Главная » Правописание слов » Как пишется слово eating или eatting

Слово Как пишется слово eating или eatting - однокоренные слова и морфемный разбор слова (приставка, корень, суффикс, окончание):

Морфемный разбор слова:

Однокоренные слова к слову:

Как пишется слово eating или eatting

eat [i:t] ate / eaten / eating / eats

I eat
you eat
he/she/it eats
we eat
you eat
they eat

I have eaten
you have eaten
he/she/it has eaten
we have eaten
you have eaten
they have eaten

I am eating
you are eating
he/she/it is eating
we are eating
you are eating
they are eating

Present Perfect Continuous

I have been eating
you have been eating
he/she/it has been eating
we have been eating
you have been eating
they have been eating

I ate
you ate
he/she/it ate
we ate
you ate
they ate

I was eating
you were eating
he/she/it was eating
we were eating
you were eating
they were eating

I had eaten
you had eaten
he/she/it had eaten
we had eaten
you had eaten
they had eaten

Past Perfect Continuous

I had been eating
you had been eating
he/she/it had been eating
we had been eating
you had been eating
they had been eating

I will eat
you will eat
he/she/it will eat
we will eat
you will eat
they will eat

I will be eating
you will be eating
he/she/it will be eating
we will be eating
you will be eating
they will be eating

I will have eaten
you will have eaten
he/she/it will have eaten
we will have eaten
you will have eaten
they will have eaten

Future Perfect Continuous

I will have been eating
you will have been eating
he/she/it will have been eating
we will have been eating
you will have been eating
they will have been eating

I would eat
you would eat
he/she/it would eat
we would eat
you would eat
they would eat

Conditional Present Continuous

I would be eating
you would be eating
he/she/it would be eating
we would be eating
you would be eating
they would be eating

I would have eaten
you would have eaten
he/she/it would have eaten
we would have eaten
you would have eaten
they would have eaten

Conditional Perfect Continuous

I would have been eating
you would have been eating
he/she/it would have been eating
we would have been eating
you would have been eating
they would have been eating

to eat
to have eaten
to be eating
to have been eating


существительное ↓

прилагательное ↓

Мои примеры



What’s eating you?

Что с вами? / Что вас тревожит? Какая муха вас укусила?

They’re eating breakfast.

Are we eating in tonight?

Мы сегодня ужинаем дома?

The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

She was eating a banana.

I had just begun eating when the phone rang.

Я только-только начал есть, когда зазвонил телефон.

After eating so much I had to loosen my belt.

После того, как я съел так много, мне пришлось ослабить ремень.

Try to satisfy your hunger by eating some fruit.

Съешьте какой-нибудь фрукт, чтобы утолить свой голод.

What’s eating Sally today?

Что сегодня такое с Салли? / Какая муха Салли укусила сегодня?

Eating too much is my vice.

It’s no fun eating on your own.

Есть в одиночку — совсем не весело.

We stayed alive by eating berries.

Мы выжили, питаясь ягодами.

He didn’t lose his time in eating.

На еду он не тратил много времени.

I felt bloated from eating too much.

Я переел, и от этого чувствовал себя раздутым.

We sat in the sun, eating ice cream.

Мы сидели на солнышке и ели мороженое.

Eating sweets is bad for your teeth.

Кушать сладкое — вредно для зубов.

A small girl was eating an ice cream.

Какая-то девочка ела мороженое.

He told a fib about eating his spinach.

Он наврал о том, что съел шпинат.

I felt yucky after eating all that cake.

Меня стало подташнивать после того, как съел весь торт.

My younger brother is an eating machine.

Мой младший брат — машина по пожиранию еды.

We sat on the curb eating our ice cream.

Мы сидели на бордюре и ели мороженое.

I’m not eating as much beef as I used to.

Я уже не ем столько говядины, как раньше.

Eating too much candy can rot your teeth.

Если есть слишком много сладкого, то зубы могут сгнить.

Eating honey can be unhealthy for babies.

Употребление мёда может навредить здоровью младенцев.

The acting students mimed eating an apple.

Студенты-актёры изображали, как будто едят яблоко.

The idea of eating meat is repellent to me.

Мысль о поедании мяса вызывает у меня отвращение.

He’s been eating off his brother for weeks.

Он уже несколько недель живёт за счёт своего брата.

You should rinse your mouth out after eating.

После еды надо полоскать рот.

His gambling was eating away at their income.

Его пристрастие к азартным играм съедало часть их доходов.

I used to be squeamish about eating raw fish.

Раньше я с брезгливостью относился к поеданию сырой рыбы.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He’s been eating an unbalanced diet.

I gave up eating meat a few months ago.

. crab apples are not actually eating apples.


Спряжение глагола «to eat» (Английский язык)

Глагол to eat – неправильный глагол в английском языке, в переводе на русский означает: есть; поедать, поглощать; разъедать, разрушатьe.

Infinitive to eat
Simple past ate
Past participle eaten
-s eats
-ing eating

Eat in present simple



He does not eat
She does not eat
It does not eat


Does he eat?
Does she eat?
Does it eat?

Eat in present continuous


He is eating
She is eating
It is eating


You are not eating

He is not eating
She is not eating
It is not eating

You are not eating

They are not eating


Is he eating?
Is she eating?
Is it eating?

Eat in present perfect


He has eaten
She has eaten
It has eaten


You have not eaten

He has not eaten
She has not eaten
It has not eaten

You have not eaten

They have not eaten


Has he eaten?
Has she eaten?
Has it eaten?

Eat in present perfect continuous


I have been eating

You have been eating

He has been eating
She has been eating
It has been eating

We have been eating

You have been eating

They have been eating


I have not been eating

You have not been eating

He has not been eating
She has not been eating
It has not been eating

We have not been eating

You have not been eating

They have not been eating


Have I been eating?

Have you been eating?

Has he been eating?
Has she been eating?
Has it been eating?

Have we been eating?

Have you been eating?

Have they been eating?

Eat in past simple



He did not eat
She did not eat
It did not eat


Did he eat?
Did she eat?
Did it eat?

Eat in past continuous


He was eating
She was eating
It was eating


You were not eating

He was not eating
She was not eating
It was not eating

We were not eating

You were not eating

They were not eating


Was he eating?
Was she eating?
Was it eating?

Eat in past perfect


He had eaten
She had eaten
It had eaten


He had not eaten
She had not eaten
It had not eaten

They had not eaten


Had he eaten?
Had she eaten?
Had it eaten?

Eat in past perfect continuous


You had been eating

He had been eating
She had been eating
It had been eating

We had been eating

You had been eating

They had been eating


I had not been eating

You had not been eating

He had not been eating
She had not been eating
It had not been eating

We had not been eating

You had not been eating

They had not been eating


Had you been eating?

Had he been eating?
Had she been eating?
Had it been eating?

Had we been eating?

Had you been eating?

Had they been eating?

Eat in future simple


He will eat
She will eat
It will eat


He will not eat
She will not eat
It will not eat


Will he eat?
Will she eat?
Will it eat?

Eat in future continuous


You will be eating

He will be eating
She will be eating
It will be eating

You will be eating

They will be eating


I will not be eating

You will not be eating

He will not be eating
She will not be eating
It will not be eating

We will not be eating

You will not be eating

They will not be eating


Will you be eating?

Will he be eating?
Will she be eating?
Will it be eating?

Will you be eating?

Will they be eating?

Eat in future perfect


You will have eaten

He will have eaten
She will have eaten
It will have eaten

We will have eaten

You will have eaten

They will have eaten


I will not have eaten

You will not have eaten

He will not have eaten
She will not have eaten
It will not have eaten

We will not have eaten

You will not have eaten

They will not have eaten


Will you have eaten?

Will he have eaten?
Will she have eaten?
Will it have eaten?

Will we have eaten?

Will you have eaten?

Will they have eaten?

Eat in future perfect continuous


I will have been eating

You will have been eating

He will have been eating
She will have been eating
It will have been eating

We will have been eating

You will have been eating

They will have been eating


I will not have been eating

You will not have been eating

He will not have been eating
She will not have been eating
It will not have been eating

We will not have been eating

You will not have been eating

They will not have been eating


Will I have been eating?

Will you have been eating?

Will he have been eating?
Will she have been eating?
Will it have been eating?

Will we have been eating?

Will you have been eating?

Will they have been eating?

Eat in conditional present


He would eat
She would eat
It would eat


He would not eat
She would not eat
It would not eat

They would not eat


Would he eat?
Would she eat?
Would it eat?

Eat in conditional present progressive


You would be eating

He would be eating
She would be eating
It would be eating

We would be eating

You would be eating

They would be eating


I would not be eating

You would not be eating

He would not be eating
She would not be eating
It would not be eating

We would not be eating

You would not be eating

They would not be eating


Would you be eating?

Would he be eating?
Would she be eating?
Would it be eating?

Would we be eating?

Would you be eating?

Would they be eating?

Eat in conditional perfect


I would have eaten

You would have eaten

He would have eaten
She would have eaten
It would have eaten

We would have eaten

You would have eaten

They would have eaten


I would not have eaten

You would not have eaten

He would not have eaten
She would not have eaten
It would not have eaten

We would not have eaten

You would not have eaten

They would not have eaten


Would I have eaten?

Would you have eaten?

Would he have eaten?
Would she have eaten?
Would it have eaten?

Would we have eaten?

Would you have eaten?

Would they have eaten?

Eat in conditional perfect progressive


I would have been eating

You would have been eating

He would have been eating
She would have been eating
It would have been eating

We would have been eating

You would have been eating

They would have been eating


I would not have been eating

You would not have been eating

He would not have been eating
She would not have been eating
It would not have been eating

We would not have been eating

You would not have been eating

They would not have been eating


Would I have been eating?

Would you have been eating?

Would he have been eating?
Would she have been eating?
Would it have been eating?


Why is the correct spelling «eating» and not «eatting»?

2). If the verb ends in a consonant + vowel + consonant, we double the final consonant and add ING.

8 Answers 8

Because so-called long vowels (a, e, i, o, and u, when pronounced «like their letter name») and digraphs do not require a doubled consonant to form the participle.

Compare hating or waiting with batting, for example. Or plan and plane, which become, respectively, planning and planing.

The English language has no universal rule for when to double a consonant before the suffix «-ing».

As evidence that there is no universal rule, consider the word «travel.» It ends consonant-vowel-consonant, but both the forms «travelling» and «traveling» are widely used. Writers of US English usually write «traveling» (but sometimes write «travelling»), while other writers usually write «travelling» (but sometimes write «traveling»).

In short, there are educated, literate, native English speakers using the spelling «traveling» as well as the spelling «travelling»; which spelling they use is correlated with (but not completely determined by) whether they are considered «American English» writers.

The explanation I recall from grade school for why we double the final consonant of certain words when adding certain suffixes (such as «-ed» or «-ing») because to add the suffix without doubling the final consonant would cause the preceding vowel to change from a short vowel to a long vowel.

Compare the «silent E» rule that explains the difference in pronunciation between «cap» and «cape», between «kit» and «kite», or between «not» and «note», and observe what happens when a «silent E» word takes the suffix «-ing»: the final «silent E» is deleted and «-ing» substituted in its place, for example, «to bite» becomes «biting».

I never knew «stope» was a word until I researched this question, but I was fairly sure that if it were a word, it would rhyme with «hope» (which it does), and that «stoping» would be pronounced differently from «stopping.» That is how strong the «silent E» rule is in English.

The «silent E» rule and the rules for doubling the final consonant after a short vowel are weakened when the final syllable is not stressed. For example, «approximate» can rhyme with «mate» or be a near-rhyme with «mitt», depending on whether it is a verb or an adjective (at least in US English). Likewise, we have already seen the lack of a doubled consonant before «-ing» in «happening», «editing», and «orbiting». And of course even with stressed syllables there are pesky exceptions, such as «living» and «giving» (forms of the verbs «live» and «give», which also break the «silent E» rule).

The word eating «eat» is «vowel + vowel + consonant». It is not «consonant + vowel + consonant», therefore rule 2 does not apply.

The motivation for the spelling rule (which the Woodward English site does not specify) is that we don’t want adding «-ing» to change the length of the final vowel (the one before the consonant). A single vowel before a single consonant at the end of a word is usually short, but a single vowel before a single consonant before another vowel is usually long. Thus, adding «-ing» to a word like «stop» without doubling the consonant would result in the spelling «stoping» (which is a different, and rare, word), and this would indicate that the vowel was long. Since this would violate the «no vowel length change» rule, we double the consonant («stopping»), which indicates that the previous vowel should remain short.

Vowels that are already long don’t need the spelling change. Even after adding «-ing» («eating», «hating»), the vowels will remain long. As you may know, the fact that a vowel is long in a word such as «eat» or «hate» is often indicated by a silent vowel, either immediately after the first one (like the «a» in «eat») or separated from it by a single consonant (like the «e» in «hate»).

Meanwhile, in words where there is a final «e», but the vowel is short anyway («live», «have»), the shortness of the vowel is so programmed into an English speaker’s head that adding «ing» without doubling the consonant («living», «having») doesn’t cause a net change in the way we pronounce the word. That’s why rule (1) on the Woodward page says that if the verb ends with an «e», you drop it and don’t double the consonant. The same principle applies to words such as «head», where there is a silent vowel following the spoken one, but the initial vowel is short. Thus, «heading» is also pronounced with a short «e».

The correct spelling is eating. This is because when a short vowel is followed by one consonant at the end of the root word, we double the last consonant. Thus, stop becomes stopping. In all other cases, when the vowel is long, we don’t double the last consonant.

I personally wouldn’t bother trying to learn all those spelling rules. The way I learned spelling is by writing a lot in English.

This rule works if you consider letters, not sounds. CVC should be letters and the correct addition is that the syllable should be stressed. Then the rule works almost in all cases. Travelling/traveling seems to be the only exception.Consider the following examples:

hop (CVstressedC)+p +ing, edit(e-dit)CV unstressed C)+ ing.

The aim of this process is not to change the pronunciation of the vowel.We can check it

Eat doesn’t correspond to the CVC, so «eating» will be a correct form.

Doubling final consonants:

Consonants (often) get doubled in CVC combinations, where the vowels are represented with a single grapheme, not digraphs.

The last C in CVC is the final consoant.


Consonant in CVVC or CVCC combinations (digraphs) does not get doubled.

‘Eat’ uses a digraph to represent the /i:/ sound and the consonant after digraph does not get doubled so the ‘t’ in eating does not get doubled.


Consonant after a diphthong does not get doubled. (Almost all the words that have ‘diphthong + consonant’ often have magic/silent e after the consonant. In fact, the diphthong is a result of adding ‘magic e’).


In most cases (multisyllabic words, I believe), it depends on stress and does not follow CVC method. When the stress is on the last syllable, the consonant gets doubled.



Теперь вы знаете какие однокоренные слова подходят к слову Как пишется слово eating или eatting, а так же какой у него корень, приставка, суффикс и окончание. Вы можете дополнить список однокоренных слов к слову "Как пишется слово eating или eatting", предложив свой вариант в комментариях ниже, а также выразить свое несогласие проведенным с морфемным разбором.

Какие вы еще знаете однокоренные слова к слову Как пишется слово eating или eatting:

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