Главная » Правописание слов » Напиши кому что принадлежит как показано в образце английский язык третий класс

Слово Напиши кому что принадлежит как показано в образце английский язык третий класс - однокоренные слова и морфемный разбор слова (приставка, корень, суффикс, окончание):

Морфемный разбор слова:

Однокоренные слова к слову:

Посмотри и напиши,чьи это вещи,как показано в образце. Mum. Dad. Brothers. Pet. umbrella. car. room. ball. cup. computer. book

1 her umbrella,
2 her cup.

3 his car,
4 his computer.

5 their room,
6 their books.

7 Its ball,
8 its food.

Ниче не знаю. я 7 класс)

3. don’t have to eat

4. doesn’t have to study

I heard that you were in Japan. Have you tested a lot of food there? I hope you liked it. I know that the traditional food in Japan is rice and fish. I love that kind of food. I believe that this food is healthy and tasty.

You know, foreign food is very popular in my country such as Mexican (spicy), Italian (buns, bread, pizza, pasta), American (all fast food), and so on.

As for food and country I love, I will say that it is Italian food. I love biscuits, pizza. I can eat it for days. I know that this food is not useful, but there is nothing I can do about it. Come to my house and arrange Italian feast.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you.


Напиши кому что принадлежит как показано в образце.Образец: He\ friend He has got a friend. Its his friend.1 He/car 2 She/ siste

Напиши кому что принадлежит как показано в образце.
Образец: He\ friend He has got a friend. Its his friend.
1 He/car
2 She/ sister
3 They/pet
4 You/radio
5 We/tree house
6 I/toy soldier
7 It/toy

Тесты по английскомуПроверьте ваши знания с помощью одного из наших тестов.Поделиться…

A book is one of the greatest wonders of world. Why are so many people fond of reading? The world of books is full of wonders. You and characters of books can find yourselves in different countries and have a lot of adventures. The book is a faithful friend. They form our values and characters. We try to look like the characters of our favourite books: to be brave, honest, not to be silly and greedy, to be true friends. We enjoyed the beauty and wisdom of fairy-tales and fables when we were babies and Granny read them to us. They taught us to be kind, clever, hardworking, to understand other people and help them. They teach us to understand the beauty of nature, take care of it, to love our homeland. Books have been with us since childhood. Who hasn’t read «Alice in the Wonderland», «Mowgli»? Who hasn’t travelled with Marry Poppins to her imaginary world? Who hasn’t imagined himself to be Robinson Crusoe on the deserted island? I have read a lot of interesting books, but my favourite book is «The Adventures of Tom Sawyer» by Mark Twain. This well-known book is popular with children all over the world. The main character of the book is Tom Sawyer, who lived in a small town on the Mississippi River. He was a boy with a wild imagination. He and his friends often dreamed of different adventures. Tom was naughty, kind and brave. Besides, he was noble. I like this boy because he teaches us to be true friends. If you are not fond of reading, take a book to your liking or borrow it in a library and read it. Books are worth reading. Really, they are our good friends.

Weather in Belarus. A climate.

From the point of view of climatic conditions the Brest and Grodno areas are optimum. The climate of the Brest area where there passes Восточно-Европейская east-European isotherm — is moderate-damp with soft short in winter and is moderate-warm long-term in summer — the softest and warm in Belarus, practically is a climate of the Europe. In the same area in area of White lake there is the warmest point of Belarus.
Warmest month in a year in these areas July, the coldest — January is. Average monthly temperature of July колеблется within the limits of 18 hailstones. Heat, January — from 5 up to 6 hailstones. A frost. The absolute maximum of temperature of air has made 35-37 hailstones. Heat. The absolute minimum of temperatures of air in winter reached 35-38 hailstones. A frost. However it is necessary to note, that such high and low temperatures of air are observed seldom.
The warm period (the period with positive average daily temperature of air) lasts in northeast areas 242—243 days, in southwest — 253-265 days. Annual quantity of deposits колеблется from 550 up to 650 mm, decreasing in a direction from northeast on a southwest. The basic quantity of deposits drops out during the warm period. Duration of the vegetative period of 195-205 day.
Winter in these areas short. The stable snow cover is formed basically in the third decade of December and collapses in the first decade of March. Average height of a snow cover — 15—22 winters when the stable snow cover on area is not formed Are see observed.
Throughout a year over the territory of the Brest and Grodno areas are dominated by westerly winds. During the warm period prevailing winds are western and northwest, during the cold period — western and ю


Посмотри и напиши, чьи это вещи, как показано в образце?

Посмотри и напиши, чьи это вещи, как показано в образце.

Образец : her umbrella 1.

_________________ Помогите плиииз!

За ранее спасибо большое!

Посмотри и напиши чьи это вещи как показано в образце образец her unbrellamum Dad brothers petunbrella car room ballcup computer books foodесли знаеш ответь дам 8 балловесли лучший то 15 баллов?

Посмотри и напиши чьи это вещи как показано в образце образец her unbrella

mum Dad brothers pet

unbrella car room ball

cup computer books food

если знаеш ответь дам 8 баллов

если лучший то 15 баллов.

Посмотри на картинки и напиши вопросы и ответы, как показано в образце?

Посмотри на картинки и напиши вопросы и ответы, как показано в образце.

Помогите, пожалуйста, вставить артикли 1?

Помогите, пожалуйста, вставить артикли 1.

First animal can run.

Напиши, кому что принадлежит, как показано в образце?

Напиши, кому что принадлежит, как показано в образце.

Образец : He / frand He has got a friend.

Посмотри на картинки?

Посмотри на картинки.

Заполни пропуски, как показано в образце.

Напишите во множественном числе mouse car sheep monkey policeman book watch child umbrella tooth?

Напишите во множественном числе mouse car sheep monkey policeman book watch child umbrella tooth.


Выбери вариант, соответствующий русскому переводу?

Выбери вариант, соответствующий русскому переводу.

1. Мамин зонтик : a) mothers umbrella b) mother’s umbrella c) mothers’ umbrella 2.

Книги родителей : a) parent’s books b) parents books c) parents’ books 3.

Яблоко сестры : a) sister’s apple b) sisters’ apple c) sisters apple 4.

Конура собак : a) dogs house b) dogs’ house c) dog’s house 5.

Фотоаппарат сына : a) sons’ camera b) sons camera c) son’s camera 6.

Кассеты братьев : a) brothers’ cassettes b) brother’s cassettes c) brothers cassettes.

Прочитай, посмотри на картинки и напиши, чьи это вещи?

Прочитай, посмотри на картинки и напиши, чьи это вещи.

Umbrella перевод этого слова?

Umbrella перевод этого слова?

Вопрос 1. Because on earth there are very few trees and many species of animals have already died or the man himself had erased them from the face of the earth. Вопрос 2. Bad air in my city because of the factoriesвопрос 3. We can plant trees, fe..

A) are you doing am answering answer b) Have you taken part tried Did you win I did not.

1) am writing 2) am staying 3) is 4) have 5) are surrounding 6) is 7) is 8) is 9) don’t like 10) enjoy 11) spend 12) is 13) offer 14) enjoy 15) am sending.

1)The teacher told the pupils to write down the words in the dictionary. Did the teacher tell the pupilsto write down the words in the dictionary? What did the teacer tell the pupilsto do? Who told the pupilsto write down the words in the dictiona..

What is Pharmacy? How else is the word “pharmacy” used? What does Physics deal with? What does Chemistry explain? What is Pharmacognosy? What does the Pharmacopoeia describe.


образец:He/friend (He has got a friend.It’s his friend.)
5.We/tree house
6.I/toy soldier

1. He has got a car. It’s his car.
2. She has got a sister. She’s her sister.
3. They have got a pet. It’s their pet.
4. You have got a radio. It’s your radio.
5. We have got a tree house. It’s our tree house.
6. I have got a toy soldier. It’s my toy soldier.
7. It has got a toy. It’s its toy.

Другие вопросы из категории

my ;were; abroad ;parents ;summer ;last
i ;my ;party; birthday ;had; disco; a ;at
sandwiches ;yesterday; i ;ate ;breakfast; for
went; to ;at ; 9a.m. ; i; school ; yesterday
my; started ;lessons ;yesterday; 9.30a.m; at
a ;horse; last ;i; rode; sunday нужно составить предложения

Choose and write answers to the guestions. Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isnt. Yes, they are. No, they arent.

Читайте также

Образец: He\ friend He has got a friend. Its his friend.
1 He/car
2 She/ sister
3 They/pet
4 You/radio
5 We/tree house
6 I/toy soldier
7 It/toy

напиши предложения как показано в образце
1. book(he)-it’s his book.
2. apples(we)-They’re our apples.
3. family(we) it’s-
4. sister(you) They’re-
5. grandfather(she)-
6. cars(he)-
7. garden(they)-
8. toys(it)
9. computer(i)
10. friends(we)

go to the cinema twice a week. Задания: play tennis/have tennis lessons/on Welnesdays and Fridays Harry play the guitar/have guitar lessons/there times a week Leo paint/paint pictures/always/Clara play baseball/have baseball games/at the weekend Paul and his friends sail/go sailing/every summer Our family Заранее спасибо!


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