Главная » Правописание слов » Властелин колец по английски как пишется

Слово Властелин колец по английски как пишется - однокоренные слова и морфемный разбор слова (приставка, корень, суффикс, окончание):

Морфемный разбор слова:

Однокоренные слова к слову:

Властелин колец по английски как пишется

Переводы обозначены сокращенно:
1. Каменкович и Каррик (К&К),
2. В.Маторина (ВАМ),
3. Немирова (Н),
4. Муравьев и Кистяковский (М&К),
5. Григорьева и Грушецкий (Г&Г),
6. З.Бобырь (Б),
7. Волковский и Воседой (В).

Алая книга – если помните так назывался первоисточник, повествующий о Войне Кольца (Red Book of Westmarch)
Red Book все переводят как «алая», и только ВАМ –»красная» (не очень удачный вариант, потому что Красная Книга для нас устойчиво ассоциируется с перечислением охраняемых животных и т.п.)
Westmarch каждый переводит в соответствии со своей концепцией:
Алая книга Западных Окраин (К&К)
Алая книга Западных Пределов (М&К, В)
Красная книга Западного Приграничья (ВАМ)
Алая книга Западного Крома (Г&Г)
Алая книга Западного Края (Н)

Три племени хоббитов. Если помните, они упоминаются во вступлении к «Властелину колец».
В оригинале (в книге) названия пишутся так: Harfoots, Stoors, Fallowhides.
Пожалуй, приведу все варианты без комментариев. Единственное, о чем напомню – что М&К и здесь при переводе проводит аналогию с зайцами.
Шерстоноги, Дубсы и Белоскоры (К&К)
расторопы, схватни и скрытни (В)
мохноноги, сторы и светлинги (ВАМ)
лапитупы, струсы, беляки (М&К)
Мохноноги, Хваты, Лесовики (Г&Г)
шерстоноги, стурсы, буроголовые (Н)

Хоббитское название бесполезной, лишней вещи для подарков. Музей этих вещей.
Английское «mathom» не переводится у К&К (мэтем), Г&Г (маттом) и Н (метом). Все остальные стараются придать этому странному хоббитскому слову «говорящее» звучание:
мусом (М&К) – кажется, наиболее удачный вариант.
мутень (В) – а этот мне абсолютно не нравится.
сдача (ВАМ) – обожаю ВАМ, но многие варианты перевода у нее мне не нравятся.
Название того места (дома, музея), где хранятся mathom’ы:
мэтемушник (К&К),
Мутень-Хоромина (В),
Дом сдачи (ВАМ),
Мусомный Амбар (М&К),
Маттом Дом (Г&Г),
дом метомов (Н).
И тут, как мне кажется, М&К со своим Амбаром лидируют.

Хоббичье жилище, большая разветвленная нора
Английское smial:
смайлы (К&К)
смиалы (М&К, В, Н)
смайелы (ВАМ)
смеалы (Г&Г)

Одна четвертая часть страны хоббитов (Шир, Хоббитания) называется: Заметьте, каждый переводчик придумал свое название для английского Farthing:
Предел (К&К),
Четверик (В),
чверть (ВАМ),
удел (М&К),
четь (Г&Г).
У Немировой вообще это слово не упоминается.

Нелюбимые родственники Бильбо – Sackville-Bagginses
Переводом второй части фамилии нас уже не удивишь, а вот фантазия переводчиков первой части достойна уважения: Хапни, Дерикуль, Кошель и Лякошель, просто – Саквиль и Сумкин. Кстати, не удивляйтесь, если имена этих «родственничков» найдете в разных вариантах: от Оддо и Любелия (М&К) до Отто и Лобелия (Г&Г).
Привожу полный список вариантов:
Саквиль-Бэггинсы (К&К)
Хапни-Беббинсы (В)
Сумкин-Торбинсы (ВАМ)
Лякошель-Торбинсы, Оддо и Любелия (М&К)
Дерикуль-Сумниксы, Отто и Лобелия (Г&Г)
Кошель-Торбинсы, Ото и Лобелия (Н)

Возраст хоббита перед совершеннолетием. Если помните, в самом начале книги есть фраза типа – «до 33 лет Фродо считался…» По-английски это звучит как in his tweens…
Сразу скажу, что эта фраза не переведена у Волковского и у Бобырь, хотя последнее само собой разумеется.
У двух переводчиков эта пора называется «ранние лета» (М&К) и «незрелые лета» (Н). Кстати, думаю, вы уже привыкли или скоро привыкнете к полным или частичным (в смысле, в том же русле) совпадениям переводов М&К и Немировой. Это принципиальная позиция переводчицы.
Интересно было проследить, что придумали другие переводчики для обозначения хоббитов в этом возрасте. У К&К Фродо в этом возрасте звали «вьюношей», у ВАМ – «двадцатиком», у Г&Г – «доростоком».

Фамилия Сэма, он же Sam (Samwise) Gamgee
Сэм – это Сэм, хотя он может быть и Сэмуайз (К&К), и Сэмиус (В). Интереснее посмотреть на перевод фамилии: это Гэмги (К&К), Гэмджи (ВАМ, Г&Г), Гамджи и Гэмджи (Б). Вариант М&К (и соответственно, Н) – Скромби – интересен, подчеркивает скромность и преданность Сэма своего хозяину. Вариант Волковского – Гужни – мне не нравится.

Основные семейства хоббитов (их перечисляет Бильбо в своей «деньрожденной» речи):
Для начала – английский оригинал:
Grubbs, Ghubbs, Burrows, Hornblowers, Bolgers, Bracegirdles, Goodbodies, Brockhouses, Proudfoot (Proudfeet)
Груббы, Куббы, Барсукки, Дудельщики, Булджеры, Перестегинсы, Дебеллинги и Большеступы (Большестопы) (К&К)
Прожоры, Отвальни, Бульбаны, Опоясни, Толстинги, Трубопыхи, Барсучинсы и Мохноступы (Мохностопы) (В)
Рылсы, Жуйлы, Закопансы, Дудлинги, Болджеры, Тугобрюхи, Пышнинги, Барсучинсы и Мохнолапы (Мохнопяты) (ВАМ)
Рытлы и Хрюклы, Пузиксы и Кротты, Помочь-Лямкинсы и Дудкинсы, Сдобсы и Большеноги (Г&Г)
? (Н)
? (М&К)

Пиппин (Перегрин) Тук, он же – Pippin (Peregrin) Took
Обычно это все-таки Пиппин, хотя иногда и Пипин (ВАМ); чаще всего он все же Тук, хотя иногда и Тукк (К&К). И только в двух случаях он – Пин (М&К и Н), и только в одном – Крол (догадайтесь, у кого? Конечно же у М&К и только у них. )

Люди и прочие называют хоббитов так:
В фильме, кажется, были «полурослики» (Лурц говорит – «найдите полуросликов».
Тем не менее у каждого переводчика есть свой вариант (а то и два), что удивляет в очередной раз:
невеличек (К&К), невысоклик (М&К, Н), коротыш (Б)
полуросток, полуростик (ВАМ)
недоросток, хафлинг (В)
Самое интересное, что Волковский приводит на английское слово Halfling в русской транскрипции. Единственное достоинство этого хода в том, что теперь вы понимаете, как это звучало бы по-английски. Но назвать удачным такой перевод нельзя. Еще хуже – «недоросток». Это что, оскорбление?
? (Г&Г)

Хоббиты называют людей:
Английский вариант – Big Folk – переводят как Большие (К&К), Большуны (В), Огромины (ВАМ), Громадины (М&К), Верзилы (Г&Г), Громадины, Рослый Народ (Н). Повторов не было. 🙂

Продав усадьбу Бильбо, новый дом Фродо купил в местечке под названием… Crickhollow.
В переводах – 3 балки, 2 овражка и 1 лощинка. Смотрите сами:
Криккова Лощинка (К&К)
Сухой Овражек (В)
Кривражки (Г&Г)
Кричья Балка (ВАМ)
Кроличья Балка (М&К)
Ручейная Балка (Н)

Брендибэки жили в…
Жили они в Buckebury, то есть в Бэкбери (К&К), Бакбурге (ВАМ), Зайгорде (М&К),
Скочке (Г&Г), Забрендии (Н) – снова Забрендия? Извините, так было в переводе..
И снова все рекорды бьет Волковский со своими Баклушами. Да-да, именно в Баклушах жили его Брендибаки.

Новое поселение в Хоббитании
New Rowl / Sharkey’s End
Новый Наулок (Сычевый Пшик)(В)
улица Новая или тупик Шарки (ВАМ, К&К)
Новый Проулок (Могила Шарки) (М&К)
Новосумы или Аспидов Конец (Г&Г)
улица Новая (Могила Шарки) (Н)

Поместье Тукков
Большие Смайлы (К&К)
Туковые Смиалища (В)
Великие Смайелы (ВАМ)
Смеалища (Г&Г)
Большие Смиалы (Н)

Гэмджи жили в (на) Bagshot Row
в Отвальном (К&К)
— (В)
на Пронырной улице (ВАМ)
в Тугосумах (Г&Г)
в Торбином переулке (Н)

Хэмфаст, отец Сэма
Gaffer Gamgee
Хэм Гэмджи, Старикан (К&К)
Хэм Гужни, Старбень (В)
Хэмфаст, дед Гэмджи (ВАМ)
Жихарь (М&К)
Старичина Хэм (Г&Г)
Хэм Скромби, Дед (Н)

хоббичий танец (помните, хоббитсякая молодежь все порывалась сплясать его во время речи Бильбо) springle-ring
прыг-скок (К&К)
звяк-поскок (В)
кольцепрыга (ВАМ)
Прыг-Дрыг (Г&Г)
«все в пляс, прыгнем враз» (Н)

летописи хранятся в Undertowers
Подбашенный (К&К)
Подбашенки (В)
Под Башнями (ВАМ)
Недовышки (Г&Г)
Подбашенье (Н)

хранитель Кольца Ringbearer
хранитель Кольца (К&К, В, М&К, Н)
несший Кольцо, Носитель Кольца (ВАМ)
Кольценосец (Б)
Хранитель (Г&Г)

хоббит Фолко Боффин (Boffin)
Боффин (К&К, ВАМ)
Сведун (В)
Умникс (Г&Г)
Мудренс (Н)


Властелин колец по английски как пишется


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продолжение сравнений семи переводов Толкина (имена и названия) [дек. 13, 2005|10:59 am]

Переводы обозначены сокращенно:
1. Каменкович и Каррик (К&К),
2. В.Маторина (ВАМ),
3. Немирова (Н),
4. Муравьев и Кистяковский (М&К),
5. Григорьева и Грушецкий (Г&Г),
6. З.Бобырь (Б),
7. Волковский и Воседой (В).

нолдор, High-elves
Высшие эльфы (К&К)
Вышние эльфы (В)
эльфы Высокого Рода (ВАМ, Н)
Высокие Эльфы (Г&Г)

Лихолесье до прихода зла
Greenwood the Great
Великая Зеленая Пуща (К&К)
Зеленая Дубрава (В)
Великое Зеленолесье (ВАМ)
Ясный Бор (Г&Г)
Великий Зеленый Лес (Н)

Дом Элронда, Имладрис, в общем – Rivendell.
Только К&К (Ривенделл), Бобырь (Ривенделль) и отчасти ВАМ (Райвендел) близки к привычному нам теперь по фильму названию.
Привожу остальные варианты (в порядке усиления негативного к ним отношения):
Раздол (М&К, Н) – это еще куда ни шло.
Дольн (Г&Г) – сойдет.
Разлог (В) – я, конечно, понимаю, что мог иметь в виду переводчик (в основном географическое положение Ривенделла, как бы в логе, лощине, наверное…), но как-то это не звучит для эльфийского места обитания…

Эльфийские гавани на западе Средиземья
Grey Havens:
Серые Гавани (К&К) или Серая Гавань (ВАМ);
Серебристая Гавань (М&К, Н, Г&Г) или Серебристые гавани (В).

Живительный напиток эльфов
Если вы думаете, что мирувор (К&К, В, ВАМ, Г&Г) – это единственный перевод слова miruvor, то вы ошибаетесь. Есть еще и мирувар (Н), и напиток Эльфов (Б), и знаменитый здравур (М&К)

Халдир (хорошо известный по фильму эльф из Лориена)
Пожалуй, без комментариев:
Халдир (К&К, ВАМ) и Хальдир (В, Б)
Хэлдир (Г&Г) и Хэльдир (Н)
Извините, не успела глянуть, что там у М&К.

Лепешки – они и есть лепешки! Так что то, что это дорожный хлеб, согласны почти все, и только у К&К это – «подорожники». Кроме того, у М&К лембас – это не лембас, а путлибы.

жена Тома Бомбадила
Златовика (К&К)
Золотинка (В, ВАМ, М&К, Н)
Златеника (Г&Г)

народ Арагорна
Следопыты (К&К, М&К, В)
стражи-скитальцы (ВАМ)
скитальцы из Пустоземья (Г&Г)
Следопыты (Н)
Бродяги (Б)

корчмарщик Пивовар Подсолнух (К&К)
Пивнюк Свербигуз (В)
Баттерс Медовар (ВАМ)
Лавр Наркисс (М&К)
Суслень Маслютик (Г&Г)
Бурлимон Барбарис (Н)

Бродяга, Бродяга-Шире-Шаг (К&К)
Бродяжник (В, ВАМ, М&К, Н)
Колоброд (Г&Г)
Странник (Б)

южанин Билл, если такого припоминаете (вражеский прихвостень в Бри 🙂
Билл Осина (К&К)
Билл Прихвощень (В)
Билл Хвощ (ВАМ, Г&Г)
Бит Осинник (М&К)
Билл Терни (Н)
Ферни (Б)

Балрог (К&К, В, ВАМ)
Барлог (М&К, Н)
Огнемрак (Б)

Как вы думаете, сколько вариантов имени можно придумать для бедного орка? Казалось бы, мало. Но все не так просто.
Грышнах (К&К)
Гришнакх (В)
Грышнак (ВАМ, М&К)
Горшнак (Н) – лидер хитпарада!
Гришнак (Г&Г)

Грима, его имя, а также прозвище от Сарумана
Червеуст, Червяк (К&К)
Змеиный Язык, Змеюка (В)
Причмок, Слизняк (ВАМ)
Гнилоуст, Гниль (М&К)
Червослов, Червяк (Г&Г)
Драконий Язык, беззубая гадюка (Н)

Эовейн (К&К)
Эйовин (В)
Эовина (ВАМ)
Эовин (М&К, Н)
Йовин (Г&Г)

Халбарад (К&К)
Хальбарад (В, Г&Г)
Халбард (ВАМ)
Хальвард (Н)

Лесной человек. Ну, помните, когда роханцы ехали на помощь Гондору?
Ган-бури-Ган, Лесной Человек (К&К)
Гхан-бури-Гхан, Лесовик (В)
Ган-Бури-Ган, вохс, дикий человек (ВАМ)
Ган-бури-Ган, лешак (М&К)
Гхан-бури-Гхан, лесной человек (Г&Г)
Гхан-бури-Гхан, лесовик (Н)

главный целитель Гондора
Главный Знаток зелий (К&К)
травник (В, Г&Г)
Главный собиратель зелий(ВАМ)
травовед (М&К)
брат-аптекарь (Н)

Властелин Тьмы, Черный Повелитель (К&К)
Темный Властелин (В)
Властелин Тьмы, Черный Властелин (ВАМ)
Черный Властелин (М&К)
Темный Властелин, Черный Владыка (Г&Г)
Властелин Мордора (Н)
Черный Властелин, Темный Владыка, Черный Владыка (Б)

Прозвище Сарумана в Хоббитании
Шарки (К&К, Н, ВАМ)
Сыч (В)
? (ВАМ)
Шаркич (М&К)
Аспид (Г&Г)

Гэндальв (ВАМ)
Гандальф (Б)
Гэндальф (все остальные)

Род Арагорна
Род Королей, пришедших из-за Моря (К&К)
Род Королей с Заокраинного Запада (ВАМ)
Род Королей из-за Моря (Г&Г, В, Н)


14 английских фраз, которые мы запомнили благодаря «Властелину колец»

Мы всегда советуем смотреть фильмы на английском. Потому что это полезно: вам в голову западут фразы с оригинальными выражениями и интонацией, какими их произносили актеры. И вы никогда не забудете грамматические конструкции и слова из этих фраз. Собрали самое важное, чему нас научил «Властелин колец».

1. You shall not pass!

Знаменитое восклицание Гэндальфа «Ты не пройдешь!» специально сделано старомодным — он же древний и могущественный волшебник. Shall как замена will уже давно отмирает и остается на бумаге лишь в каких-то старых изданиях зеленого учебника Голицынского. Иронично, что в книгах такой фразы нет. Там Гэндальф говорит гораздо более понятное нам «You cannot pass».

2. My precious.

Обязательно надо говорить коронную фразу Голлума с растягиванием: « My precious-s-s-s-s». И страшно улыбаться. Только не увлекайтесь, а то мало ли что. Но скажем честно: благодаря «Властелину колец» слово «прелесть» знают даже люди с нулевым уровнем английского.

3. Mordor, Gandalf, is it left or right?

Фродо взвалил на себя тяжелую ношу, но даже не знает, в какую сторону идти. Используйте эту фразу, когда хотите узнать местонахождение чего угодно: «Buckingham palace, sir, is it left or right?» («Букингемский дворец, сэр, он налево или направо?»).

4. You have my sword. — And my bow. — And my axe

5. Nobody tosses a Dwarf!

6. One does not simply walk into Mordor

Самый известный мем из «Властелина колец» и на русском и на английском звучит одинаково потешно: «Нельзя просто так войти в Мордор». Но разберемся в грамматике. One здесь не число один, а заменитель существительного или местоимения, вместо него вполне могло стоять you ( « You don’t simply walk into Mordor» — «Ты просто так не войдешь в Мордор»). Такая конструкция очень пригодится вам в эссе. Повторять слова там — дурной тон, а значит их нужно на что-то заменять. Например, на one.

7. Fly you fools!

Снова Гэндальф со странными словами. Почему fly, а фраза переводится как «Бегите, глупцы»? Да, в английском слова тоже могут употребляться не в прямом значении, метафорично. Убегайте так быстро, будто летите. Все совсем встает на свои места, если знаешь, что есть глагол flee (сходно по звучанию, ага), который и переводится как «убегать, спасаться бегством».

8. They’re taking the hobbits to Isengard

Фраза «Они уносят хоббитов в Изенгард!» точно впечатается вам в мозг после десятичасового видео. Лучший саундтрек для вечеринок.

9. My friends. you bow to no one

Переводчик здесь достаточно вольно подошел к тексту, так что по-русски получилось «Мои друзья. Вам ли кланяться?» Он передал главный смысл, но не точь-в-точь (буквально будет: «Вы ни перед кем не должны кланяться»). Получилось красиво. Отметим, что bow — это не только глагол «кланяться», но и существительное «лук» (из которого стреляет Леголас), а еще «бант» (который завязывают на подарке).

10. You cannot hide. I see you

«Тебе не спрятаться. Я вижу тебя» — такое слышать и правда страшновато. Под воздействием глаза Саурона заклинаем вас только не забывать, что « I see» — это еще и «я понимаю». Не путайте в контексте.

11. The Ring is mine!

Самый грустный момент, ведь Фродо все-таки пал под властью кольца и кричит, что оно принадлежит ему. Но тут хорошо вспомнить, что артикль the используется для чего-то единственного в своем роде ( The Ring — только то Одно Кольцо, главное, а не какое-то еще).

12. You have no power here, Gandalf the Grey

«У тебя здесь нет власти, Гэндальф Серый!» — да, мощная фраза. К тому же тут о тличная грамматика. Необязательно строить все эти отрицательные конструкции из do + not ( « You don’t have power here», согласитесь, звучит не так внушительно). Можно сказать «y ou have», а потом уже отрицать через no ( « You have no food here, mother» — «У тебя здесь нет еды, мама»).

13. No Man can kill me. — I am no Man

14. I never thought I’d die fighting side-by-side with an Elf

Мы всегда плачем во время этой сцены. Запомните, что side-by-side (бок о бок) в английском нужно писать через дефисы, а в русском — как три отдельных слова.

Gimli: I never thought I’d die fighting side-by-side with an Elf.
Legolas: What about side-by-side with a friend?
Gimli: Aye. I could do that.

Гимли: Не думал, что умру, сражаясь бок о бок с эльфом.
Леголас: А как насчёт бок о бок с другом?
Гимли: Ну, на это… я согласен.

Как видите, «Властелин колец» — просто кладезь грамматической мудрости. Да и вообще учить английский по фильмам безумно увлекательно! Если хотите продолжить, прочитайте нашу статью с методами, которые помогут превратить просмотр любого фильма в полезный урок английского.


Сценарий фильма Властелин колец/ Lord of the Rings на английском языке бесплатно

Здесь вы можете найти сценарий к фильму: Властелин колец/ Lord of the Rings.

Властелин колец/ Lord of the Rings

I amar prestar aen. The world is changed.
han mathon ne nen. I feel it in the waters.
han mathon ne chae. I feel it in the earth.
a han noston ned gwilith. I smell it in the air.
Much that once was is lost. For none now live who remember it.

The words ‘The Lord of the Rings’ appears in gold lettering on the screen, the screen fades back
to black, then a fire comes onto the screen. A pair of tongs are seen pouring a heated liquid into a

It began with the forging of the great rings.

(Three elf hands are seen, each wearing one of the elven rings, which each have jewels on them.
We see the elves looking at the rings on their fingers.)
3 rings to the elves, immortal, wisest and fairest of all beings.

7 to the dwarf lords, great miners and craftsmen of the mountain halls.
(We see the dwarves take their rings)

And 9. 9 rings were gifted to the race of men, who above all else desire power.
(The men are seen with thier rings)

For within these rings was bound the strength and will to govern each race. But they were all of
them deceived.
(We see a map of Middle Earth, which blackens, as the screen blacks out.)

For another ring was made.
(Map is shown again, this time showing Mordor).

In the land of Mordor, in the fires of Mount Doom, the dark lord Sauron forged in secret a master
ring to control all others.
(We see Mt Doom, a volcano, spitting out lava from the top. We see Sauron’s face, wearing a
golden mask. Then we see a more distant shot of Sauron, this time holding something up in his

And into this ring he poured his cruelty, his malice, and his will to dominate all life.
(Fire blots out his image, and in the fire we see round, gold ring. We see a close shot of Sauron,
with the ring on his hand. The camera zooms in on the ring, which has fiery elvish letters on it.)

One ring to rule them all.
(Once again, we see a map of Middle Earth. A dark cloud originating from Mordor spreads to the
rest of Middle Earth).

One by one, free lands in Middle Earth fell to the power of the ring.
(The map blends into a village in Middle Earth, where people are running away from orcs, who
are brandishing axes, and burning down houses)

But there were some who resisted.
(We see an army of men marching, then a long shot of the battle field, where there are thousands
of men, elves, and orcs in battle, marching towards each other. The camera moves up to show Mt

A last alliance of Men and Elves marched against the armies of Mordor. On the slopes of Mount
Doom, they fought for the freedom of Middle Earth.

We see an orc snarling, then a line of archers shooting arrows. Once again, we see a long shot of
the battle field, with orcs falling off cliff tops as they are shot. There are tens of thousands on the
battle field.

We see an army of elves and men, commanded by Elrond, who shouts a battle cry

Tangado a chadad
(Translation: Establish to hurling)
(The Elves/Men have their sheilds drawn, and as the orcs charge towards them, they draw their
swords and fight them. They slaughter many orcs)

Victory was near. But the power of the ring could not be undone.

(Sauron appears, and with him, a hazy cloud. We see a close up shot of his hand, which is
wearing the golden ring. The fiery letters are very clear. Sauron swings his sword, and the men
and elves against him are flung outwards, yelling in pain. The king charges forward, trying to kill
Sauron. Sauron slashes at him, flinging him to the ground. His sword falls. Isildur, his son, runs
to his side, and takes off his helmet)

It was in this moment, when all hope had faded, that Isildur, son of the king, took up his father’s

As he grabs at the sword, Sauron steps on it, breaking it. But Isildur still has a hold on its hilt,
and slashes at Sauron’s hand, cutting off the finger which wears the ring. The finger, still with the
ring on it, falls to the ground, as Sauron falls backwards. Isildur sits up and leans over the ring,
as Sauron is destroyed in a light that seems to come from his body. A bright light comes from
him, and a cloud spreads over the battlefield, killing all the orcs and Sauron’s allies. Sauron’s
mask/helmet falls to the ground, smoke coming out of it.

Sauron, the enemy of the free people of Middle Earth, was defeated.
(Isildur, amazed, picks up Sauron’s finger, with the ring on it)

The ring passed to Isildur, who had this one chance to destroy evil forever.
(We see the ring in Isildur’s hand, and as he holds it, the finger of Sauron turns to powder)

But the hearts of men are easily corrupted, and the ring of power has a will of its own.
(We see Isildur on a horse, and the ring on a chain around his neck. He is attacked by orcs. One
jumps onto his back, and the others shoot him with their arrows. He is seen in the Great River,
dead, with three arrows in his back.)

It betrayed Isildur to his death.
(The ring is seen floating down to the bottom of the river)

And some things that should not have been forgotten were lost. History became legend; legend
became myth. And for two and a half thousand years the ring passed out of all knowledge. Until,
when chance came, it ensnared a new bearer.

(Screen fades to black, we see the same spot of the river, then we see the ring, half buried, still
on the river floor. A hand is seen closing over it)

My preciousss.

(We see Gollum holding the ring in his hand, then a shot of the Misty Mountains)
The ring came to the creature Gollum who took it deep into the tunnels of the Misty Mountains.
And there it consumed him.
(We see Gollum, deep in a cave, squatting on a rock, looking at the ring in his hand)

It came to me. My own, my love, my own, my preciousss. Gollum.
The ring brought to Gollum unnatural long life. For five hundred years it poisoned his mind. And
in the gloom of Gollum’s cave it waited.
(Screen blacks out, then we see an indistinct shape, which comes into focus: a full moon. The
image sharpens more, and we see it behind the cover of a tree.)

Darkness crept back in the forest of the world. Rumour grew of a shadow in the east, whispers of
a nameless fear.
(We see a ripple in the Great Lake, the the screen merges into a shot of a red sunset.)

And the ring of power perceived it’s time had now come.
(We hear the sound of metal on rock, echoing through Gollum’s cave, and see his ring falling.)

It abandoned Gollum. But something happened then, that the ring did not intend. It was picked
up by the most unlikely creature imaginable.
(A hand is seen on the ring)

What’s this?
A hobbit. Bilbo Baggins of the Shire.
(We see a full view of a hobbit, who fingers it, then smiles)

A ring.
(Offstage, in the distance) Lost.
(We see the outside of the Misty Mountains, now moving away from them.)
For the time would soon come when hobbits would shape the fortunes of all.

(The screen blacks out).

Riddles in the dark.
(In the distance). Bilbo! (Opens door). Bilbo! (Leans over, and picks up the ring).
A precious.
He’s gone, hasn’t he?
(Lets out a puff of smoke)
He talked so long about leaving. I didn’t think he’d really do it. Gandalf?
(Turns around to face Frodo)
(Shows Gandalf the ring in the palm of his hand)
(smiles) Bilbo’s ring. He’s gone to stay with the elves. He’s left you Bag End. (He holds out an
envelope to Frodo, who puts the ring into it. Gandalf seals the envelope with a red stamp). Along
with all his possessions. The ring is yours now. (Gandalf holds out the envelope to Frodo, who
takes it). (whispers) Put it somewhere out of sight.
(Gandalf prepares to leave).
Where are you going?
There are some things that I must see to.
What things?
Questions. Questions that need answering
You’ve only just arrived. I don’t understand.
(stops and turns around) Neither do I. (Leans over to face Frodo). Keep it secret. (Places his hand
on Frodo’s shoulder). Keep it safe. (He leaves, and shuts the door)
Frodo: (Looks at the envelope in his hand).

Shire! Shire! Baggins!
The Gates of Minas Morgul open, and the riders in black are seen riding out from them. Then the
scene switches to Gandalf, who is riding up a slope and looking out onto Mount Doom. He then
rides off to Minas Tirith, and enters a building full of old scrolls.

Scene switches, and the riders in black are seen. A hobbit holds out a lantern.
Who goes there?
One of the riders swings a sword at his head.

The next day, at dawn, Gandalf is seen leading his horse into the woods, with Frodo and Sam
following him.
Come along, Samwise, keep up. Be careful, both of you. The enemy has many spies in his
service. birds, beasts. (to Frodo:) Is it safe?
Puts his hand over his coat pocket.
Never put it on. For the agent of the Dark Lord will be drawn to its power. Always remember,
Frodo. The ring is trying to get back to its master. It wants to be found. (Gandalf rides off into
the woods, birds are heard screeching).
Sam and Frodo set off.
This is it.
This is what?
If I take one more step, it’ll be the farthest away from home I’ve ever been.
(Walks back towards Sam) Come on, Sam.
(Takes step)
(Puts his hand onto Sam’s shoulder)
You remember what Bilbo used to say?
(They continue walking)
It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step out onto the road, and if you
don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.

Scene switches to Gandalf. He rides off to Isengard, to find Saruman, the head of his order.

Smoke rises from the mountain of Doom, and the hour grows late, and Gandalf the Grey rides to
Isengard seeking my counsel. For that is why you have come, is it not? My old friend
Saruman. (bows head)

Gandalf and Saruman are talking as they walk in the garden.

You are sure of this?
Beyond any doubt.
So the ring of power has been found.
All these long years, it was in the Shire, under my very nose.
Yet you did not have the wits to see it. Your love of the Halflings’ leaf has clearly slowed your
But we still have time. Time to counter Sauron if we act quickly.
Time? What time do you think we have?

The scene moves to Saruman’s room.
Sauron has regained much of his former strength. He cannot yet take physical form, but his spirit
has lost none of its potency. Concealed within his fortress, the Lord of Mordor sees all. His gaze
pierces cloud, shadow, earth and flesh. You know of what I speak, Gandalf. A great eye, lidless,
wreathed in flame.
(Whispers) The eye of Sauron.
He is gathering all evil to him. Very soon he will summon an army great enough to launch an
assault upon Middle Earth.
You know all this? How?
I have seen it.

Gandalf and Saruman are walking into the hall.

A palantir is a dangerous tool, Saruman. (walking towards the palantir).
Why? Why should we fear to use it? (Takes cover off palantir)
They are not all accounted for, the lost seeing stones. You do not know who else may be
watching. (Puts the cover back onto the palantir)
The hour is later than you think. Sauron’s forces are already moving. The nine have left Minas
(whispers)The nine.
They crossed the river Isen on Midsummer’s Eve, disguised as riders in black.
They’ve reached the Shire.
They will find the ring, and kill the one that carries it.
(whispers)Frodo! Frodo! (Makes for a door, but as he approaches it, it is closed. He makes for
the other 3 doors, but each close as he heads for them).
You do not seriously think that a hobbit could contend with the will of Sauron? There are none
who can. Against the power of Mordor, there can be no victory. We must join with him, Gandalf.
We must join with Sauron. It would be wise, my friend.
Tell me, friend. When did Saruman the wise abandon reason for madness?

Saruman pins Gandalf against the wall about the door, then lets him drop. They use their staffs to
fight, but Saruman manages to take Gandalf’s staff from him.

I gave you the chance of aiding me willingly, but you have elected a way of paying!
He then uses his staff to throw him to the top of the tower of Isengard.

Mr Frodo? Frodo! FRODO! (Frodo comes into sight, and Sam sighs in relief.)
I thought I’d lost you.
What are you talking about?
It’s just something Gandalf said.
What did he say?
«Don’t you lose him, Samwise Gamgee.» And I don’t mean to.
Sam, we’re still in the Shire. What could possibly happen?
Just then, Merry and Pippin come out from the bushes, and fall onto Frodo and Sam.

The hobbits hurry off the road, and find a hiding place under the roots of a tree. A rider in black
comes dismounts, and comes towards their hiding place. Frodo is tempted to put on the ring, but
Sam stops him. Merry throws something off into the distance, and the rider moves towards it.
The hobbits leave their hiding place and run.

What was that?
The hobbits are shown running through the woods in the dark. At least one rider is nearby.
What is going on?
That black rider was looking for something. Or someone. Frodo?
(Turns around to face Merry)
Get down!
The hobbits get down, and a rider is seen nearby.
I have to leave the Shire. Sam and I must get to Bree.
Right. Buckleberry Ferry. Follow me.
The follow Merry, but a black rider sees and chases them.
Hurry! Follow me!
They run, and come to the river. Sam, Merry and Pippin are there, but Frodo is still being chased
by a black rider.
Get the boats out!
The Hobbits:
Frodo! No! Hurry! Come on!
The others have untied the boat, and it is drifting off. Frodo runs, and manages to jump onto the
boat. The rider stops at the river bank, and turns around.
How far to the nearest crossing?
The brandywine bridge. Twenty miles.
The rider is seen riding off, and is joined by at least two other riders in black.

The hobbits are seen approaching the gate into Bree.
Come on.
They knock on the gate. The gatekeeper opens a shutter, but it is too high up to see the hobbits,
and opens a lower one.
What do you want?
We’re heading for the Prancing Pony.
(Opens gate). Hobbits. Four hobbits! What business brings you to Bree?
We wish to stay at the inn. Our business is our own.
Alright, young sir, I meant no offence. It’s my job to ask questions after nightfall. There’s talk of
strange folk abroad. Can’t be too careful.

The gatekeeper lets them in. Bree is full of men, or ‘big folk’, as the hobbits call them, and it is a
rough area. One of the hobbits bump into one of the men, who says ‘watch where you’re going!’
Eventually, they find the inn of the ‘Prancing Pony’, and enter it.

The black riders are seen coming closer to the inn: they are drawn to its power. Frodo sees the
world in darkness when he puts on the ring. There are many shadows, and he hears a voice.

You cannot hide. I see you.

(He sees a great red eye, and pulls the ring off his finger. Just as he is recovering, he finds a hand
on his shoulder. The man, Strider pulls him up the stairs into his room).
You draw far too much attention to yourself, Mr Underhill.
What do you want?
A little more caution from you, that is no trinket you carry.
I carry nothing.
Indeed. I can avoid being seen if I wish. But to disappear entirely. That is a rare gift. (he pinches
the candles in the room to put them out, and takes off his hood)
Who are you?
Are you frightened?
Not nearly frightened enough. I know what hunts you.
The door is opened, and Strider draws his sword. Merry, Pippin, and Sam are seen standing in
the doorway. Sam has his fists held forward.
Let him go, or we’ll have you, long shanks!
You have a stout heart for a hobbit (Puts his sword away) But that will not save you. You can no
longer wait for the wizard, Frodo. They’re coming.

The scene switches to the Black riders. The gatekeeper hears them coming to the gate, and walks
towards it. The Black riders knock down the gate, and enter Bree.

The scene switches back to the hobbits, who are sleeping. Then we see the Black riders
approach, and enter the hobbit rooms. There is a rider standing over each bed, and in unison,
they thrust their swords into them. They do this several times, but when they take the blankets
off, they find that there was no one sleeping in the beds. They turn over the beds, and ride off.
The scene switches back to Strider, who is sitting by the window with the hobbits, who have
What are they?
They were once men. Great kings of men. Then Sauron the deceiver gave to them 9 rings of
power. Blinded by their greed, they took them without questioning, one by one, falling to
darkness. Now they are slaves to his will. They are the Nazgul. Ring wraiths. Neither living nor
dead. At all times they feel the presence of the ring. Drawn to the power of the One. They will
never stop hunting you.

The next day, Strider is seen leading a pony into the countryside, with the hobbits following him.
Where are you taking us?
Into the wild.
How do we know this Strider is a friend of Gandalf’s?
We have no choice but to trust him.
But where is he leading us?
To Rivendell, Master Gamgee, to the House of Elrond.
Did you hear that? Rivendell. We’re going to see the elves.

They walk on for some time. At one point, Strider hears the Hobbits whispering behind him, and
realises that they have stopped.
(turns around) Gentlemen. We do not stop ’till nightfall.
What about breakfast?
You’ve already had it.
We’ve had one, yes. What about second breakfast?
Strider turns around, and continues on.
Don’t think he knows about second breakfast, Pippin.
What about elevensies? Luncheon. Afternoon tea. Dinner? Supper. He knows about them.
Doesn’t he?
I wouldn’t count on it.
Strider throws an apple back, and Merry catches it. He hands it to Pippin, pats him on the back.
Then Strider throws another apple, which hits Pippin on the head. Pippin looks up, and around
him, bewildered.

In Isengard: Saruman is using the Palantir
The power of Isengard is at your command, Sauron, lord of the earth.
Voice of Sauron
Build me an army worthy of Mordor.

The scene switches to a room in Saruman’s tower.
What orders from Mordor, my lord? What does the eye command?
We have work to do.

The orcs outside Isengard are uprooting all the trees. We see Gandalf on top of the tower of
Isengard. Then we see the orcs working down below, pulling down the trees.
The trees are strong, my lord. The roots go deep.
Rip them all down.
Once again, we see Gandalf at the top of the tower of Isengard

The scene goes back to Strider and the hobbits.
This was the great watchtower of Amon Sul. We will rest here tonight.
(The hobbits settle down in a corner. Strider takes out four short swords, and passes one to each
These are for you. Keep them close. I’m going to have a look around. Stay here.
(Some time later, when it is dark, Frodo wakes up suddenly. Merry, Pippin, and Sam are cooking
something around a fire)
Can I have some meat?
Ok. Want some tomatoes, Sam? Great tomatoes.
(Gets up, and walks over to his friends)
(In an urgent voice) What are you doing?!
Tomatoes, sausages, nice crispy bacon.
We saved some for you, Mr Frodo.
(Stamps onto the fire, putting it out with his bare feet).
Put it out, you fools! Put it out!
Oh, that’s nice! Ash on my tomatoes.
The cry of the Nazgul is heard. The hobbits draw their swords, and see the the Nazgul encircling
Amon Sul
(Gesturing for the others to go up to the top of the watchtower) Go.
(The Nazgul follow the hobbits to the top, and face them.)
back you devils.

The Riders draw their swords, and swipe Merry, Pippin, and Sam out the way. Frodo falls
backwards. The riders stand over him with their swords, and Frodo puts on the ring. He sees the
faces of the riders in bright light. The riders say something in another language then stab Frodo
in arm

Ahhhhhhhh (He takes the ring off).
Frodo! (He runs over to Frodo).
Strider comes, with a torch in one hand, and his sword in the other. He takes on the riders, and
manages to set the alight, driving them away.
Strider! Help him Strider!
He has been stabbed by a Morgul blade. This is beyond my skill to heal. He needs elvish
medicine. Hurry! (He picks Frodo up over his shoulder, and they head off into the night.)
We’re 6 days from Rivendell! He’ll never make it!
Frodo, Frodo

A moth flies up to the tower of Isengard, where Gandalf is imprisoned. Gandalf catches the moth
in his hand, and begins to speak to it in elvish.
(something in elvish to moth) : Go:
(Orcs cutting down trees near Isengard) (Uruk-Hai comes out from mud)

Strider and the hobbits have stopped walking.
Mr Frodo? He’s going cold!
Is he going to die?
He’s passing into the shadow. He’ll soon become a wraith like them.
(Hears horses) They’re close!
Sam, do you know the Athelas plant?
Kingsfoil, that’s a weed.
It may help to slow the poison. Hurry. (He gives Sam a torch, and then goes off to look for the
weed. He finds some, and takes out a knife to cut it, but finds a blade at his throat.)

What’s this, a ranger, caught off his guard?!

Frodo. Im Arwen. Telin le thaed. Lasto beth nin, tolo dan na ngalad.
(Translation into English:) I am Arwen. I have come to help you. Hear my voice. Come back to
the light.
Who is she?
She’s an elf.
He’s fading. He’s not going to last. We must get him to my father. I’ve been looking for you for 2
Where are you taking him?!
There are 5 wraiths behind you. Where the other four are I do not know.
Dartho guin berian. Rych le ad tolthathon.
(Translation:)Stay with the Hobbits. I will send horses for you
Hon mabathon. Rochon ellint im.
(Translation:) I’m the faster rider. I’ll take him.
Andelu i ven.
(Translation:) The road is too dangerous
What are they saying?
Frodo fir. Ae athradon i hir, tur gwaith nin beriatha hon.
(Translation:) If I can get across the river, the power of my people will protect him.
I do not fear them.
Beyest lin.
Arwen, ride hard. Don’t look back!
Noro lim, Asfaloth, noro lim!
(Translation:) Ride on, Asfaloth, ride fast
(Arwen rides off with Frodo)
What are you doing! Those Wraiths are still out there!!
(Arwen is chased by 8 riders, one reaches out for Frodo) Noro lim, asfaloth! (She reaches the
river. Riders stop on the other side)
A Rider:
Give up the Halfling, she-elf!
If you want him, come and claim him. (Riders start to cross river)
Nin o Chithaeglir, lasto beth daer, Rimmo nin Bruinen dan in Ulaer!
(Translation:) Waters of the Misty Mountains listen to the great word: flow waters of Loudwater
against the Ringwraiths!

The water rises from the river, drowning the riders. Frodo becomes fainter, and makes strange
Frodo! No! Frodo, don’t give in! Not now! (whispers) What grace is given me, let it pass to him.
Let him be spared. Save him.

(Standing over Frodo, saying things in elvish)
Lasto beth nin. Tolo dan nan galad.
Translation: (Hear my voice, come back to the light)

Where am I?
You are in the house of Elrond, and it is 10 o’clock in the morning, on October the 24th if you
want to know
Yes? Yes, I’m here. And you’re lucky to be here too. A few more hours, and you would have
been beyond our aid. But you had some strength in you. My dear hobbit.
What happened? Why didn’t you meet us?
Oh, I’m sorry Frodo. I was delayed.

A friendship with Saruman is not lightly thrown aside. One ill turn deserves another. It is over.
Embrace the power of the ring, or embrace your own destruction.
There is only one Lord of the Ring. Only one can bend to his will. And he does not share power.
(Jumps off tower onto the eagle, Gwaihir)
So you have chosen death.
We see that the eagle takes Gandalf far, across mountains.

Gandalf? What is it?
Frodo! Frodo!
Bless you, you’re awake!
Sam has hardly left your side.
We were that worried about you, weren’t we, Mr Gandalf!
By the skills of Lord Elrond, you are beginning to mend.
Welcome to Rivendell, Frodo Baggins.

(Frodo walks around Rivendell with Sam, and meets Merry and Pippin. He embraces them. Then
Frodo sees Bilbo)

Hello, Frodo, my lad!
Bilbo! (Reads:) There and back again, A hobbit’s tale, by Bilbo Baggins. This is wonderful.
I meant to go back. Wonder the paths of Mirkwood. Visit Laketown. See the Lonely Mountain
again. But age, it seems has finally caught up with me.
I miss the Shire. I spent all my childhood pretending I was off somewhere else, off with you on
one of your adventures. But my own adventure turned out to be quite different. I’m not like you,
My dear boy.

(to himself) Now, what have I forgotten?
Packed already.
No ‘arm in being prepared
Thought you wanted to see the elves, Sam.
I do.
More than anything
I did: It’s just: We did what Gandalf wanted, didn’t we? We got the ring this far to Rivendell.
And I thought, seeing now you’re on the mend, we’d be off soon. Off home.
You’re right, Sam. We did what we set out to do. The ring will be safe in Rivendell. I am ready
to go home.

His strength fully returns
That wound will never fully heal. He will carry it the rest of his life.
And yet, to have come so far, still bearing the ring, the hobbit has showed extraordinary
resilience to its evil.
It is a burden he should never have had to bear. We can ask no more of Frodo.
Gandalf, the enemy is moving. Sauron’s forces are massing in the east. Its eye is fixed on
Rivendell. And Saruman, you tell me, has betrayed us. Our list of allies grows thin
His treachery runs deeper than you know. By foul craft Saruman has crossed Orcs with Goblin
men. He’s breeding an army at the caverns of Isengard. An army which can move in sunlight,
and cover great distance and speed. Saruman is coming for the ring.
This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the Elves. We do not have the strength to fight
both Mordor and Isengard. Gandalf. The Ring cannot stay here. (music plays) (Dwarves, Elves,
and Men arrive)
This peril belongs to all Middle Earth. They must decide now how to end it. The time of the
Elves is over. My people are leaving these shores. Who will you look to when we’ve gone? The
Dwarves? They hide in their mountains seeking riches. They care nothing for the troubles of
It is in men that we must place our hope.
Men? Men are weak. The race of men is failing. The blood of Numenor is all but spent. Its pride
and dignity forgotten. It is because of men the ring survives. I was there, Gandalf. I was there
three thousand years ago. It is because of men the ring survives. I was there the day the strength
of men failed.

Isildur! Hurry
(Voice over) I led Isildur into the heart of Mount Doom. Where the ring was forged. The one
place it could be destroyed.
Cast it into the fire. Destroy it.

It should have ended that day, but evil was allowed to endure. Isildur kept the ring, the line of
kings is broken, there’s no strength left in the world of men. They are scattered, divided,
There is one that might unite them. One who could reclaim the throne of Gondor.
He turned from that path a long time ago. He has chosen exile.

The shards of Narsil, the blade that cut the ring from Sauron’s hand. (He fingers the blade, and
cuts his finger). Still sharp. (Sees Strider watching him.)
No more than a broken heirloom.
(He puts the sword back in its place and walks off. As he walks off, the sword falls, but he does
not pick it up).
(Strider picks up sword, and places it back in its place. He stands in front of the sword for a
Why do you fear the past? You are Isildur’s heir, not Isildur himself. You are not bound to his
The same blood flows in my veins. The same weakness.
Your time will come. You will face the same evil and you will defeat it.
A si i-dhuath u-orthor, Aragorn. U or le a u or nin
(Translation: The Shadow does not hold sway yet. Not over you, not over me.)

Renech i lu ned ol reniannen?
(Translation: Do you remember when we first met?)
Nauthannem i ned ol reniannen.
(Translation: I thought I had strayed into a dream.)
Gwenwin in enninath. U-arnech n naeth i si celich. Renech i beth i pennen?
(Translation: Long years have passed. You did not wear the troubles you carry now. Do you
remember what I told you?)
You said you’d bind yourself to me, forsaking the immortal life of your people.
And to that I hold. I would rather share one lifetime with you, than face all the ages of this world
(She gives him her necklace, the evenstar jewel, a symbol of her immortality)
I choose a mortal life.
You cannot gives me this
It is mine to give to whom I will. Like my heart.
(They kiss)

The scene switches to a part of Rivendell, where dwarves, elves, and men, and elves are sitting in
a semicircle.

Strangers from distant lands, friends of old. You have been summoned to answer the threat of
Mordor. Middle Earth stands upon the brink of destruction.
None can escape it. You will unite, or you will fall. Each race is bound this fate, this one doom.
Bring forth the ring, Frodo.
(Places the ring onto the table)
The doom of man.
So it is true: It is a gift. A gift to the foes of Mordor. Why not use this ring. Long has my
father, the steward of Gondor kept the forces of Mordor at bay by the blood of our people are
your lands kept safe. Give Gondor the weapon of the enemy. Let us use it against him!
You cannot wield it. No one can. The one ring answers to Sauron alone. It has no other master.
And would a ranger know of this matter?
This is no mere ranger. He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn. You owe him your allegiance.
Aragorn? This is Isildur’s heir?
An heir to the throne of Gondor.
Havo dad, Legolas
(Translation:) Sit down, Legolas.
Gondor has no king. Gondor needs no king.
Aragorn is right. We cannot use it.
You have but one choice. The ring must be destroyed.
What are we waiting for (tries to smash ring with axe, axe breaks)
The ring cannot be destroyed, Gimli, son of Gloin by any craft that we here possess. The ring
was made in the fires of Mount Doom. Only there can it be unmade. It must be taken deep into
Mordor and cast back into the firey chasm from whence it came. One of you must do this.
One does not simply walk into Mordor. Its black gates are guarded by more than just orcs. There
is evil there that does not sleep. And the great eye is ever watchful. ‘Tis a barren wasteland,
riddled with fire and ash and dust. The very air that you breathe is a poisonous fume. Not with
ten thousand men could you do this. It is folly.
Have you heard nothing that Lord Elrond has said? The ring must be destroyed!
And I suppose you think you’re the one to do it!
And if we fail, what then? What happens when Sauron takes back what is his?
I will be dead before I see the ring in the hands of an elf!

(All the elves stand up, then the Dwarves, then everyone except Frodo). (Frodo hears the voice
of the ring, saying:)
Ash nazg durbatuluk, Ash nazg gimbatul, Ash nazg thrakatuluk, Agh burzum-ishi krimpatul
(One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, one ring to bring them all and in the darkness
bind them)
I will take it! I will take it! (everyone else stops and listens to him) I will take the ring to
Mordor: Though : Though I do not know the way.

The Fellowship departs from Rivendell.
The next scene shows the Fellowship travelling together.

Voice of Gandalf:
We must hold this course west from the Misty Mountains for forty days. If our luck holds, the
Gap of Rohan will still be open to us. From there our road turns east to Mordor.

The Fellowship has stopped, and Boromir is teaching Merry and Pippin to sword fight.

Two, Three, Four, Five. Very good.
(While smoking) Move your feet.
That’s good, Pippin.

If Anyone was to ask for my opinion, which I note they’re not, I’d say we were taking the long
way round. Gandalf! We could pass through the Mines of Moria. My cousin Balin would give us
a royal welcome.
No, Gimli. I would not take the roads through Moria unless I had no other choice.
(Boromir is now fighting with Pippin. He hits him).
Get him!
Arr, ow, etc. He got my arm, he got my arm:
What is that?
Nothing, it’s just a wisp of cloud.
Well, it’s moving fast. Against the wind.
Crebain from Duneland
HIDE, etc.
Spies of Saruman. The passage south is being watched. We must take the pass of Caradhras

(The Fellowship are seen walking up the steep and snowy mountains. Frodo falls, and finds he
has dropped the ring. Boromir picks it up)
It is a strange fate. For which should suffer so much fear and doubt. One so small a thing. Such a
little thing.
Boromir! Give the ring to Frodo.
As you wish.
(Frodo grabs it).
I care not. (laughs and ruffles Frodo’s hair. He walks off, and Aragorn takes his hand off the hilt
of his sword).

The birds seen in the previous scene make their way to Isengard, where Saruman is.
So Gandalf, you try to lead them over Caradhras And if that fails. Where then will you go? If the
mountain defeats you, will you risk the more dangerous road?
There is a fell voice from the air.
It’s Saruman!
He’s trying to bring down the mountain! Gandalf! We must turn back!
No!! (Shouts something in elvish to Saruman)
(Stands at the top of the tower of Isengard, and says something in elvish) Bow to the power of
Isengard! Hits mountain with lightning.
(The fellowship gets buried, but get out of the snow)
We must get off the mountain! Make for the Gap of Rohan! Or take the west road to my city!
The Gap of Rohan takes us too close to Isengard.
If we cannot go over the mountain, let us go under it! Let us go through the Mines of Moria.
Moria. You fear to go into those mines. The Dwarves delved too greedily and too deep. You
know what they awoke there in the darkness of Khazad Dum. Shadow, and flame.
Let the Ring-bearer decide: Frodo.
We will go through the mines.
So be it.

The walls of Moria.
Now, let’s see. Ithildin. It mirrors only starlight and moonlight: (doors are revealed) It reads:
The doors of Durin, Lord of Moria. Speak friend and enter.
What d’you suppose that means?
Oh, it’s quite simple. If you are a friend, speak the password, and the doors will open.
Annon Edhellen edro hi ammen!
Translation: Gate of the Elves open now for me!

Ando Eldarinwa a lasta quettanya, Fenda Casarinwa!
Translation: Gate of Elves listen to my word, Threshold of Dwarves!

They all move on, but a lot of the stone is breaking. They come to a break in the rock. Legolas
jumps the gap, and stands ready to help the others over.

Gandalf. (Signals for him to jump the gap. Gandalf jumps, and is helped over by Legolas)
Merry! Pippin! (He holds one of them with each hand, and jumps over with them. Legolas helps
them over on the other side)
Sam. (He tosses Sam over the gap)
Nobody tosses a dwarf.
(He tries to jump the gap, but almost misses. Legolas grabs him by beard to stop him falling into
the abyss)
Not the beard.

Aragorn and Frodo remain on the other side of the gap. The piece of rock they are standing on
looks as though it is about to collapse.
(To Frodo:) Lean forward.
Over the bridge! Fly!
(Gandalf remains on other side of bridge)
You cannot pass!
I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor! You cannot pass! The dark fire
will not avail you, falme of Udun! Go back to the shadow!! YOU SHALL NOT PASS.

(He breaks the bridge, causing the Balrog to fall. Gandalf sighs, and turns around, but as he does
so, the whip of the Balrog catches onto his ankle, and he is pulled down. He grabs onto the edge
of the bridge, but cannot keep his grip. There is nothing the fellowship can do to save him).
Grabs Frodo, to stop him running back onto the bridge.
Fly, you fools (he falls)
NO!! NO. (He has to be carried away by Boromir)
The fellowship leaves, but Aragorn remains behind, still looking into the abyss.
(From the distance) Aragorn!
The fellowship finally gets out of Moria, and there they stop for a short while.

(After some time): Legolas. Get them up.
Give them a moment for pity’s sake
By nightfall these hills will be swarming with orcs. We must reach the woods of Lothlorien.
Come Boromir, Legolas, Gimli, get them up.
(He walks over to Sam, and helps him up) On your feet, Sam.
(Then he sees Frodo, who has wondered away). Frodo! Frodo!!
(Frodo stops and turns around. Tears are running down his face)

(They leave, and make their way to Lothlorien)
Stay close, you hobbits. They say a great sorceress lives in these woods. An elf witch of terrible
power. All who look upon you fall under her spell.
And are never seen again.
You are coming to us. is as the footsteps of doom. You bring great evil here, Ring-bearer.
Mr Frodo?
Well, here’s one dwarf she won’t ensnare so easily. I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a
(Elves appear, covering the company with arrows)
Haldir (an elf):
The dwarf breathes so loud we could have shot him in the dark.
Haldir o Lгrien. Henion an­ron, boe ammen i dulu l®n. Boe ammen veriad l®n.
(Translation:) Haldir of Lorien. We come here for help. We need your protection.
Aragorn! These woods are perilous. We should go back!
You have entered the realm of the Lady of the Wood. You cannot go back. Come, she is waiting.

(Celeborn and Galadriel come, in a bright light)
Eight that there are here, yet 9 there were set out from Rivendell. Tell me, where is Gandalf, for I
much desire to speak with him.
(Looks at Aragorn) He has fallen into shadow. The quest stands upon the edge of a knife. Stray
but a little, and it will fail to the ruin of all. (Looks at Boromir, who is uncomfortable)
Yet hope remains while company is true. (looks at Sam).
Do not let your hearts be troubled, go now and rest, for you are weary with sorrow and much
toil. Tonight, we will:
(Voice of Galadriel):
Welcome, Frodo of the Shire, one who has seen the eye!

A lament for Gandalf.
What did they say about him?
I have not the heart to tell you. For me the grief is still too near.
(to Boromir) Take some rest. These borders are well protected.
I will find no rest here. I heard a voice inside my head. She spoke of my father and the fall of
Gondor. She said to me, even now there is hope left. But I cannot see it. It’s long since we had
any hope. My father is a noble man, but his rule is failing. And then our. Our people lose faith.
He looks to me to make things right, and I, I would do it. I would see the glory of Gondor
restored. have you ever seen it, Aragorn? The white tower of Ithilien. Glimmering like a spike of
burning silver. Its banner caught high in the morning breeze. Have you ever been called home by
the clear ringing of silver trumpets?
I have seen the white city. Long ago.
One day our paths will lead us there. And the tower guard shall take up the call. For the Lords of
Gondor have returned.

(Frodo sees Galadriel walking somewhere, and follows her)
Will you look into the mirror?
What will I see?
Even the wisest cannot tell. For the mirror shows many things. Things that were, things that are,
and some things that have not yet come to pass.
(Frodo looks into the mirror)
Frodo sees Legolas’ back, then Sam and Pippin. They all look sad and grave. Then he sees the
Shire. It is filled with flame, and orcs. (Frodo gasps). Sam is seen with his ankles chained on a
line with many other hobbits. They are whipped. Then Frodo sees the eye. He feels his ring
slipping in towards the mirror, but he pulls it backwards, falling onto the ground.

Do you know how the orcs first came into being? They were elves, once, taken by the dark
powers, tortured, and mutilated. A ruined, and terrible form of life. Now, perfected, my fighting
Uruk-Hai. Whom do you serve?
Hunt them down! Do not stop until they are found. You do not know pain, you do not know fear.
You will taste man flesh! One of the Halflings carries something of great value. Bring them to
me alive and unspoilt. Kill the others.

Farewell, Frodo Baggins. I give you the light of Earindil, our most beloved star.
Namarie. (Farewell)
(The Fellowship row off, and Galadriel stands on the shore, waving)
Voice of Galadriel:
May it be a light for you in dark places, where all other lights go out.

(orcs are coming)
Frodo. The Argornath. Long have I desired to look upon the Kings of old. My kin. (They stop
rowing, and rest on the western shore)
We cross the lake at nightfall. Hide the boats, and continue on foot. We approach Mordor from
the north.
Oh yes? Just a simple matter of finding our way through Emyn Muil? An impassable labyrinth of
razor sharp rocks? And after that, it gets even better! The festering, stinking marshlands, as far as
the eye can see.
That is our road. I suggest you take some rest and recover your strength, Master Dwarf.
Recover my strength.
(to Aragorn) We should leave now.
No. Orcs patrol the eastern shore. We must wait for the cover of darkness.
It is not the eastern shore that worries me. A shadow and a threat has been growing in my mind.
Something draws near. I can feel it.
Recover strength. (To Pippin) Pay no heed to that, young hobbit.
Where’s Frodo?
(Aragorn sees Boromir gone as well)

None of us should wander alone. You least of all. So much depends on you. Frodo? I know why
you seek solitude. You suffer. I see it day by day. You sure you do not suffer needlessly? There
are other ways, Frodo. Other paths that we might take.
I know what you would say, and it would seem like wisdom, but for the warning in my heart.
Warning? Against what? We’re all afraid, Frodo, but to let that fear drive us to destroy what hope
we have. Don’t you see, it’s madness.
There is no other way.
I ask only for the strength to defend my people! If you would but lend me the ring:
(Backs away) No!
Why do you recoil? I am no thief!
You are not yourself!
What chance do you think you have? They will find you. They will take the ring. And you will
beg for death before the end! You fool! It is not yours save by unhappy chance.
(Walks towards Frodo, who is still backing away)It should have been mine! (Lunges forward
towards Frodo)
Give me the ring! Give it to me!
(Boromir manages to get hold of Frodo)
(Frodo disappears, and hits Boromir)
I see your mind!! You will take the ring to Sauron! You will betray us! You go to your death!
And the death of us all! Curse you!! And all the Halflings!
(Frodo, still invisible, hits Boromir again).
(His anger passes, and he says softly:) Frodo? Frodo. I must find him. Please, Frodo:

(Frodo closes his hand over the ring, and sets out in one of the boats)
(Reaches the shore)Frodo, no.
(He enters the water)
(Softly, to himself) No, Sam.
(To Sam) Go back, Sam. I’m going to Mordor alone.
(wading deeper into the water)
Of course you are. And I’m coming with you!!
You can’t swim. Sam! (Sam’s head goes under water) SAM!
(Frodo rows the boat back, and pulls Sam into it).
I made a promise, Mr Frodo. A promise. Don’t you leave him Samwise Gamgee. And I don’t
mean to. I don’t mean to.
Oh, Sam.
(They hug each other) Come on, then.
(They row off)

Hurry! Frodo and Sam have reached the eastern shore. (He begins to push a boat out into the
(Aragorn makes no sign of following.)
You mean not to follow them.
Frodo’s fate is no longer in our hands.
Then it has all been in vain. The fellowship has failed.
(Walks over to Legolas and Gimli, and places his hands on thier shoulders) Not if we hold true to
each other.
(Places his hand onto Aragorn’s)
We will not abandon Merry and Pippin to torment and death. Not while we have strength left.
Leave all that can be spared behind. We travel light. Let’s hunt some orc.
(They run off)

Frodo and Sam are seen looking over to Mordor
Mordor. I hope the others find a safer road.
Strider will look after them.
I don’t suppose we’ll ever see them again.
We may yet, Mr Frodo. We may.
(He smiles)
I’m glad you’re with me.


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