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Lenny Face Generator

A free copy and paste generator for lenny face emoticons, emoji, and kaomoji. Build your own lenny face with 238,260 combinations.

Choose a set of Ears and Arms

Select a pair of Eyes

Pick a Mouth

The Beginner’s Guide to the Lenny Face: Everything to Know

If you are interested in learning what Lenny Face is, you are probably interested in expressing yourself through emojis or emoticons?

The historic Lenny Face is yet another emoticon for expressing yourself on instant messaging platforms, social media, email, and texting!

Using Lenny Face is easy and simple — anyone can do it. You can either trouble yourself with learning how to type out the various computer characters, or you can simply copy and paste it here!

What Is Lenny Face?

The emoticon, named «Lenny Face» is an assortment of keyboard characters that result in a mischievous looking face. Some people who use Lenny Face are implying innuendo or using it to express their mood.

Here is what the Lenny Face looks like: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Often times to use it, users will copy and paste Lenny Face to add some flare to their texts, emails, or posts.

The History of Lenny Face

Just like famous symbols like Pepe the frog, Lenny Face originated on a Finnish imageboard website, called Yilauta.

Specifically, however, it was found in a thread about spam filter settings. An anonymous user left it on November 18th, 2012.

Although the thread started as a discussion about the spam filter settings on Yilauta, it turned into a bombardment of Lenny Faces. People either reposted the original Lenny Face or created their own version.

On the same exact day, Lenny Face was found on 4chan, based in the U.S. Later that day, it was also found on a subreddit for 4chan.

The emoticon was used with such tenacity, that some users were banned from imageboards because they spammed them with the Lenny Face.

While the Lenny Face was gaining traction as a meme and emoticon, a video of the face also appeared on YouTube. The video simply shows the lens zooming in on the emoticon, with unsettling yelling happening in the background.

Within a few days of the creation of the emoticon, it was given the name «Lenny Face» and «Le Lenny Face,» which is French.

The face is most popularly used on various imageboards and spam forums.

Lenny Face Use Over Time

Lenny Face has stuck around, and like a lot of memes and popular culture, it has changed throughout time.

Another popular use of Lenny Face is to have it layered over illustrations or characters. It has been seen overlayed on even children’s characters, like Spongebob Squarepants.

Although it began on imageboard forums and was usually used as spam content, it grew much wider and started making its way to all parts of the internet. This caused the emoticon to take on different styles, as well as be placed on different images.

Like memes before and after the Lenny Face, it has made its way on to shirts and mugs, becoming merchandise.

As you can see, the Lenny Face is widely shared and used. It has become a staple within the internet and meme communities.

Why Is the Face Named Lenny?

There is not widespread information on how Lenny Face got its name, however, there are a few clues.

On the social media platform, Reddit, there was a post where a person claimed he was an active participant on 4chan when the Lenny Face had its rise. He said that because of its popularity, a 4chan thread arose to help name the extremely popular emoticon.

Someone on the 4Chan thread suggested Lenny. People liked the idea of the emoji being named «Lenny Face» and the name grew in popularity and eventually stuck.

Lenny Face, however, wasn’t the only suggestion. There was another suggested name of imageboard channels.

Apparently, there was a time when the emoji had two names: Le Lenny Face and a much more eccentric and funny name, «hoppity boppity».

Different Types of Lenny Face

Although the original Lenny Face has a mischievous aura, creative people overtime have made Lenny Faces with different emotions. The Lenny Face is somehow able to produce a friendly, yet somewhat scary face.

That is what makes the Lenny Face so widely used: It is able to fit many different situations.

From confused Lenny Face to satisfied Lenny Face, there is a different emotion for anything you want to express. Your imagination is the key to creating new context!

How to Use Lenny Face

As aforementioned, many people copy and paste Lenny Face. There is also a Google Chrome Extension that was added to the Chrome Web Store 6 years ago.

Since the Lenny Face is a deliberate construction of various computer characters, users can also copy and paste the Lenny Face.

To use the Lenny Face, the user should copy and paste it and use it as an emoji, a Lenny emoji if you will. This will be able to spice up any of your text messages or social media posts.

Not familiar with what an emoji is or want to learn more about what emojis people are using today? Check out what we deem as the most popular emojis.

If you stick with it enough, the Lenny Face could become one of your most popular emojis to use.

Lenny Face: Now You Know

The suspicious Lenny Face can be used to express various emotions and is popular across the internet. It’s relatively easy to replicate and can make conversations more lively and personable!

Now that you know exactly what Lenny Face is, and how to use it, you will be able to further express yourself when texting, emailing, or making social media posts.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (Lenny Face)

Ленни фейс (Lenny Face, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) — это текстовый смайл, созданный из символов Юникода. Это лицо часто используется в обсуждениях на имиджбордах.


Одно из самых ранних появлений этого смайла было зафиксировано в обсуждениях на финской имиджборде Ylilauta, 8 ноября 2012 года. На международной доске обсуждений, кто-то опубликовал комментарий «( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)» в ответ на вопрос «должны ли администраторы изменять настройки своего спам-детектора».

Это случилось после того, как кто-то пожаловался на большое количество закрепленных сообщений на разных досках имиджборды. Практически сразу же другие анонимы начали «терроризировать» этот тред, три дня подряд забивая его ответами с этим смайликом, которому иногда меняли глаза и выражение лица.

В тот же день лицо попало на борт 4chan, в раздел /v/ (видеоигры), за ним следовали аналогичные сообщения в /sp/ (спорт) и /b/ (общий). За подобные выходки, анонимов с просьбой «перестать постить этот отвратительный мем» начали массово банить:

С этого момента Lenny Face начал появляться на других игровых форумах, на Yahoo Answers, затем и на Tumblr, Twitter и Facebook. Он стал хитом менее чем за 72 часа.


Большинство интернет-мемов и рождаются и умирают в течение нескольких месяцев. Они обычно быстро летят на самый верх трендов, но так же быстро оттуда падают. Но что удивительно — даже несмотря на то, что Ленни Фейс-смайл является зафорсенным мемом, то есть, его буквально продвигали в тренды всеми возможными способами, он до сих пор остается живым. А интерес к его персоне с 2012 года только вырастал:

Один точный смысл этого смайла трудно определить, как и то, почему его прозвали Ленни. Тем более, что изначально его использовали для заспамливания сайтов и провокации руководителей имиджборд. Ехидное выражение лица, в целом, может значить практически что угодно, зависимо от контекста ситуации. Это может быть как тот же признак массового спама, так и обычная реакция на неоднозначные ситуации, не правда ли ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)‎


How to Make Lenny Face

If you are searching out the guide which deals with the Lenny Face making with a keyboard then Here comes the comprehensive guide about How to Make Lenny Face. In order to keep getting new Lenny Faces to bookmark our website and stay updated. You can easily get Sad Lenny Face, Cute Lenny Face, Lenny Face Gun, and so many other Lenny Faces on this website.

How to Make Lenny Face?

When you are dealing with the Lenny Faces you must be familiar with the Unicode characters. And to draw any Unicode you have to press the ALT or SHIFT and Numbers on the Numpad (in most of the cases NumPad is on the right side of the keyboard) then you have to release the SHIFT key. You will get the symbol. You should try this Lenny Face (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) on Keyboard.

How to Type an ALT Symbol on Keyboard?

For instance, if you want to type a degree symbol by using the ALT Code on the keyboard.

Note – This process is not Applicable to the Macintosh.


Lenny Face Generator-The Interesting Way to Create Faces to Express Your Feelings

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ᕦ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕤ ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯ ᕙ(▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿) ᕗ (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞ Collection of all ⚡⚡ Lenny Faces ⚡⚡, japanese text emoticons and ASCII symbols.

You are looking for Lenny’s face to express yourself through emoticons and emojis if you are here. Well, Lenny’s face is best for messaging platforms and social media. You can create the face of your choice and share it anywhere. On this website, you get a Lenny face generator that allows you to create the most expressive emoticons, expressive Lenny faces, and emojis.

Moreover, you get here all kinds of Lenny faces which you can easily copy and paste anywhere on the websites and social media, even in the profiles. With the help of this face generator, anyone can easily create faces without any trouble.

Ready to explore the whole new way of messaging your friends? Let’s try some amazing Lenny faces hacks and create the faces of your desire. Before that, let us explain the Lenny Faces.

What are Lenny Faces?

Lenny face or the Lenny Faces text are the emoticons often named Lenny’s face. This could be an assortment of keyboard characters that are converted into impish-looking faces. Some people use the Lenny faces copy and paste in the chat section and other places on social media.

You get all Lenny faces on this platform that you copy and paste to express how notorious you are. With these faces, you can even express your mood. If you don’t know how to play with computer characters to create emojis and lame faces, this Lenny faces generator tool is perfect for you. This is how a Lenny face looks: (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) The letters are general characters present in the system’s font and look like mouth, eyebrows, nose, and ears. You can use any characters and symbols to create unique style faces and express what you feel in a whole new way. To create the standard Lenny faces, you need to use the following letters and combinations of the letters. • Combining the double style inverted Breve for creating the eyebrows. • Use right and left parenthesis for creating the head • Use degree signs for creating the eyes • You can again combine the double inverted breve for the mouth • You can use the Latin letter inverted glottal stop for creating the nose.

Likewise, you can use different characters to create Lenny’s faces, copy and paste them anywhere. You can easily add flare to the text and post on social media platforms using Lenny’s faces. If you want more technical details and the best Lenny faces, you can use the Lenny face generator.

Lenny Face Text Generator

This website offers amazing text generator tools such as the Lenny face generator to create unique faces, emojis, and emoticons. The characters you create with the tool can be easily copied anywhere, such as social media and other platforms to express emotions.

Lenny’s face is an excellent way to annoy your friends and other people. You get endless characters and options to share and create, which allow you to express your emotions artistically. Let’s tickle your imagination and use the text generator tool to create randomized faces to share on social media platforms.

The text smileys are a new way to show what you feel. These faces are all you need to show some creativity in your chat boxes and share your imaginative ways to create the faces. However, if you don’t know how to create the best emojis and Lenny faces with the text and other characters, then here you get pre-loaded emoticons and emojis that you can directly share anywhere. Some of the common examples of the faces are as follows:

• Le Lenny face (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) • How does the disapproval face look like ಠ_ಠ • Look at the Shrug face. Isn’t expressive ¯\_ツ_/¯ • How Le Lenny Faces look like when they put on their sunglasses (⌐■_■)

Likewise, you can experiment with many characters to create unique Lenny faces and share them on different platforms. The website is verified and works best for Google Chrome users. By exploring the website, you can get endless options to choose from. If you want to show your creativity, then access the Lenny face text generator tool and make the emoticons of your choices. Create the funniest emoticons to publish on social media platforms.

Lenny Faces-Creativity at Its Best

At present, you can create more than 247864 different emojis, emoticons, and text Lenny’s faces with the help of different characters. Moreover, you get so many ways to create the character. Use any symbols, text, numbers, and special characters to create the best Lenny faces; copy and paste wherever you want.

Lenny’s faces speak more than your words can utter. These are expressive and creative at the same time. Some of the Lenny faces also have expressive Latin symbols that make the faces funnier and more interesting. The emoticons created by these kinds of elements look stunning and creative at the same time.

ʢ◉ᴥ◉ʡ Is that funny? Likewise, you can experiment with different symbols, text, and creative signs to create the funniest Lenny faces to share with your friends and other people. From nice and elegant Lenny face ^‿^ to the paper shade faces q⊜ᨎ⊜p and many more. Let’s experiment with cute elements and other creative text and make the best Lenny faces you can share anywhere.

The website is loaded with pre-built Lenny faces; you can also select the best face from there to copy and paste directly on your social media platforms. Moreover, you don’t need to worry about the results and sinister strings. Even if you don’t know how to display certain characters, the Lenny face generator still helps you get the best design and pick up the best characters.

The website is easily accessible on all Mac, Windows, Linux, and even Android devices. You can easily make any emoji and paste it on any platform. However, some websites may not support the characters, so you can check before you apply them on your website.

How to Use this Lenny-Faces.com

Using this Lenny face website is very easy just click on the text face which you like and it’s automatically going to copy in your system. There is also an option of recently used Lenny faces so whatever Lenny faces you have recently used, you can see them on the navigation bar.

You can click on the navigation bar Lenny’s faces and it’s automatically going to be added in the input section on the input section you can also add your text with Lenny’s faces, then click the copy button to copy the entire input text with Lenny’s faces.

How to Use the Lenny Faces on Social Media Platforms?

Lenny’s faces are very easy to use on social media platforms. Visit the site, choose Lenny’s face, copy it, and paste it directly on social media. You don’t need to install the Lenny faces generator software, simply go to the website and explore the Lenny faces.

Moreover, you can even create emoticons and desired emojis, including face characters, with the help of the tool. You don’t need to pay any charge to use different styles. The website is free to access, and anyone can use it freely.

By using different faces, you can spice up your chat box and apply them to different places. If loaded faces aren’t enough, create your favorite emoji and faces by using different characters. You don’t need to stick on any of the emoticons because the emoji generator allows you to explore many Lenny faces.

Explore All the Lenny Faces

The website is designed for unique characters creators who love to add creativity in the social media profiles like Instagram, Facebook, and other platforms. If you feel bored of sending plain text and funny jokes without Lenny’s faces, add these creative elements and make your jokes funnier.

The Lenny face generator is extremely easy to use and allows you to create the best Lenny faces for your Instagram profile. The emoticons hold the story on their own and allow you to express the emotions easily. You can manage the text and format to design the emojis on your own.

Funny Teddy Bear Lenny Faces

ʕ◉ᴥ◉ʔ, ʕ⁀ᴥ⁀ʔ, ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ, ʕºᴥºʔ, isn’t it looking cute? Want to add these cute teddy bear Lenny faces on your Instagram bio and other social media platforms? Then go to the website and explore the teddy bear Lenny faces. Once you get the desired Lenny faces, you can copy and paste them directly on social media platforms.

꒰。•`ェ´•。꒱۶ Likewise, you can also create angry teddy bear style Lenny’s faces and share with your friends.

Lenny Faces for Memes

Lenny’s faces are stuck in all memes these days. You may have seen many emojis, emoticons, and Lenny faces in memes and other social media posts. The illustration and characters used in the memes created by the Lenny face generator help to make it impressive and funniest than ever.

Although the Lenny face recently gained popularity, it widely started long term back. It gives the emoticons different styles and designs to create the best Lenny faces. Whether you want to add Lenny’s face in a meme or the comment section, you can use this site to create the best emojis.

To create the Lenny face for a meme, you can follow the simple steps:

• Go to the website and search for the Lenny’s faces • When you open the page, you get so many Lenny faces. Once you get the desired Lenny face for your website, then copy the face. • Now visit the social media platform and paste the face directly on the site and in the meme.

Similarly, you can use the Lenny faces on any platform just by pasting from the website. The platform is readily simple, and anyone can easily use it without any hassles.

Dance Lenny Faces for Showing Your Expressive Mood

Want to show your happy heart moves? Let’s share some

) characters on social media platforms. (ノ・ェ・) ノ,

Well, these are a few of the dancing Lenny faces, which you can copy from the platform and share directly anywhere and even in your Instagram bio. Even if you want to show your angry emotions, you can explore the bad mood Lenny faces and start copying and pasting on your social media platforms.

Use as Many Lenny Faces as You Want

Originally, Lenny’s faces were made of a mischievous aura. But now, the creative people do many experiments and try different characters to create the Lenny faces of multiple styles. Now, there are endless options to try and create Lenny Faces. From angry style Lenny faces to confused Lenny faces, and many more, you can create anything to express emotions.

You can explore the imagination pathways and create the new styles of Lenny Faces. The more you explore, the more you use the characters, the more Lenny faces you can create.

Create the Emojis and Emoticons

Lenny’s faces give you a way to share funny jokes, but emojis impressively show your expression. If you feel that your chat box doesn’t have enough emojis to share, don’t worry; the website is for you. Here, you get countless emojis and emoticons, which you can directly paste on your social media platform.

Moreover, you can also have a text generator with which you can easily create different style texts for showing creativity on the social media platform. The emojis, emoticons, and Lenny’s face altogether create the most expressive social media profile.

Make The Most Expressive Instagram Bio with Lenny Faces

Lenny Face text allows you to make your Instagram bio more creative and expressive. If you want to add some creative element to your Instagram bio, Lenny’s faces are the best way to give your bio an impressive look. Creative elements and characters never come to an end. (._.) ƪ (‘-‘ƪ)(ʃ ‘-‘)ʃ (/._.)/ Let’s be creative.

You can also combine the Lenny Faces and iconic text to catch the visitors’ eyes on the site. Aside from this, users can experiment with unique characters and add them to social media posts and messages.

Social media is full of memes these days, so if you too want to create a creative post to share on social media platforms with the audience and gain more followers, you can use this Lenny face.

The Lenny faces and creative emoticons can add more expressions to your memes, posts and catch the visitors’ eyes. Emoticons are a popular way to become a famous memes creator. The platform is free to use and has endless emojis which you can easily copy on your platform and become the most famous Lmao joke creator.


When it comes to compatibility I would say that more than 99% of all Lenny faces which are available on our websites are supported in all kinds of platforms including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and many others even in smartphones almost all smartphones are supporting our text faces.


Lenny Face Generator ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Using Unicode

Here you can easily copy or create Lenny Face, Text Face, Unicode Face, … or any weird faces and Lenny Face generator online.

Lenny Face Emoticon Unicode symbols is generated. The face of the Japanese word “desu” similar to spam the forums and image boards are used. On 4chan, which is “Le Lenny Face” or come to “Le Face Face.”

Origins using Lenny Face ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

a face usually to annoy people
guy making an argument with some guy on the internet which does not do anything:’this sucks’
guy also making the argument with the guy above: ‘lenny face ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ‘

If you want to get your hands on a image version of lenny face you can download a PNG image version from Wikipedia or view Simple Tutorial at How to Make a Lenny Face using unicode.

Learn More About Lenny Face

Japanese style Lenny Face

Users from Japan popularized a style of emoticons (顔文字, kaomoji) that can be understood without tilting one’s head to the left. This style arose on ASCII NET of Japan in 1986. Similar looking emoticons were used by Byte Information Exchange (BIX) around the same time.[20] These emoticons are usually found in a format similar to (*_*).

The asterisks indicate the eyes; the central character, commonly an underscore, the mouth; and the parentheses, the outline of the face. Different emotions such as (“)(-_-)(“), are expressed by changing the character representing the eyes: for example, “T” can be used to express crying or sadness (T_T). T_T may also be used to mean ‘unimpressed’.

The emphasis on the eyes is reflected in the common usage of emoticons that use only the eyes, e.g. ^^. Looks of stress are represented by the likes of (x_x) while (-_-;) is a generic emoticon for nervousness, the semicolon representing sweat that symbolizes anxiety. Repeating the /// mark can indicate embarrassment by symbolizing blushing.

Characters like hyphens or periods can replace the underscore; the period is often used for a smaller, “cuter” mouth or to represent a nose, e.g. (^.^). Alternatively, the mouth/nose can be left out entirely, e.g. (^^).

Parentheses also can often be replaced with braces, e.g. <^_^>. Many times, the parentheses are left out completely, e.g. ^^, >. How many combinations are possible?

Currently, it’s possible to make a large number of (enable Javascript for a more accurate result) different smileys.

Western use of Japanese style

English-language anime forums adopted those emoticons that could be used with the standard ASCII characters available on western keyboards. Because of this, they are often called “anime style” emoticons in the English-speaking Internet. They have since seen use in more mainstream venues, including online gaming, instant-messaging, and other non-anime related forums.

The parentheses are sometimes dropped when used in the English language context, and the underscore of the mouth may be extended as an intensifier, (e.g. ^_________^ for very happy) for the emoticon in question.

This emoticon t(-_-t) uses the eastern style, but incorporates a depiction of the western “middle-finger flick-off” (commonly known as ‘the bird’)” using a “t” as the arm, hand, and finger. Also, one of the newer ones, *. *, or `;..;´ as such for a “vampire” or other mythical beasts with fangs.

Mixture of Western and Japanese style

Exposure to both Western and Japanese style emoticons or kaomoji through blogs, instant messaging, and forums featuring a blend of Western and Japanese pop culture, has given rise to emoticons that have an upright viewing format.

Make sure to check back regularly. More features and characters will be added soon!

Angry Lenny

Angry ˈaŋɡri/ adjective feeling or showing strong annoyance, displeasure, or hostility; full of anger. “why are you angry with me?” synonyms: irate, annoyed, cross, vexed, irritated, exasperated, indignant, aggrieved, irked, piqued, displeased, provoked, galled, resentful;

More (of the sea or sky) stormy, turbulent, or threatening. “the wild, angry sea” (of a wound or sore) red and inflamed. “the bruise below his eye looked angry and sore” synonyms: inflamed, red, swollen, sore, painful “he had an angry spot on the side of his nose”

Attack Lenny Face

Attack əˈtak/Submit verb 1. take aggressive military action against (a place or enemy forces) with weapons or armed force. “in February the Germans attacked Verdun” synonyms: begin an assault, charge, pounce, strike, begin hostilities, ambush; More 2. criticize or oppose fiercely and publicly. “he attacked the government’s defence policy” synonyms: criticize, censure, condemn, castigate, chastise, lambaste, pillory, savage, find fault with, fulminate against, abuse;

More noun 1. an aggressive and violent act against a person or place. “he was killed in an attack on a checkpoint” synonyms: assault, onslaught, offensive, strike, blitz, raid, sortie, sally, storming, charge, rush, drive, push, thrust, invasion, incursion, inroad; More 2. an instance of fierce public criticism or opposition. “he launched a stinging attack on the Prime Minister” synonyms: criticism, censure, rebuke, admonition, admonishment, reprimand, reproval; More

Blush Lenny Face

Blush blʌʃ/Submit verb 1. show shyness, embarrassment, or shame by becoming red in the face. “she blushed at the unexpected compliment” synonyms: redden, turn/go pink, turn/go red, turn/go crimson, turn/go scarlet, flush, colour, crimson, tint, burn up;

More 2. literary be or become pink or pale red. “the trees are loaded with blushing blossoms” noun 1. a reddening of the face as a sign of shyness, embarrassment, or shame. “he had brought a faint blush to her cheeks” synonyms: flush, reddening, high colour, colour, rosiness, pinkness, ruddiness, bloom “a deep blush spread from her head to her neck” 2. a pink or pale red tinge. “the roses were white with a lovely pink blush”

Creepy Lenny Face

Creepy ˈkriːpi/Submit adjectiveinformal causing an unpleasant feeling of fear or unease. “the creepy feelings one often gets in a strange house” synonyms: frightening, scaring, terrifying, hair-raising, spine-chilling, blood-curdling, chilling, petrifying, alarming, shocking, harrowing, horrifying, horrific, horrible, awful, nightmarish, macabre, ghostly;

Crying Lenny Face

Crying ˈkrʌɪɪŋ/Submit adjective very great. “it would be a crying shame to let some other woman have it”

Cute Lenny Face

Cute kjuːt/Submit adjective 1. attractive in a pretty or endearing way. “she had a cute little nose” synonyms: endearing, adorable, lovable, sweet, lovely, appealing, engaging, delightful, dear, darling, winning, winsome, charming, enchanting; More 2. NORTH AMERICANinformal clever or cunning, especially in a self-seeking or superficial way. “she had a real cute idea”

Disapproval Lenny Face

Disapproval dɪsəˈpruːvl/Submit noun possession or expression of an unfavourable opinion. “Jill replied with a hint of disapproval in her voice” synonyms: disapprobation, dislike; dissatisfaction, disfavour, displeasure, distaste, odium, objection, demurral, exception; dissent, disagreement; criticism, censure, condemnation, denunciation, opprobrium; blame, reproach, rebuke, reproof, remonstration; disparagement, deprecation; informalthe thumbs down; rareanimadversion “they expressed their strong disapproval of the law”

Dongers Lenny Face

Donger ˈdɒŋə/ nounAUSTRALIAN/NZvulgar slang plural noun: dongers a man’s penis.

Glasses Lenny Face

Glasses ˈɡlɑːsɪz/ noun a pair of lenses set in a frame resting on the nose and ears, used to correct or assist defective eyesight. synonyms: spectacles; More a pair of binoculars.

Gun Lenny Face

Gun ɡʌn/ noun 1. a weapon incorporating a metal tube from which bullets, shells, or other missiles are propelled by explosive force, typically making a characteristic loud, sharp noise. synonyms: firearm, weapon; More 2. informal muscular arms; well-developed biceps muscles.

“it’s encouraging to note that Schwarzenegger wasn’t born with massive guns” verb 1. shoot someone with a gun. “they were gunned down by masked snipers” synonyms: shoot, shoot down, mow down, hit, wound, injure, cut down, bring down; More 2. informal cause (an engine) to race. “as Neil gunned the engine the boat jumped forward”

Happy Lenny Face

Happy ˈhapi/Submit adjective 1. feeling or showing pleasure or contentment. “Melissa came in looking happy and excited” synonyms: contented, content, cheerful, cheery, merry, joyful, jovial, jolly, joking, jocular, gleeful, carefree, untroubled, delighted, smiling, beaming, grinning, glowing, satisfied, gratified, buoyant, radiant, sunny, blithe, joyous, beatific, blessed; More 2. fortunate and convenient. “he had the happy knack of making people like him” synonyms: fortunate, lucky, favourable, advantageous, opportune, timely, well-timed, convenient, propitious, felicitous, auspicious, beneficial, helpful; More

Hide or Wall Lenny Face

Hide1 hʌɪd/Submit verb 1. put or keep out of sight. “he hid the money in the house” synonyms: conceal, secrete, put in a hiding place, put out of sight, camouflage; More nounBRITISH 1. a camouflaged shelter used to observe wildlife at close quarters.

Kiss Lenny Face

Kiss kɪs/Submit verb 1. touch or caress with the lips as a sign of love, sexual desire, or greeting. “he kissed her on the lips” synonyms: plant a kiss on, brush one’s lips against, blow a kiss to, air-kiss; More noun 1. a touch or caress with the lips. “a quick kiss on the cheek” synonyms: air kiss; More 2. BILLIARDSSNOOKER a slight touch of a ball against another ball.

Magic Lenny Face

Magic ˈmadʒɪk/Submit noun 1. the power of apparently influencing events by using mysterious or supernatural forces. “suddenly, as if by magic, the doors start to open” synonyms: sorcery, witchcraft, wizardry, necromancy, enchantment, spellworking, incantation, the supernatural, occultism, the occult, black magic, the black arts, devilry, divination, malediction, voodoo, hoodoo, sympathetic magic, white magic, witching, witchery; More adjective

1. having or apparently having supernatural powers. “a magic wand” synonyms: supernatural, enchanted, occult, Druidical; More

2. BRITISHinformal wonderful; exciting. “it was a great time, magic” synonyms: fascinating, captivating, charming, glamorous, magical, enchanting, entrancing, spellbinding, magnetic, irresistible, hypnotic “a magic place”

Middle Finger Lenny Face

Middle finger noun noun: middle finger; plural noun: middle fingers the finger next to the forefinger. “he clicked his thumb and middle finger”

Mustache Lenny Face

Moustache məˈstɑːʃ/Submit noun noun: mustache a strip of hair left to grow above the upper lip. synonyms: informaltash; More a long moustache. “a clergyman with long grey moustaches” a growth similar to a moustache, or a marking that resembles one, round the mouth of some animals.

Neutral Lenny Face

Neutral ˈnjuːtr(ə)l/Submit adjective 1. not supporting or helping either side in a conflict, disagreement, etc.; impartial. “neutral and non-aligned European nations” synonyms: impartial, unbiased, unprejudiced, objective, without favouritism, open-minded, non-partisan, non-discriminatory, disinterested, even-handed, equitable, fair, fair-minded, dispassionate, detached, impersonal, unemotional, clinical, indifferent, removed; More 2. having no strongly marked or positive characteristics or features. “her tone was neutral, devoid of sentiment” synonyms: inoffensive, bland, unobjectionable, unexceptionable, anodyne, unremarkable, ordinary, commonplace, run-of-the-mill, everyday; More noun 1. an impartial or unbiased state or person. “Sweden and its fellow neutrals” 2. pale grey, cream, or beige. “classic shades of navy, white, and neutral”

Running Lenny Face

Running ˈrʌnɪŋ/Submit noun 1. the action or movement of a runner. “his running tore United to shreds” 2. the action of managing or operating something. “the day-to-day running of the office” synonyms: administration, management, managing, organization, coordination, orchestration, handling, direction, conduct, overseeing, controlling, control, regulation, supervision, charge More adjective 1. denoting something that runs, in particular: 2. done while running. “a running jump”

Sad Lenny Face

Sad sad/Submit adjective 1. feeling or showing sorrow; unhappy. “I was sad and subdued” synonyms: unhappy, sorrowful, dejected, regretful, depressed, downcast, miserable, downhearted, down, despondent, despairing, disconsolate, out of sorts, desolate, bowed down, wretched, glum, gloomy, doleful, dismal, blue, melancholy, melancholic, low-spirited, mournful, woeful, woebegone, forlorn, crestfallen, broken-hearted, heartbroken, inconsolable, grief-stricken; More 2. informal pathetically inadequate or unfashionable. “the show is tongue-in-cheek—anyone who takes it seriously is a bit sad”

Shrug Lenny Face

Shrug ʃrʌɡ/ verb 1. raise (one’s shoulders) slightly and momentarily to express doubt, ignorance, or indifference. “Jimmy looked enquiringly at Pete, who shrugged his shoulders” noun 1. an act or instance of shrugging one’s shoulders. “she lifted her shoulders in a dismissive shrug” 2. a woman’s close-fitting cardigan or jacket, cut short at the front and back so that only the arms and shoulders are covered.

Table Flip Lenny Face

Table ˈteɪb(ə)l/Submit noun 1. a piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs, providing a level surface for eating, writing, or working at. “she put the plate on the table” synonyms: bench, board, work surface, worktop, counter, desk, bar, buffet, stand, workbench, worktable, top, horizontal surface, surface “she put the plates on the table” 2. a set of facts or figures systematically displayed, especially in columns. “the population has grown, as shown in table 1” synonyms: list, chart, diagram, figure, graph, plan; More verb 1. BRITISH present formally for discussion or consideration at a meeting. “more than 200 amendments to the bill have already been tabled” synonyms: submit, put forward, bring forward, propose, suggest, move, enter, lodge, file, introduce, air, moot, lay “an opposition MP had tabled a question in parliament” 2. US postpone consideration of. “I’d like the issue to be tabled for the next few months”

Wink Lenny Face

Wink wɪŋk/Submit verb 1. close and open one eye quickly, typically to indicate that something is a joke or a secret or as a signal of affection or greeting. “he winked at Nicole as he passed” synonyms: blink, flutter, bat; More 2. (of a bright object or a light) shine or flash intermittently. “the diamond on her finger winked in the moonlight” synonyms: sparkle, twinkle, flash, flicker, glitter, gleam, shimmer, shine; More noun 1. an act of winking. “Barney gave him a knowing wink”


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