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Слово Квентин тарантино на английском как пишется - однокоренные слова и морфемный разбор слова (приставка, корень, суффикс, окончание):

Морфемный разбор слова:

Однокоренные слова к слову:

квентин тарантино

1 Квентин Тарантино

2 Квентин Тарантино

См. также в других словарях:

Квентин Тарантино — Quentin Tarantino Квентин Тарантино на премьере фильма Грайндхаус Имя при рождении: Квинт Джером Тарантино Дата рождения … Википедия

Квентин Тарантино — Биография Квентина Тарантино Американский актер, режиссер, продюсер и сценарист Квентин Тарантино (Quentin Jerome Tarantino) родился 27 марта 1963 года в городе Ноксвилл (штат Теннесси) в США. Отец – актер и музыкант Тони Тарантино оставил… … Энциклопедия ньюсмейкеров

Тарантино, Квентин — Квентин Тарантино Quentin Tarantino … Википедия

Тарантино — Тарантино, Квентин Квентин Тарантино Quentin Tarantino Квентин Тарантино на премьере фильма «Грайндхаус» Имя при рождении … Википедия

Тарантино, Квентин — (Tarantino, Quentin) Режиссер, сценарист, актер, продюсер. Родился 27 марта 1963 г. в Ноксвилле (штат Теннесси). Выходец из бедной семьи американского Юга, Тарантино с детства страстно любил кино. После окончания школы он работал в пункте… … Режиссерская энциклопедия. Кино США

ТАРАНТИНО Квентин — ТАРАНТИНО (Tarantino) Квентин (р. 27. 03.1963), американский режиссер, сценарист, актер. Фильмография Тарантино включает уже несколько десятков названий, но на сегодняшний день он остается прежде всего автором двух отличных сценариев: «Настоящий… … Энциклопедия кино

ТАРАНТИНО (Tarantino) Квентин — (р. 1963) американский киноактер, сценарист, режиссер. В кино дебютировал, снявшись в англоязычном фильме Ж. Л. Годара Король Лир (1987). Одна из самых ярких и талантливых фигур мирового кино 1990 х гг., в большой степени повлиявшая на… … Большой Энциклопедический словарь

Тарантино, Квентин — Американский режиссер, актер и продюсер Американский режиссер, актер и продюсер. Режиссерскую известность получил в 1992 году благодаря фильму Reservoir Dogs ( Бешеные псы ). В 1994 году его фильм Pulp Fiction ( Криминальное чтиво ) получил… … Энциклопедия ньюсмейкеров

Тарантино Квентин — (Tarantino) (р. 1963), американский кинорежиссёр, сценарист, актёр. Работает в жанре жёсткого триллера, часто с пародийным оттенком. Поставил фильмы (выступив в них как актёр и сценарист): «Бешеные псы» (1992), «Криминальное чтиво» (1994),… … Энциклопедический словарь

Тарантино К. — ТАРАНТИ́НО (Tarantino) Квентин (р. 1963), амер. кинорежиссёр, сценарист, актёр. Работает в жанре жёсткого триллера, часто с пародийным оттенком. Пост. фильмы (выступив в них как актёр и сценарист) Бешеные псы (1992), Криминальное чтиво (1994),… … Биографический словарь

Тарантино Квентин — … Википедия


Квентин тарантино на английском как пишется

In the picture you can see a man.

На картинке вы можете видеть мужчину.

He is around 50 years old.

His hair is black and messy.

Его волосы черные и взлохмаченные.

His forehead is high and slopped with a receding hairline.

Его лоб высокий и выпуклый с залысинами.

He’s got almond brown eyes.

У него миндально-карие глаза.

His nose is long and straight.

Его нос длинный и прямой.

His lips are downturned.

Его губы опущены вниз.

He has a big oval face.

У него большое овальное лицо.

He’s got long ears with rather big lobes.

Он имеет длинные уши с довольно большими мочками.

His has a protruding chin.

У него выпуклый подбородок.

He’s got expressive facial features.

У него выразительные черты лица.

About Quentin Tarantino (краткие биографические сведения)

Quentin Jerome Tarantino was born on March 28, 1963 in Knoxville, Tennessee, U.S. He is an American director, writer, and actor.

At the age of 15 he started skipping (3) lessons at school. He quit school and started working as a ticket-taker at a movie theater. In the evenings he took acting courses. Then Tarantino found a job in a video archive that really inspired him before he became a producer.

His films are characterized by nonlinear (4) storylines, which means it doesn’t progress in just one direction of time. The first movie that brought him huge success was «Pulp Fiction» (1994). The film consists of (5) a long talk of two gangsters and a few parallel events. Some thoughts (6) are really philosophical, namely (7) how difficult it is to change a way of life and how unpredictable (8) life can be.

Tarantino has good friendship relationships with Madonna and Uma Thurman. Tarantino said about not having any children that, «It’s my sacrifice (9) for the sake (10) of producing movies».

In 2017 Tarantino got ingaged with Israeli singer Daniela Peak.

Vocabulary (используйте карточки для слов, которые сложно запоминаются):


Quentin Tarantino

Who Is Quentin Tarantino?

Born in Tennessee in 1963, Quentin Tarantino moved to California at age 4. His love of movies led to a job in a video store, during which time he wrote the scripts for True Romance and Natural Born Killers. Tarantino’s directorial debut came with 1992’s Reservoir Dogs, but he received widespread critical and commercial acclaim with Pulp Fiction (1994), for which he won an Academy Award for best screenplay. Subsequent features included Jackie Brown (1997), Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) and Vol. 2 (2004) and Grindhouse (2007). Tarantino earned several award nominations for Inglourious Basterds (2009) and Django Unchained (2012), the latter garnering him a second Oscar win for best screenplay, and he went on to write and direct The Hateful Eight (2015) and Once Upon a Time. in Hollywood (2019).

Early Life

Quentin Tarantino was born on March 27, 1963, in Knoxville, Tennessee. He is the only child of Connie McHugh, who is part Cherokee and part Irish, and actor Tony Tarantino, who left the family before Quentin was born.

Moving to California at the age of 4, Tarantino developed his love for movies at an early age. One of his earliest memories is of his grandmother taking him to see a John Wayne movie. Tarantino also loved storytelling, but he showed his creativity in unusual ways. «He wrote me sad Mother’s Day stories. He’d always kill me and tell me how bad he felt about it,» Connie once told Entertainment Weekly. «It was enough to bring a tear to a mother’s eye.»

Tarantino loathed school, choosing to spend his time watching movies or reading comics rather than studying. The only subject that appealed to him was history. «History was cool and I did well there, because it was kind of like the movies,» he told Entertainment Weekly. After dropping out of high school, Tarantino worked as an usher at an adult film theater for a time. He also took acting classes. Tarantino eventually landed a job at Video Archives in Manhattan Beach, California. There he worked with Roger Avary, who shared his passion for film. The two even worked on some script ideas together.

Early Films: ‘True Romance,’ ‘Natural Born Killers,’ ‘Reservoir Dogs’

During his time at Video Archives, Tarantino worked on several screenplays, including True Romance and Natural Born Killers. He also landed a guest spot on the popular sitcom The Golden Girls, playing an Elvis Presley impersonator. In 1990, Tarantino left Video Archives to work for Cinetel, a production company. Through one of the producers there, he was able to get his script for True Romance in the hands of director Tony Scott. Scott liked Tarantino’s script, and bought the rights to it.

Working with producer Lawrence Bender, Tarantino was able to secure funding for his directorial debut, Reservoir Dogs (1992), for which he had also written the screenplay. Actor Harvey Keitel was impressed when he read the script, saying «I haven’t seen characters like these in years.» He signed on as an actor and a producer for the project. Other cast members included Michael Madsen, Tim Roth, Chris Penn, Steve Buscemi and Tarantino himself.

In 1992, audiences at the Sundance Film Festival were entranced by Reservoir Dogs, Tarantino’s ultraviolent crime caper gone wrong. He drew inspiration for the project from such classic heist films as Rififi and City on Fire. The independent film helped make Tarantino one of the most talked-about figures in Hollywood. While not a big hit in the United States, it became a popular title on video and did well overseas.

Oscar Win for ‘Pulp Fiction’

With Pulp Fiction (1994), Tarantino created an unpredictable thrill ride filled with violence and pop culture references. In one story in the film, John Travolta played Vincent Vega, a hit man assigned to look after his boss’s girlfriend (Uma Thurman)—a role that helped resuscitate his then-flagging career. Another part examined Vega’s partnership with fellow hit man Jules Winnfield (played by Samuel L. Jackson). And yet another storyline involved Bruce Willis as a boxer. Tarantino managed to successfully interweave all these different stories to make a fascinating film. «His mind works like the Tasmanian Devil on a bullet train. It’s so fast that very few people can keep up with his references,» actor Eric Stoltz, who played a drug dealer in the film, explained to Los Angeles magazine.

‘Natural Born Killers,’ ‘From Dusk Till Dawn,’ ‘Jackie Brown’

Known for his temper, Tarantino got into a public disagreement with director Oliver Stone. Stone directed Natural Born Killers (1994) and rewrote parts of Tarantino’s script. Enraged by the rewrites, Tarantino fought to have his name taken off the film. Stone told the press that the changes were an improvement over the original, which had poor character development. In a related incident, Tarantino slapped one of the producers of Natural Born Killers when he ran into him at Los Angeles restaurant.

In 1995, Tarantino wrote and directed one of the four stories featured in Four Rooms. The other three were handled by other rising independent filmmakers Allison Anders, Alexandre Rockwell and Robert Rodriguez. After the release of Four Rooms, Tarantino and Rodriguez collaborated on From Dusk Till Dawn (1996). Tarantino wrote the screenplay for the film and starred opposite George Clooney, the two playing criminals who end up battle vampires. Rodriguez directed the film, which received negative reviews from critics.


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