Главная » Правописание слов » Как правильно flying или fling пишется

Слово Как правильно flying или fling пишется - однокоренные слова и морфемный разбор слова (приставка, корень, суффикс, окончание):

Морфемный разбор слова:

Однокоренные слова к слову:

Как правильно flying или fling пишется

fly [flaɪ] flew / flown / flying / flies

I fly
you fly
he/she/it flies
we fly
you fly
they fly

I have flown
you have flown
he/she/it has flown
we have flown
you have flown
they have flown

I am flying
you are flying
he/she/it is flying
we are flying
you are flying
they are flying

Present Perfect Continuous

I have been flying
you have been flying
he/she/it has been flying
we have been flying
you have been flying
they have been flying

I flew
you flew
he/she/it flew
we flew
you flew
they flew

I was flying
you were flying
he/she/it was flying
we were flying
you were flying
they were flying

I had flown
you had flown
he/she/it had flown
we had flown
you had flown
they had flown

Past Perfect Continuous

I had been flying
you had been flying
he/she/it had been flying
we had been flying
you had been flying
they had been flying

I will fly
you will fly
he/she/it will fly
we will fly
you will fly
they will fly

I will be flying
you will be flying
he/she/it will be flying
we will be flying
you will be flying
they will be flying

I will have flown
you will have flown
he/she/it will have flown
we will have flown
you will have flown
they will have flown

Future Perfect Continuous

I will have been flying
you will have been flying
he/she/it will have been flying
we will have been flying
you will have been flying
they will have been flying

I would fly
you would fly
he/she/it would fly
we would fly
you would fly
they would fly

Conditional Present Continuous

I would be flying
you would be flying
he/she/it would be flying
we would be flying
you would be flying
they would be flying

I would have flown
you would have flown
he/she/it would have flown
we would have flown
you would have flown
they would have flown

Conditional Perfect Continuous

I would have been flying
you would have been flying
he/she/it would have been flying
we would have been flying
you would have been flying
they would have been flying

to fly
to have flown
to be flying
to have been flying

fly [flaɪ] мн. flies


Спряжение глагола «to fly» (Английский язык)

Глагол to fly – неправильный глагол в английском языке, в переводе на русский означает: летать, лететь, полететь, пролетать, пилотировать.

Infinitive to fly
Simple past flew
Past participle flown
-s flies
-ing flying

Fly in present simple



He does not fly
She does not fly
It does not fly


Does he fly?
Does she fly?
Does it fly?

Fly in present continuous


He is flying
She is flying
It is flying


You are not flying

He is not flying
She is not flying
It is not flying

You are not flying

They are not flying


Is he flying?
Is she flying?
Is it flying?

Fly in present perfect


He has flown
She has flown
It has flown


You have not flown

He has not flown
She has not flown
It has not flown

You have not flown

They have not flown


Has he flown?
Has she flown?
Has it flown?

Fly in present perfect continuous


I have been flying

You have been flying

He has been flying
She has been flying
It has been flying

We have been flying

You have been flying

They have been flying


I have not been flying

You have not been flying

He has not been flying
She has not been flying
It has not been flying

We have not been flying

You have not been flying

They have not been flying


Have I been flying?

Have you been flying?

Has he been flying?
Has she been flying?
Has it been flying?

Have we been flying?

Have you been flying?

Have they been flying?

Fly in past simple



He did not fly
She did not fly
It did not fly


Did he fly?
Did she fly?
Did it fly?

Fly in past continuous


He was flying
She was flying
It was flying


You were not flying

He was not flying
She was not flying
It was not flying

We were not flying

You were not flying

They were not flying


Was he flying?
Was she flying?
Was it flying?

Fly in past perfect


He had flown
She had flown
It had flown


He had not flown
She had not flown
It had not flown

They had not flown


Had he flown?
Had she flown?
Had it flown?

Fly in past perfect continuous


You had been flying

He had been flying
She had been flying
It had been flying

We had been flying

You had been flying

They had been flying


I had not been flying

You had not been flying

He had not been flying
She had not been flying
It had not been flying

We had not been flying

You had not been flying

They had not been flying


Had you been flying?

Had he been flying?
Had she been flying?
Had it been flying?

Had we been flying?

Had you been flying?

Had they been flying?

Fly in future simple


He will fly
She will fly
It will fly


He will not fly
She will not fly
It will not fly


Will he fly?
Will she fly?
Will it fly?

Fly in future continuous


You will be flying

He will be flying
She will be flying
It will be flying

You will be flying

They will be flying


I will not be flying

You will not be flying

He will not be flying
She will not be flying
It will not be flying

We will not be flying

You will not be flying

They will not be flying


Will you be flying?

Will he be flying?
Will she be flying?
Will it be flying?

Will you be flying?

Will they be flying?

Fly in future perfect


You will have flown

He will have flown
She will have flown
It will have flown

We will have flown

You will have flown

They will have flown


I will not have flown

You will not have flown

He will not have flown
She will not have flown
It will not have flown

We will not have flown

You will not have flown

They will not have flown


Will you have flown?

Will he have flown?
Will she have flown?
Will it have flown?

Will we have flown?

Will you have flown?

Will they have flown?

Fly in future perfect continuous


I will have been flying

You will have been flying

He will have been flying
She will have been flying
It will have been flying

We will have been flying

You will have been flying

They will have been flying


I will not have been flying

You will not have been flying

He will not have been flying
She will not have been flying
It will not have been flying

We will not have been flying

You will not have been flying

They will not have been flying


Will I have been flying?

Will you have been flying?

Will he have been flying?
Will she have been flying?
Will it have been flying?

Will we have been flying?

Will you have been flying?

Will they have been flying?

Fly in conditional present


He would fly
She would fly
It would fly


He would not fly
She would not fly
It would not fly

They would not fly


Would he fly?
Would she fly?
Would it fly?

Fly in conditional present progressive


You would be flying

He would be flying
She would be flying
It would be flying

We would be flying

You would be flying

They would be flying


I would not be flying

You would not be flying

He would not be flying
She would not be flying
It would not be flying

We would not be flying

You would not be flying

They would not be flying


Would you be flying?

Would he be flying?
Would she be flying?
Would it be flying?

Would we be flying?

Would you be flying?

Would they be flying?

Fly in conditional perfect


I would have flown

You would have flown

He would have flown
She would have flown
It would have flown

We would have flown

You would have flown

They would have flown


I would not have flown

You would not have flown

He would not have flown
She would not have flown
It would not have flown

We would not have flown

You would not have flown

They would not have flown


Would I have flown?

Would you have flown?

Would he have flown?
Would she have flown?
Would it have flown?

Would we have flown?

Would you have flown?

Would they have flown?

Fly in conditional perfect progressive


I would have been flying

You would have been flying

He would have been flying
She would have been flying
It would have been flying

We would have been flying

You would have been flying

They would have been flying


I would not have been flying

You would not have been flying

He would not have been flying
She would not have been flying
It would not have been flying

We would not have been flying

You would not have been flying

They would not have been flying


Would I have been flying?

Would you have been flying?

Would he have been flying?
Would she have been flying?
Would it have been flying?


Глагол fly в английском языке

Перевод fly с английского на русский


3 формы глагола с транскрипцией

Base Form

Past Simple
2-ая форма
Past Participle
3-ая форма
(Причастие прошедшего времени)
fly flew flown flying
[flaɪ] [fluː] [fləʊn] [ˈflaɪɪŋ]
[flaɪ] [fluː] [fləʊn] [ˈflaɪɪŋ]

Тренажёр спряжения для запоминая форм

Чтобы настройки вступили в силу, необходимо перезапустить тренажер.

Спряжение fly в английском языке во всех временах, лицах и числах

Simple Tense — Простое (неопределенное) время

Present Simple
Простое настоящее

Past Simple
Простое прошедшее

Future Simple
Простое будущее

Continuous Tense — Длительное время

Present Simple Continuous
Настоящее длительное

Past Simple Continuous
Прошедшее длительное

Future Simple Continuous
Будущее длительное

Perfect Tense — Совершенное время

Present Perfect
Настоящее совершенное

Past Perfect
Прошедшее совершенное

Future Perfect
Будущее совершенное

Perfect Continuous Tense — Длительное совершенное время

Present Perfect Continuous
Настоящее совершенное длительное

Past Perfect Continuous
Прошедшее совершенное длительное

Future Perfect Continuous
Будущее совершенное длительное

Conditional — Условное наклонение



Смотреть что такое «flying» в других словарях:

Flying — Fly ing, a. [From , v. i.] Moving in the air with, or as with, wings; moving lightly or rapidly; intended for rapid movement. [1913 Webster] (Mil.) a body of cavalry and infantry, kept in motion, to cover its own garrisons and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Flying J — Inc. is a privately held U.S. corporation which operates travel plazas under the Flying J brand, along with related services.DescriptionFounded in 1968 by O. Jay Call and headquartered in Ogden, Utah, Flying J is now the largest retailer of… … Wikipedia

flying — O.E. fleogende flying, winged, prp. of FLY (Cf. fly) (v.1). Flying buttress is from 1660s; flying fish is from 1510s. Flying saucer first attested 1947, though the image of saucers for unidentified flying objects is from at least 1880s. Flying… … Etymology dictionary

Flying — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda «Flying» Canción de The Beatles Álbum Magical Mystery Tour Publicación noviembre de 1967 (US) ( … Wikipedia Español

Flying J — Rechtsform Gründung 1968 Sitz Ogden, Utah Mitarbeiter 15.900 (Stand:2009) Branche Erdöl, Tankstellen … Deutsch Wikipedia

flying — ► ADJECTIVE 1) moving through or fluttering in the air. 2) hasty; brief: a flying visit. ● with flying colours Cf. ↑with flying colours … English terms dictionary

flying — [flī′iŋ] adj. 1. that flies or can fly 2. moving as if flying; moving swiftly; fast 3. like flight through the air 4. hasty and brief [a flying trip] 5. of or for aircraft or aviators 6. organized to act quickly, as in an emergency … English World dictionary

Flying — Chanson par The Beatles extrait de l’album Magical Mystery Tour Sortie 27 novembre 1967 … Wikipédia en Français

flying — [adj] in the air, winged aerial, aeronautical, airborne, avian, drifting, express, flapping, fleet, floating, fluttering, gliding, hovering, mercurial, mobile, on the wing, plumed, soaring, speedy, streaming, swooping, volant, volar, volitant,… … New thesaurus

Flying P — Lief als Padua 1926 als letzter P Liner vom Stapel und ist als einziger noch aktiv: die heutige Krusenstern Modell des … Deutsch Wikipedia


Как правильно flying или fling пишется

летать, пролетать, полететь, лететь, пролететь, прилететь, улететь, улетать, вылетать, прилетать, слетать, перелететь, долететь, облететь, вылететь, взлететь, взлетать, влететь, залететь, подлететь, подлетать, отлететь, слетаться, муха, мушка, полет, перелет

Реализовано с помощью сервиса «API «Яндекс.Словарь»


I fly
you fly
he flies
we fly
you fly
they fly

Present continuous

Past simple

I have flown
you have flown
he has flown
we have flown
you have flown
they have flown

Past continuous

I have been flying
you have been flying
he has been flying
we have been flying
you have been flying
they have been flying

Present perfect

I will fly
you will fly
he will fly
we will fly
you will fly
they will fly

Present perfect continuous

I will be flying
you will be flying
he will be flying
we will be flying
you will be flying
they will be flying

Past perfect

I will have flown
you will have flown
he will have flown
we will have flown
you will have flown
they will have flown

Past perfect continuous

I will have been flying
you will have been flying
he will have been flying
we will have been flying
you will have been flying
they will have been flying


Future continuous

I had flown
you had flown
he had flown
we had flown
you had flown
they had flown

Future perfect

I had been flying
you had been flying
he had been flying
we had been flying
you had been flying
they had been flying

Future perfect continuous


I would fly
you would fly
he would fly
we would fly
you would fly
they would fly

Present continuous

I would be flying
you would be flying
he would be flying
we would be flying
you would be flying
they would be flying

I would have flown
you would have flown
he would have flown
we would have flown
you would have flown
they would have flown

Past continuous

I would have been flying
you would have been flying
he would have been flying
we would have been flying
you would have been flying
they would have been flying


Теперь вы знаете какие однокоренные слова подходят к слову Как правильно flying или fling пишется, а так же какой у него корень, приставка, суффикс и окончание. Вы можете дополнить список однокоренных слов к слову "Как правильно flying или fling пишется", предложив свой вариант в комментариях ниже, а также выразить свое несогласие проведенным с морфемным разбором.

Какие вы еще знаете однокоренные слова к слову Как правильно flying или fling пишется:

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