pen friend. Tell about yourself. How old you are. What you like to do. Tell about your family. (30-40 words). Begin with:

My name is __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Total 27 points (+10 points for letter)

1. c 2. d 3. e 4. a 5. b

2. his, our, their, my, her, your, my

1)What are you doing?

2)Do you like to cook?

3)Where are you going tonight?

4)What time are we playing tennis?

5)Why is this girl crying?

1. We are reading now.

2. I like to draw funny pictures.

3. Kate is sleeping at the moment.

4. My mother works as a doctor.

максимум за письмо 10 баллов

Оформление 3 б (структура: деление на абзацы; приветствие+благодарность, ответы на вопросы друга, завершение письма)

Пунктуация 1б (наличие не более 2 ошибок- 1б; 3 и более ошибки-0 баллов)

1. Match the number with the correct item.

2. Fill in the gaps using the right form of the pronouns in brackets.

2. (We) table is there.

3. That is (they) house.

4. This isn’t (I) book. It is (she) book.

5. Where is (you) blue ballon?

7. Open (you) textbooks and put down these words, please.

8. (They) parents are at the theatre.

2. to cook/do/you/like

4. playing/we/tennis/what time/are

4. Choose the correct tense:

1. We are reading/read now.

2. I like/am liking to draw funny pictures.

3. Kate is sleeping/sleep at the moment.

4. My mother works/is working as a doctor.

5.Read the letter and mark the right statement below with T (True) or F (False):

How are you? It’s my birthday next Sunday and I’m having a party. Come to my house. We always have a fantastic time!

I usually decorate my room with balloons and we play party games.

My mum always makes me a birthday cake. We have a table full of food, sandwiches, crisps, small cakes and chocolate biscuits. My mum also makes chicken and some salads. There is a lot of coke, orange juice and lemonade to drink.

The party starts at seven. Don’t be late! Write back soon.

1. Ann’s birthday is next Sunday

2. Kate decorates the room with flowers.

3. Her mum always makes a birthday cake.

4. They serve banana biscuits.

5. The party starts at nine o`clock.

*6. Write the letter for your new pen friend. Tell about yourself. How old you are. What you like to do. Tell about your family. (30-40 words). Begin with:

My name is __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Total 27 points (+10 points for letter)

1. c 2. d 3. e 4. a 5. b

2. his, our, their, my, her, your, my

1)What are you doing?

2)Do you like to cook?

3)Where are you going tonight?

4)What time are we playing tennis?

5)Why is this girl crying?

1. We are reading now.

2. I like to draw funny pictures.

3. Kate is sleeping at the moment.

4. My mother works as a doctor.

максимум за письмо 10 баллов

Оформление 3 б (структура: деление на абзацы; приветствие+благодарность, ответы на вопросы друга, завершение письма)

Пунктуация 1б (наличие не более 2 ошибок- 1б; 3 и более ошибки-0 баллов)

Всего баллов: 27 (+ 10 дополнительных)

1. seat a. zone
2. parking b. warden
3..traffic c. belt
4.driving d. crossing
5. zebra e. license

2. Write the nationalities:

a) Italy ____________ b)Spain ______________ c)Great Britain _______________

3. Fill in the gaps with: bike, lights, road, plane.

1. This man is a pilot. He can fly a _________________.
2. Don`t run from the pavement onto the __________.
3. My little brother can`t ride a __________.
4. Always stop at the traffic _______________when they are red.

*4. Read the text and decide whether the following sentences are true (T) or false (F).

My name is Kate. My family is a typical Russian family. There are four of us. I have got a mother. Her name is Ann. She is a teacher. She is very kind. Her hobbies are singing and shopping. My mother is fond of reading detective stories.

My father`s name is Peter. He is a driver. He is clever and sporty. My father is fond of fishing. My brother Nick is small. He is only four. He likes playing with his toys.

We are a close and friendly family. We like to spend time and holidays together.

Tomorrow it will be my mother’s birthday. My brother and I will go shopping together with our father. We are going to buy our mum a birthday present. It will be a nice scarf. She would like to have a white one. And we will buy flowers for her, too.

Tomorrow my brother and I will clean the flat. We won’t be lazy. Father will help us. Then we’ll make our kitchen clean and bright. Tomorrow we will lay the table. We would like our mother to be happy.

1. There are five people in Kate’s family.

5. Put the verbs into the correct Present Simple or Present Continuous forms:

1. Bob (go)____to the cinema on Sundays.
2. My little brother often (cry)_______at night.
3. ___________(you/like)watching sitcoms?
4. At the moment little Ben (play) with his toys.

5. What time__________ (they/come )after school?

6. Look! A spider (climb) the wall.

Ключи : 1. 1c 2d 3b 4c 5a

2. Italian, Spanish, British

3. plane, road, bike, lights

4. 1F 2F 3F 4F 5F 6F

5. 1. goes 2 cries 3 Do you like 4 is playing 5 do they come 6 is climbing

1. Match the words: 5 баллов

1. seat a. zone
2. parking b. warden
3..traffic c. belt
4.driving d. crossing
5. zebra e. license

2. Form the nationalities: 3 балла

a)the USA ____________ b)Germany ______________ c)Great Britain _______________

3. Fill in the gaps with: bike, lights, road, plane. 4балла

1. This man is a pilot. He can fly a _________________.
2. Don`t run from the pavement onto the __________.
3. My little brother can`t ride a __________.
4. Always stop at the traffic _______________when they are red.

*4. Read the text and decide whether the following sentences are true (T) or false (F).

My name is Kate. My family is a typical Russian family. There are four of us. I have got a mother. Her name is Ann. She is a teacher. She is very kind. Her hobbies are singing and shopping. My mother is fond of reading detective stories.

My father`s name is Peter. He is a driver. He is clever and sporty. My father is fond of fishing. My brother Nick is small. He is only four. He likes playing with his toys.

We are a close and friendly family. We like to spend time and holidays together.

Tomorrow it will be my mother’s birthday. My brother and I will go shopping together with our father. We are going to buy our mum a birthday present. It will be a nice scarf. She would like to have a white one. And we will buy flowers for her, too.

Tomorrow my brother and I will clean the flat. We won’t be lazy. Father will help us. Then we’ll make our kitchen clean and bright. Tomorrow we will lay the table. We would like our mother to be happy.

1. There are five people in Kate’s family.

5. Put the verbs into the correct Present Simple or Present Continuous forms:

1. Bob (go)____to the cinema on Sundays.
2. My little brother often (cry)_______at night.
3. ___________(you/like)watching sitcoms?
4. At the moment little Ben (play) with his toys.

5. What time__________ (they/come )after school?

6. Look! A spider (climb) the wall. 6 баллов

Ключи : 1. 1c 2d 3b 4c 5a

2. American, German, British

3. plane, road, bike, lights

4. 1F 2F 3F 4F 5F 6F

5. 1. goes 2 cries 3 Do you like 4 is playing 5 do they come 6 is climbing


Spotlight 6 test book Ответы

Контрольные работы по английскому языку. 6 класс Spotlight с ответами. ГДЗ Spotlight 6 test book Ответы. Key to tests. Контроль знаний (тесты) по английскому языку в 6 классе и ответы (ключи).

Spotlight 6 test book Ответы

ОТВЕТЫ на контрольные работы по английскому языку в 6 классе из сборника контрольных заданий УМК серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 6 класса общеобразовательных организаций. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др./ М.: Просвещение. Цитаты из пособия указаны в учебных целях. При постоянном использовании контрольных работ по английскому языку в 6 классе рекомендуем купить книгу: Ваулина, Дули, Подоляко: Английский язык. 6 класс. Контрольные задания. Сборник контрольных заданий включает контрольные работы, которые выполняются по завершении обучения над каждым модулем, а также промежуточные тесты.

Spotlight 6 класс. Test 1A. Ответы

A). 1 alarm. clock. 2 watch. 3 skateboard. 4 computer. 5 football.

В). 6 Japanese. 7 British. 8 Polish. 9 Brazilian. 10 Spanish.

C). 11 Address. 12 Postcode. 13 Phone. 14 Membership.

D). 15 wavy. 16 capital. 17 twins. 18 middle. 19 late. 20 slim. 21 north. 22 deserts. 23 nationality. 24 driving.

E). 25 Their. 29 mine. 33 her. 26 Her. 30 ours. 34 his. 27 your. 31 my. 28 hers. 32 his.

F). 35 В. 36 A. 37 A. 38 В. 39 A.

G). 40 G. 41 C. 42 В. 43 A. 44 E. 45 D.

H). 46 five. 49 short. 51 7. 47 Daniel. 50 slim. 52 big. 48 Jill.

I). 53 b. 54 c. 55 c. 56 a. 57 b.

Spotlight 6 класс. Test 1B. Ответы

A). 1 watch. 2 football. 3 computer. 4 skateboard. 5 alarm clock.

В). 6 Spanish. 8 British. 10 Brazilian. 7 Polish. 9 Japanese.

C). 11 Address. 13 Phone. 12 Postcode. 14 Membership.

D). 15 driving. 19 middle. 23 deserts. 16 late. 20 north. 24 wavy. 17 capital. 21 slim. 18 twins. 22 nationality.

E). 25 His. 29 my. 33 hers. 26 your. 30 her. 34 his. 27 mine. 31 his. 28 ours. 32 Their.

F). 35 В. 36 В. 37 A. 38 В. 39 A.

G). 40 C. 41 D. 42 E. 43 G. 44 В. 45 A.

H). 46 five. 49 short. 51 8. 47 Peter. 50 slim. 52 green. 48 mum.

I). 53 b. 54 c. 55 c. 56 a. 57 b.

Spotlight 6 класс. Test 2A. Ответы

A). 1 sofa. 3 bathtub. 5 fridge. 2 bed. 4 table

В). 6 There’s a sofa in the living room. 7 There’s a bed in the bedroom. 8 There’s a bathtub in the bathroom. 9 There’s a table in the dining room. 10 There’s a fridge in the kitchen.

C). 11 twelve o’clock. 15 quarter past five. 12 first. 16 twentieth. 13 half past one. 17 quarter to eleven. 14 twelfth.

D). 18 at. 19 in. 20 in. 21 on. 22 at.

E). 23 a. 24 some. 25 any. 26 an. 27 any.

F). 28 В. 29 A. 30 В. 31 В. 32 A. 33 В.

G). 34 В. 35 E. 36 A. 37 D. 38 F. 39 C.

H). 40 F. 41 T. 42 F. 43 T. 44 F. 45 T.

I). 46 c. 47 a. 48 a. 49 b. 50 b.

ГДЗ Spotlight 6 test book Ответы

Spotlight 6 класс. Test 2B. Ответы

A). 1 sink. 3 bathtub. 5 bed 2 fridge. 4 cooker.

В). 6 There’s a sink in the bathroom. 7 There’s a fridge in the kitchen. 8 There’s a bathtub in the bathroom. 9 There’s a cooker in the kitchen. 10 There’s a bed in the bedroom.

C). 11 first. 15 quarter to eleven. 12 half past one. 16 quarter past five. 13 twelve o’clock. 17 twelfth. 14 twentieth.

D). 18 at. 19 in. 20 in. 21 on. 22 at.

E). 23 any. 24 any. 25 an. 26 a. 27 some.

F). 28 В. 29 В. 30 A. 31 В. 32 A. 33 В.

G). 34 D. 35 C. 36 A. 37 В. 38 F. 39 E.

H). 40 F. 41 T. 42 F. 43 F. 44 T. 45 T.

I). 46 c. 47 a. 48 a. 49 b. 50 b.

Spotlight 6 класс. Test ЗА. Ответы

A). 1 G. 3 F. 5 В. 7 D. 2 A. 4 E. 6 C. 8 I.

В). 9 plane. 13 road. 17 Watch. 10 handgrip. 14 boat. 18 kerb. 11 bike. 15 lights. 12 car. 16 left.

C). 19 look. 21 push. 23 walk. 20 talk. 22 wave. 24 wear.

D). 25 В. 26 A. 27 C. 28 C. 29 В. 30 В.

E). 31 can. 33 can. 35 can’t. 32 can. 34 can’t.

F). 36 can’t. 37 can’t. 38 can. 39 can.

G). 40 A. 41 F. 42 В. 43 D. 44 E

H). 45 Twelve. 48 Susan. 46 The guitar and the piano. 49 Drive a car. 47 Sail a boat.

I). 50 C. 51 C. 52 A. 53 В. 54 В.

Spotlight 6 класс. Test 3B. Ответы

A). 1 D. 3 В. 5 G. 7 E. 2 C. 4 A. 6 F. 8 I.

B). 9 boat. 13 lights. 17 car. 10 handgrip. 14 left. 18 Watch. 11 bike. 15 kerb. 12 road. 16 plane.

C). 19 talk. 21 wear. 23 wave. 20 push. 22 look. 24 walk.

D). 25 A. 26 C. 27 В. 28 В. 29 В. 30 C.

E). 31 can. 33 can. 35 can’t. 32 can’t. 34 can.

F). 36 can’t. 37 can’t. 38 can. 39 can.

G). 40 D. 41 F. 42 В. 43 E. 44 A.

H). 45 Thirteen. 46 The drums and the electric guitar. 47 Swim. 48 Stan. 49 Drive a car.

I). 50 C. 51 C. 52 A. 53 В. 54 В.

Spotlight 6 класс. Test 4A. Ответы

A). 1 sitcom. 4 talk show. 2 news. 5 science fiction. 3 reality show.

B). 6 wonderful. 8 interesting. 10 exciting. 7 enjoyable. 9 fantastic.

C). 11 brush. 15 go. 19 on. 12 uniform. 16 thing. 20 build. 13 greenhouse. 17 concert. 14 dressed. 18 around.

D). 21 teaches. 26 meet. 22 catches. 27 works. 23 do you have. 28 Does Margaret go.

24 doesn’t eat. 29 Do your parents go. 25 does he leave. 30 takes.

E). 31 before. 33 then. 35 before. 32 when. 34 after that.

F). 36 C. 37 A. 38 F. 39 В. 40 E.

G). 41 C. 42 A. 43 A. 44 В. 45 C.

H). 46 H. 47 D. 48 A. 49 В. 50 E.

Spotlight 6 класс. Test 4B. Ответы

A). 1 talk show. 4 news. 2 music show. 5 sports. 3 comedy.

B). 6 disgusting. 8 fantastic. 10 wonderful. 7 exciting. 9 enjoyable.

C). 11 go. 15 get. 19 around. 12 uniforms. 16 concert. 20 build. 13 dormitory. 17 thing. 14 brush. 18 on.

D). 21 Does he like. 22 washes. 23 doesn’t play. 24 studies. 25 do they come. 26 do you visit. 27 like. 28 cries. 29 Does Katherine sleep. 30 fixes.

E). 31 when. 32 before. 33 before. 34 after that. 35 when.

F). 36 F. 37 E. 38 В. 39 C. 40 A

G). 41 В. 42 A. 43 В. 44 C. 45 A

H). 46 H. 47 D. 48 A. 49 В. 50 E

Spotlight 6 класс. Test 5A. Ответы

A). 1 costumes. 2 gardening. 3 fireworks. 4 special dish. 5 flowers. 6 decorations. 7 phone. 8 dusting. 9 homework. 10 cake.

B). 11 do. 12 do. 13 do. 14 making. 15 making.

C). 16 В. 17 A. 18 C. 19 A. 20 В.

D). 21 is. 22 are. 23 am. 24 Are. 25 Is.

E). 26 are. 28 is. sitting. 30 are having. 27 have. 29 is holding

F). 31 What is she wearing? 32 Susan is not watching a film. 33 Are you enjoying your holiday? 34 Cynthia is not playing the drums today. 35 Why are they not eating the sandwiches?

G). 36 C. 37 В. 38 A. 39 E. 40 D.

H). 41 A. party hat. 42 Orange juice. 43 Sandwiches. 44 Happy music. 45 In the kitchen.

I). 46 b. 47 a. 48 b. 49 c. 50 b

Spotlight 6 класс. Test 5B. Ответы

A). 1 decorations. 6 costumes. 2 phone. 7 gardening. 3 dusting. 8 fireworks. 4 homework. 9 tea. 5 cake. 10 flowers.

B). 11 make. 13 do. 15 doing. 12 makes. 14 doing.

C). 16 C. 17 В. 18 A. 19 В. 20 A.

D). 21 are. 22 is. 23 are. 24 Is. 25 Are.

E). 26 are. 28 is. sitting. 30 are having. 27 looks. 29 are smiling.

F). 31 What are they wearing? 32 Susan is not playing the guitar today. 33 Why is he not eating the sandwiches? 34 Brian is not watching TV. 35 Are they enjoying their holiday?

G). 36 C. 37 В. 38 A. 39 E. 40 D.

H). 41 A party hat. 43 Sandwiches. 42 Having a great time./Laughing with her friends 44 Happy music. 45 In the kitchen.

I). 46 b. 47 a. 48 b. 49 c. 50 b

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Spotlight 6 класс. Mid Test. Ответы (MODULES 1-5)

1 C. 7 В. 13 А. 19 С. 25 С.
2 C. 8 В. 14 С. 20 С. 26 В.
3 C. 9 В. 15 В. 21 С. 27 А.
4 C. 10 С. 16 С. 22 В. 28 А.
5 В. 11 А. 17 В. 23 А. 29 В.
6 C. 12 А. 18 В. 24 В. 30 С.

31 B. 32 А. 33 А. 34 B. 35 B. 36 DS. 37 F. 38 Т. 39 Т. 40 F.

D). Suggested Answer Hi Pat,
It was nice to hear from you. My perfect day is Saturday. It’s my favourite day of the week.
In the morning, I wake up at 9 o’clock and I have a small breakfast. Then, I put on my trainers and go cycling in my neighbourhood. At noon, we always go out for lunch at my favourite restaurant. They have excellent pizza, so I usually order that. In the afternoon, I meet my friends at the tennis court and we play for hours. I love tennis!
In the evening, I do some homework and then I play on my Playstation. After that, I usually watch a DVD with my family.
I love Saturdays because it’s the only night of the week that I get to go to bed late.
Anyways that’s all for now. Write soon.

E). 41 False. 43 True. 45 True. 42 True. 44 False.

Spotlight 6 класс. Test 6A. Ответы

А. 1 chess. 3 cycling. 5 darts. 2 dominoes. 4 fishing.

B). 6 player. 9 footballer. 7 cyclist. 10 artist. 8 director. 11 painter.

C). 12 meet. 15 drama. 18 boring. 13 weekend. 16 jigsaw. 19 literature. 14 board. 17 once.

D). 20 E. 21 C. 22 В. 23 D. 24 A.

Е). 25 are playing. 28 go. 26 meets. 29 is learning. 27 is not having.

F). 30 likes. 32 is running. 34 is having. 31 loves. 33 am looking. 35 plays.

G). 36 F. 37 D. 38 A. 39 E. 40 В. 41 C.

H). 42 The basketball team. 43 He goes to computer club. 44 On Fridays. 45 Chess. 46 His family. 47 The shopping.

I). 48 c. 49 a. 50 b. 51 c. 52 c.

Spotlight 6 класс. Test 6B. Ответы.

A). 1 cycling. 3 marbles. 5 fishing. 2 billiards. 4 scrabble.

B). 6 player. 9 footballer. 7 artist. 10 painter. 8 director. 11 cyclist.

C). 12 drama. 15 board. 18 once. 13 meet. 16 literature. 19 boring. 14 jigsaw. 17 weekend.

D). 20 C. 21 E. 22 В. 23 A. 24 D.

E). 25 go. 27 is not having. 29 meets. 26 is learning. 28 are playing.

F). 30 plays. 32 likes. 34 is running. 31 loves. 33 am looking. 35 is having.

G). 36 D. 37 C. 38 E. 39 A. 40 В. 41 F.

H). 42 The swimming team. 45 Scrabble. 43 She goes to music club. 46 Her family. 44 On Thursdays. 47 Windsurfing.

I). 48 c. 49 a. 50 b. 51 c. 52 c.

Spotlight 6 класс. Test 7A. Ответы

A). 1 introduce. 5 naughty. 9 knock. 2 ghost. 6 ruined. 10 rush. 3 weekly. 7 puzzled. 4 mines. 8 worried.

B). 11 E. 12 A. 13 В. 14 F. 15 C.

C). 16 saloon. 18 post office. 20 hotel. 17 restaurant. 19 school.

D). 21 heard. 25 drank. 29 ate. 22 saw. 26 made. 30 went. 23 gave. 27 left. 24 said. 28 kept.

E). 31 found. 35 said. 39 read. 32 spent. 36 met. 40 jumped. 33 decided. 37 heard. 34 knocked. 38 died.

F). 41 D. 42 A. 43 E. 44 В. 45 F.

G). 46 В. 48 C. 50 C. 52 A. 54 A. 47 A. 49 В. 51 В. 53 В. 55 C.

H). 56 A. 57 A. 58 В. 59 A. 60 A.

Spotlight 6 класс. Test 7B. Ответы

A). 1 ghost. 5 ruined. 9 knock. 2 puzzled. 6 weekly. 10 mines. 3 introduce. 7 rush. 4 naughty. 8 worried.

B). 11 C. 12 A. 13 E. 14 F. 15 D.

C). 16 hotel. 18 restaurant. 20 school. 17 post office. 19 saloon.

D). 21 drank. 25 heard. 29 made. 22 saw. 26 came. 30 was. 23 went. 27 read. 24 found. 28 gave.

E). 31 walked. 35 did not sing. 39 paid. 32 died. 36 said. 40 didn’t do. 33 spent. 37 shouted. 34 decided. 38 met.

F). 41 A. 42 D. 43 F. 44 В. 45 E.

G). 46 В. 48 C. 50 В. 52 C. 54 В. 47 В. 49 C. 51 A. 53 В. 55 C.

H). 56 A. 57 A. 58 В. 59 A. 60 A.

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Spotlight 6 класс. Test 8A. Ответы

A). 1 cottage. 5 restaurant. 9 library. 2 gallery. 6 palace. 10 pool. 3 store. 7 tent. 4 zoo. 8 sports.

B). 11 A. 12 В. 13 C. 14 A. 15 A.

C). 16 watch a film. 19 see fish. 17 exercise. 20 see a play. 18 find a book.

D). 21 must. 23 can’t. 25 must. 22 mustn’t. 24 must.

E). 26 younger. 29 most intelligent. 27 youngest. 30 best. 28 more intelligent.

F). 31 He has to do the washing up. 32 They have to wake up early. 33 We don’t have to wear a uniform. 34 You needn’t make your bed. 35 She doesn’t have to clean the flat.

G). 36 C. 37 A. 38 E. 39 В. 40 D.

H). 41 A cottage. 44 The cottage. 42 The cottage. 45 The cottage. 43 The flat.

Spotlight 6 класс. Test 8B. Ответы

A). 1 palace. 5 pool. 9 zoo. 2 tent. 6 cottage. 10 restaurant. 3 sports. 7 gallery. 4 library. 8 store.

B). 11 C. 12 В. 13 A. 14 C. 15 A.

C). 16 have a picnic. 19 watch football. 17 see works of art. 20 buy things. 18 have a snack.

D). 21 can’t. 23 must. 25 mustn’t. 22 mustn’t. 24 must.

E). 26 older. 28 faster. 30 best. 27 oldest. 29 fastest.

F). 31 I have to wear a uniform. 32 You needn’t do the washing up. 33 They have to keep the house clean. 34 We don’t have to wake up early. 35 She has to make her bed.

G). 36 C. 37E. 38 A. 39 В. 40 D.

H). 41 A. flat. 44 The cottage. 42 The cottage. 45 The cottage. 43 The flat.

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Spotlight 6 класс. Test 9A. Ответы

A). 1 sugar. 3 eggs. 5 ice cream. 2 onions. 4 potatoes. 6 coffee.

B). 7 carton. 10 bar. 13 jar. 8 loaf. 11 kilo. 14 bottle. 9 bag. 12 piece.

C). 15 boil. 17 bake. 19 Mix. 16 stir. 18 fry. 20 peel.

D). 21 some. 23 any. 25 some. 22 some. 24 any. 26 any.

E). 27 much. 29 much. 31 much. 28 many. 30 many. 32 many.

F). 33 is. 36 am making. 34 am planning. 37 hates. 35 loves. 38 am preparing.

G). 39 could I have. 42 Here you are. 40 Do you want. 43 anything to drink. 41 Are you ready.

H). 44 T. 45 F. 46 F. 47 F. 48 T.

I). 49 В. 50 G. 51 D. 52 E. 53 C.

Spotlight 6 класс. Test 9B. Ответы

A). 1 carrots. 3 meat. 5 milk. 2 yogurt. 4 tomatoes. 6 apples.

B). 7 juice. 10 chocolate. 13 jam. 8 bread. 11 bananas. 14 oil. 9 sugar. 12 cake.

C). 15 Melt. 17 peel. 19 boil. 16 Mix. 18 fry. 20 stir.

D). 21 any. 23 any. 25 any. 22 some. 24 some. 26 any.

E). 27 much. 29 many. 31 much. 28 much. 30 many. 32 much.

F). 33 is. 36 am making. 34 am planning. 37 hates. 35 loves. 38 am preparing.

G). 39 anything to drink. 42 Are you ready. 40 do you want. 43 could I have. 41 Here you are.

H). 44 T. 45 T. 46 F. 47 T. 48 F.

I). 49 В. 50 G. 51 D. 52 E. 53 C.

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Spotlight 6 класс. Test 10A. Ответы

A). 1 sweater. 4 shorts. 2 raincoat. 5 trainers. 3 scarf.

B). 6 post. 10 fly. 14 spend. 7 buy. 11 go. 15 have. 8 attend. 12 visit. 9 taste. 13 stay.

C). 16 C. 17 A. 18 В. 19 C. 20 В.

D). 21 so. 23 so. 25 so. 22 because. 24 because.

E). 26 is going to snow. 29 is going to change. 27 is going to learn. 30 will go. 28 are travelling.

F). 31 Are you going to wash the dishes? 32 John is visiting the museum tomorrow. 33 I am going to buy a new dictionary next week. 34 They are going to move house soon. 35 She is flying to Russia tomorrow.

G). 36 C. 37 A. 38 E. 39 D. 40 В

H). 41 She/Janice is going to go to Sochi in June. 42 They/Janice’s family are going to fly. 43 They/Janice’s family are going to stay in the Zhemchuzhina Hotel. 44 She/Janice is going to see some films. 45 She/Janice is going to send Brian a postcard.

I). 46 fourteen. 48 two. 50 Malta. 47 six. 49 Sicily.

Spotlight 6 класс. Test 10B. Ответы

A). 1 T-shirt. 3 gloves. 5 boots. 2 dress. 4 skirt.

B). 6 go. 10 have. 14 taste. 7 visit. 11 post. 15 fly. 8 stay. 12 buy. 9 spend. 13 attend.

C). 16 C. 17 A. 18 A. 19 A. 20 В.

D). 21 because. 23 because. 25 so. 22 so. 24 because.

E). 26 are going. 29 is going to rain. 27 is going to study 30 will get. 28 are going to have

F). 31 She is going to buy a new computer next week. 32 We are going to move house next week. 33 Are you going to wash the bike? 34 Brian is flying to Mexico tomorrow. 35 She is going shopping this afternoon.

G). 36 D. 37 E. 38 A. 39 В. 40 C.

H). 41 He/Brian is going to go to Sochi in June. 42 They/Brian’s family are going to fly. 43 They/Brian’s family are going to stay at the Almira Hotel. 44 He/Brian is going to go fishing with his father. 45 They/Brian’s family are going to eat in the colourful street cafes and restaurants.

I). 46 fourteen. 48 two. 50 Malta. 47 six. 49 Sicily

Spotlight 6 класс. Exit test. Ответы (MODULES 1-10)

A). 1 C. 7 В. 13 В. 19 С. 25 С.
2 C. 8 A. 14 В. 20 А. 26 С.
3 В. 9 В. 15 А. 21 С. 27 А.
4 C. 10 В. 16 С. 22 А. 28 С.
5 A. 11 В. 17 С. 23 В. 29 В.
6 В. 12 В. 18 С. 24 А. 30 В.
B). 31 A. 32 А. 33 А. 34 А. 35 B.
C). 36 DS. 37 F. 38 Т. 39 DS. 40 F.

D). Suggested Answer Dear Sharon,
I’m really looking forward to the weekend, too. My cousins are coming to visit, so I want to do a lot of things with them.
On Saturday morning, we’re going to go to the zoo. They love animals and I’m sure they’re going to enjoy it. Then, we are going to have a picnic in the park. We are going to play football and ride our bicycles around the paths. In the afternoon, we are going to go to the cinema and see the new James Bond film. At night, some friends are going to come over and we’re going to play video games all night!
On Sunday, I want to take them to the beach. I hope the weather is good. We want to spend the whole day there swimming and making sandcastles. Write and tell me what happened. Love,

E). 41 D. 42 A. 43 E. 44 В. 45 C.

Контрольные работы по английскому языку. 6 класс Spotlight с ответами. ГДЗ Spotlight 6 test book Ответы. Контроль (тесты) по английскому языку и ответы (ключи). Из сборника контрольных заданий УМК серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 6 класса общеобразовательных организаций. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др./ М.: Просвещение.


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