Главная » Правописание слов » Как пишется интертеймент на английском

Слово Как пишется интертеймент на английском - однокоренные слова и морфемный разбор слова (приставка, корень, суффикс, окончание):

Морфемный разбор слова:

Однокоренные слова к слову:


1 развлечение

2 досуг

3 развлечения

4 досуг

5 развлечения

6 увеселения

7 эстрадный концерт

8 зрелищный

См. также в других словарях:

entertainment — en‧ter‧tain‧ment [ˌentəˈteɪnmənt ǁ tər ] noun [uncountable] 1. HUMAN RESOURCES when a company or businessperson spends money on taking customers to restaurants, bars, theatres etc, as a way of making business deals easier to complete: • The group … Financial and business terms

Entertainment! — Studioalbum von Gang of Four Veröffentlichung September 1979 Label EMI Format … Deutsch Wikipedia

Entertainment! — Studio album by Gang of Four Released September 1979 … Wikipedia

Entertainment.ie — is a Dublin based Irish website that provides extensive cinema, TV, live music, theatre, comedy, exhibition and festival listings for free, as well as celebrity gossip, music and movie news, movie and DVD reviews, CD reviews and up to date… … Wikipedia

Entertainment — En ter*tain ment, n. [Cf. OF. entretenement.] 1. The act of receiving as host, or of amusing, admitting, or cherishing; hospitable reception; also, reception or treatment, in general. [1913 Webster] The entertainment of Christ by faith. Baxter.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Entertainment! — est le premier album du groupe post punk britannique Gang of Four. Il est paru sur EMI en Angleterre en 1979 et sur Warner Bros. aux États Unis l année suivante. Avec Entertainment!, Gang of Four introduisait pour la première fois son mélange de… … Wikipédia en Français

Entertainment — ist eine andere Bezeichnung für Unterhaltung, Zeitvertreib ein Album der Band Gang of Four, siehe Entertainment! Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begrif … Deutsch Wikipedia

entertainment — index enjoyment (pleasure) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary

entertainment — /entə teinmənt/, it. /enter tɛinment/ s. ingl. (propr. intrattenimento ), usato in ital. al masch. (massm., teatr.) [genere di spettacolo leggero, di evasione] ▶◀ show business … Enciclopedia Italiana

entertainment — 1530s, “provision for support of a retainer; manner of social behavior,” now obsolete, along with other 16c. senses; from ENTERTAIN (Cf. entertain) + MENT (Cf. ment). Meaning “the amusement of someone” is from 1610s; “that which… … Etymology dictionary

entertainment — /enterteinəment, ingl. ˌɛntəteɪnmənt/ [vc. ingl., propr. «intrattenimento», da to entertain «intrattenere, divertire»] s. m. inv. spettacolo leggero □ intrattenimento, divertimento … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione



1 entertainment

2 entertainment

3 entertainment

4 entertainment

to give entertainment — развлекать, занимать, забавлять

5 entertainment

развлечения, увеселения;
эстрадный концерт, дивертисмент

unit бригада артистов;
entertainment tax налог на зрелища

unit бригада артистов;
entertainment tax налог на зрелища tax: entertainment

unit бригада артистов;
entertainment tax налог на зрелища recreation and

= variety show show: variety

6 entertainment

7 entertainment

8 entertainment

9 entertainment

to everyone’s entertainment — к общему увеселению, ко всеобщей радости

10 entertainment

11 entertainment

much to his entertainment к огро́мному его́ удово́льствию

12 entertainment

13 entertainment

14 entertainment

15 entertainment

16 entertainment

entertainment ment industry — индустри́я развлече́ний

17 entertainment

18 entertainment

19 entertainment

20 entertainment

См. также в других словарях:

entertainment — en‧ter‧tain‧ment [ˌentəˈteɪnmənt ǁ tər ] noun [uncountable] 1. HUMAN RESOURCES when a company or businessperson spends money on taking customers to restaurants, bars, theatres etc, as a way of making business deals easier to complete: • The group … Financial and business terms

Entertainment! — Studioalbum von Gang of Four Veröffentlichung September 1979 Label EMI Format … Deutsch Wikipedia

Entertainment! — Studio album by Gang of Four Released September 1979 … Wikipedia

Entertainment.ie — is a Dublin based Irish website that provides extensive cinema, TV, live music, theatre, comedy, exhibition and festival listings for free, as well as celebrity gossip, music and movie news, movie and DVD reviews, CD reviews and up to date… … Wikipedia

Entertainment — En ter*tain ment, n. [Cf. OF. entretenement.] 1. The act of receiving as host, or of amusing, admitting, or cherishing; hospitable reception; also, reception or treatment, in general. [1913 Webster] The entertainment of Christ by faith. Baxter.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Entertainment! — est le premier album du groupe post punk britannique Gang of Four. Il est paru sur EMI en Angleterre en 1979 et sur Warner Bros. aux États Unis l année suivante. Avec Entertainment!, Gang of Four introduisait pour la première fois son mélange de… … Wikipédia en Français

Entertainment — ist eine andere Bezeichnung für Unterhaltung, Zeitvertreib ein Album der Band Gang of Four, siehe Entertainment! Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begrif … Deutsch Wikipedia

entertainment — index enjoyment (pleasure) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary

entertainment — /entə teinmənt/, it. /enter tɛinment/ s. ingl. (propr. intrattenimento ), usato in ital. al masch. (massm., teatr.) [genere di spettacolo leggero, di evasione] ▶◀ show business … Enciclopedia Italiana

entertainment — 1530s, “provision for support of a retainer; manner of social behavior,” now obsolete, along with other 16c. senses; from ENTERTAIN (Cf. entertain) + MENT (Cf. ment). Meaning “the amusement of someone” is from 1610s; “that which… … Etymology dictionary

entertainment — /enterteinəment, ingl. ˌɛntəteɪnmənt/ [vc. ingl., propr. «intrattenimento», da to entertain «intrattenere, divertire»] s. m. inv. spettacolo leggero □ intrattenimento, divertimento … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione


существительное ↓

Мои примеры



The entertainment was splendid.

Представление было восхитительным.

The entertainment includes a disco and live band.

Развлекательная программа включает в себя дискотеку и живую музыку.

The price includes a buffet, all drinks, and live entertainment.

В цену входят ужин а-ля фуршет, любые напитки и живой концерт.

These clubs provide nightly entertainment.

В этих клубах каждый вечер проходят развлекательные мероприятия.

Miss Helen Campbell gave an entertainment in his honour, at her bower in the Clachan Glen.

Мисс Хелен Кэмпбел устроила праздник в его честь в своей загородной резиденции в Клэчэн Глен.

The show is a fusion of news and entertainment.

Это шоу представляет собой смесь новостей и развлекательных программ.

The town provides a wide choice of entertainment.

В городе имеется широкий выбор развлечений.

The once child star is now a lawyer in the entertainment industry.

Теперь этот бывший ребёнок-звезда работает юристом в шоу-бизнесе.

Television soon overtook the cinema as the most popular form of entertainment.

Телевидение вскоре обогнало кино в качестве самой популярной формы развлечения.

He spends an outrageous amount on entertainment.

Он тратит на развлечения возмутительное количество денег.

In our family disputes regarding the use of our home entertainment system are umpired by Dad.

В нашей семье споры по поводу использования домашнего кинотеатра решает папа.

They played games in the evening for entertainment.

По вечерам, для развлечения, они играли в игры.

The king called for some much-needed entertainment from his jester.

Король потребовал от своего шута столь необходимых сейчас развлечений.

Комиссия якобы потратила более трёх тысяч долларов на «бизнес-развлечения».

This kind of entertainment went out with the ark (=is very old-fashioned).

Такие развлечения — совсем уж допотопные (т.е. очень старомодные).

In its heyday, the circus was a major form of entertainment for small-town America.

В период своего расцвета, цирк был основной формой развлечения для маленьких городков Америки.

The amusement park will fill a void in this town, which has little entertainment for children.

В этом городе так мало развлечений для детей, и парк аттракционов заполнит эту брешь.

The cruise ship claims to offer sumptuous furnishings, exquisitely prepared cuisine, and stellar entertainment.

Круизный лайнер обещает пассажирам роскошную мебель, изысканные блюда и потрясающую развлекательную программу.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Entertainment was provided by jugglers.

For sheer entertainment value, Kelly stood alone.

TV studios repackage real-life dramas as entertainment.



развлечения, увеселения;
эстрадный концерт, дивертисмент

unit бригада артистов;
entertainment tax налог на зрелища

unit бригада артистов;
entertainment tax налог на зрелища tax: entertainment

unit бригада артистов;
entertainment tax налог на зрелища recreation and

= variety show show: variety

варьете, эстрадное представление, эстрадный концерт variety: variety = variety show


Смотреть что такое «entertainment» в других словарях:

entertainment — en‧ter‧tain‧ment [ˌentəˈteɪnmənt ǁ tər ] noun [uncountable] 1. HUMAN RESOURCES when a company or businessperson spends money on taking customers to restaurants, bars, theatres etc, as a way of making business deals easier to complete: • The group … Financial and business terms

Entertainment! — Studioalbum von Gang of Four Veröffentlichung September 1979 Label EMI Format … Deutsch Wikipedia

Entertainment! — Studio album by Gang of Four Released September 1979 … Wikipedia

Entertainment.ie — is a Dublin based Irish website that provides extensive cinema, TV, live music, theatre, comedy, exhibition and festival listings for free, as well as celebrity gossip, music and movie news, movie and DVD reviews, CD reviews and up to date… … Wikipedia

Entertainment — En ter*tain ment, n. [Cf. OF. entretenement.] 1. The act of receiving as host, or of amusing, admitting, or cherishing; hospitable reception; also, reception or treatment, in general. [1913 Webster] The entertainment of Christ by faith. Baxter.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Entertainment! — est le premier album du groupe post punk britannique Gang of Four. Il est paru sur EMI en Angleterre en 1979 et sur Warner Bros. aux États Unis l année suivante. Avec Entertainment!, Gang of Four introduisait pour la première fois son mélange de… … Wikipédia en Français

Entertainment — ist eine andere Bezeichnung für Unterhaltung, Zeitvertreib ein Album der Band Gang of Four, siehe Entertainment! Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begrif … Deutsch Wikipedia

entertainment — index enjoyment (pleasure) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary

entertainment — /entə teinmənt/, it. /enter tɛinment/ s. ingl. (propr. intrattenimento ), usato in ital. al masch. (massm., teatr.) [genere di spettacolo leggero, di evasione] ▶◀ show business … Enciclopedia Italiana

entertainment — 1530s, “provision for support of a retainer; manner of social behavior,” now obsolete, along with other 16c. senses; from ENTERTAIN (Cf. entertain) + MENT (Cf. ment). Meaning “the amusement of someone” is from 1610s; “that which… … Etymology dictionary

entertainment — /enterteinəment, ingl. ˌɛntəteɪnmənt/ [vc. ingl., propr. «intrattenimento», da to entertain «intrattenere, divertire»] s. m. inv. spettacolo leggero □ intrattenimento, divertimento … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione


Толковый словарь английского языка


1. [uncountable and countable] things such as films, television, performances etc that are intended to amuse or interest people:

The town provides a wide choice of entertainment.

There will be live entertainment (=performed then, not recorded) throughout the day.

light entertainment (=comedy)

The dolphins give good entertainment value (=a lot of amusement and interest).

the entertainment industry/business/world

2. [uncountable] formal when you entertain someone at home, or for business:

the entertainment of friends

live entertainment (=performed while people watch, not recorded and watched later) There are three bars, all with live entertainment.

family entertainment (=suitable for adults and children) The holiday village has plenty of family entertainment on offer.

mass/popular entertainment (=popular with large numbers of people) Reality TV has been a very successful form of mass entertainment.

light entertainment (=shows etc that are funny and easy to understand rather than serious) He believes that children can appreciate more than just light entertainment.

a day’s/afternoon’s/evening’s entertainment The evening’s entertainment concluded with a firework display.

provide entertainment Dancers and musicians were on hand to provide entertainment.

lay on/put on entertainment (=organize and provide it) The organizers laid on some entertainment for the children.

a form of entertainment (=a type of entertainment) video games and other modern forms of entertainment

a place of entertainment formal (=a place where people can go to enjoy entertaiment) Clubs and other places of entertainment must close by 3am.

the entertainment business/industry The union represents people who work in the entertainment industry.

entertainment value (=how enjoyable something is to watch) The films provide great entertainment value for kids.

fun noun [uncountable] especially spoken an experience or activity that is very enjoyable and exciting: The course was fun. | Have you ever been windsurfing? It’s really good fun. | I just want to relax and have some fun. | It’ll be fun seeing all my old friends again. | Running around a freezing hockey field isn’t my idea of fun.

enjoyment noun [uncountable] the feeling you get when you enjoy doing something: I get a lot of enjoyment out of working with young children.

pleasure noun [countable] an experience or activity that makes you feel happy and satisfied: The game was a pleasure to watch. | One of her greatest pleasures was walking in the mountains. | Ted enjoyed the simple pleasures of life: his family, his home, and his garden.

good/great time noun [countable] especially spoken a time when you enjoyed yourself: The kids all had a great time. | I remember the good times in Japan. | Were the 1960s really such great times?

a blast informal a very enjoyable experience – a very informal use: The trip was a blast!

entertainment noun [uncountable] things such as performances and films which are intended to be enjoyable: Three musicians provided the entertainment. | What do you do for entertainment around here? | They hired two dancers for entertainment.

relaxation noun [uncountable] a way of resting and enjoying yourself: I play the piano for relaxation. | Her work left little time for relaxation.

leisure noun [uncountable] the time when you are not working, when you can enjoy yourself – used especially in compounds: leisure activities | the leisure industry | People have more leisure time.

recreation noun [uncountable and countable] formal activities that you do to enjoy yourself: recreation facilities | The park is not just a place for recreation.


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