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Слово Казань на английском языке как пишется - однокоренные слова и морфемный разбор слова (приставка, корень, суффикс, окончание):

Морфемный разбор слова:

Однокоренные слова к слову:


1 Казань

2 казань

3 Казань

4 Казань

5 Казань

6 Казань

7 Казань

См. также в других словарях:

Казань — столица Татарстана. Город основан в XIII в. при впадении в Волгу р. Казанки (татар. Казан). Предложен ряд этимологии, из которых наиболее убедительны две: из этнонима казан, относящегося к одному из булгар, племен, или из тюрк, личного имени… … Географическая энциклопедия

Казань — Казань. Панорама центра города. КАЗАНЬ, город, столица (с 1920) Татарии (Российская Федерация). 1105 тыс. жителей. Порт на реке Волга, у впадения реки Казанка. Железнодорожный узел. Машиностроение (самолеты, ЭВМ и др.) и металлообработка,… … Иллюстрированный энциклопедический словарь

Казань — – столица республики Татарстан в России. Город находится на левом берегу Волги в месте впадения реки Волга в реку Казанка. Казань… … Города мира

Казань — столица Татарской АССР. Расположена на левом берегу р. Волга, при впадении в неё р. Казанка. Основан во второй половине XIII в. С XV в. столица Казанского ханства, которое в XVI в. было присоединено к Рус. государству. В центре Казани… … Художественная энциклопедия

казань — сущ., кол во синонимов: 3 • город (2765) • порт (361) • третья столица (1) Словарь синонимов ASIS … Словарь синонимов

Казань — губернский г. Казанской губ., под 55 … Энциклопедия Брокгауза и Ефрона

Казань — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Казань (значения). Город Казань тат. Казан … Википедия

Казань — город, столица Татарской АССР, один из важнейших промышленных и культурных центров Поволжья. Расположен на левом берегу р. Волги, при впадении в неё р. Казацки. Крупный речной порт (см. ст. Волжского бассейна речные порты). Ж. д … Большая советская энциклопедия

Казань — столица Тат. АССР (с 1920), центр её театр. и муз. жизни. 904 тыс. жит. (1972). Начало развития проф. музыкально театр. иск ва в К. относится к кон. 18 в. Муз. номера включались в такие представления на религиозной основе, как Пещное… … Музыкальная энциклопедия


Kazan city, Russia

Kazan, the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan, is a city with a long history located about 820 km east of Moscow on the left bank of the Volga River. This is one of the largest economic, scientific, educational, religious, cultural, and sports centers of Russia.

Kazan city flag

Kazan city coat of arms

Kazan city map, Russia

Kazan city latest news and posts from our blog:

News, notes and thoughts:

10 July, 2013 / The situation in Kazan Universiade becomes ridiculous. The Russian team is leading with a total 82 medals, including 41 gold medals. However, the closest pursuers, Japan and South Korea, have 6 gold medals. Russian sports officials apparently are eager to show excellent results. That’s why Russian champions of the Olympic Games, World Championships are included in the team. A brilliant solution!

Brief History of Kazan

Foundation of Kazan and its early history

In the 1220s-1240s, the Volga Bulgaria was conquered by the Mongols and, retaining some autonomy, was included in the Ulus of Jochi also known as the Golden Horde. After the formation of the Golden Horde, the Volga Bulgarians (Bulgars) became one of the main components in the ethnogenesis of today’s Kazan Tatars and Chuvashs.

In the 13th-14th centuries, Kazan became an important trade and political center of the Golden Horde. The growth of the town was also due to its favorable geographical position at the intersection of major trade routes connecting East and West. In the Russian chronicles, Kazan began to be mentioned in the 14th-15th centuries.

In 1438, the Bulgarian fortress of Kazan was captured by the Golden Horde khan Ulugh Muhammad, and the town became the capital of the Kazan Khanate. During this period, the production of leather goods, pottery, and weapons developed here. Kazan traded with Moscow, Crimea, the Ottoman Empire, and other regions.

Kazan as part of the Russian Empire

In 1708, Kazan became the capital of the vast Kazan Governorate. During the reign of Peter the Great, it became one of the most important industrial and administrative centers of Russia. A tannery and a cloth manufactory were built here. In 1722, Peter the Great visited Kazan.

The rapid development of Kazan began after the visit of Empress Catherine II in 1767, when she lifted all previous restrictions on the construction of stone mosques and Tatar public buildings, as well as in connection with her decree “On the tolerance of all faiths.” She presented Kazan with a galley and a carriage. The galley was lost during a fire, but the carriage was preserved. It is also installed as a replica-monument on the pedestrian Bauman Street.

In 1804, Imperial Kazan University was opened, the most famous students of which are Vladimir Lenin and Leo Tolstoy. In 1844, Karl Ernst Claus, professor at Kazan University, discovered ruthenium and named it in honor of Russia. Ruthenium is the only chemical element discovered in the Russian Empire and the USSR before the synthesis of transuranium elements in the late 20th century.

In the second half of the 19th century, significant changes took place in the infrastructure of Kazan: gas (1874) and electric (1897) lighting, one of the first electric trams (1899), telegraph (1859) and telephone (1881). In 1874, the city water supply was opened. In 1896, the railway connected Kazan with Moscow.

Kazan in the 20th century and beyond

In 1901, the Kazan Observatory was opened. In 1914, the population of Kazan was about 194,200 people. In 1918, during the Civil War in Russia, fierce battles were fought for Kazan. The troops of the Czechoslovak Legion in the course of five-day battles captured Kazan on August 6. The Red Army established control of the city on September 10.

On May 27, 1920, the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was formed with its capital in Kazan. In the 1930s, intensive industrialization of the city began, accompanied by rapid population growth. In 1939, the population of Kazan was 398,014 people.

During the Second World War, large factories were evacuated to Kazan. The city also became the temporary scientific “capital” of the USSR. The Academy of Sciences of the USSR, as well as most of the research institutes and a number of design bureaus were evacuated here.

After the war, the active development of the city continued. Kazan became one of the largest industrial, scientific, and cultural centers of the USSR, the population increased 2.5 times. In 1979, it exceeded 1 million people. Kazan also became one of the largest river ports, a new airport was built.

In 1990, Kazan was declared the capital of the sovereign Republic of Tatarstan. In the 1990s, this city became one of the most important interregional political, financial, sports, and tourist centers of Russia. In 2008, Kazan registered the brand “The Third Capital of Russia.”

In the 1990s-2000s, the historic center of Kazan was significantly rebuilt in preparation for the celebration of the millennium of the city. In 2005, the Millennium of Kazan was celebrated. In connection with this event, such objects as the Kazan Metro, the Kul-Sharif Mosque, the Millennium Bridge, the new hippodrome, Tatneft-Arena were built.

About one million tourists a year began to visit Kazan making it one of the most important tourist centers in Russia. The Kazan Kremlin became a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Several foreign general consulates and other diplomatic, trade, humanitarian representations were opened in the city.

Such large international sports competitions as the World Summer Universiade 2013, the World Aquatics Championship 2015, and six matches of the 2018 World Cup were held in Kazan.

Contrasts of Kazan

In the center of Kazan

Author: Sergey Bulanov

Kul-Sharif Mosque and Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral in Kazan

Author: Ayhan Sahin

The cultural-entertaining complex Pyramid in Kazan

Author: Sergey Kozin

There are several legends associated with the name of the city. According to the most common one, it originates from the Tatar word “kazan” meaning “cauldron”. The legend says that Kazan was founded on the spot where water boiled in a cauldron dug into the ground without fire. The historical symbol of Kazan, which is depicted on the emblem of the city, is the mythical dragon-like creature Zilant often mentioned in Tatar legends.

The industrial basis of Kazan includes engineering, chemical and petrochemical industries, light and food industries. The largest enterprises of Kazan are the chemical complex of Kazanorgsintez, the Kazan gunpowder factory (the oldest in Russia), and a unique cluster of three aviation industry enterprises. Tourism is also one of the promising directions for the development of the city. In 2019, about 3.5 million tourists visited Kazan.

This is one of the largest transport and logistics hubs in Russia. Kazan International Airport offers regular flights to such cities as Antalya, Baku, Barcelona, Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar, Moscow, Omsk, Perm, Thessaloniki, St. Petersburg, Sochi, and a number of others. Kazan (Volga) Federal University is one of ten Russian federal universities and the third (after St. Petersburg State University and Moscow State University) oldest university in Russia.

Kazan is a place where people of different nationalities and religions live peacefully, in an atmosphere of friendliness and tolerance. In this city, two religions are historically closely intertwined: Sunni Islam and Orthodoxy. Kazan has more than 60 mosques, 40 Orthodox churches, a dozen churches of other Christian movements, 1 synagogue, prayer houses of Bahai and Krishna.

In total, representatives of over 115 nationalities live in the capital of Tatarstan. According to the 2010 census, the most numerous of them are Russians (48.6%) and Tatars (47.6%). Also among the residents of Kazan you can meet the Chuvash, Ukrainians, Mari, Bashkirs, and Udmurts.

Main Attractions of Kazan

Epiphany Cathedral (1731-1756) on Bauman Street. The main attraction of this church is its magnificent tall bell tower (74 meters high) built in the style of “Russian Baroque” with numerous external decorative elements.

Chak-Chak Museum. This museum located in the Old Tatar Sloboda is dedicated to the main Tatar dessert and one of the symbols of Tatarstan. The atmosphere of the Tatar prosperous house of the late 19th century is recreated here (old furniture, household utensils, tools, etc.). The exposition tells about the history of chak-chak from the times of the Volga Bulgaria to the present. Parizhskoy Kommuny Street, 18.

The Temple of All Religions. This unusual architectural structure dedicated to various religions of the world is also known as the Ecumenical Church and the International Cultural Center for Spiritual Unity. This is the only such building in the world on the territory of which 16 faiths are united, but no religious rites are held here, since the complex has only symbolic meaning. Staro-Arakchinskaya Street, 4.

The Family Center “Kazan” (2013). This original building serves as the Wedding Palace of Kazan. Inside, there are three thematic zones, which are decorated and furnished in the styles of the Volga Bulgaria, the Kazan Khanate, and in a classical manner. The top of the building is crowned with a huge Turkic cauldron (“kazan”). In the days free from wedding registration, tourists can visit this building and climb to the observation deck. Sibgat Khakim Street, 4.



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2 Казан.

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8 казан

9 казан

См. также в других словарях:

КАЗАН — (евр. chasan). Запевало в синагоге. Словарь иностранных слов, вошедших в состав русского языка. Чудинов А.Н., 1910. КАЗАН (тур. kazan) котел. Словарь иностранных слов, вошедших в состав русского языка. Чудинов А.Н., 1910 … Словарь иностранных слов русского языка

казан — (татарск.). Котел с выпуклым, полусферическим дном, используемый для приготовления мяса, пловов, жареных супов (шурпы) и других блюд восточной кухни. Казаны делятся на стационарные (вмазанные в печь или поставленные на камни) и подвесные… … Кулинарный словарь

КАЗАН — Казан, брацлавский земянин. 1545. Арх. VI, 1, 19. Казан Коптев, торопчанин. 1595. А. К. II, 181. Ярош Казан, могилевский мещанин. 1618. Арх. Сб. II, VIII. Степан Казан, приказный (в Сибири). 1698. Доп. X, 287 … Биографический словарь

КАЗАН — муж., татар. (отчего и название города) котел, особ. большой, вмазанный или закладенный котел; винокуренные котлы зовутся казанами, также плоские, медные котлы на воскобойнях и пр. Казанок, казанец, котелок. Казан бухма каз, пельмени. Казан кабав … Толковый словарь Даля

КАЗАН — (котел для приготовления пищи). Давалось с пожеланием, чтобы ребенок всегда был обеспечен пропитанием. Антрополексема. Татарские, тюркские, мусульманские мужские имена. Словарь терминов … Словарь личных имен

казан — котелок, котел, казанок, чан Словарь русских синонимов. казан сущ., кол во синонимов: 5 • казанец (2) • казано … Словарь синонимов

КАЗАН — КАЗАН, казана, муж. (тюрк. kazan). Большой котел для приготовления пищи на много человек сразу (обл.). || Котел спец. назначения в различных производствах (спец.). Толковый словарь Ушакова. Д.Н. Ушаков. 1935 1940 … Толковый словарь Ушакова

КАЗАН — КАЗАН, а, муж. (обл.). Котёл для приготовления пищи. | уменьш. казанок, нка, муж. | прил. казанный, ая, ое. Толковый словарь Ожегова. С.И. Ожегов, Н.Ю. Шведова. 1949 1992 … Толковый словарь Ожегова

Казанів — іменник чоловічого роду населений пункт в Україні … Орфографічний словник української мови

Казан — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Казан (значения). Приготовление сумаляка в казане … Википедия


Tatarstan Republic (Kazan)

I want to tell you about Tatarstan, one of the biggest republics of Russia. It is located in the Eastern part of Europe at the junction of the Volga and Kama rivers. Its population is about three million people. Climate is moderate-continental with warm, sometimes hot summers and moderate cold winters. The main wealth of Tatarstan is oil, the stock of which is about one billion tons a year.

There are two state languages in Tatarstan: Russian and Tatar. Besides these languages there are a lot of languages spoken in the republic: the Chuvash language, the Mary language, the Mordova language and etc. All these language belongs to the Indo-European family of languages.

The capital of Tatarstan is Kazan. It is located on the left bank of the Volga river and was founded in 1177 by the Bulgar tzar Ibrahim. It is a big political, economic and cultural centre. It is the Seat of the Republic government, the high court, the Academy of sciences and many administrative bodies. Kazan is also the cultural centre. There are many libraries, theatres, museums, monuments and other places of interest in it. One of the most beautiful Cathedrals in Kazan is St. Paul’s Cathedral.

The attraction of historical places is not only in their architecture, but in the names of people or events which are connected with them. One of the places of historical interest in our country is the Central Park of Recreation and Rest. It is noticed for its landscape and architecture. The usual tourists’ attractions are the Kremlin and the University of Kazan. Besides they visit Tatar Drama Theatre. Another attraction is the Riverport of Kazan. In summer it is a crowded place but in winter it is visited very seldom. Our government and the city magistrate in Kazan do everything in their power to preserve building of the architectural value.

Kazan is also famous for its classical and modern writers, scientists, who made a valuable contribution to literature and science (M. Djalil, Butlerov). I’m very proud of my Motherland and I’ll be very happy to show it to my foreign friends.



Сочинение на тему «Казань»

на английском языке с переводом на русский язык



Kazan is one of the largest (the population is over a million citizens) and the most ancient cities of Russia, the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan. It is an important economic, scientific, religious, and cultural center where various cultures (Tatar, Russian, and European) and religions (Islam and Orthodox Christianity) coexist harmonically. Kazan is situated on the great river Volga; its river port and international airport are significant as trading and transport junctions. Some architectural objects of Kazan are in the list of UNESCO world heritage sites. Sports life of Kazan also develops quickly: there are famous local football, hockey and basketball clubs, and in recent years, the city held several large-scale competitions.

Казань – один из крупнейших (население превышает миллион человек) и древнейших городов России, столица Республики Татарстан. Она является важным экономическим, научным, религиозным и культурным центром, где разные культуры (татарская, русская и европейская) и религии (ислам и православное христианство) гармонично сосуществуют. Казань расположена на великой реке Волге; её речной порт и международный аэропорт – значимые торговые и транспортные узлы. Некоторые архитектурные объекты Казани внесены в список памятников Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО. Спортивная жизнь Казани также быстро развивается: там есть знаменитые местные футбольный, хоккейный, баскетбольный клубы, а в последние годы в городе прошло несколько масштабных соревнований.

According to historians, Kazan was founded at the beginning of the 11 th century. In the Middle Ages Kazan became a trading (blacksmithing, leather production, etc.) and cultural center of the Golden Horde. Afterward, it became the capital of Kazan Khanate, but in the 16 th century, Ivan IV joined it to Russia by force. As a part of Russian Empire, Kazan improved its industry, education (the third university in the country was opened there), and the level of life. Although Kazan suffered during the Civil War, it grew in the 20 th century turning into a megacity.

Согласно мнению историков, Казань была основана в начале XI
века. В Средние века Казань стала торговым (кузнечное дело, кожевенное производство и т.д.) и культурным центром Золотой Орды. Впоследствии она стала столицей Казанского ханства, но в XVI веке Иван IV силой присоединил его к России. Пока Казань была в составе Российской империи, развивались её промышленность, образование (третий университет в стране был открыт там) и уровень жизни. Хотя Казань пострадала в ходе Гражданской войны, в XX
веке она выросла, превратившись в мегаполис.

Nowadays, due to numerous landmarks, Kazan is a popular tourism direction. The ensemble of its medieval Kremlin is very impressive, as well as fine mosque Qol Sharif. Everyone enjoy visiting parks, museums, theaters of Kazan; besides, this city is a center of many national and international festivals of classical and modern (including ethnic) music.

В наши дни, благодаря многочисленным достопримечательностям, Казань – популярное туристическое направление. Ансамбль её средневекового Кремля очень впечатляющ, как и прекрасная мечеть Кул-Шариф. Все с удовольствием посещают парки, музеи, театры Казани; кроме того, этот город – центр многих национальных и международных фестивалей классической и современной (в том числе этнической) музыки.


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