Главная » Правописание слов » Напиши предложения пользуясь подсказками как показано в образце pen she 3 класс

Слово Напиши предложения пользуясь подсказками как показано в образце pen she 3 класс - однокоренные слова и морфемный разбор слова (приставка, корень, суффикс, окончание):

Морфемный разбор слова:

Однокоренные слова к слову:

Напиши предложения, пользуясь подсказками, как написано в образце?

Напиши предложения, пользуясь подсказками, как написано в образце.

1. school (we) This is __

School bag (you) This_____

Pencil (he) ________

Rubber (she) _______

Grandpa (they) ______

Pencil case (I) ________.

1. school (we) This is our school.

Is this our school?

2. school bag (you) Thisis your bag.

3. pencil (he) This is his pencil.

Is this his pencil?

4. rubber (she) This is her rubber.

Is this her rubber?

5. grandpa (they) This is their grandpa.

Is this their gradnpa?

6. ball (it) This is its ball.

7. pencil case (I) This is my pencil case.

Is this my pencil case?

Напиши вопросы и ответь на них?

Напиши вопросы и ответь на них.

(Ann / pencil) Пример : Has Ann got a pencil?

Вычеркни лишнее слово pencil, ruler, chair, pencil case, science, school, maths, geography, thirteen, eighteen, eleven, fifteen, see, three, tree, pen?

Вычеркни лишнее слово pencil, ruler, chair, pencil case, science, school, maths, geography, thirteen, eighteen, eleven, fifteen, see, three, tree, pen.

14. This is a room?

It is ____ good room.

2. ____ pen is red, and ____ pencil is black.

3. Please, give Bess ____ pen and ____ pencil.

4. Volgograd is ____ big city.

5. Please, send Jane ____ text.

6. This is his ____ flat.

7. Please give me ____ black pencil.

8. This is ____ text.

9. This is ____ cap.

10. This is ____ match.

It is ____ thin match.

11. This is ____ fine film.

12. Please, give me ____ pen, Kate.

13. Please, take that pencil, Jane.

Give me ____ pencil.

It is ____ bad pencil.

It is ____ good room.

Look and learn textbook, rubber, coloured pencils, pencil, ruler, pencil box, CD, paints, pen, dictionary, pencil sharpener заранее спасибо?

Look and learn textbook, rubber, coloured pencils, pencil, ruler, pencil box, CD, paints, pen, dictionary, pencil sharpener заранее спасибо!

Подскажите, как это правильно прочитать?

Подскажите, как это правильно прочитать?

Well this is my bag.

My copybook is in my bag.

Oh my ruler is on the shelf.

The pencil is on the table.

Я в 3 классе?

Предложении на слова a bag, a pencil sharpener, a pen, a ruler, a notebook, a pencil, an eraser, a pencil case, a crayon и перевод.

Заполните пропуски артиклями и объясните их употребление 1?

Заполните пропуски артиклями и объясните их употребление 1.

Pen, Kate (2 варианта) 6.

Please take that pencil, Jane.

Пожалуйста помогите, и если можно правило, а то путаюсь.

You left your pen( pencil, rubber?

You left your pen( pencil, rubber.

Ask your friend to lend one to you.

Напиши предложения пользуясь подсказками?

Напиши предложения пользуясь подсказками.

Вопрос 1. Because on earth there are very few trees and many species of animals have already died or the man himself had erased them from the face of the earth. Вопрос 2. Bad air in my city because of the factoriesвопрос 3. We can plant trees, fe..

A) are you doing am answering answer b) Have you taken part tried Did you win I did not.

1) am writing 2) am staying 3) is 4) have 5) are surrounding 6) is 7) is 8) is 9) don’t like 10) enjoy 11) spend 12) is 13) offer 14) enjoy 15) am sending.

1)The teacher told the pupils to write down the words in the dictionary. Did the teacher tell the pupilsto write down the words in the dictionary? What did the teacer tell the pupilsto do? Who told the pupilsto write down the words in the dictiona..

What is Pharmacy? How else is the word “pharmacy” used? What does Physics deal with? What does Chemistry explain? What is Pharmacognosy? What does the Pharmacopoeia describe.


Срочно. Напиши предложения пользуясь подсказками как показано в аброзце 1)Образец: pen (she)-This is her pen1.

Напиши предложения пользуясь подсказками как показано в аброзце 1)
Образец: pen (she)-This is her pen
1.ball(it) 2.pencil case
2) А теперь уточни кому это принадлежит

1. Cinderella is very sad because her stepmother does not let her go to the ball. A Fairy Godmother waves her magic wand. Cinderella must return home before midnight. Cinderella is very sad.

2. The prince fonds Cinderella’s house.

Music plays a very important role in my life, as I am always listening to my favorite singers and bands in order to relax and have some fun. Beautiful songs really help me to release my mind and to calm my spirit. Energetic songs give me a lot of energy, inspire me and enrich my spirit with positive emotions. Music has always helped people to escape from the cruel reality, to find the right ideas and support in lyrics, to please their soul with precious tones. The whole population, youth and adults are visiting live concerts or operas because they want to have music present in their existence. Music is a powerful form of art that is supposed to be respected and appreciated.
+ ti mojeshi dobaviti svoih liubimih artistov

The XXVII World Summer Universiade in Kazan is the main worldwide student competition, held every 4 years among youth teams. It took place from 6 to 17 July 2013 in Kazan. Universiade-2013 became the largest summer Universiade in the history of these competitions. 351 set of medals for 27 sports were played. 11 759 athletes from 162 countries took part in the competition. Such a large number of participants in the competition is also a record for all student games. The Russian national team won the most medals and set the highest number of Universiade records

XXVII Всемирная летняя Универсиада в Казани является главным международным студенческим конкурсом, который проводится каждые 4 года среди молодежных команд. Это произошло с 6 по 17 июля 2013 года в Казани. Универсиада-2013 стала самой большой летней Универсиадой в истории этих соревнований. Сыграно 351 набор медалей для 27 видов спорта. В соревнованиях приняли участие 11 759 спортсменов из 162 стран. Такое большое количество участников конкурса также является рекордным для всех студенческих игр. Сборная России завоевала большинство медалей и установила наибольшее количество записей Универсиады


Напиши предложения, пользуясь подсказками, как написано в образце.

1. school (we) This is our school. Is this our school?
2. school bag (you) This is your bag. Is this your bag?
3. pencil (he) This is his pencil. Is this his pencil?
4. rubber (she) This is her rubber. Is this her rubber?
5. grandpa (they) This is their grandpa. Is this their gradnpa?
6. ball (it) This is its ball. Is this its ball?
7. pencil case (I) This is my pencil case. Is this my pencil case?

Другие вопросы из категории

Я написала что люблю путешествовать,как на море была,в городах,как хотелось бы полетать на самолёте. Что ещё написать? Напишите,прошу.

Читайте также

пожалуйста напишите по анг.яз

образец:He/friend (He has got a friend.It’s his friend.)
5.We/tree house
6.I/toy soldier

напиши предложения используя подсказки.
greengrocer/greengrocer’s/sell vegetables and fruit

1. baker/baker’s/make cake/bake bread
— A baker works at a baker’s. He bakes bread and makes cake.(это был пример.)
2. greengrocer/greengrocer’s/sell vegetables and fruit.
3. mechanic/garage/fix cars.
4. waiter/café/serve food and drinks
5. nurse/hospital/help sick people
6. teacher/school/teach students
7. farmer/on a farm/grow vegetables


. Напиши предложения, пользуясь подсказками?

. Напиши предложения, пользуясь подсказками.

Образец : He / read (ü) — He is reading.

I / sing (X) — l am not singing.

They / make a sandcastle (?

1 we aren’t driving a car

2 are they making a sandcastle

3 she isn’t watching tv

4 I am painting a picture

5 he is playing the piano

6 are you singing a song?

8 are they talking?

Образец She is watching TV.

— She isn`t watching TV.

1. They are playing the piano____2.

He is writing____4.

She is dancing____.

We are watching TV.

You are driving a car.

He is making a sandcastle.

They are painting a picture.

You are singing a song.

Помогите пожалуйста?

Из этих слов нужно составить правильные предложения!

We drive a car( в отриц.

Форме) they make a sandcastle(вопрос.



ФОРМЕ)he play the piano( в отрий.

Фор. )you sing a song( вопрос.

Составь и запиши предложения?

Составь и запиши предложения.

Образец : You like to sing at home.

You live in the forest.

He / She like to play football.

It likes read books.

We run in the park.

They visit Green School.

Раскройте скобки?

Помогите пожалуйста I (play) tennis, he (play) tennis too.

We (read) this text, she (read) that text.

They (sing) this song and we (sing) that song.

She (skate) and he (ski).

I (dance) and she (sing).

You (sing) and he (dance).

She (sit) and they (stand).

I (sit) and (watch) TV.

The dog (run) and (jump).

The girl (skip) and (run).

The girls (skip) and (run).

Sveta and I (help) Mum.

We (clean) the house.

Sveta (wash) the cups.

Составь и запиши предложения?

Составь и запиши предложения.

Образец : You like to sing at home.

You live in the forest.

He / She like to play football.

It likes read books.

We run in the park.

They visit Green School.

Задай вопрос и ответь на него, пользуясь подсказкой?

Задай вопрос и ответь на него, пользуясь подсказкой.

He is painting a picture.

1. the children / make a sandcastle 2.

Nanny Shine / watch TV 3.

Paco / drive a car 4.

Mamy / sing a song 5.

Larry and Lulu / write 6.

The animals / dance 7.

Your friends / walk 8.

Your mother and father / watch TV 10.

Your sister / play the piano 11.

You / read a book 12.

Your brother / play a game.

Ответить на вопросы?

Ответить на вопросы.

Образец : Is she reading?

1. Are you playing the piano?

Is she watching TV?

Are you driving a car?

Am i making a sandcastlw?

Are they painting a picture?

Is she singing a song?

Написать, что это не так?

Написать, что это не так.

Образец : She is watching TV.

— She isn’t watching TV.

1. they are playing the piano.

7. We are watching TV.

8. You are driving a car.

10. He is making a sandcastle.

11. They are painting a picture.

12. You are singing a song.

Образец She is watching TV.

— She isn`t watching TV.

1. They are playing the piano____2.

He is writing____4.

She is dancing____.

We are watching TV.

You are driving a car.

He is making a sandcastle.

They are painting a picture.

You are singing a song.

Напиши по образцу?

1. Drive a car (she ) ___________________________ 2.

Make a sandcastle (I) ________________________________ 3.

Watch TV (you) _________________________________________ 4.

Paint a picture (they) ________________________________________ 5.

Pley the piano (we) _____________________________________________ 6.

Sing a song (he )___________________________________________________ 7.

Dance (I) __________________________________________________________ 8.

Talk (they) _________________________________________________ 9.

Walk (she) _____________________________________________________.

Вопрос 1. Because on earth there are very few trees and many species of animals have already died or the man himself had erased them from the face of the earth. Вопрос 2. Bad air in my city because of the factoriesвопрос 3. We can plant trees, fe..

A) are you doing am answering answer b) Have you taken part tried Did you win I did not.

1) am writing 2) am staying 3) is 4) have 5) are surrounding 6) is 7) is 8) is 9) don’t like 10) enjoy 11) spend 12) is 13) offer 14) enjoy 15) am sending.

1)The teacher told the pupils to write down the words in the dictionary. Did the teacher tell the pupilsto write down the words in the dictionary? What did the teacer tell the pupilsto do? Who told the pupilsto write down the words in the dictiona..

What is Pharmacy? How else is the word “pharmacy” used? What does Physics deal with? What does Chemistry explain? What is Pharmacognosy? What does the Pharmacopoeia describe.


Карточки. 3 класс. УМК SPOTLIGHT.Модуль 2.

«Управление общеобразовательной организацией:
новые тенденции и современные технологии»

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Прочитай слова и найди их значение. Запиши ответы.

i) родословное древо

Напиши недостающие буквы.

li__ __ le s__ st __ r

b __ g bro__ __ er

Расшифруй слова и запиши их в таблицу с переводом.

Перепиши слова, расставляя их по алфавиту.

mum, dad, family tree, sister, brother, grandpa

Напиши, кто у тебя есть в семье.

Напиши соответствующее притяжательное местоимение.

Напишите предложения, пользуясь подсказками. Как показано в образце.

Образец : pen (she) – This is her pen.

А теперь уточни, кому это принадлежит.

Образец : Is this her pen?

Переведи на английский язык.

Образец: её сестра – her sister

Посмотри и напиши, чьи это вещи, как показано в образце.

Образец : her umbrella

Напиши, кому что принадлежит, как показано в образце.

Образец : He/ friend – He has got a friend. It’s his friend.

Распредели слова по столбикам в зависимости от правил чтения подчёркнутых букв и прочти слова.

Прочитай слова и найди их значение. Запиши ответы в таблицу.

Напиши недостающие буквы

___randm___ th___ r

gr___ n___ fath___r

Ответь на вопросы, пользуясь таблицей.

Образец : Who is John to Tom? – His grandfather.

Вставь am, is, are, have.

I (1) ___________ Betty. This (2) _______ my father and this (3) ________ my mother. Their names (4) _________ Djb and Sarah. Jeff and Tom (5) ________ my brothers. Jeff (6) _________ my big brother and Tom (7) ________ my little brother. I (8) _________ got a grandfother and a grandmother. They (9) ________ very nice. We (10) _________ a happy family.

Напиши существительные во множественном числе, как показано в образце.

Образец : chimp (11) – eleven chimps

Выбери правильный ответ и обведи букву кружком.

Напиши предложения во множественном числе.

Образец : It’s a book. – They’re books.

Напишите краткие ответы, пользуясь подсказками.

Образец : Is it a pencil? ( x ) – No, it isn’t.

Are they sad? ( x ) – No, they aren’t.

Are they happy? ( v ) – Yes, they are.

Напиши о предметах, пользуясь подсказками, как это показано в образце.

Образец : chair/ yellow – It’s a chair. It’s yellow.

clowns/ funny – They’re clowns. They’re funny.

Вычеркни лишнее слово.

Mum, dad, friend, grandma

Father, grandfather, sister, brother

Sam, Tad, Dolly, Jack

Найди, обведи и запиши ниже 6 слов, обозначающих членов семьи.Ищи по вертикали и горизонтали.

Подбери пару с одинаковым значением и запиши в таблицу.

Напиши, как их зовут.

Their names are Sasha and Masha.

Представьте всех членов своей семьи, включая своих домашних питомцев, как это показано в образце.

Образец : This is my father. His name is Victor. …………..

Закончи предложения, как показано в образце. Используйте притяжательные местоимения.

Образец : (I ) – My school bag is blue.

(They) _______________ school is big.

(You) ________________ dog is clever.

(She) _________________ brother can run and jump well.

(He) ____________ eyes are green.

(I) _____________hair is dark, but (she) ____________ hair is fair.

(We) ___________ friend has got three cats.

(It) _____________ name is Tiger.

Подчеркни правильное слово.

He/ His name is Eddy.

They/ Their are friends.

Betty is she/ her sister.

I/ We grandpa is funny.

This is our/ we cat.

Its/ It’s a teddy bear.

Are your/ you happy?

Заполни пропуски , используя следующие слова : sisters, family, names, little, funny, pet, black, father, happy, name.

Прочитай вопросы и выбери правильный ответ из трёх предложенных вариантов, пользуясь данным текстом.

How many sisters has Ben got?

What are his little sister’s names? What pet have they got?

Напиши предложения во множественном числе.

Образец : She is my sister. – They are my sisters.

I’m a student. – We are students.

Sam, Linda and Becky (1) ____________ from Britain. Boris (2) ___________ from Britain, he (3) ___________ from Russia. Sam and Becky (4) ___________

In Year 1. Boris and Linda (5) _____________ in Year 1. Linda (6) __________ in Year 2 and Boris (7) _________ in Year 3. Sam and Boris (8) ____________ are nine. Linda and Becky (9) ___________ nine. Linda (10) ____________ ten and Becky (11) ____________ eight. I (12) ___________ not from Britain. I (13) _________ from Russia. I (14) ___________ in Year 3. I (15) __________ nine years old.

Подбери соответствующую реплику. Запиши ответы в таблицу.

This is our baby brother.

My grandma and grandpa.

They’re toy soldiers.

It’s our little sister.

Поставь слова в правильном порядке и запиши предложения. Прочитай.

Исправь ошибки – зачеркни лишнее слово.

There’re are my favourite toys.

This is my the big sister.

I am have got a happy family.

It’s a the pencil case.

Harry is Kelly’s brother.

Terry is Sandra’s father.

Rose is Kelly’s grandmother.

Sandra is Herry’s mother.

Wilson is Terry’s brother.

Rose is Kelly’s sister.

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Теперь вы знаете какие однокоренные слова подходят к слову Напиши предложения пользуясь подсказками как показано в образце pen she 3 класс, а так же какой у него корень, приставка, суффикс и окончание. Вы можете дополнить список однокоренных слов к слову "Напиши предложения пользуясь подсказками как показано в образце pen she 3 класс", предложив свой вариант в комментариях ниже, а также выразить свое несогласие проведенным с морфемным разбором.

Какие вы еще знаете однокоренные слова к слову Напиши предложения пользуясь подсказками как показано в образце pen she 3 класс:

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