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Vin Diesel

Name: Vin Diesel

Real name: Mark Sinclair

Birth date: 18 of July 1967 (54 y.o.)

People who were born the same day: find out

Height: 5’11 ft

Weight: 187 lb

Career: actor

Vin Diesel’s Biography

The Early Years

In 1970, his mother married again, and a black stepfather Irving Vincent took three of them to New York. So, Vin got a half-brother and a half-sister, Tim and Samantha. Stepfather was a theater Manager and an acting teacher, and he constantly took children to theatre performances and premieres of films that largely determined the future interests of the boy.

For the first time, Mark came on the stage at the age of 7 years, thanks to a curious case. He broke down the door and snuck into the New City Theater with brother Paul and the other boys in some bully. As it turned out, that time it was a rehearsal in the theater and the Director Crystal Field did not call the police and instead invited the boys to try themselves as actors and read the text.

Mark was tall and thin in adolescence. So, he received the nickname «Worm», and never enjoyed success with girls. Terribly ashamed of his ridiculous physique, he began to exercise regularly and build muscles. At the age of 17, has managed to acquire an impressive musculature, he left the theater and got a job as a bouncer in a Manhattan nightclub named Tunnel.

The Beginning of a Cinema Career

The Career Peak

Soon a cartoon and a computer game were produced based on this successful film, and Diesel voiced his character there.

After this, he has changed roles and tried shooting in Comedy for some time. So, a picture «A Pacifier» by Adam Shenkman (2005) and «Find Me Guilty» by Cindy Lumet (2006) were released.

The film Director basically got laurels for the second comedy picture, who «managed to see the serious dramatic potential of Vin Diesel, which previously was neglected, considering him capable of action genre only».

Soon, the third episode of «The Fast and The Furious» enrolled. – «The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift». Contrary to the fans’ expectations, the hero of Vin Diesel appears in this film only in the episode at the end.

Vin Diesel’s Personal Life

Diesel maintains a strong and warm relationship with his mother, brothers, and sister all his life long. His twin brother Paul and a half brother and sister Tim and Samantha worked together with him in the movie: Paul is engaged in installation and Samantha and Tim’s help in producing.

The actor is carefully watching their health and appearance: he spends a lot of time in the gym, supports a bronze skin tone with tanning and adheres to a healthy diet with lots of protein and vegetables.

His hobby is video games, especially the famous game «Dungeons & Dragons». In 2002, he created the company Tigon Studios and started to produce his own game «Wheelman» in which the main character speaks in his voice.

Vin Diesel Now

In both pictures Diesel, as before, will serve as the primary producer and the lead actor. However, in the fall of 2017, the press knew about the serious tensions between Diesel and Dwayne Johnson, who wants to become the new face of the franchise, so plans may change.

Also, Vin Diesel portrayed the main character of ‘Bloodshot’, an action superhero movie, which was released in February 2020. Anyway, both critics and watchers didn’t rate it highly.


Vin Diesel

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Vin Diesel, original name Mark Sinclair, (born July 18, 1967, Alameda county, California, U.S.), American actor and producer who was best known for his action films, most notably the Fast and Furious series.

Sinclair grew up in New York City with his mother, fraternal twin brother, and African American stepfather, Irving Vincent, a theatre manager who provided him with some of his first stage roles. While still in his teens, he worked as a club bouncer and took the name Vin Diesel. He attended Hunter College but dropped out to pursue an acting career in Los Angeles.

After finding little success in Hollywood—his only notable work was an uncredited role in Awakenings (1990)—Diesel returned to New York in 1995. His mother gave him a copy of Rick Schmidt’s book Feature Filmmaking at Used-Car Prices (1988), which inspired him to make a semiautobiographical short, Multi-Facial (1995), about a biracial actor struggling to get roles. He worked as a telemarketer to raise the money for his first feature film, Strays (1997). Diesel got his big break when director Steven Spielberg, who had seen Multi-Facial, cast him in the award-winning Saving Private Ryan (1998). With his appealing screen presence—shaved head, muscular physique, raspy voice, and rough-hewn charm—Diesel was soon working regularly. He played escaped criminal Richard Riddick in the science-fiction film Pitch Black (2000) and reprised the character in two more films, The Chronicles of Riddick (2004) and Riddick (2013).

Behind the cameras, Diesel used his distinctive voice as the title character in the animated The Iron Giant (1999). Later he provided the voice for the treelike superhero Groot in Guardians of the Galaxy (2014), its sequel (2017), Avengers: Infinity War (2018), and Avengers: Endgame (2019).


Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel (born Mark Sinclair Vincent; July 18, 1967) is an American actor, writer, director, and producer. While he prefers to identify himself as a «multi-faceted» actor he has played a number of similar roles, as a result of early difficulties finding roles due to his very mixed heritage. He founded the production companies One Race Films, Tigon Studios, and Racetrack Records.

In an interview on Late Night with Conan O’Brien, he said that he changed his name to «Vin Diesel» while working as a bouncer at New York City nightclub the Tunnel, because in that business one’s real name is not usually given out. The name «Vin» is simply a shortened version of «Vincent». He received the nickname «Diesel» from his friends who said he ran off diesel, referring to his non-stop energy.

He has a fraternal twin brother named Paul, a younger brother named Tim, and a sister named Samantha.

Diesel’s first film role was an uncredited appearance in the 1990 film Awakenings. He then produced, directed and starred in the 1994 short film Multi-Facial, a short semi-autobiographical film which follows a struggling actor stuck in the audition process, because he is regarded as either «too black» or «too white», or not black or white enough. He made his first feature-length film, 1997’s Strays, an urban drama in which he was self-cast as a gang boss whose love for a woman inspires him to try to change his ways. Written, directed and produced by Diesel, the film was selected for competition at the 1997 Sundance Festival, leading to an MTV deal to turn it into a series.

He was then cast in Steven Spielberg’s 1998 Oscar-winning film Saving Private Ryan on the poignancy of his performance in Multi-Facial. He then earned critical acclaim for voice work as the title character in the animation film The Iron Giant (1999). He followed it up with a major role in Boiler Room (2000) and then got his breakthrough role as the anti-hero Riddick in Pitch Black (2000). He then attained action hero super stardom with the box office hits The Fast and the Furious (2001) and xXx (2002).

In 2004, he reprised his role as Pitch Black’s Riddick in The Chronicles of Riddick which did only moderately well at the box office. In 2005 he played a lighthearted role in the comedy film The Pacifier which was a surprise box office success. In 2006 he attempted a dramatic role when he played real-life mobster Jack DiNorscio in Find Me Guilty. Although he was critically acclaimed for his performance, the film bombed at the box office. Later that year he made a cameo appearance in The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift, reprising his role from The Fast and The Furious. Diesel was originally offered the lead in 2 Fast 2 Furious but turned it down. He was also offered the chance to reprise his role from xXx in xXx: State of the Union but also turned it down. In March 2006, Diesel stated that he was working on a sequel to The Chronicles of Riddick which as of 2008 is still in pre-production stages.

In 2007, he was set to produce and star as Agent 47 in the film adaptation of the video game Hitman, but eventually pulled out from the role and served as executive producer on the film instead. In 2008 he stars in the science-fiction action thriller Babylon A.D.

After seven years, he is reprising his role as Dominic Toretto in the fourth film of The Fast and The Furious series, titled Fast and Furious which will be released in June 2009.

While Diesel was visiting the Dominican Republic in October 2005, a 23-year-old architecture student accused Diesel of trying to have her kicked out of the bar for refusing to go back to his hotel room. Diesel denied the allegations, citing the club’s history of problems unrelated to him.

Diesel reportedly claimed that he prefers dating in Europe, where he is less likely to be recognized and where celebrities are not romantically linked to each other. He prefers to maintain his privacy regarding his personal life. «I come from the Harrison Ford, Marlon Brando, Robert De Niro, Al Pacino code of silence.» Diesel has played Dungeons & Dragons for over twenty years and wrote the foreword for the commemorative book 30 Years of Adventure: A Celebration of Dungeons & Dragons. In the 30th Anniversary of Dungeons & Dragons issue of Dragon Magazine, they examine the fact that Diesel played Dungeons & Dragons, and reveal that he had a fake tattoo of his character’s name, «Melkor,» on his stomach while filming xXx.

According to an interview with Curt Schilling, Vin Diesel has a huge interest in World of Warcraft, as evidenced by the installation of a computer game system on one of his cars.

Vin Diesel has a daughter, Hania Riley, born April 2, 2008, with his girlfriend, model Paloma Jimenez. Speaking to An tEolas, an Irish newspaper, Diesel spoke of how he has been seen as a hard man, but is in touch with his soft side as a proud father.


Биография Вина Дизеля

Вин Дизель – актёр, известный миру по динамичным и напряжённым боевикам, как, например, франшиза «Форсаж».

Ранние годы

Актёр, режиссёр, сценарист и продюсер Вин Дизель, настоящее имя которого – Марк Винсент, родился в Нью-Йорке 18 июля 1967 г. Марка Винсента и его брата-близнеца Пола воспитывали мать, Делора, и отчим, Ирвинг Х. Винсент. Биологический отец Вина разошёлся с матерью ещё до рождения сыновей. Не слишком многословный, когда дело касается его семьи, Дизель, тем не менее, охотно рассказывает о своей ранней страсти к сценическому искусству. Его отчим преподавал актёрское мастерство, и в возрасте семи лет Дизель впервые выходит на сцену «Театра города Нью-Йорка».

Все свои юношеские годы Дизель продолжает принимать участие в театральных постановках. В это же время он устраивается в клуб вышибалой. Это и помогает ему приобрести ту закалку, которая станет визитной карточкой во всех его будущих фильмах. В интервью журналу «Men’s Fitness» он рассказывает: «На моём счету не меньше пяти сотен драк. Я дрался каждую ночь, а вышибалой я работал лет 9 или 10. И это были далеко не честные бои». Такая ночная работа оставляла Дизелю свободные дни для театральных прослушиваний и изучения английского языка в нью-йоркском Хантер-колледже. Свой опыт вышибалы Дизель использует для создания роли актёра-бойца в первом собственном кинематографическом проекте. С этого проекта и начинается его серьёзная карьера.

Кинематографическая карьера

Совсем немного не доучившись до выпуска, Дизель бросает колледж ради съёмок своего первого фильма «Многоликий». В этом короткометражном фильме об актёре, согласном играть роль человека любой национальности ради того, чтобы получить работу, Дизель выступил сценаристом, продюсером, режиссером и специалистом по подбору актёров. Публика хорошо принимает фильм, и в 1995 году его показывают на престижном Каннском кинофестивале. Эта работа привлекает внимание известного кинорежиссёра Стивена Спилберга, который в то время начинает работу над своей лентой о Второй мировой войне «Спасти рядового Райана» (1998 г.).

Сыграв в ленте «Бойлерная» (2000 г.) вместе с Беном Аффлеком и Джованни Рибизи, Дизель проявляет талант серьёзного драматического актёра. Совсем скоро, в 2001 г. он начинает работу в самой известной франшизе киномира «Форсаж».

Желая расширить границы своего образа, в 2005 г. Дизель снимается в комедии «Лысый нянька: Спецзадание». Ради съёмок в картине «Признайте меня виновным», где Дизель играет роль бандита, защищающегося в суде, он поступается своей безупречной физической формой. Правда, вскоре он возвращается к принесшему ему известность образу крепкого парня, снимаясь в последующих частях франшизы, включая «Форсаж-4» (2009 г.), «Форсаж-5» (2011 г.), «Форсаж-6» (2013 г.).

Съёмки следующего фильма сериала были омрачены трагедией: в автомобильной аварии погибает его друг и партнёр по съёмочной площадке Пол Уокер. В 2014 г. голосом Вина Дизеля заговорил герой научно-фантастического приключенческого бестселлера «Стражи галактики» Грут. В данное время продолжается работа над фильмом «Последний охотник на ведьм», в котором Дизель снимается вместе с Элайджей Вудом и Майклом Кэйном.


«Если ты растёшь в Нью-Йорке, тебе с ранних лет предстоит решить кем ты будешь – охотником или жертвой».


Vin Diesel

Who Is Vin Diesel?

Vin Diesel dropped out of college to create his first film, Multi-Facial, which was screened at the Cannes Film Festival in 1995. His following film, Strays, screened at Sundance. Diesel’s work attracted the attention of Steven Spielberg, who cast the actor in Saving Private Ryan (1998). He starred in several films before landing his career-defining role in The Fast and the Furious (2001). Additional films include The Chronicles of Riddick (2004), Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) and later chapters of the Furious franchise.

Early Life and Career

Vin Diesel was born Mark Vincent on July 18, 1967, in Alameda County, California. Diesel and his twin brother, Paul, were raised by their mother Delora and their stepfather, Irving H. Vincent. Their biological father split from their mother before they were born.

Not one to reveal details about his personal background, Diesel has been candid about developing a passion for performing early on. His stepfather was a drama teacher and Diesel himself started acting at the age of 7 at the Theater for the New City. «I’ve always been certain that I was going to be a movie star,» he told Entertainment Weekly. «Even as a kid I knew it.»

Diesel continued to act in theatrical productions throughout his adolescence. During his teen years, he also took up another occupation—club bouncer. This job helped him develop a toughness that he has carried through many of his film performances. As he explained to Men’s Fitness, «I must have been in more than 500 fights. I fought every night, and I bounced for nine or 10 years. And these weren’t pretty fights.»

Working as a bouncer also left his days free to audition for roles and study English at New York’s Hunter College. Diesel drew inspiration from his days as a struggling actor for his first self-made film project — an enterprise that helped launch his career.


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Vin Diesel Movies

‘Multi-Facial,’ ‘Strays’

Diesel dropped out of college in order to create his first film, Multi-Facial. Diesel wrote, produced, directed and starred in this short film about an actor willing to play any ethnicity in order to work. The film was accepted and screened at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival in 1995. Diesel next directed, wrote and starred in the full-length feature Strays, in which he played a tough, hard-edged drug dealer learning how to open himself up to emotional intimacy. The work screened at the 1997 Sundance Film Festival.

‘Saving Private Ryan,’ ‘Pitch Black’

Diesel’s work attracted the attention of famed director Steven Spielberg, who was then starting work on his World War II epic Saving Private Ryan (1998). Spielberg tailored a featured part for the actor and, following the movie’s release, Diesel found big-budget opportunities coming his way. In 2000, he turned in a noted performance in the science-fiction thriller Pitch Black. His character, Richard B. Riddick, went on to appear in two sequels: The Chronicles of Riddick (2004) and Riddick (2013).

‘Boiler Room,’ ‘The Fast and the Furious,’ ‘XXX’

Showing his talent for serious dramatic fare, Diesel joined Ben Affleck and Giovanni Ribisi as a crooked stockbroker in Boiler Room (2000). But he soon became better known for helping to launch one of the era’s most popular action franchises in 2001 with The Fast and the Furious. In the film, Diesel played notorious street racer Dominic Toretto, who is investigated by an undercover cop (Paul Walker). His status as a star in the action genre was further cemented by Diesel’s leading role in XXX (2002).

‘The Pacifier,’ ‘Find Me Guilty,’ ‘Furious’ Sequels

Diesel later sought to broaden his image, taking on the 2005 comedy The Pacifier. For 2006’s Find Me Guilty, he let his famous fit physique go to play a mobster who defends himself at trial. But Diesel was soon back to his popular tough guy persona with later installments of the Fast and Furious franchise, including Fast & Furious (2009), Fast Five (2011), Fast & Furious 6 (2013) and Furious 7 (2015), the last of which was marred by Walker’s death in a car accident before filming was complete.

Voicing Groot for ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’


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