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Tower Bridge

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tower Bridge is a Grade I listed combined bascule and suspension bridge in London, built between 1886 and 1894, designed by Horace Jones and engineered by John Wolfe Barry. The bridge crosses the River Thames close to the Tower of London and is one of five London bridges owned and maintained by the Bridge House Estates, a charitable trust founded in 1282. The bridge was constructed to give better access to the East End of London, which had expanded its commercial potential in the 19th century. The bridge was opened by Edward, Prince of Wales and Alexandra, Princess of Wales in 1894.

The bridge is 800 feet (240 m) in length and consists of two 213-foot (65 m) bridge towers connected at the upper level by two horizontal walkways, and a central pair of bascules that can open to allow shipping. Originally hydraulically powered, the operating mechanism was converted to an electro-hydraulic system in 1972. The bridge is part of the A100 [1] London Inner Ring Road and thus the boundary of the London congestion charge zone, and remains an important traffic route with 40,000 crossings every day. The bridge deck is freely accessible to both vehicles and pedestrians, whereas the bridge’s twin towers, high-level walkways and Victorian engine rooms form part of the Tower Bridge Exhibition.

Tower Bridge has become a recognisable London landmark. It is sometimes confused with London Bridge, about 0.5 miles (0.80 km) upstream, which has led to a popular urban legend about an American purchasing the wrong bridge. Several stunt pilots have flown underneath the bridge, including the pioneering Francis McClean.


tower bridge

1 Tower Bridge

2 Tower Bridge

3 tower bridge

4 tower bridge

См. также в других словарях:

Tower Bridge — Pays … Wikipédia en Français

Tower Bridge — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Tower Bridge País Inglaterra Localidad Londres … Wikipedia Español

Tower Bridge — [Tower Bridge] a bridge across the River ↑Thames and one of the most famous structures in London. It was built between 1886 and 1894 and is close to ↑London Bridge and the ↑Tower of London. Its towers are in the ↑Gothic style and the part of the… … Useful english dictionary

Tower Bridge — a bridge which crosses the River Thames in London, just to the east of the Tower of London. The part of the bridge which carries the road divides in the middle into two separate parts, which can be pulled up so that tall ships can pass under it.… … Dictionary of contemporary English

Tower Bridge — Infobox Bridge bridge name= Tower Bridge caption= Tower Bridge from the North Bank at dusk official name= also known as= carries= A100 Tower Bridge Road motor vehicles, pedestrians crosses= Thames locale= London maint= Bridge House Estates … Wikipedia

Tower Bridge — 51.50551 0.075445000000002 Koordinaten: 51° 30′ 19,8″ N, 0° 4′ 31,6″ W f1 … Deutsch Wikipedia

Tower bridge — Die Tower Bridge in der Abenddämmerung vom Südufer aus gesehen Die Tower Bridge ist eine Straßenbrücke über den Fluss Themse in London. Sie wurde 1894 eröffnet und verbindet die City of London auf der Nordseite mit dem Stadtteil Southwark im… … Deutsch Wikipedia

Tower Bridge — a bridge across the River Thames and one of the most famous structures in London. It was built between 1886 and 1894 and is close to London Bridge and the Tower of London. Its towers are in the Gothic style and the part of the bridge with the… … Universalium

Tower-Bridge — Координаты: 51°30′20″ с. ш. 0°04′30″ з. д. / 51.505556° с. ш. 0.075° з. д. … Википедия

Tower Bridge — Координаты: 51°30′20″ с. ш. 0°04′30″ з. д. / 51.505556° с. ш. 0.075° з. д. … Википедия


Tower Bridge

The Tower Bridge is located in above the River Thames, London. On June 30th, 1894, the Tower bridge was opened by King Edward VII. The design of the Tower Bridge was done by Horace Jones and Wolfe Barry, the bridge was constructed in the year 1894. The Tower Bridge contains two massive towers which are linked together. The bridge stands at a height of 60 meters and the height of each tower is about 43 meters. The middle part of the bridge can be lifted up when huge ships pass through that way. In the past, the bridge was lifted nearly 50 times per day.

Initially, the Tower Bridge was constructed as a level crossing over the River Thames, as the population of London grew, new bridges were constructed. But among all the bridges in London, Tower Bridge is the only one of its kinds. During the construction of the bridge, almost 50 designs were taken into consideration, these 50 designs can be viewed at Tower Bridge Exhibition. Finally, John Wolfe Barry and Horace Jones (architects) designs were chosen.

Eight years were involved in the construction of the bridge, about 430 laborers and five contractors took part in the construction. Two enormous pillars were downcast deep into the Thames River and 11,000 tons of steel are used in building the walkways and towers. The towers are then built with Portland stone and granite. The construction of the bridge pictures can be viewed in the Tower Bridge Exhibition.

The Tower Bridge is operated by hydraulic methods. Over six massive accumulators are used in the operation of the bridge. These machines use steam to generate power and the power is fed to the accumulators. Using this energy, the bridge bascules are lifted up to a height of about 86 degrees. But from the year 1976, electricity and oil were used in place of steam. In addition, the bridge also uses navigation system for the signaling of ships and to control the traffic.

History & Facts

• In the year 1910, the walkways for the public have been designed.

• In the year 1912, Frank MacLean, a pilot has flied in the center of the bascules.

• In the year 1952, a bus jumped over the other bascule during the rising of the bridge.

• In the year 1977, the bridge was painted in several colors.

• In the year 1982, Tower Bridge Exhibition was opened.

• In the year 1993, the Centenary exhibition was opened at the Tower Bridge.

• In the year 1994, the bridge was available for events and parties.

• In the year 2002, the Tower Bridge Exhibition was reopened.

• In the year 2007, the Tower Bridge Exhibition celebrated its Silver Jubilee.

The Tower Bridge exhibition is a special attraction, where the designs, construction and the operating of the bridge can be viewed. The Tower Bridge is a great tourist destination and one of the mostly visited spots in the world. In the present days, the Tower Bridge is closed for some repairs, but it is open on certain days.

Traveling to Tower Bridge

There are numbers of flight services from all over the world to the London Heathrow Airport. Frequent train services are available from the underground London Bridge stations. In addition a number of private bus services are available frequently.


Tower bridge доклад на английском языке с переводом

Ответ или решение 1

London’s Tower Bridge is one of the most recognizable bridges in the world. Tower Bridge is a combined bascule and suspension bridge over the River Thames in London and takes its name from the nearby Tower of London. It has become an iconic symbol of the city and a very popular tourist attraction.

In 1876 the City of London Corporation had an idea to build a new bridge but it was clear that the new bridge would not disrupt river traffic. There were more than 50 designs and it wasn’t easy to choose the best. Finely design of Sir Horace Jones and Sir John Wolfe Barry was chosen. In 1886 the Bridge’s construction began. Tower Bridge was officially opened on 30th June 1894.

​The bridge is 244m (800 ft) long between two 65m (213 ft) tall towers constructed on piers. The central span of 61m (200 ft) between the towers is split equally into two bascules or leaves, which can be raised to an angle of 83 degrees to allow river traffic to pass through. The bascules weigh over 1,100 tons each and are counterbalanced to minimize the force required to raise them, an operation which takes just five minutes. They are raised by huge hydraulic pumps which were first powered by coal burning steam engines which were replaced by electricity and oil in 1976. The two side-spans are suspension bridges, each being 82m (270 ft) in length.

​There are two high level walkways between the towers which allow to cross the river even when the bridge deck is raised. These walkways were closed to the public in 1910 due to lack of use but were reopened as fully covered passages in 1982 as part of the then newly launched Tower Bridge Exhibition.

В 1876 году у корпорации Лондона появилась идея построить новый мост, но было ясно, что новый мост не нарушит движение реки. Было более 50 дизайнов, и было нелегко выбрать лучшее. Был выбран тончайший дизайн сэра Гораса Джонса и сэра Джона Вулфа Барри. В 1886 году началось строительство моста. Тауэрский мост был официально открыт 30 июня 1894 года.

Между башнями есть две дорожки высокого уровня, которые позволяют пересечь реку, даже когда поднят мост. Эти проходы были закрыты для публики в 1910 году из-за отсутствия использования, но были вновь открыты как полностью закрытые пассажи в 1982 году в рамках недавно выпущенной выставки Tower Bridge.


Тауэрский мост

1 Тауэрский мост

См. также в других словарях:

Тауэрский мост — Тауэрский мост, вид с южного берега … Википедия

Тауэрский мост — (Tower Bridge) является символом Великобритании. Он был торжественно открыт 30 июня 1894 года принцем Уэльским, будущим королем Эдуардом VII. Свое название мост получил благодаря соседству с Лондонским Тауэром. Решение о строительстве Тауэрского… … Энциклопедия ньюсмейкеров

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Ватерлоо (мост) — Мост Ватерлоо Координаты … Википедия

Путни (мост) — Мост Путни … Википедия

Миллениум (мост в Лондоне) — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Мост Миллениум (значения). Мост Тысячелетия … Википедия

Лондонский мост — Лондонский мост … Википедия

Вестминстерский мост — Вестминстерский мост … Википедия

Разводной мост — Эта статья о типе мостов. О мосте в городе Кронштадт см. Разводной мост (Кронштадт). Разводной мост особый тип моста, имеющий подвижное пролётное строение. Разводные мосты, как правило, строят на судоходных реках и… … Википедия

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