Кэн Канэки / Ken Kaneki
Персонаж аниме, манги и ранобэ
Протагонист манги «Токийский гуль» и её аниме-адаптации. До начала событий Канэки был самым обыкновенным студентом-первокурсником, учившимся в университете Камии на литературном факультете. Скромный и замкнутый молодой человек с одним-единственным близким другом в лице Хидэёши Нагачики. Обычно тратит своё время на чтение книг, преимущественно новелл. Чрезвычайно мягок, большую часть времени пребывает в оптимистичном настроении. Под влиянием своей матери и собственной скромности привык брать на себя вину и принимать любое наказание от окружающих, поэтому вместо того, чтобы причинять боль, предпочитает её испытывать сам. Тем не менее этим недостатком уверенности в себе люди зачастую пользовались в своих целях, предварительно запугивая Канэки. В результате трагедии на стройке, в которую Кэн оказался вовлечён, попадает в госпиталь, где его спасают от смерти путём трансплантации органов погибшей Ризэ Камиширо. Однако операция повлекла за собой неожиданные для Канэки ужасающие последствия: он становится гибридом человека и гуля.
Неспособный выжить в одиночку, Кэн обращается за помощью в кофейню «Антэйку», персонал которой состоит из гулей. Управляющий заведения — пожилой гуль Йошимура — принимает протагониста на работу в качестве официанта на полставки. С этого момента Канэки начинает познавать уклады и быт жизни гулей, в процессе чего благодаря своей специфической маске становится известен как Глазная Повязка. После обращения в одноглазого гуля он отчаянно цепляется за свою человеческую сторону. Из-за отсутствия опыта он проявляет интерес к самосовершенствованию и к чтению книг о боевых искусствах, чтобы в случае необходимости защитить и себя, и близких ему людей. Он обеспокоен тем, что является наполовину гулем, и потому отчаянно ищет место, к которому мог бы принадлежать. Если близкие ему люди оказываются под угрозой, Канэки всеми силами попытается их защитить или хотя бы убедиться в том, что вся боль достанется лишь ему одному.
После похищения «Древом Аогири», переживший десять суток изощрённых пыток, Канэки отказывается от унаследованной от матери идеологии и принимает в себе сторону гуля, чтобы защитить своих близких и заранее уничтожить всё, что может представлять им угрозу. Он становится безжалостным и жестоким ради защиты своих друзей, при этом сохраняя самообладание. Больше не боится своей стороны гуля, почти не чувствует боль и во время сражений становится более хладнокровным и кровожадным. Ради достижения целей готов идти против закона и похищать людей, а во время допроса не отказывается от запугиваний пытками, через которые прошёл сам. Принимая свою натуру гуля, Канэки сдаётся и перестаёт быть «человеком». Несмотря на это, он всё ещё отказывается убивать и пожирать людей, а ради собственного пропитания охотится на других гулей, представляющих обществу угрозу. Питаясь враждебными гулями, Канэки развивает какуджа-кагунэ, благодаря внешнему виду которого получает новое прозвище — Сколопендра.
После побега из «Аогири» Канэки становится более ловким в бою. Он уже не прячется в надежде, что его кто-то спасет, а сам смотрит в лицо своим страхам. Кэн полностью пересматривает своё отношение к знакомым людям и больше не пытается скрыться от суровой реальности. В конце концов он привыкает к тому, что является гулем, и не проклинает свою жизнь, изменившуюся после встречи с Ризэ. Канэки больше не считает себя изгоем ни среди людей, ни среди гулей. Даже после серьёзных перемен в характере Канэки всё ещё способен проявлять мягкость и доброту к тем, о ком заботится, а также в мгновение ока, словно по щелчку, может становиться беспощадным по отношению к своим врагам или к личностям, которым не доверяет. Каждый раз, когда он испытывает сильный голод или теряет контроль над своим кагунэ, его личность начинает расщепляться, отчего его собственное «я» перемешивается с субличностями Якумо Омори и Ризэ, поскольку их образы Канэки прочно ассоциировал с натурой гулей.
После поражения в дуэли с Кишо Аримой во время штурма «Антэйку» Канэки попадает в Кокурию, где его противник, получив над ним право собственности, приручает Кэна и делает из него следователя по гулям, обучая обращению с куинкэ и навыкам ведения боя. С того момента Канэки, чтобы сохранить рассудок, отгораживается от воспоминаний о прошлом и в результате реабилитации становится следователем третьего класса Хайсэ Сасаки под началом Акиры Мадо.
Heroes Wiki
Ken Kaneki
The page Ken Kaneki contains mature content that may include coarse language, sexual references, and/or graphic violent images which may be disturbing to some. Mature pages are recommended for those who are 18 years of age and older.
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Full Name
Haise Sasaki
Black Reaper
One-Eyed King
Miracle Human
Nameless King
Number 240
Part-Time Waiter at Anteiku
College student
Aogiri Tree affiliate (Anime only)
Ghoul Investigator
Leader of Goat (all formerly)
Ghoul physiology:
Rinkaku kagune/Kakuja
Superhuman strength
Superhuman senses
Superhuman durability
Superhuman endurance
Superhuman mobility
Superhuman stamina
Superhuman regeneration
High-pain tolerance
Longevity (as Dragon)
Feral mind
Power mimicry (limited)
Shapeshifting (limited)
Night vision
Regular abilities:
Combat prowess
Expertise in martial arts
High intelligence
Armed and unarmed combat proficiency
Weapon mastery
Mastery of strategy
Doing work in Anteiku shop.
Get Amon to understand the true nature of ghouls.
Defeat Futura once and for all.
Change the world so humans and ghouls can coexist peacefully.
Be with Touka and live a happy life with her (all succeeded).
Type of Hero
“ | I’m not the protagonist of a novel or anything. I’m just a college student who likes to read, like you could find anywhere. But. if, for argument’s sake, you were to write a story with me in the lead role, it would certainly be. a tragedy. | „ | |||||||||||||||
Ken Kaneki is the main protagonist of Tokyo Ghoul and Tokyo Ghoul:re. Formerly a human who studying Japanese Literature at Kamii University and living a normal life, everything was soon changed after he had Rize’s kakuhou transplanted into him and became a One-Eyed Ghoul. After joining Anteiku as a part-time waiter, he learns how to live as a Ghoul and became known as Eyepatch. After being captured by Aogiri Tree, he was able to accept his ghoul side, forming a team with the goal of protecting the ones precious to him and «plucking out» people who threaten the place he belongs to. Because of his Kakuja’s distinct appearance, the CCG gave him the nickname Centipede. He lived under the identity of instagram @HaiseSasaki, as a Rank 1 Ghoul Investigator, serving as the mentor of the CCG’s Quinx Squad and a member of Team Mado. His memories were initially lost to him, but regained during the Tsukiyama Family Extermination Operation. Although being the main protagonist, Kaneki gradually becomes more of an anti-hero, ending up committing a variety of terrible acts over the course of the series as his more ruthless and troubled personality traits show themselves. He and Haise are voiced by Natsuki Hanae in the Japanese version of the anime, and by Austin Tindle in the English version of the anime. ContentsAppearanceAs a child, Kaneki had all the same features he has now as an adult. As a normal university student, Kaneki is a scrawny young man with little to no athletic background who prefers to read books. In his free time, he wears casual clothes. At work, he wears the standard Anteiku waiter uniform, consisting of black trousers and a grey waistcoat over a white dress shirt, and a brown necktie. Because he couldn’t properly control his single kakugan that manifests in his left eye, he wore a medical eye patch to cover it. His ghoul mask shows resemblance to a leather gimp mask with an eye patch. It bares a lipless mouth that shows large, gnashing teeth, much like a restrained asylum monster. The bolts sticking out of his neck and the fact that he is an artificial ghoul gives him a Frankenstein theme. After being tortured by Yamori for a period of ten days, his hair became white and his nails turned black due to heavy stress, anxiety, and continuous bodily regeneration. He also began wearing a form fitting black outfit when he had the intention of fighting as a ghoul, both for intimidation and practicality. After the timeskip, his white hair is now adorned by black streaks which have grown out from the center of his head, and his nails are no longer black. Similar to the other Ghoul Investigators, Kaneki is seen well dressed in the standard suit and tie most of the time. When embarking on missions, he wears a white trench coat over his uniform and occasionally carries a briefcase with him. In the oneshot, Kaneki’s appearance is relatively the same, except has a more muscular build, and instead of a leather mask with an eyepatch, he wears a plan white mask with exaggerated teeth and lips with one eye in the form of a plus, and the other a heart. It strangely resembles a clown mask. PersonalityKaneki a shy boy, with Hide being his only close friend. He usually spends most of his time reading books, mostly novels. He is extremely gentle and appears to be optimistic most of the time. Influenced by his mother and a true testament of modesty, he willingly takes blame and punishment from others so that he can be someone who doesn’t hurt people, but rather «the person getting hurt». However, this lack of assertiveness normally gets him bullied and taken advantage of. However, beneath his selfless and gentle nature is an underlying fear of being alone. Ever since his mother died, Kaneki has developed his personality to resemble his mother’s. He despises the idea of solitude, hence he tries to protect those dear to him so he would not have to face his fears of being alone in the world. This is perhaps his greatest weakness and act of selfishness. Since Kaneki is always trying to protect others, he is essentially trying to protect himself from becoming alone again. Therefore to escape that scenario, he would shoulder the task of protecting others onto himself without looking for others to help him. This is also the reason why Kaneki seems to reject the notion of «living» because to him, watching others die before him is the beginning of returning to those lonely days without anyone behind him. After he was turned into a half-ghoul, he clings to his human side. To keep his life in the human world, he began to work at Anteiku and had built relationships with the ghouls there. Because of his experiences, he had started to have interest in becoming stronger and began reading martial art books so that he could protect himself and the people close to him. He was troubled with the fact that he is a half-ghoul and is searching for a place he can belong to. If people close to him are threatened, Kaneki will try to protect them even if he is the one who gets hurt the most instead. After his time being held captive during the Aogiri arc and undergoing constant torture by the hands of Yamori, Kaneki’s personality changes. He becomes more ruthless and brutal in order to protect his friends, all the while maintaining complete composure. He no longer fears his ghoul side and as a result, he becomes much more cold and barbaric during battles such as when he began eating Yamori’s kagune in order to strengthen himself. By embracing his ghoul nature wholeheartedly, Kaneki has given up being «human». While still capable of showing his previous gentle nature to those he cares about, he can automatically turn merciless with a blink of an eye against his enemies or those he does not trust, such as Tsukiyama. Banjou hypothesized that Kaneki has developed some form of mental instability during his time in the 11th ward and that this would gradually wear him down. After raiding Kanou’s lab and attacking Banjou, Kaneki begins to revert back to his old personality from before the Aogiri Arc. However he enters a period of soul-searching, seeking to reclaim his human side as well as becoming uncertain about the path he has taken to become stronger. He also starts to really question and seek answers from individuals such as Uta, Yomo, and Yoshimura in order to understand the incidents that have happened around him since he turned into a ghoul. Whenever he is near-starvation and loses control of his Kagune or kakuja, he seems to develop a personality that emulates Rize and Yamori. As Haise, Kaneki is a self-contained, good-natured individual. He comes off as trustworthy, loyal and devoted. While he portrays a serious demeanor towards his work, Haise is also merciful to some extent, as he believes that an Investigator should not annihilate ghouls unnecessarily. Though he is hailed as the mentor of Quinx, he shows apportioned respect and great concern for his colleagues, pledging a protective streak over them. He also complies with the obligations assigned by his seniors without hesitation. Haise habitually reads books, and is very co-operative, as he’d prefer to work with his group than to single-handedly accomplish the CCG’s goals. Haise has a habit of using puns, shown by his conversation with Akira Mado in the Naan restaurant. He also tends to scratch the back of his head when he is thinking hard or feeling uncomfortable. Because of Haise’s gentle persona, this leads his subordinates to constantly go out of their way and take the advantage of disobeying him, rendering him incompetent in controlling their actions, and he in turn worries about their safety. Also, unlike Kaneki who accepted his ghoul side, Haise rejects it and seem to be disgusted by his ghoul side as when it tried to convince him to accept it, he ignored it and thought of his mentors to give him courage. However, during his encounter with Serpent, Haise relapsed back into his old persona, brutally wounding Serpent with his Kagune, even cracking his fingers, a habit that Kaneki had done in the past after being tortured by Yamori. Powers and AbilitiesKaneki starts off as weak and not used to fights, with a feeble body that has neither muscles nor flexibility. He has poor reflexes, reflecting his terrible athletic skills when he was previously human. Despite this, he is shown to be very adaptive and a quick learner. He is highly intelligent having the ability of learning martial arts in a short period of time through martial arts books and strict training from Touka and Yomo, making him a competent fighter above the average level. Despite the surgery, Kaneki seems to lack the sense of smell other ghouls have that can differentiate between humans and ghouls, although he is shown to be unaffected by Ghoul-Detecting machines. After being tortured by Yakumo Oomori and accepting his ghoul side all the knowledge and skills he learnt are put to use, he became capable of easily dodging quick attacks, his reflexes and strength were greatly enhanced becoming capable of defeating Yamori with ease. Also his regenerative ability was greatly enhanced, being able to heal a broken leg or dislocated fingers in a matter of seconds. Kaneki is also a tactical combatant, his intelligence and improvisational abilities allow him to challenge foes far more powerful than himself. As Haise Sasaki, he is a skilled investigator—having managed to climb the ranks from Rank 3 to Rank 1 within a few short years without relying upon his Ghoul abilities. He has received training from both Kishou Arima and Akira Mado, both exceptional Investigators that have molded him into a talented individual. Akira describes him as an «Ace», and his skill earned him the illustrious White Wing Award. As an investigator, he is a strong fighter in battle and shows great skill in criminal investigations. While required to avoid using his powers, when using them he displays a high-level of control over the shape of his Kagune. He is now able to shape individual tentacles into three-fingered claws, or create a sword in the same fashion that Tsukiyama used. External linksTriviaExternal LinksNavigationSaichi Sugimoto · Asirpa · Yoshitake Shiraishi · Kiroranke · Genjirō Tanigaki · Inkarmat · Cikapasi · Ryū · Toshizō Hijikata · Shinpachi Nagakura · Tatsuuma Ushiyama · Villains WikiHi. This is Thesecret1070. I am an admin of this site. Edit as much as you wish, but one little thing. If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki. Ken Kaneki | This article’s content is marked as Mature The page Mature contains mature content that may include coarse language, sexual references, and/or graphic violent images which may be disturbing to some. Mature pages are recommended for those who are 18 years of age and older. If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. Full NameAliasHaise Sasaki OriginOccupationPart-Time Waiter at Anteiku Powers / SkillsGhoul physiology: HobbyDoing work in Anteiku shop. GoalsGet Amon to understand the true nature of ghouls. CrimesVigilantism Type of Villain