Главная » Правописание слов » Как правильно пишется москоу сити на английском

Слово Как правильно пишется москоу сити на английском - однокоренные слова и морфемный разбор слова (приставка, корень, суффикс, окончание):

Морфемный разбор слова:

Однокоренные слова к слову:

moscow city

1 Moscow City Construction Regulations

2 Moscow City Relay Network


5 Адвокатская палата г. Москвы

6 Арбитражный суд г. Москвы

7 Городская комиссия по приватизации и управлению жилищным фондом города Москвы

8 Департамент Москвы по конкурентной политике

9 Департамент жилищной политики и жилищного фонда города Москвы

10 Департамент земельных ресурсов г. Москвы

11 Департамент потребительского рынка и услуг правительства Москвы

12 Комитет города Москвы по организации и проведению конкурсов


14 МГТС (Московская городская телефонная сеть)


16 МКА


18 Мосгорархив

19 Мосгордума

20 Мосгорисполком

См. также в других словарях:

Moscow-City — Moscow City, Juli 2008 Moscow City, März 2008 Moscow City (russisch Москва Сити) ist ein sich im Bau befindliches Stadtviertel in der … Deutsch Wikipedia

Moscow City — Moscow City, Juli 2008 Moscow City, März 2008 Moscow City (russisch Москва Сити) ist ein sich im Bau befindliches Stadtviertel in der … Deutsch Wikipedia

Moscow, City of — Moscow is the capital and largest city of the Russian Federation; it is also the largest metropolitan area in Europe. The city is the major political, economic, financial, cultural, religious, educational, and transport center of Russia. Known … Historical Dictionary of the Russian Federation

Moscow city — … Википедия

Moscow City Telephone Network — Type Joint stock Industry Telecommunications Founded July 13, 1882 Headquarters Moscow … Wikipedia

Moscow City Hall (Idaho) — Moscow Post Office and Courthouse U.S. National Register of Historic Places … Wikipedia

Moscow City Apartments — (Москва,Россия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Новый Арбат 6, Арбат, Москва, Россия … Каталог отелей

Moscow City Hall — Revolution Square and Moscow City Hall in 2000. Statue of Zhukov This article is about the historic city hall of Moscow, Russia. For the projected structure, see City Hall and City Duma. For the city hall of Moscow, Idaho, see Moscow, Idaho, City … Wikipedia

Moscow City Racing — Нико Росберг за рулём болида команды «Уильямс» (ул. Моховая) … Википедия

Moscow City Racing — Bavaria Moscow City Racing (or simply Moscow City Racing) is a motorsport show held in Moscow from 2008. The main part of this show is demonstration racing of Formula 1 cars and cars from other racing series near Kremlin. Contents 1 2008 2 2009 3 … Wikipedia

Moscow City Symphony Orchestra — Garnet Orchestra Also known as Garnet(z) Orchestra Origin Moscow, Russia Genres Classical Occupations Symphony orchestra … Wikipedia


Москва Сити



Поиск недвижимости в ММДЦ Москва-Сити по ключевым параметрам. Предложения от собственников помещений. Жилая и коммерческая недвижимость.


Подробные сведения о ММДЦ Москва-Сити на портале WIKIPEDIA для тех кто интересутеся деталями и предпочитает точные технические данные.


Управляющая компания «Сити» открыта для работы с Вашими потребностями: Технадзор, коммуникации, клининг, флористика, наружная реклама и др.


Данные о строящихся объектах и другие новости ММДЦ Москва-Сити на официальном портале «Комплекс градостроительной политики и строительства города Москвы»


Смотровые площадки

Завораживающие виды, открывающиеся со смотровых площадок, оборудованных на самых высоких этажей небоскребов Москва-Сити позволят увидеть наш мегаполис с совершенно нового, незабываемого ракурса. Москва с высоты птичьего полета. Обзорные экскурсии для Москвичей и гостей Столицы.

ТЦ «Афимолл»

Торговый центр площадь более 200 тысяч м 2 в самом центре Москва-Сити, вместивший в себя огромный подземный паркинг, галерею из более чем 400 магазинов и 50 предприятий питания на любой вкус. Почувствуйте себя частью Сити, проведите свой шоппинг в ТЦ «Афимолл».


Рестораны в Москва-Сити удовлетворят не только кулинарные, но и эстетические пристрастия. Почувствуйте себя на высоте, посетив рестораны Москва-Сити, с обзорными видами на город.

Details about Moscow City

Moscow International Business Center (MIBC) Moscow City is the largest business and architectural center in Moscow. The business district «Moscow City» today combines the interests of Russian and foreign companies within a single international financial center. The business center Moscow-City includes 31 sections, on which, in turn, 22 buildings of various purpose are located. The structure of Moscow-City includes business centers, office-residential buildings and multifunctional complexes, connecting everything you need for business, leisure and entertainment. Here you can rent an office for your company or buy property in the property.




The unique location of the Moscow-based Moscow Regional Medical Center Moscow on Presnenskaya Embankment near the famous sights of Moscow, such as the House of the Government of the Russian Federation, the World Trade Center, the Expocenter and the Hotel Ukraine, was not chosen by chance. The convenience of the location here is ensured by the presence of the main highways: TTK, Novy Arbat, Kutuzov Avenue. The connection of the metro and the MCR.

Moscow-City is a unique complex of office and residential buildings, which is in the process of continuous development, but has certainly become a landmark of the capital. Today, the Moscow-City project can be considered as the embodiment of the most promising and unique idea among all without exception architectural projects in Russia. The main idea of ​​the Moscow City developer is to create such a business quarter, which will become not only a business center, but also entertainment for a huge megapolis, such as Moscow is the capital of Russia and the largest city in Europe.

4 mln square meters

The total area of ​​all buildings in the business center MIBC Moscow-City exceeds 4,014,318 square meters. If you translate this value into such a unit as hectares, you get more than 401 hectares, which is 10 times more than the territory of the Vatican.

41,4 % офисы

The share of office space in Moscow City is 41.399% of the total number of premises. For clarity, we can say that the office premises in the buildings of Moscow-City occupy a total of

593 floors inside all buildings.

17,4 % flats

The share of apartments among other premises in the business district of Moscow-City is 17.4% of real estate. It is important to note that in Moscow City there are buildings in which there is no share of apartments at all. In most of the buildings, the apartments are located on the upper floors and have the highest cost per square meter.

Site of Moscow City

Management company

Subway and MCR

The territory of Moscow-City is bordered at once with three metro stations: «Exhibition (Filevskaya line),» Business Center «(Kalininskaya and Solntsevskaya lines) and» International «(Filevskaya line), station of the Moscow Business Center (Moscow Central Ring). Thus, from the subway to each building of Moscow-City can be no more than 5-6 minutes on foot.

Developers of Moscow City

Architectors of Moscow City

Inan Vehbi, Kettle Toni, Ostryuk Olgay, Posokhin Mikhail, Orphan Gennady, Williams Frank, Choban Sergey, Schweger Peter, as well as other famous architects took part in the creation of Moscow-City architecture and the design of concrete buildings.

Management in the buildings

«Bilfinger HSG Facility Management», «CAPEX», «Aikom Russia SESDi Limited», «Bellgate Construction Limited» (AFI), «WB Service», «Grand Title», «Mkapital», «Montex Service», «R-7 Group, MC «City», «City Center Investment B.V.», «UK FEDERATION GROUP».

Moscow City Towers

Moscow, Presnenskaya nab, 6

Your request will begin to be processed immediately after receipt.

Rental of premises / Sale of premises
MIBC Moscow City.


Как правильно пишется город Москва по-английски?

Как правильно пишется город Москва по-английски?

Как будет Москва по-английски?

Название города Москвы по английски будет Moscow

Москва всегда писалася по- английски «Moscow». Есть много вариаций употребления данного слова с другими словами, которые определяют название как города Москва. Это «Russia, Moscow», «Moscow city», «MOSCOW Town, RUSSIA». Если просто писать английскими буквами получится Moskva.

На транслите (т.е.латинскими буквами) правильно писать Moskva.

Именно такой вариант написания по английски является правильным, а, например, такой вариант, как «Moskva» и др. похожие, однозначно будут не правильными.

Просто Moscow,или Moscow city,или city of Moscow

Моя знакомая рассказывала, что ее бабушка в детстве с криком «Москау!» разбила случайно стекло слетевшим с ее ноги валенком.

jar-ohty, в первой строке песни «The Wind of Change» упоминается Москва-река, каковая по-английски и называется Moskva (в отличие от города).

Песня вышла в 1991 году, но написана явно под впечатлением рок-фестиваля 1989 года в Лужниках, в котором принимали участие и Scorpions (кстати, я на нём присутствовал :)).
После концерта музыканты прокатились на теплоходе от Лужников «По Москве-реке, вниз к парку Горького». (Кстати, в числе прочих, на фестивале выступала и советская рок-группа Gorky Park).
На фестиваль нагнали тьму солдат – на поле стадиона чуть ли не каждый третий зритель был в форме рядового Советской армии. Разумеется, после концерта их строили и развозили по местам дислокации – отсюда и «August summer night / Soldiers passing by» 🙂

Правильно по-английски пишется Moscow, читается «Москоу». Можно писать также Moscow city. И Moskva иногда встречается, правда, это уже не официальное правописание, это просто прием переводческой транслитерации с русского языка.

Как это не удивительно, но среди известных российских политиков редко встретишь коренного москвича.

Среди немногочисленных исключений из этого правила:

Временно закрыты из-за возникшего подтопления станции салатовый ветки метро «Окружная», «Верхние Лихоборы», а также станция «Селегерская» Люблинско-Дмитровско­ й линии. Опасности для других объектов московского метрополитена нет.


Moscow International Business Center (2020 Guide + Pictures)

Address: Presnenskaya Naberezhnaya, 8, Moskva, Russia, 123317

Nearest Metro: Delovoy Tsentr

Did you know that Moscow has skyscrapers? There is a plot of land located near the city downtown area that will remind you of other similar places in Paris (Defense district) or London. Moscow international business center also known as Moskva City is the main commercial district of the Russian capital located on Presnenskaya embankment just minutes away from the White House government building.

This district is also called Moscow City that everyone knows for its tall buildings. The idea behind this major project was to build the symbol of new Russia. The state government wanted to establish Moscow as one of the global financial centers and demonstrate it the world. They planned to complete the construction in 2007, but the timeline has shifted to 2018. Initially Moscow government wanted to build 22 skyscrapers and a number of state administration buildings. These plans have changed due to the economic conditions. Today Moscow City includes 15 buildings with the total number of 20,000 parking lots and about 130 restaurants and cafes. Moscow city towers are visited by almost 200,000 people every year.

Moscow City Skyscrapers

70% of the space at the Moscow international business center district is used by offices. 20% of the space is taken by residential real estate and 10% used by commercial tenants. Some of the well-known office tenants include KPMG, BASF, IBM, Zara, General Motors, Hyundai, Japan Tobacco International and many others.

Here is the list of the main buildings and constructions that they have managed to build so far: (from tallest to the shortest):

Moscow Federation Tower

OKO Towers

Mercury City Tower

You can recognize Mercury City Tower by its gold color. It is 339 meters tall and has 75 floors which makes it the 3rd tallest building in Europe.

Eurasia Tower

Eurasia Tower is 309 meters high and its the fourth tallest building of the district with its 71 floors. It has both residential and commercial space.

Capital City Towers (also known as City of Capitals)

Evolution Tower

Empire Tower

IQ Quarter

IQ Quarter includes 3 buildings that have both office and residential space. The tallest tower is 173 meters tall and has 43 floors.

Tower 2000

Tower 2000 was one of the first office buildings constructed in the district. Its total height is 130 meters that is shorter than most of the skyscrapers located in Moscow city.

Hotels at Moscow International Business Center District

There are two hotels located at the premises of «Moscow City» district. The biggest one is Novotel Moscow City that has 360 comfortable rooms. The hotel has a lot of positive reviews because it offers services at a very reasonable price / value ratio.

The second hotel is called Imperia City which is actually a boutique style hotel located on the 55th floor of the Empire tower. Imperia’s rooms feature large panoramic windows so you can enjoy excellent views of Moscow.

There is a third decent option located about half a mile away from Moscow City Business district, in case the previous two hotels don’t meet your expectations for some reason. Crowne Plaza hotel at the World Trade Center in Moscow offers all standard amenities you would expect from a good quality business hotel.

Bagration Bridge


Moscow Skyscrapers Residential Area

Moskva City Restaurants

Moscow City has plenty of food options. There are all kinds of cafes and pizza places located in various buildings of Moskva City. But it really makes sense to visit some of the restaurants with a view if you are there.

Inside Sixty features modern interiors with panoramic views of Moscow and a large open kitchen. The restaurant’s menu has an impressive selection of dishes from Russian, Italian and Pan Asian cuisines.

The restaurant is located at the footsteps of one of the skyscrapers facing Moscow River. It is known for its large open verandah that is open in summer.

Inside the restaurant features Italian interiors where you can enjoy select dishes of Mediterranean cuisine like octopus salad, homemade pastas and monkfish Carpaccio.

Delovoy Tsentr Subway Station

Moscow City can be accessed using three subway stations: Delovoy Tsentr (translated as business center), Mezhdunarodnya (international) and Vistovochniy Tsentr (Exhibition center).
Delovoy Tsentr station was opened in 2014 and has modern design as opposed to most of the other Moscow subway stations built during the soviet times. It has an exit towards AFIMALL City shopping center that is merged with the Vistovochnaya station.

Some Controversies

The construction started in 1992 when there was plenty of unused land all around the city. The state started to move production facilities built during the Soviet era outside the downtown and offer the land for construction. Some of the urban architects question the whole idea of building these skyscrapers in Moscow. There was no need for the city to grow taller similar to Hong Kong or Manhattan that simply lack the available plots of land.

Another great problem of The Moscow City district concerns the lack of parking space. Back in 1990 the number of cars registered in Moscow equaled 1 million. There were no traffic jams and there was enough free parking for everyone. Today there are almost 5 million cars in the city! It turns out they didn’t project that kind of growth and didn’t consider the world’s best practices for that kind of projects. As a result the whole Moscow international business center doesn’t have enough parking for everyone. Only a small portion of people working at the offices located there have their underground parking spaces.

Another thing I heard people complain about is that this whole Moscow city skyscrapers area becomes so empty during the evenings. There aren’t too many people who actually live there and its public area lacks major attraction points for the people except several higher class restaurants.


Статья на английском: Moscow city/ город Москва

Здесь вы можете найти статью на английском: Moscow city/ город Москва.

Moscow, city (2010 est. pop. 10 562 000), capital of Russia and of Moscow region and the administrative center of the Central district, W central European Russia, on the Moskva River near its junction with the Moscow Canal. Moscow is Russia’s largest city and a leading economic and cultural center. Moscow is governed by a city council and a mayor and is divided into boroughs. The five major sections of Moscow form concentric circles, of which the innermost is the Kremlin (see under kremlin ), a walled city in itself. Its walls represent the city limits as of the late 15th cent. The hub of the Russian railroad network, Moscow is also an inland port and has several civilian and military airports. Moscow’s major industries include machine building, metalworking, oil refining, publishing, brewing, filmmaking, and the manufacture of machine tools, precision instruments, building materials, automobiles, trucks, aircraft, chemicals, wood and paper products, textiles, clothing, footwear, and soft drinks.

Points of Interest

Adjoining the Kremlin in the east is the huge Red Square, originally a marketplace and a meeting spot for popular assemblies; it is still used as a parade ground and for demonstrations. On the west side of Red Square and along the Kremlin wall are the Lenin Mausoleum and the tombs of other Soviet political figures; on the north side is the completely rebuilt Kazan Cathedral (constructed in the 17th cent., razed by Stalin, and rebuilt in 1993); and at the southern end stands the imposing cathedral of Basil the Beatified (constructed 16th cent.). One of the most exuberant examples of Russian architecture, the cathedral has numerous cupolas, each a different color, grouped around a central dome. In front of the cathedral stands a monument to the liberators Menin and Pozharski.

To the E of Red Square extends the old district of Kitaigorod [Tatar city], once the merchants’ quarter, later the banking section, and now an administrative hub with various government offices and ministries. Tverskaya Street (formerly Gorky Street), a main thoroughfare, extends N from the Kremlin and is lined with modern buildings, including the headquarters of the council of ministers; it is connected with the St. Petersburg highway, which passes the huge Dynamo stadium and the central airport. Near the beginning of Tverskaya Street is Theater Square, containing the Bolshoi and Maly theaters. Encircling the Kremlin and Kitaigorod are the Bely Gorod [white city], traditionally the most elegant part of Moscow and now a commercial and cultural area; the Zemlyanoy Gorod [earth city], named for the earthen and wooden ramparts that once surrounded it; and the inner suburbs. In the Bely Gorod is Christ the Savior Cathedral; demolished in 1931 to be replaced by a never-built Palace of Soviets, it was rebuilt in the 1990s. A notable feature of Moscow are the concentric rings of wide boulevards and railroad lines on the sites where old walls and ramparts once stood.

Although archaeological evidence indicates that the site has been occupied since Neolithic times, the village of Moscow was first mentioned in the Russian chronicles in 1147. Moscow became (c.1271) the seat of the grand dukes of Vladimir-Suzdal, who later assumed the title of grand dukes of Moscow (see Moscow, grand duchy of ). During the rule of Dmitri Donskoi the first stone walls of the Kremlin were built (1367). Moscow, or Muscovy, achieved dominance through its location at the crossroads of trade routes, its leadership in the struggle against and defeat of the Tatars, and its gathering of neighboring principalities under Muscovite suzerainty.

Built largely of wood until the 19th cent., Moscow suffered from numerous fires, the most notable of which occurred in the wake of Napoleon I’s occupation in 1812. Count Rostopchin denied accusations that he had ordered the blaze ignited to drive out the French. The fire was most likely accidentally begun by French looters and was fanned by fanatic patriots among the few Russians who had remained behind when Napoleon entered the city. Whatever the cause, the fire sparked an anti-French uprising among the peasants, whose raids, along with the cruel winter, helped force Napoleon’s retreat.

Rebuilt, Moscow developed from the 1830s as a major textile and metallurgical center. During the 19th and early 20th cent. it was the focus of the zemstvo cooperative and Slavophile movements and became a principal center of the labor movement and of social democracy. In 1918 the Soviet government transferred the capital back to Moscow and fostered spectacular economic growth in the city, whose population doubled between 1926 and 1939 and again between 1939 and 1992. During World War II Moscow was the goal of a two-pronged German offensive. Although the spearheads of the German columns were stopped only 20 to 25 mi (32-40 km) from the city’s center, Moscow suffered virtually no war damage. The city hosted the Olympic Games in 1980.

Due to inadequate public funds, Moscow’s infrastructure suffered after the 1991 demise of the Soviet Union. Also, an increase in automobile ownership brought traffic congestion and worsened air pollution. The city, however, began to attract foreign investment and became increasingly westernized. In the 1990s its energetic mayor, Yuri Luzhkov, launched many ambitious reconstruction projects and by the end of the decade Moscow was experiencing a real-estate boom.


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