Главная » Правописание слов » Как пишется enjoy в прошедшем времени

Слово Как пишется enjoy в прошедшем времени - однокоренные слова и морфемный разбор слова (приставка, корень, суффикс, окончание):

Морфемный разбор слова:

Однокоренные слова к слову:

Глагол enjoy в английском языке

Перевод enjoy с английского на русский


3 формы глагола с транскрипцией

Base Form

Past Simple
2-ая форма
Past Participle
3-ая форма
(Причастие прошедшего времени)
enjoy enjoyed enjoyed enjoying
[ɪnˈdʒɔɪ] [ɪnˈdʒɔɪd] [ɪnˈdʒɔɪd] [ɪnˈdʒɔɪɪŋ]
[ɪnˈdʒɔɪ] [ɪnˈdʒɔɪd] [ɪnˈdʒɔɪd] [ɪnˈdʒɔɪɪŋ]

Тренажёр спряжения для запоминая форм

Чтобы настройки вступили в силу, необходимо перезапустить тренажер.

Спряжение enjoy в английском языке во всех временах, лицах и числах

Simple Tense — Простое (неопределенное) время

Present Simple
Простое настоящее

Past Simple
Простое прошедшее

Future Simple
Простое будущее

Continuous Tense — Длительное время

Present Simple Continuous
Настоящее длительное

Past Simple Continuous
Прошедшее длительное

Future Simple Continuous
Будущее длительное

Perfect Tense — Совершенное время

Present Perfect
Настоящее совершенное

Past Perfect
Прошедшее совершенное

Future Perfect
Будущее совершенное

Perfect Continuous Tense — Длительное совершенное время

Present Perfect Continuous
Настоящее совершенное длительное

Past Perfect Continuous
Прошедшее совершенное длительное

Future Perfect Continuous
Будущее совершенное длительное

Conditional — Условное наклонение


Спряжение глагола «to enjoy» (Английский язык)

Глагол to enjoy – правильный глагол в английском языке, в переводе на русский означает: получать удовольствие; наслаждаться; пользоваться; обладать.

Infinitive to enjoy
Simple past enjoyed
Past participle enjoyed
-s enjoys
-ing enjoying

Enjoy in present simple



He does not enjoy
She does not enjoy
It does not enjoy


Does he enjoy?
Does she enjoy?
Does it enjoy?

Enjoy in present continuous


He is enjoying
She is enjoying
It is enjoying


You are not enjoying

He is not enjoying
She is not enjoying
It is not enjoying

We are not enjoying

You are not enjoying

They are not enjoying


Is he enjoying?
Is she enjoying?
Is it enjoying?

Enjoy in present perfect


He has enjoyed
She has enjoyed
It has enjoyed


I have not enjoyed

You have not enjoyed

He has not enjoyed
She has not enjoyed
It has not enjoyed

We have not enjoyed

You have not enjoyed

They have not enjoyed


Has he enjoyed?
Has she enjoyed?
Has it enjoyed?

Enjoy in present perfect continuous


I have been enjoying

You have been enjoying

He has been enjoying
She has been enjoying
It has been enjoying

We have been enjoying

You have been enjoying

They have been enjoying


I have not been enjoying

You have not been enjoying

He has not been enjoying
She has not been enjoying
It has not been enjoying

We have not been enjoying

You have not been enjoying

They have not been enjoying


Have I been enjoying?

Have you been enjoying?

Has he been enjoying?
Has she been enjoying?
Has it been enjoying?

Have we been enjoying?

Have you been enjoying?

Have they been enjoying?

Enjoy in past simple


He enjoyed
She enjoyed
It enjoyed


He did not enjoy
She did not enjoy
It did not enjoy

They did not enjoy


Did he enjoy?
Did she enjoy?
Did it enjoy?

Enjoy in past continuous


He was enjoying
She was enjoying
It was enjoying

They were enjoying


I was not enjoying

You were not enjoying

He was not enjoying
She was not enjoying
It was not enjoying

We were not enjoying

You were not enjoying

They were not enjoying


Was he enjoying?
Was she enjoying?
Was it enjoying?

Were they enjoying?

Enjoy in past perfect


He had enjoyed
She had enjoyed
It had enjoyed


You had not enjoyed

He had not enjoyed
She had not enjoyed
It had not enjoyed

We had not enjoyed

You had not enjoyed

They had not enjoyed


Had he enjoyed?
Had she enjoyed?
Had it enjoyed?

Enjoy in past perfect continuous


I had been enjoying

You had been enjoying

He had been enjoying
She had been enjoying
It had been enjoying

We had been enjoying

You had been enjoying

They had been enjoying


I had not been enjoying

You had not been enjoying

He had not been enjoying
She had not been enjoying
It had not been enjoying

We had not been enjoying

You had not been enjoying

They had not been enjoying


Had I been enjoying?

Had you been enjoying?

Had he been enjoying?
Had she been enjoying?
Had it been enjoying?

Had we been enjoying?

Had you been enjoying?

Had they been enjoying?

Enjoy in future simple


He will enjoy
She will enjoy
It will enjoy


You will not enjoy

He will not enjoy
She will not enjoy
It will not enjoy

You will not enjoy

They will not enjoy


Will he enjoy?
Will she enjoy?
Will it enjoy?

Enjoy in future continuous


I will be enjoying

You will be enjoying

He will be enjoying
She will be enjoying
It will be enjoying

We will be enjoying

You will be enjoying

They will be enjoying


I will not be enjoying

You will not be enjoying

He will not be enjoying
She will not be enjoying
It will not be enjoying

We will not be enjoying

You will not be enjoying

They will not be enjoying


Will I be enjoying?

Will you be enjoying?

Will he be enjoying?
Will she be enjoying?
Will it be enjoying?

Will we be enjoying?

Will you be enjoying?

Will they be enjoying?

Enjoy in future perfect


I will have enjoyed

You will have enjoyed

He will have enjoyed
She will have enjoyed
It will have enjoyed

We will have enjoyed

You will have enjoyed

They will have enjoyed


I will not have enjoyed

You will not have enjoyed

He will not have enjoyed
She will not have enjoyed
It will not have enjoyed

We will not have enjoyed

You will not have enjoyed

They will not have enjoyed


Will I have enjoyed?

Will you have enjoyed?

Will he have enjoyed?
Will she have enjoyed?
Will it have enjoyed?

Will we have enjoyed?

Will you have enjoyed?

Will they have enjoyed?

Enjoy in future perfect continuous


I will have been enjoying

You will have been enjoying

He will have been enjoying
She will have been enjoying
It will have been enjoying

We will have been enjoying

You will have been enjoying

They will have been enjoying


I will not have been enjoying

You will not have been enjoying

He will not have been enjoying
She will not have been enjoying
It will not have been enjoying

We will not have been enjoying

You will not have been enjoying

They will not have been enjoying


Will I have been enjoying?

Will you have been enjoying?

Will he have been enjoying?
Will she have been enjoying?
Will it have been enjoying?

Will we have been enjoying?

Will you have been enjoying?

Will they have been enjoying?

Enjoy in conditional present


He would enjoy
She would enjoy
It would enjoy


You would not enjoy

He would not enjoy
She would not enjoy
It would not enjoy

We would not enjoy

You would not enjoy

They would not enjoy


Would he enjoy?
Would she enjoy?
Would it enjoy?

Enjoy in conditional present progressive


I would be enjoying

You would be enjoying

He would be enjoying
She would be enjoying
It would be enjoying

We would be enjoying

You would be enjoying

They would be enjoying


I would not be enjoying

You would not be enjoying

He would not be enjoying
She would not be enjoying
It would not be enjoying

We would not be enjoying

You would not be enjoying

They would not be enjoying


Would I be enjoying?

Would you be enjoying?

Would he be enjoying?
Would she be enjoying?
Would it be enjoying?

Would we be enjoying?

Would you be enjoying?

Would they be enjoying?

Enjoy in conditional perfect


I would have enjoyed

You would have enjoyed

He would have enjoyed
She would have enjoyed
It would have enjoyed

We would have enjoyed

You would have enjoyed

They would have enjoyed


I would not have enjoyed

You would not have enjoyed

He would not have enjoyed
She would not have enjoyed
It would not have enjoyed

We would not have enjoyed

You would not have enjoyed

They would not have enjoyed


Would I have enjoyed?

Would you have enjoyed?

Would he have enjoyed?
Would she have enjoyed?
Would it have enjoyed?

Would we have enjoyed?

Would you have enjoyed?

Would they have enjoyed?

Enjoy in conditional perfect progressive


I would have been enjoying

You would have been enjoying

He would have been enjoying
She would have been enjoying
It would have been enjoying

We would have been enjoying

You would have been enjoying

They would have been enjoying


I would not have been enjoying

You would not have been enjoying

He would not have been enjoying
She would not have been enjoying
It would not have been enjoying

We would not have been enjoying

You would not have been enjoying

They would not have been enjoying


Would I have been enjoying?

Would you have been enjoying?

Would he have been enjoying?
Would she have been enjoying?
Would it have been enjoying?


Как пишется enjoy в прошедшем времени

наслаждаться, пользоваться, насладиться, получать, удовольствие, любить, нравиться, понравиться, иметь, обладать, радоваться, увлекаться, развлекаться, развлечься, Enjoy

Реализовано с помощью сервиса «API «Яндекс.Словарь»


I enjoy
you enjoy
he enjoys
we enjoy
you enjoy
they enjoy

Present continuous

Past simple

I have enjoyed
you have enjoyed
he has enjoyed
we have enjoyed
you have enjoyed
they have enjoyed

Past continuous

I have been enjoying
you have been enjoying
he has been enjoying
we have been enjoying
you have been enjoying
they have been enjoying

Present perfect

I will enjoy
you will enjoy
he will enjoy
we will enjoy
you will enjoy
they will enjoy

Present perfect continuous

I will be enjoying
you will be enjoying
he will be enjoying
we will be enjoying
you will be enjoying
they will be enjoying

Past perfect

I will have enjoyed
you will have enjoyed
he will have enjoyed
we will have enjoyed
you will have enjoyed
they will have enjoyed

Past perfect continuous

I will have been enjoying
you will have been enjoying
he will have been enjoying
we will have been enjoying
you will have been enjoying
they will have been enjoying


Future continuous

I had enjoyed
you had enjoyed
he had enjoyed
we had enjoyed
you had enjoyed
they had enjoyed

Future perfect

I had been enjoying
you had been enjoying
he had been enjoying
we had been enjoying
you had been enjoying
they had been enjoying

Future perfect continuous


I would enjoy
you would enjoy
he would enjoy
we would enjoy
you would enjoy
they would enjoy

Present continuous

I would be enjoying
you would be enjoying
he would be enjoying
we would be enjoying
you would be enjoying
they would be enjoying

I would have enjoyed
you would have enjoyed
he would have enjoyed
we would have enjoyed
you would have enjoyed
they would have enjoyed

Past continuous

I would have been enjoying
you would have been enjoying
he would have been enjoying
we would have been enjoying
you would have been enjoying
they would have been enjoying



Добавить в закладки Удалить из закладок



Формы глагола

Ед. число Множ. число
Present Simple (Настоящее время)
I enjoy We enjoy
You enjoy You enjoy
He/She/It enjoys They enjoy
Past Simple (Прошедшее время)
I enjoyed We enjoyed
You enjoyed You enjoyed
He/She/It enjoyed They enjoyed


enjoy the game
наслаждаться игрой

enjoy the sun
насладиться солнцем

enjoy the experience
пользоваться опытом

enjoy rights
иметь права

enjoy the peace
обладать миром

enjoy life
любить жизнь

enjoy peace
радоваться миру


Enjoy yourself at the party, John.
Наслаждайся тусовкой, Джон.

I’ll guarantee that you’ll enjoy this movie.
Гарантирую, что этот фильм вам понравится.

He is very friendly, so I enjoy working with him.
Он очень дружелюбный, я очень рад работать с ним.

Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits.
Каждый человек имеет право свободно участвовать в культурной жизни общества, наслаждаться искусством, участвовать в научном прогрессе и пользоваться его благами.

So let’s be friends and enjoy our very cooperative community as well as the richness and diversity of languages ​​and their cultures!
Итак, давайте будем друзьями и будем наслаждаться нашим очень слаженным сообществом, равно как и богатством и разнообразием языков и культур!

I think Tom will enjoy this.
Думаю, Тому это понравится.

He has begun to enjoy country life.
Он начал получать удовольствие от жизни в деревне.

I’ll enjoy this.
Я буду наслаждаться этим.

Tom seems to really enjoy talking with Mary.
Похоже, Тому действительно нравится разговаривать с Мэри.

I enjoy taking pictures.
Я люблю фотографировать.

Tom enjoys mountain climbing.
Том обожает альпинизм.

She enjoys dancing and horseback riding.
Она обожает танцевать и ездить верхом.

This store enjoys a geographical advantage.
У этого магазина выигрышное расположение.

He enjoys his position.
Ему нравится его положение.

Tom enjoys reading books in French.
Том наслаждается чтением книг на французском языке.

She enjoys listening to classical music.
Ей нравится слушать классическую музыку.

The misanthrope enjoys his solitude.
Мизантроп наслаждается своим одиночеством.

He enjoys wandering around the forest in his spare time.
В свободное время он любит побродить по лесу.

He enjoys watching baseball games on TV.
Он любит смотреть бейсбольные матчи по телевизору.

Your sister enjoys watching sumo wrestling on TV.
Твоей сестре нравится смотреть по телевизору борьбу сумо.

We hope you enjoyed your stay.
Надеемся, вам у нас понравилось.

I’m glad Tom enjoyed it.
Я рада, что Том наслаждался этим.

We enjoyed watching the baseball game.
Мы получили удовольствие от просмотра бейсбольного матча.

I enjoyed the concert except that the hall was cold.
Мне понравился концерт, за исключением того, что в зале было холодно.

Tom enjoyed working for Mary.
Тому очень нравилось работать с Мэри.

We enjoyed every minute of the party.
Мы наслаждались каждой минутой вечеринки.

I enjoyed Tom’s wit.
Я наслаждался остроумием Тома.

I enjoyed talking with him at the party.
Я наслаждался разговором с ним на вечеринке.

I enjoyed it very much.
Мне это очень понравилось.

All in all, I enjoyed the lecture.
В целом, я получил удовольствие от лекции.

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На данной странице следует оставлять комментарии, относящиеся к слову enjoy. Текст комментария может быть только на русском или английском языке.

Для общих комментариев по сайту следует использовать раздел Отзывы и предложения.


глагол ↓

Мои примеры



Do you enjoy your job?

Вам нравится ваша работа?

Relax and enjoy the view.

Расслабься и наслаждайся видом.

Do you enjoy opera?

I enjoyed every minute of it.

Я наслаждалась каждой его минутой.

I enjoy theater and swimming.

Я люблю театр и плавать. / Я получаю удовольствие от театра и плавания.

Ross had always enjoyed the company of women.

Росс всегда любил общество женщин.

Sandra enjoys her job in the city.

Сандре очень нравится её работа в городе.

We enjoy spending time together.

Нам очень нравится проводить время вместе.

I enjoy my job very much.

Я получаю большое удовольствие от своей работы.

Here’s your steak. Enjoy!

Вот ваш бифштекс. Приятного аппетита!

‘Did you enjoy it?’ ‘No, not much.’

— Ну что, понравилось? — Да нет, как-то не очень.

I enjoy shopping for new clothes.

Я люблю покупать новую одежду.

Lean back and enjoy the ride.

Расслабьтесь и наслаждайтесь поездкой.

Let’s go out and enjoy the sunshine!

Давай выйдем на улицу, порадуемся солнышку!

They enjoy solid friendship.

У них крепкая дружба.

Вот ваш стейк — кушайте на здоровье /приятного аппетита/!

He always enjoys a good laugh.

Он всегда не прочь посмеяться.

What subjects did you enjoy most?

Какие темы /вопросы/ вам понравились больше всего?

They enjoy a comfortable lifestyle.

Им нравится комфортный образ жизни.

Try to relax and enjoy the ride.

Постарайтесь расслабиться и получить удовольствие от поездки.

We didn’t enjoy the day because the weather was so awful.

Для нас день пропал: погода была просто ужас.

No one enjoys being teased.

Никто не любит, когда его дразнят.

It’s hard work. I enjoy it though.

Это трудная работа, но, тем не менее, она мне нравится.

I enjoy collegiate life.

Я в восторге от студенческой жизни.

Most children enjoy singing.

Большинство детей поёт с удовольствием.

He seems to enjoy shocking people.

Кажется, ему нравится шокировать людей.

We enjoy skiing in the wintertime.

Мы получаем удовольствие катаясь на лыжах зимой.

She doesn’t enjoy foreign travel.

Ей не нравятся зарубежные поездки. / Она не любит путешествовать за границей.

The industry enjoyed a boom.

Промышленность переживала подъём.

I enjoy the author’s breezy style.

Мне нравится свежий стиль этого автора.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The countryside is there for everyone to enjoy.

. let’s enjoy our mint juleps out on the piazza.

Good training will give a beginner the confidence to enjoy skiing.


Теперь вы знаете какие однокоренные слова подходят к слову Как пишется enjoy в прошедшем времени, а так же какой у него корень, приставка, суффикс и окончание. Вы можете дополнить список однокоренных слов к слову "Как пишется enjoy в прошедшем времени", предложив свой вариант в комментариях ниже, а также выразить свое несогласие проведенным с морфемным разбором.

Какие вы еще знаете однокоренные слова к слову Как пишется enjoy в прошедшем времени:

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