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Слово Как пишется революшен на английском - однокоренные слова и морфемный разбор слова (приставка, корень, суффикс, окончание):

Морфемный разбор слова:

Однокоренные слова к слову:


1 revolution

to bring about a revolution — вызывать революцию; приводить к революции

to launch a revolution — начинать / поднимать революцию

to make a revolution in science — производить переворот / революцию в науке

to overthrow smb in a revolution — свергать кого-л. в результате революции

2 revolution

industrial revolution — промышленная революция; промышленный переворот

revolution counter — счётчик числа оборотов, тахометр

3 revolution

4 revolution

palace revolution дворцовый переворот revolution коренное изменение

крутая ломка, крутой перелом

palace revolution дворцовый переворот

периодическое возвращение;
the revolution of the seasons смена времен года

counter тех. счетчик числа оборотов

периодическое возвращение;
the revolution of the seasons смена времен года

полный оборот;
revolutions per minute число оборотов в минуту

5 revolution

6 revolution

to carry out [conduct, fight, organize\] a revolution — организовывать [поднимать\] революционное восстание

to crush [defeat, put down\] a revolution — подавлять революцию

7 revolution

8 revolution

9 revolution

10 revolution

11 revolution

to carry out / conduct / fight / organize a revolution — организовывать революционное восстание

to crush / defeat / put down a revolution — подавлять революцию

to foment / stir up a revolution — побуждать к революции

12 revolution

13 revolution

14 revolution

15 revolution

16 revolution

in a single revolution — за оборот, за один оборот

in one revolution — за оборот, за один оборот

17 revolution

18 revolution

19 revolution

20 revolution

См. также в других словарях:

révolution — [ revɔlysjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1267 « achèvement d un cycle; écoulement d une période de temps »; bas lat. revolutio « déroulement » I ♦ Mouvement en courbe fermée. 1 ♦ Retour périodique d un astre à un point de son orbite; par ext. Marche, mouvement d… … Encyclopédie Universelle

Revolution 1 — Revolution (chanson) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Revolution. Revolution Single par The Beatles Face A Hey Jude Face B … Wikipédia en Français

Revolution 9 — Recorded composition by The Beatles from the album The Beatles Released 22 November 1968 Recorded May–June 1968 EMI Studios, London Genre Musi … Wikipedia

Revolution — Révolution (homonymie) Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom … Wikipédia en Français

Revolution — Rev o*lu tion, n. [F. r[ e]volution, L. revolutio. See .] 1. The act of revolving, or turning round on an axis or a center; the motion of a body round a fixed point or line; rotation; as, the revolution of a wheel, of a top, of the earth … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Revolution 9 — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda «Revolution 9» Canción de The Beatles Álbum The Beatles Publicación 22 de noviembre de 1 … Wikipedia Español

Revolution 9 — Исполнитель The Beatles Альбом Белый альбом Дата выпуска 22 ноября 1968 Дата записи … Википедия

Revolution OS — Revolution OS … Википедия

revolution — rev‧o‧lu‧tion [ˌrevəˈluːʆn] noun [countable] a complete change in ways of thinking, methods of working etc: revolution in • Computer technology has caused a revolution in working practices. revolutionary adjective : • revolutionary advances in… … Financial and business terms

Revolution — (революция) может означать: Музыка Revolution альбом Running Wild, выпущенный в 2000 году Revolution альбом Insolence, выпущенный в 2001 году Revolution альбом Lacrimosa, выпущенный в 2012 году, и одноимённая песня из него.… … Википедия



1 revolution

to bring about a revolution — вызывать революцию; приводить к революции

to launch a revolution — начинать / поднимать революцию

to make a revolution in science — производить переворот / революцию в науке

to overthrow smb in a revolution — свергать кого-л. в результате революции

2 revolution

industrial revolution — промышленная революция; промышленный переворот

revolution counter — счётчик числа оборотов, тахометр

3 revolution

4 revolution

palace revolution дворцовый переворот revolution коренное изменение

крутая ломка, крутой перелом

palace revolution дворцовый переворот

периодическое возвращение;
the revolution of the seasons смена времен года

counter тех. счетчик числа оборотов

периодическое возвращение;
the revolution of the seasons смена времен года

полный оборот;
revolutions per minute число оборотов в минуту

5 revolution

6 revolution

to carry out [conduct, fight, organize\] a revolution — организовывать [поднимать\] революционное восстание

to crush [defeat, put down\] a revolution — подавлять революцию

7 revolution

8 revolution

9 revolution

10 revolution

11 revolution

to carry out / conduct / fight / organize a revolution — организовывать революционное восстание

to crush / defeat / put down a revolution — подавлять революцию

to foment / stir up a revolution — побуждать к революции

12 revolution

13 revolution

14 révolution

15 révolution

la Révolution Socialiste d’Octobre — Октя́брьская социали́стическая револю́ция;

16 revolution

17 revolution

18 Revolution

19 revolution

in a single revolution — за оборот, за один оборот

in one revolution — за оборот, за один оборот

20 revolution

См. также в других словарях:

révolution — [ revɔlysjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1267 « achèvement d un cycle; écoulement d une période de temps »; bas lat. revolutio « déroulement » I ♦ Mouvement en courbe fermée. 1 ♦ Retour périodique d un astre à un point de son orbite; par ext. Marche, mouvement d… … Encyclopédie Universelle

Revolution 1 — Revolution (chanson) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Revolution. Revolution Single par The Beatles Face A Hey Jude Face B … Wikipédia en Français

Revolution 9 — Recorded composition by The Beatles from the album The Beatles Released 22 November 1968 Recorded May–June 1968 EMI Studios, London Genre Musi … Wikipedia

Revolution — Révolution (homonymie) Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom … Wikipédia en Français

Revolution — Rev o*lu tion, n. [F. r[ e]volution, L. revolutio. See .] 1. The act of revolving, or turning round on an axis or a center; the motion of a body round a fixed point or line; rotation; as, the revolution of a wheel, of a top, of the earth … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Revolution 9 — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda «Revolution 9» Canción de The Beatles Álbum The Beatles Publicación 22 de noviembre de 1 … Wikipedia Español

Revolution 9 — Исполнитель The Beatles Альбом Белый альбом Дата выпуска 22 ноября 1968 Дата записи … Википедия

Revolution OS — Revolution OS … Википедия

revolution — rev‧o‧lu‧tion [ˌrevəˈluːʆn] noun [countable] a complete change in ways of thinking, methods of working etc: revolution in • Computer technology has caused a revolution in working practices. revolutionary adjective : • revolutionary advances in… … Financial and business terms

Revolution — (революция) может означать: Музыка Revolution альбом Running Wild, выпущенный в 2000 году Revolution альбом Insolence, выпущенный в 2001 году Revolution альбом Lacrimosa, выпущенный в 2012 году, и одноимённая песня из него.… … Википедия



1 revolutions

2 revolutions

3 revolutions

4 revolutions

5 revolutions

6 revolutions

7 revolutions

См. также в других словарях:

Revolutions — Revolutions … Википедия

Révolutions — Révolution (homonymie) Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom … Wikipédia en Français

Revolutions — (1848) A sequence of uprisings across Western and Central Europe sparked by the February revolution in France the revolutions of 1848 were characterized by radical economic and political demands, and in some cases a desire for national… … Historical dictionary of Marxism

revolutions — noun As the turnings of a motor, or the overthrowing of a government … Wiktionary

revolutions — rev·o·lu·tion || ‚revÉ™ luːʃn n. overthrow of the government; one spin, one full turn; circuit, course or procedure leading back to the starting point … English contemporary dictionary

Revolutions of 1848 — Barricade on the rue Soufflot,[1][2] an 1848 painting by Horace Vernet. The Panthéon is shown in t … Wikipedia

Revolutions de couleur — Révolutions de couleur Les révolutions de couleur ou révolutions des fleurs sont le nom donné collectivement à la série de mouvements qui se sont développés dans les sociétés post communistes d Europe centrale et orientale et d Asie centrale.… … Wikipédia en Français

Revolutions per Minute — Revolutions per Minute … Википедия

Revolutions (disambiguation) — Revolutions are fundamental changes in power that take place in relatively short periods of time.Revolutions may also refer to:* Revolutions (album), a 1988 electronic album * Revolutions (X Ecutioners album), a 2004 hip hop album * The Matrix… … Wikipedia

Revolutions per Minute — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Revolutions per Minute Álbum de Skid Row Publicación 2006 Grabación 2006 … Wikipedia Español

Revolutions per Minute (álbum de Rise Against) — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Revolutions per Minute Álbum de Rise Against Publicación 8 de abril de 2003 Grabación Nov dic de 2002 … Wikipedia Español


english revolution

1 Английская (буржуазная) революция

2 Английская буржуазная революция

3 английская революция

4 культурная революция

5 социалистическая революция

6 English term

7 Joint Matriculation Board Test in English

8 Первый сертификат по английскому языку (First Certificate of English))

9 volume per revolution

10 Academic English Program for University and College Entry

11 Advanced Practical English Teaching

12 African American Vernacular English

13 American English

14 American and English Annotated Cases

15 American and English Corporation Cases

16 Annotated Bibliography For English Studies

17 Another Sad Horrific English Series

18 Association of Recognised English Language Services

19 Association of Teachers of English as a Second Language

20 Australian English

См. также в других словарях:

English Revolution — The term English Revolution refers to the period of the English Civil Wars and Commonwealth period 1640 1660, in which Parliament challenged King Charles I s authority, engaged in civil conflict against his forces, and executed him in 1649. This… … Wikipedia

English Revolution — noun the revolution against James II; there was little armed resistance to William and Mary in England although battles were fought in Scotland and Ireland (1688 1689) • Syn: ↑Glorious Revolution, ↑Bloodless Revolution • Instance Hypernyms:… … Useful english dictionary

English Revolution — the events of 1688 89 by which James II was expelled and the sovereignty conferred on William and Mary. Also called Bloodless Revolution, Glorious Revolution. * * * … Universalium

English Revolution of 1688 — • The history of the Revolution resolves itself into a catalogue of various ill judged measures which alienated the support of the Established Church, the Tory party, and the nation as a whole Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. English… … Catholic encyclopedia

English Revolution in the Colonies — At the beginning of the English Revolution (1642–1660), fifty thousand Englishmen inhabited some twenty colonies in the Americas. Most of the colonies were founded in the decade prior to the English Civil War with the oldest existing being the… … Wikipedia

Intellectual Origins of the English Revolution — is a book by John Edward Christopher Hill. It is an influential Marxist text with chapters on the following: * London Science and Medicine * Francis Bacon and the Parliamentarians * Raleigh * Sir Edward Coke * Appendix: A Note on the Universities … Wikipedia

Revolution — Rev o*lu tion, n. [F. r[ e]volution, L. revolutio. See .] 1. The act of revolving, or turning round on an axis or a center; the motion of a body round a fixed point or line; rotation; as, the revolution of a wheel, of a top, of the earth … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

English Civil War — For other uses, see English Civil War (disambiguation). English Civil War An allegory of the English Civil War by Wi … Wikipedia

Revolution — Revolutionary war and Revolt redirect here. For other uses, see Revolt (disambiguation). For other uses, see revolution (disambiguation) and revolutions (disambiguation) … Wikipedia

English Literature — • Latin, French, Italian, Greek, and Spanish literatures are a few of the influences Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. English Literature English Literature … Catholic encyclopedia

English Armada — Part of the Anglo–Spanish War (1585) Monument of the heroine María Pita in the Square of the Town Hall of La Co … Wikipedia


popular revolution

1 popular revolution

2 popular revolution

3 popular revolution

См. также в других словарях:

Popular monarchy — is a system of monarchical governance in which the monarch s title is linked with the people rather than a unitary state. It was the norm in some places (such as Scotland) from the Middle Ages, and was occasionally used in 19th and 20th century… … Wikipedia

Popular sovereignty — or the sovereignty of the people is the political principle that the legitimacy of the state is created and sustained by the will or consent of its people, who are the source of all political power. It is closely associated with Republicanism and … Wikipedia

Revolution 9 — Recorded composition by The Beatles from the album The Beatles Released 22 November 1968 Recorded May–June 1968 EMI Studios, London Genre Musi … Wikipedia

Popular culture studies — is the academic discipline studying popular culture. It is generally considered as a combination of communication studies and cultural studies. Following the social upheavals of the 1960s, popular culture has come to be taken more seriously as a… … Wikipedia

Popular culture — (commonly known as pop culture) is the totality of ideas, perspectives, attitudes, memes,[1] images and other phenomena that are deemed preferred per an informal consensus within the mainstream of a given culture, especially Western culture of… … Wikipedia

Popular Republican Movement — Mouvement Républicain Populaire President Maurice Schumann (1944 49) Jean Lecanuet (1963 65) … Wikipedia

Revolution Summer — refers to the metamorphosis of the punk rock community of Washington, DC in the summer of 1985. The most notable and memorable of the Revolution Summer bands are Rites of Spring, Moss Icon and Embrace, though other bands such as Gray Matter, Fire … Wikipedia

Popular print — Popular Prints is a term for printed images of generally low artistic quality which were sold cheaply in Europe and later the New World from the fifteenth to eighteenth centuries, often with text as well as images. They were the first mass media … Wikipedia


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