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Слово Волгоград на английском языке как пишется - однокоренные слова и морфемный разбор слова (приставка, корень, суффикс, окончание):

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Volgograd city, Russia

Volgograd city flag

Volgograd city coat of arms

Volgograd city map, Russia

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History of Volgograd

Prehistory of the founding of Volgograd

The birth of the city was given by the Volga trade route, the Don-Volga Portage and shipping on the Volga River, which began to take shape back in the 10th century, when Rus’ (in the upper Volga), Volga Bulgaria (in the Middle Volga) and Khazaria (in the Don-Volga interfluve and the lower Volga) became their main participants. The role of merchants was played by the Varangians and Arab merchants.

By the end of the 10th century, the Volga trade was disrupted due to the waves of resettlement of the Pechenegs (from the 950s), the Polovtsians (from the 1100s), the Mongol invasion (1236-1243). The Volga trade route was revived after the Mongol conquest, when the entire river was under the control of the Ulus of Jochi (the Golden Horde). Here, three trade routes from north to south and a route from east to west began to intersect. In 1260, this factor of a convenient trade location was used when Sarai Berke, the capital of the Golden Horde, was founded. It was located about 60 km from present-day Volgograd.

On the site of today’s Volgograd there was a settlement of the Golden Horde with an unknown name. Volgograd is not the successor of this settlement. It was located about 18 km north of the historical core of Volgograd and ceased to exist 200-250 years before its foundation.

In the 15th century, the Golden Horde began to disintegrate into independent khanates: Kazan, Siberian, Astrakhan, Crimean, and others. In the 16th century, the Tsardom of Russia, on the contrary, went through a period of centralization, it became stronger and conquered the khanates one after another: Kazan in 1552, Astrakhan in 1556, Siberian in 1598. At the time of the founding of Volgograd (Tsaritsyn), only the Crimean Khanate remained unconquered.

Foundation of Volgograd

The trade route along the Volga was revived again. Russia exported timber, grain, cloth, leather, wax, and honey through Astrakhan, and imported salt, fabrics, metals, and incense. The Volga became a transit route for international trade as well. The first mention of Tsaritsyn, as a seasonal guard post on Tsaritsyno Island, reached us in a letter from the merchant Christopher Burrow, written in 1579.

After the reforms of Peter the Great and the formation of the Russian Empire, Russian expansion into the Crimea, the Caucasus and Central Asia began. The year 1775 can be considered a new stage in the development of Tsaritsyn, when the Tsaritsyn fortified line and the Volga Cossack army were abolished and the Azov-Mozdok fortified line took over the function of the southern border of the country.

Volgograd in the 19th century

In 1820, a new urban development plan of Tsaritsyn was approved without a fortress wall and ramparts. From this period, the settlement of the adjacent territory by peasants from the central provinces began. In addition to Russians, German colonists settled here, invited by Catherine the Great. They brought with them new technologies and a new way of life.

The first school, pharmacy, coffee shop, the first planting of potatoes, mustard and tobacco in the Tsaritsyn region took place in the German colony of Sarepta-on-Volga, located 30 kilometers south of Tsaritsyn. Until the middle of the 18th century, the food industry developed primarily in Tsaritsyn, which was facilitated by the proximity of the Elton salt mines, the fish resources of the Volga and the Caspian Sea, and melon growing.

In 1880, on the site of the present Central Park of Culture and Leisure, the oil refining complex with the largest oil storage facilities in the Russian Empire was built by the company “Nobel Brothers” (it became known as the Nobel town). Tsaritsyn became an important oil hub. Here, Caspian oil was poured from river tankers into railway tank cars for transportation to the European part of the Russian Empire. The availability of crude oil gave impetus to the development of oil refining. With the assistance of the British company “Vickers”, the Tsaritsyn gun factory was built (sea and field artillery of large calibers).

By 1913, Tsaritsyn in terms of the number of residents, more than 110,000, overtook many regional centers of the Russian Empire. It was a period of rapid growth in the construction of residential, industrial, public, and entertainment buildings, hospitals, schools, hotels. The infrastructure also developed rapidly: the electric network (1880), the telephone (1885), the water supply (1890), the movie theater (1907), the city tram (1913).

Volgograd in 1917-1940

The growth of population and housing development was interrupted with the outbreak of the First World War and the subsequent Russian Civil War. Due to the presence of large-scale industry, there were significant masses of workers who sympathized with the Bolsheviks, which contributed to the rapid establishment of their power in the city. Soon Tsaritsyn became a “red” outpost in the south of Russia. Fighting in the vicinity and city limits of Tsaritsyn caused significant damage to the city economy and residents.

In 1921 and 1922, the grain harvest suffered from drought and famine struck the city. Famines had happened before, but this time the consequences were aggravated by the forcible withdrawal of grain for the needs of the Red Army and the introduction of the policy of war communism.

Even during the battles of 1919, the Soviet government took into account that in terms of population and industry, the city had long outgrown its district status, and this year the Tsaritsyn Governorate was formed. At the end of the Civil War, a peaceful life began to improve, forced “grain surplus” appropriation and elements of war communism were canceled, economic relations began to be determined by the New Economic Policy. Agriculture and industry were actively reviving and the city restored the rate of population growth.

On April 10, 1925, during a mass renaming campaign and getting rid of everything connected with the monarchy and religion, in honor of the recognition of Stalin’s merits in the defense of the city during the Civil War, Tsaritsyn was renamed Stalingrad.

As part of the industrialization of the USSR, in Stalingrad, the State District Power Plant (1929), the Tractor Plant (1930), the Shipyard (1931), and the Hardware Plant (1932) were built in a short time. The already existing factories were included in the Stalingrad tractor and tank cluster. The Stalingrad Tractor Institute was established to train engineers and workers in 1930. Two similar clusters were deployed on the basis of the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant and Kharkov Tractor Plant.

The Stalingrad Tractor Plant was designed according to the project of the American architect Albert Kahn, the first tractor of the plant was the STZ-1 (licensed copy of the American McCormick Deering 10/20 tractor), the first tank was the T-26 (licensed British tank Vickers Mk E). In the first half of the 1930s, Stalingrad engineers launched production of new models: the STZ-3 tractor (1937) and the legendary Soviet tank T-34 (1940).

Volgograd during and after the Second World War

The damage caused by the war was enormous: 41,685 houses were destroyed (90%), only 32,181 residents of the pre-war 450,000 remained in Stalingrad (of which 30,666 were in the least affected Kirovsky district). Sapper units left for the demining of the city defused more than 300 thousand mines and 1 million shells and bombs. It was only by July 1945 that it became safe to move around the city.

After the war, it was decided to prioritize the allocation of captured German construction equipment and property to Stalingrad. For example, the children’s railway received the HF110C steam locomotives of the Wehrmacht railway troops.

A significant part of the restoration work was carried out by prisoners of war. The last of them were released in 1949, except for those with criminal sentences for personally committed war crimes. By 1949, the volume of industrial production in Stalingrad exceeded the pre-war level.

Volgograd in the second half of the 20th century and beyond

The 1950s were the heyday of Stalingrad’s architecture. In the first post-war years, the most necessary objects were rebuilt, and from the beginning of the new decade, large-scale construction of monumental buildings in the Stalinist Empire style began. In this decade, the image of Stalingrad as an exemplary socialist city was created. The entire historical center of the city, the Stalin district, was rebuilt in one style.

The Volga-Don Canal, put into operation in 1952, became another symbol of the city. After Stalin’s death in 1953, during de-Stalinization, all the monuments to Stalin were demolished, all objects named in his honor were renamed. On November 10, 1961, Stalingrad was renamed Volgograd.

By the end of the 1950s, there was a gradual rejection of the Stalinist Empire style in architecture. New buildings began to be constructed in a more functional style. To speed up the solution of the housing problem in the USSR, serial production of standard apartment buildings in the form of prefabricated panels began. Unofficially called Khrushchyovkas, they were built in large numbers in all districts and micro-districts of Volgograd without exception. Today, they constitute a huge part of the housing stock of the city.

In 1967, in memory of the Battle of Stalingrad, the memorial complex Mamayev Kurgan was built. A modern transport infrastructure began to take shape, where the main role belonged to road transport. The dismissal of Khrushchev and the beginning of Brezhnev’s rule in 1964 did not cause obvious changes in the architecture of the city. In the beginning of the 1970s, the economy of the USSR entered a period of stagnation.

In 1989, the millionth resident of Volgograd was born. September 2-3, 1989, Volgograd celebrated its 400th anniversary. Starting this year, it has become a tradition to celebrate the City Day of Volgograd on the first weekend of September.

After the collapse of the USSR in 1991, a rapid decline began in the industries of the city and its urban economy. All public construction was frozen. For a decade some objects were in a state of protracted construction.

Construction again intensified in the mid-2000s. In 2018, Volgograd hosted 4 matches of the FIFA World Cup. For this, a modern stadium “Volgograd Arena” with a capacity of 45,000 people was built.



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См. также в других словарях:

Волгоград — Волгоград. Улица Мира. ВОЛГОГРАД (до 1925 Царицын, до 1961 Сталинград), город, центр Волгоградской области в России. 1005,1 тысяч жителей. Порт на Волге; начальный пункт Волго Донского судоходного канала; железнодорожный узел; аэропорт.… … Иллюстрированный энциклопедический словарь

Волгоград-1 — Волгоград I Приволжская железная дорога Волгоградское отделение Коо … Википедия

Волгоград-2 — Волгоград II Приволжская железная дорога Волгоградское отделение Дата открытия … Википедия

Волгоград — (до 1925 Царицын, до 1961 Сталинград), город, центр Волгоградской области РСФСР. Во время Великой Отечественной войны 1941 45 был почти полностью разрушен, в послевоенные годы восстановлен по генеральному плану (1945, архитекторы К. С.… … Художественная энциклопедия

волгоград — Сталинград, Царицын, волжская твердыня Словарь русских синонимов. волгоград сущ., кол во синонимов: 5 • волжская твердыня (1) • … Словарь синонимов

ВОЛГОГРАД — (до 1925 Царицын, до 1961 Сталинград), город, центр Волгоградской области в России. 1005,1 тысяч жителей. Порт на Волге; начальный пункт Волго Донского судоходного канала; железнодорожный узел; аэропорт. Машиностроение (в том числе тракторное) и… … Современная энциклопедия

ВОЛГОГРАД — (до 1925 Царицын до 1961 Сталинград), город герой в Российской Федерации, центр Волгоградской обл. Порт на Волге. Начальный пункт Волго Донского судоходного канала. Железнодорожный узел. 1005 тыс. жителей (1992). Машиностроение (ПО: Волгоградский … Большой Энциклопедический словарь

Волгоград — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Волгоград (значения). Запрос «Сталинград» перенаправляется сюда; см. также другие значения. Город Волгоград … Википедия

Волгоград — (до 1925 Царицын, до 1961 Сталинград) город, центр Волгоградской области РСФСР. Расположен на изгибе нижнего течения Волги, тянется более чем на 70 км по её правому берегу. В городе начинается Волго Донской судоходный канал им. В. И.… … Большая советская энциклопедия


Открытый урок по теме: «My city is Volgograd» («Мой город – Волгоград»)

Тип урока: Урок-беседа.

Оборудование: учебник, магнитофон, словари, наглядные пособия: карта Волгограда, наглядные пособия достопримечательностей Волгограда, при возможности мультимедийный проектор для демонстрации города и т.п.

1. Организационный момент, рапорт дежурного (2 мин.)

Teacher: Good afternoon! Sit down, please! What date is it today?

Teacher: Who is absent today?

Student: Nobody is absent today. All students are present. All students are at the lesson.

Teacher: OK. Fine. Sit down, please.

2. Фонетическая зарядка:

Teacher: Look at the blackboard! There are some difficulties on it:

На доске заранее подготовлено:

The Great Patriotic War, higher educational institutions,
Magnificent, legendary Hero-City, serious consequences
Hall of Glory, Statue of Motherland, Embankment.

Преподаватель читает, и студенты хором повторяют за ним.

Teacher: Translate me, please!

Преподаватель называет слова или словосочетания, студенты переводят.

3. Постановка темы урока:

Teacher: There are many cities in our country, most of them are very beautiful and large. But Volgograd is well-known abroad, because our city is a legendary Hero-City all over the world. And as you have understood the theme of our lesson is “My city is Volgograd”

4. Контроль домашнего задания. Работа над текстом «Volgograd».

Teacher: Your homework was the text. You have to read and translate it at home. Now we will work on it. I read the text once, listen to me please and notice all difficulties in the text. And now let’s start to work.

Преподаватель читает текст, текст может быть так же записан на кассету и включен для прослушивания. Наиболее оригинальным было бы, если бы текст читал носитель изучаемого языка.

Student: Volgograd is a big city with the population of more than one million people. Magnificent, green and beautiful Volgograd stands on the Volga as a monument.

Teacher: Translate me, please. Look at the blackboard. You see a map of our city on it. Yes, sure. Our city is very beautiful, magnificent and green.

Student: Volgograd was founded in 1589 as a small fortress on the Russian river and quickly grew into a city with developed industry and culture.

Teacher: Yes. You are right. At first our city was a small fortress but now it is one of the biggest city in our country. It lasts over 80 km

Student: The city has changed its name three times: Tsaritsyn – Stalingrad – Volgograd. In the years of the Great Patriotic War the battle of Stalingrad lasted for 200 days and nights. Stalingraders stood to the death, but defended the city. Our warriors gave the country more that112 herous: Putilov, Serdukov, Panikaha, etc. Glorious generals commanded and won the battle: Khukov, Shumilov, Tchuikov, Rokossovsky and others. After the war the city was ruined. Our legendary Hero-City stands as a memorial to the people who defended it during the war and to those, who repaired it after the war.

Teacher: Look at the monitor. What square is this?

Student: This is the square of Fallen Warriors.

Teacher: (преподаватель демонстрирует Площадь Павших Борцов, или прикрепляет картинку с данным изображением) : Yes. You are right. This is the square of Fallen Warriors. This square is well-known here in Volgograd. There was a wonderful Cathedral here. Who knows its name?

Если студенты знают, то отвечают.

Teacher: There was Alexander Nevski Cathedral but it was ruined in the 30-th years of the 19-th century. There was a center of the city. There was a market here. A lot of seller sold their goods. What theatres do you know in our city?

Student: Drama Theatre…

Teacher (демонстрация НЭТ): Yes. You are right. But at first there was a building of Science. The Hotel “Volgograd” was called as “Stolitschnyje Nomera”. It was wooden and was burned out during the war.

Teacher: Who know, what else there is here?

Student: The Hotel “Intourist”.

Teacher: You are right. This hotel was built after the war in 1951 by architect Goldman and it is a symbol of the friendship among different nations. Everybody from different countries can visit our city now. There aren’t enemies now. Everything is very symbolic in out city. For example, the name of the Mira Street “Piecestreet” means friendship again…

Teacher (работая у монитора): You know now that there are many places of interests here in Volgograd. Who knows about a monument of the square of the “Fallen Warriors”?

Если студенты знают, то отвечают.

Teacher (демонстрирует обелиск Павшим Борцам): This a monument for the Fallen Warriors. It is a massgrave. And what else are there on the square of the Fallen Warriors?

Если студенты знают, то отвечают.

Teacher: There is a grave if Ruben Ibarruri. He was a son of Dolores Ibarruri. She was a president of Communist Party. They were from Spain. On the 9-th day of the war Ruben Ibarruri was in the front. He was a death wounded man and he has his grave here in Volgograd and it is a symbol, too. It means that the war was international. In general, this place of our city is a symbol of friendship and this monument is a symbol against terrorism.

Teacher: Look at the monitor. There are two graves here, too. The grave of Vladimir Kametchikov and the grave of Haffis Fattjachuldinov. They are heroes, too. Haffis struggled with 10 soldiers in the south of the city, and Kametchikov was Volgograder and perished here in his native city for the city…

Student: The symbol of the city is Mamaev Hill with its Hall of Glory, Statue of Motherland. You can hardly keep tears visiting this complex. Alley of Heroes, Panorama-Museum, Pavlov House and also the places, which attract people.

Teacher (демонстрация перечисленных достопримечательностей): Pavlov-House is well-known in Volgograd and overseas, too. Everything was ruined on the square of Pavlo-House. But only this House was.. Pavlov and three soldiers struggled here on the third floor of the house. They had been struggling for 2 days. And 24 soldiers with lieutenant Afanasjev had been struggling on the first floor of the house. The battle had lasted for 58 days. This house deals with the mane of one woman. Who knows her name?

Если студенты знают, то отвечают.

Teacher: Her name was Tcherkassova. She built this house again like it was before the war and the people can live in it.

Teacher: Not far from the House there is Panorama-Museum. This is the third Panorama on the territory of our country. There are 2 Panoramas in our country. In Moscow there is “Borodino Battle” and in Volgograd “Stalindrad Battle”. And you can see, of course, the ruined Mill near this Panorama – Museum. The war- technique can be seen before Panorama Museum and Mill

Teacher: As for Mamaev Hill, so it is difficult to speak. Many people were perished here. There are a lot of monuments on Mamev hill. You can visit this place of interests. But some people say that it is very difficult to visit it, because they mean that this monument is a very big grave for all soldiers, who defended the city during the war. We can read a lot of names here. And Statue of Motherland is the biggest Statue all over the world.

Демонстрация достопримечательностей Волгограда.

Student: I am proud that I live in Volgograd, the city which gave us such famous people as comporses Pakhmutova, Panomarenko, poets Agashina, Lukonin, actors: Rybnikov, Lapikov, Smoktunovsky.

Teacher (демонстрирует фотографии выдающихся людей Волгограда): Yes, our city has a lot of famous people, who knows all over the world. There is a monument for a poetress Agashina in our city, near Medicine University.

Student: Now my city is an industrial, cultural, education and sport center. We have a lot of plants,factories, offices, business-centers here.

Teacher: Name me, please, what factories, business-centers do you know in our city?

Student: It is a city of students. There are over ten higher education institutions, a lot of colleges and technical schools here. I love my city, its green squares, its Embankment, charming rest-centers.

Teacher: Name me, please, how many universities do you know in our city?

Если студенты знают, то отвечают.

Now you know more about Volgograd. And answer my questions to the text….

6. Завершение урока:

Thanks a lot. Prepare for your homework. Learn English. Good-bye!


Субъекты Российской Федерации.



Часто у переводчиков возникает вопрос, как правильно писать на английском языке названия субъектов Российской Федерации. На наш взгляд самым логичным было посмотреть перевод Конституции Российской Федерации, выложенный на каком-то из заслуживающих доверие сайтах, например, на www.constitution.ru.

Согласно переводу статьи 65 Конституции РФ на английском языке субъекты РФ имеют следующие названия:

Республика Адыгея (Адыгея) Republic of Adygeya Республика Алтай Republic of Altai Республика Башкортостан Republic of Bashkortostan Республика Бурятия Republic of Buryatia Республика Дагестан Republic of Daghestan Республика Ингушетия Republic of Ingushetia Кабардино-Балкарская Республика Kabardino-Balkarian Republic Республика Калмыкия Republic of Kalmykia Карачаево-Черкесская Республика Karachayevo-Circassian Republic Республика Карелия Republic of Karelia Республика Коми Komi Republic Республика Крым Republic of Crimea Республика Марий Эл Republic of Mari El Республика Мордовия Republic of Mordovia Республика Саха (Якутия) Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Республика Северная Осетия – Алания Republic of North Ossetia – Alania Республика Татарстан (Татарстан) Republic of Tatarstan Республика Тыва Republic of Tuva Удмуртская Республика Udmurtian Republic Республика Хакасия Republic of Khakassia Чеченская Республика Chechen Republic Чувашская Республика – Чувашия Chuvash Republic

Territories Алтайский край Altai Territory Забайкальский край Trans-Baikal Territory Камчатский край Kamchatka Territory Краснодарский край Krasnodar Territory Красноярский край Krasnoyarsk Territory Пермский край Perm Territory Приморский край Primorye Territory Ставропольский край Stavropol Territory Хабаровский край Khabarovsk Territory

Амурская область Amur Region Архангельская область Arkhangelsk Region Астраханская область Astrakhan Region Белгородская область Belgorod Region Брянская область Bryansk Region Владимирская область Vladimir Region Волгоградская область Volgograd Region Вологодская область Vologda Region Воронежская область Voronezh Region Ивановская область Ivanovo Region Иркутская область Irkutsk Region Калининградская область Kaliningrad Region Калужская область Kaluga Region Кемеровская область Kemerovo Region Кировская область Kirov Region Костромская область Kostroma Region Курганская область Kurgan Region Курская область Kursk Region Ленинградская область Leningrad Region Липецкая область Lipetsk Region Магаданская область Magadan Region Московская область Moscow Region Мурманская область Murmansk Region Нижегородская область Nizhny Novgorod Region Новгородская область Novgorod Region Новосибирская область Novosibirsk Region Омская область Omsk Region Оренбургская область Orenburg Region Орловская область Orel Region Пензенская область Penza Region Псковская область Pskov Region Ростовская область Rostov Region Рязанская область Ryazan Region Самарская область Samara Region Саратовская область Saratov Region Сахалинская область Sakhalin Region Свердловская область Sverdlovsk Region Смоленская область Smolensk Region Тамбовская область Tambov Region Тверская область Tver Region Томская область Tomsk Region Тульская область Tula Region Тюменская область Tyumen Region Ульяновская область Ulyanovsk Region Челябинская область Chelyabinsk Region Ярославская область Yaroslavl Region

Города федерального значения

Cities o f Federal Importance

Москва Moscow Санкт-Петербург St. Petersburg Севастополь Sevastopol

Autonomous Region s

Еврейская автономная область Jewish Autonomous Region

Ненецкий автономный округ Nenets Autonomous Area Ханты-Мансийский автономный округ – Югра Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area – Yugra Чукотский автономный округ Chukotka Autonomous Area Ямало-Ненецкий автономный округ Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area

Мы в своей работе используем именно этот вариант.

Справедливости ради следует отметить, что перевод Конституции РФ, размещенный на сайте www.kremlin.ru, несколько отличается. Перевод названий субъектов в статье 65 полностью соответствует приведенной таблице, но вот в переводе статьи 66 мы видим следующую картину: «The status of a kray, oblast, city of federal significance, autonomous oblast, autonomous okrug shall be determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the charter of the kray, oblast, city of federal significance, autonomous oblast and autonomous okrug which is adopted by the legislative (representative) body of the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation.» – т.е. «Territory» превращается в «Kray», «Region» в «Oblast», «City of Federal Importance» в «City of Federal Significance», «Autonomous Region» в «Autonomous Oblast», а «Autonomous Area» в «Autonomous Okrug». Все, что можно было перевести по-другому, было переведено по-другому.

Но это, скорее всего, временное явление и в ближайшем будущем размещенный текст будет заменен, дабы устранить разночтение.


Теперь вы знаете какие однокоренные слова подходят к слову Волгоград на английском языке как пишется, а так же какой у него корень, приставка, суффикс и окончание. Вы можете дополнить список однокоренных слов к слову "Волгоград на английском языке как пишется", предложив свой вариант в комментариях ниже, а также выразить свое несогласие проведенным с морфемным разбором.

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