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Натурал сайнс как пишется по английски

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natural science

Смотреть что такое «natural science» в других словарях:

Natural science — Natural Nat u*ral (?; 135), a. [OE. naturel, F. naturel, fr. L. naturalis, fr. natura. See .] 1. Fixed or determined by nature; pertaining to the constitution of a thing; belonging to native character; according to nature; essential;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

natural science — Science Sci ence, n. [F., fr. L. scientia, fr. sciens, entis, p. pr. of scire to know. Cf. , , .] 1. Knowledge; knowledge of principles and causes; ascertained truth of facts. [1913 Webster] If we conceive God s sight … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

natural science — index ecology Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary

natural science — n [U and C] chemistry, biology, and physics, considered together as subjects for study, or one of these subjects … Dictionary of contemporary English

natural science — noun count or uncount sciences that deal with the physical world, considered as a group or as individual subjects such as physics, chemistry, or biology … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

natural science — n. 1. the systematized knowledge of nature and the physical world, including zoology, botany, chemistry, physics, and geology 2. any of these branches of knowledge … English World dictionary

Natural science — Part of a series on Science … Wikipedia

natural science — noun the sciences involved in the study of the physical world and its phenomena (Freq. 1) • Hypernyms: ↑science, ↑scientific discipline • Hyponyms: ↑life science, ↑bioscience, ↑chemistry, ↑ … Useful english dictionary

natural science — UK / US noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms natural science : singular natural science plural natural sciences sciences that deal with the physical world, considered as a group or as individual subjects such as physics, chemistry, or biology … English dictionary

natural science — gamtos mokslas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. natural science; nature study vok. Naturkunde, f; Naturwissenschaft, f rus. естествознание, n pranc. science naturelle, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas

natural science — Synonyms and related words: Newtonian physics, academic discipline, academic specialty, acoustics, aerophysics, applied physics, applied science, area, arena, art, astrophysics, basic conductor physics, biophysics, chemical physics, concern,… … Moby Thesaurus


natural science

Смотреть что такое «natural science» в других словарях:

Natural science — Natural Nat u*ral (?; 135), a. [OE. naturel, F. naturel, fr. L. naturalis, fr. natura. See .] 1. Fixed or determined by nature; pertaining to the constitution of a thing; belonging to native character; according to nature; essential;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

natural science — Science Sci ence, n. [F., fr. L. scientia, fr. sciens, entis, p. pr. of scire to know. Cf. , , .] 1. Knowledge; knowledge of principles and causes; ascertained truth of facts. [1913 Webster] If we conceive God s sight … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

natural science — index ecology Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary

natural science — n [U and C] chemistry, biology, and physics, considered together as subjects for study, or one of these subjects … Dictionary of contemporary English

natural science — noun count or uncount sciences that deal with the physical world, considered as a group or as individual subjects such as physics, chemistry, or biology … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

natural science — n. 1. the systematized knowledge of nature and the physical world, including zoology, botany, chemistry, physics, and geology 2. any of these branches of knowledge … English World dictionary

Natural science — Part of a series on Science … Wikipedia

natural science — noun the sciences involved in the study of the physical world and its phenomena (Freq. 1) • Hypernyms: ↑science, ↑scientific discipline • Hyponyms: ↑life science, ↑bioscience, ↑chemistry, ↑ … Useful english dictionary

natural science — UK / US noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms natural science : singular natural science plural natural sciences sciences that deal with the physical world, considered as a group or as individual subjects such as physics, chemistry, or biology … English dictionary

natural science — gamtos mokslas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. natural science; nature study vok. Naturkunde, f; Naturwissenschaft, f rus. естествознание, n pranc. science naturelle, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas

natural science — Synonyms and related words: Newtonian physics, academic discipline, academic specialty, acoustics, aerophysics, applied physics, applied science, area, arena, art, astrophysics, basic conductor physics, biophysics, chemical physics, concern,… … Moby Thesaurus


natural science

1 natural science

natural science
The branches of science dealing with objectively measurable phenomena pertaining to the transformation and relationships of energy and matter; includes biology, physics, and chemistry. (Source: MGH)



2 natural science

3 natural science

4 natural science

5 natural-science

6 natural science

7 natural science

8 natural-science

9 natural science

10 natural science

11 natural science

12 natural science

13 natural science

14 natural science

15 natural science

16 natural science

17 natural science

18 natural science

19 natural science

20 natural science

См. также в других словарях:

Natural science — Natural Nat u*ral (?; 135), a. [OE. naturel, F. naturel, fr. L. naturalis, fr. natura. See .] 1. Fixed or determined by nature; pertaining to the constitution of a thing; belonging to native character; according to nature; essential;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

natural science — Science Sci ence, n. [F., fr. L. scientia, fr. sciens, entis, p. pr. of scire to know. Cf. , , .] 1. Knowledge; knowledge of principles and causes; ascertained truth of facts. [1913 Webster] If we conceive God s sight … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

natural science — index ecology Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary

natural science — n [U and C] chemistry, biology, and physics, considered together as subjects for study, or one of these subjects … Dictionary of contemporary English

natural science — noun count or uncount sciences that deal with the physical world, considered as a group or as individual subjects such as physics, chemistry, or biology … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

natural science — n. 1. the systematized knowledge of nature and the physical world, including zoology, botany, chemistry, physics, and geology 2. any of these branches of knowledge … English World dictionary

Natural science — Part of a series on Science … Wikipedia

natural science — noun the sciences involved in the study of the physical world and its phenomena (Freq. 1) • Hypernyms: ↑science, ↑scientific discipline • Hyponyms: ↑life science, ↑bioscience, ↑chemistry, ↑ … Useful english dictionary

natural science — UK / US noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms natural science : singular natural science plural natural sciences sciences that deal with the physical world, considered as a group or as individual subjects such as physics, chemistry, or biology … English dictionary

natural science — gamtos mokslas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. natural science; nature study vok. Naturkunde, f; Naturwissenschaft, f rus. естествознание, n pranc. science naturelle, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas

natural science — Synonyms and related words: Newtonian physics, academic discipline, academic specialty, acoustics, aerophysics, applied physics, applied science, area, arena, art, astrophysics, basic conductor physics, biophysics, chemical physics, concern,… … Moby Thesaurus


natural sciences

1 natural sciences

2 natural sciences

3 natural sciences

4 natural sciences

5 natural sciences

6 natural sciences

7 natural sciences

8 natural sciences

9 natural sciences

10 natural sciences

11 natural sciences

12 естественные науки

См. также в других словарях:

natural sciences — gamtos mokslai statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Mokslai, siekiantys pažinti gamtą, atrasti ir ištirti jos dėsnius, jų tarpusavio ryšius. Skirstomi į fizinius ir biologinius. Prie fizinių gamtos mokslų priskiriami fizika,… … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

natural sciences — n. exact sciences, science dealing with observable natural phenomena (includes biology, physics, chemistry, etc.) … English contemporary dictionary

Natural Sciences (Durham) — Natural Sciences (or NatSci) is one of the most popular degree programmes offered by the University of Durham offering either BSc (3 years) or MSci (4 year undergraduate) Natural Sciences degrees or a named route /joint honours degree. The… … Wikipedia

Natural Sciences Museum of Albania — is a natural science museum in Tirana, Albania. The museum is affiliated with the University of Tirana and has branches in zoology botany and geology.[1] References ^ Salzman, Michael (2003) … Wikipedia

Natural Sciences (Cambridge) — The Natural Sciences Tripos (NST) is one of the several courses which form the University of Cambridge system of undergraduate teaching (which is called Tripos). It is known for its broad range of study in the first year, in which students cannot … Wikipedia

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council — The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et en génie du Canada … Wikipedia

Natural Sciences Research Institute — The Natural Sciences Research Intitute (NSRI) is one of seven research and academic institutes of the University of the Philippines Diliman College of Science. External links Natural Sciences Research Institute Categories: University of the… … Wikipedia

Natural Sciences Collections Association — The Natural Sciences Collections Association promotes research and exchange of ideas, advances in technical and ethical standards, and raises the public profile of the conservation and preservation of natural science collections and objects in… … Wikipedia

Academy of Natural Sciences — Infobox Museum |name = The Academy of Natural Sciences | |imagesize = 280 |latitude = 39.9570 |longitude = 75.1714 |established = 1812 |location = Philadelphia |type = Natural History Museum |director = William Yancey Brown |collection = 17+… … Wikipedia

Bernardino Rivadavia Natural Sciences Museum — The Bernardino Rivadavia Natural Sciences Museum The Bernardino Rivadavia Natural Sciences Museum (Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia) is a public museum located in the Caballito section of Buenos Aires, Argentina. History … Wikipedia

National Institutes of Natural Sciences, Japan — National Institute of Natural Sciences Established 2004 President Yoshiro Shimura Staff 1685 Budget 34 Billion yen in total … Wikipedia


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