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Слово Как пишется playing по английски - однокоренные слова и морфемный разбор слова (приставка, корень, суффикс, окончание):

Морфемный разбор слова:

Однокоренные слова к слову:

Как пишется playing по английски

play [pleɪ] played / played / playing / plays

I play
you play
he/she/it plays
we play
you play
they play

I have played
you have played
he/she/it has played
we have played
you have played
they have played

I am playing
you are playing
he/she/it is playing
we are playing
you are playing
they are playing

Present Perfect Continuous

I have been playing
you have been playing
he/she/it has been playing
we have been playing
you have been playing
they have been playing

I played
you played
he/she/it played
we played
you played
they played

I was playing
you were playing
he/she/it was playing
we were playing
you were playing
they were playing

I had played
you had played
he/she/it had played
we had played
you had played
they had played

Past Perfect Continuous

I had been playing
you had been playing
he/she/it had been playing
we had been playing
you had been playing
they had been playing

I will play
you will play
he/she/it will play
we will play
you will play
they will play

I will be playing
you will be playing
he/she/it will be playing
we will be playing
you will be playing
they will be playing

I will have played
you will have played
he/she/it will have played
we will have played
you will have played
they will have played

Future Perfect Continuous

I will have been playing
you will have been playing
he/she/it will have been playing
we will have been playing
you will have been playing
they will have been playing

I would play
you would play
he/she/it would play
we would play
you would play
they would play

Conditional Present Continuous

I would be playing
you would be playing
he/she/it would be playing
we would be playing
you would be playing
they would be playing

I would have played
you would have played
he/she/it would have played
we would have played
you would have played
they would have played

Conditional Perfect Continuous

I would have been playing
you would have been playing
he/she/it would have been playing
we would have been playing
you would have been playing
they would have been playing

to play
to have played
to be playing
to have been playing

play [pleɪ] мн. plays



1 playing

his radio is playing — у него работает играть ; вертеть

2 playing

his radio is playing — у него работает играть ; вертеть

3 playing

playing into the hands of — играющий на руку; игра на руку

playing a major part — играющий главную роль; главная роль

his radio is playing — у него работает играть ; вертеть

playing key role — играющий главную роль; главная роль

4 playing

5 playing

игровой метод обучения playing: role

6 playing

7 playing

8 playing

9 playing

10 playing

11 playing

12 playing

13 playing

14 playing

15 playing

16 playing up

17 playing

18 playing

19 playing

20 playing up

См. также в других словарях:

Playing — Play ing, a. & vb. n. of . [1913 Webster] . See under . [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Playing — Play Play, v. i. [imp. & p. p. ; p. pr. & vb. n. .] [OE. pleien, AS. plegian, plegan, to play, akin to plega play, game, quick motion, and probably to OS. plegan to promise, pledge, D. plegen to care for, attend to, be wont, G.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

playing — noun Playing is used before these nouns: ↑card, ↑career, ↑day, ↑field, ↑partner, ↑style, ↑time Playing is used after these nouns: ↑card … Collocations dictionary

playing — n. clean; dirty playing * * * [ pleɪɪŋ] dirty playing clean … Combinatory dictionary

playing — Synonyms and related words: acting, aflicker, aping, betting, bickering, blinking, buffoonery, business, cardsharping, casting lots, characterization, coquetry, dabbling, dalliance, dallying, dancing, dumb show, embodiment, enacting, enactment,… … Moby Thesaurus

playing — noun 1. the act of playing a musical instrument (Freq. 11) • Derivationally related forms: ↑play • Hypernyms: ↑musical performance • Hyponyms: ↑bowing, ↑piping, ↑st … Useful english dictionary

playing — noun An occasion on which something, such as a song or show, is played … Wiktionary

playing — sb. Wright’s L. P. p. 88 … Oldest English Words

playing — n. acting, performing on stage pleɪ n. dramatic performance; game; entertainment; laughter; bet, wager v. engage in a game; perform a role, act. portray; make music with a musical instrument … English contemporary dictionary

Playing the Angel — Álbum de Depeche Mode Publicación 17 de octubre de 2005 en Inglaterra 18 de octubre en Estados Unidos Grabación Varios lugares durante 2005 Género(s) … Wikipedia Español


Как пишется playing по английски

play [pleɪ] played / played / playing / plays

I play
you play
he/she/it plays
we play
you play
they play

I have played
you have played
he/she/it has played
we have played
you have played
they have played

I am playing
you are playing
he/she/it is playing
we are playing
you are playing
they are playing

Present Perfect Continuous

I have been playing
you have been playing
he/she/it has been playing
we have been playing
you have been playing
they have been playing

I played
you played
he/she/it played
we played
you played
they played

I was playing
you were playing
he/she/it was playing
we were playing
you were playing
they were playing

I had played
you had played
he/she/it had played
we had played
you had played
they had played

Past Perfect Continuous

I had been playing
you had been playing
he/she/it had been playing
we had been playing
you had been playing
they had been playing

I will play
you will play
he/she/it will play
we will play
you will play
they will play

I will be playing
you will be playing
he/she/it will be playing
we will be playing
you will be playing
they will be playing

I will have played
you will have played
he/she/it will have played
we will have played
you will have played
they will have played

Future Perfect Continuous

I will have been playing
you will have been playing
he/she/it will have been playing
we will have been playing
you will have been playing
they will have been playing

I would play
you would play
he/she/it would play
we would play
you would play
they would play

Conditional Present Continuous

I would be playing
you would be playing
he/she/it would be playing
we would be playing
you would be playing
they would be playing

I would have played
you would have played
he/she/it would have played
we would have played
you would have played
they would have played

Conditional Perfect Continuous

I would have been playing
you would have been playing
he/she/it would have been playing
we would have been playing
you would have been playing
they would have been playing

to play
to have played
to be playing
to have been playing


существительное ↓

Мои примеры



He is off playing golf.

Он уехал играть в гольф.

The band was playing salsa.

Музыканты играли сальсу.

The kids love playing in the water.

Дети обожают играть в воде.

The kids are playing up.

He mimed playing a guitar.

Он изобразил руками игру на гитаре.

What do you think you’re playing at?

Ты хоть отдаешь себе отчет, к чему это может привести?

The kids were playing on the swings.

Дети играли на качелях.

Can you see the children playing?

Видишь, как дети играют?

сhildren playing at their games

дети, которые играют в свои игры

The children love playing outside.

Дети обожают играть на улице.

I prefer playing singles.

Я предпочитаю играть в одиночном разряде. (о теннисе)

The car’s playing up again.

Машина опять барахлит.

A small orchestra was playing.

Играл небольшой оркестр.

The tape was playing for hours.

Эта запись играла несколько часов.

She filmed the children playing.

Она сняла играющих детей.

The radio was playing very loudly.

Радио играло очень громко.

They were playing for high stakes.

Они играли по-крупному.

He hurt his knee playing football.

Он ушиб колено, играя в футбол.

They kept playing till it got dark.

Они продолжали играть, пока не стемнело.

Stop playing the fool! You’ll fall.

Перестань валять дурака! Упадёшь ведь.

He broke his nose playing football.

Он сломал нос, когда играл в футбол.

Jordan’s been playing up in school.

Джордан балуется в школе.

We’re playing for high stakes here.

Мы здесь играем по-крупному.

The orchestra was playing our song.

Оркестр играл нашу песню.

Stop playing with the light switch!

Перестань играться с выключателем!

He tweaked his ankle playing soccer.

Играя в футбол он подвернул лодыжку.

My leg has been playing me up again.

У меня снова разболелась нога.

Put the playing cards right side up.

Положите игральные карты лицевой стороной вверх.

I grew up playing in rock bands.

Я с детства играю в рок-группах.

The band was playing a slow dance.

Группа играла медленный танец.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Playing well gives me a buzz.

The song was playing on the radio.

His playing stamps him as a Romantic


глагол ↓

существительное ↓

Мои примеры



Let’s play cards.

Давайте сыграем в карты.

Can you play poker?

Вы умеете играть в покер?

Play was very slow.

Игра шла очень медленно.

On weekends I play.

По выходным я играю.

When does the play open?

Когда ожидается премьера этого спектакля?

We play on the varsity.

Мы играем за команду университета.

The play still draws.

Пьеса всё ещё делает сборы.

He plays the flute.

Он играет на флейте.

Go and play outside.

Идите поиграйте на улице.

It’s your turn to play.

Теперь ваша очередь играть.

She authored this play.

Она сочинила эту пьесу.

She acts in this play.

Она играет в этой пьесе.

She likes to play sport.

Она любит заниматься спортом.

Do you play the piano?

Ты играешь на пианино?

She loves to play violin.

Она любит играть на скрипке.

Play us a little ditty.

Сыграй нам песенку.

Can Sara come out and play?

Можно Сара выйдёт поиграть (на улицу)?

It’s her turn to play.

Mummy, can I play outside?

Мамочка, можно мне поиграть на улице?

It’s his turn to play.

Его очередь играть.

Miss Kelly plays Marie.

Мисс Келли играет роль Мари.

I had to play my queen.

Мне пришлось разыграть /сыграть/ свою даму. (о картах)

The play was a sell-out.

Пьеса прошла с аншлагом.

Of the 70,000 men «playing» 40,000 are non-unionists.

Из семидесяти тысяч бастующих сорок тысяч не являются членами профсоюза.

He reached for the remote control and pressed the «play» button.

Он потянулся за пультом и нажал кнопку «воспроизведение».

She plays the races.

Она играет на скачках.

The play didn’t take.

Пьеса не имела успеха.

This play stimulates.

Gielgud played Hamlet.

Гилгуд сыграл Гамлета.

It was all done in play.

Всё это было сделано в шутку.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The spotlights played on the politicians

The engine has a wheel that is playing in a rack

Political considerations do come into play (=have an effect) when making policy.


Теперь вы знаете какие однокоренные слова подходят к слову Как пишется playing по английски, а так же какой у него корень, приставка, суффикс и окончание. Вы можете дополнить список однокоренных слов к слову "Как пишется playing по английски", предложив свой вариант в комментариях ниже, а также выразить свое несогласие проведенным с морфемным разбором.

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