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Слово Менделеева на английском как пишется - однокоренные слова и морфемный разбор слова (приставка, корень, суффикс, окончание):

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1 Менделеева

См. также в других словарях:

МЕНДЕЛЕЕВА ВУЛКАН — действующий вулкан на Курильских о вах (южная часть о. Кунашир). Высота 890 м. Фумаролы, горячие источники. Последнее извержение в 1880. Назван по имени Д. И. Менделеева … Большой Энциклопедический словарь

МЕНДЕЛЕЕВА ХРЕБЕТ — подводный хребет в центральной части Сев. Ледовитого ок. Протягивается от о. Врангеля к центральной части хр. Ломоносова на 1500 км. Наибольшая глубина над хребтом ок. 800 м. Открыт в 1949 советской воздушной экспедицией. Назван по имени Д. И.… … Большой Энциклопедический словарь

МЕНДЕЛЕЕВА ВУЛКАН — МЕНДЕЛЕЕВА ВУЛКАН, действующий вулкан на Курильских о вах (южная часть о. Кунашир). Высота 890 м. Фумаролы, горячие источники. Последнее извержение в 1880. Назван по имени Д. И. Менделеева. Источник: Энциклопедия Отечество … Русская история

МЕНДЕЛЕЕВА ХРЕБЕТ — МЕНДЕЛЕЕВА ХРЕБЕТ, подводный хребет в центральной части Северного Ледовитого океана. Протягивается от острова Врангеля к центральной части хребта Ломоносова на 1500 км. Наибольшая глубина над хребтом ок. 800 м. Открыт в 1949 советской воздушной… … Русская история

МЕНДЕЛЕЕВА ЗАМАЗКА — МЕНДЕЛЕЕВА ЗАМАЗКА, легкоплавкая мастика, употребляемая в лабораторной практике для примазки стеклянных, металлических и т. п. предметов. Приготовляется сплавлением 100 ч. канифоли, 25 ч. воска и 40 ч. прокаленной мумии. Плотно пристает к… … Большая медицинская энциклопедия

Менделеева вулкан — действующий вулкан на Курильских островах (южная часть острова Кунашир). Высота 890 м. Фумаролы, горячие источники. Последнее извержение в 1880. Назван по имени Д. И. Менделеева. * * * МЕНДЕЛЕЕВА ВУЛКАН МЕНДЕЛЕЕВА ВУЛКАН, действующий вулкан на… … Энциклопедический словарь

Менделеева хребет — подводный хребет в центральной части Северного Ледовитого океана. Протягивается от острова Врангеля к центральной части хребта Ломоносова на 1500 км. Наибольшая глубина над хребтом около 800 м. Открыт в 1949 советской воздушной экспедицией.… … Энциклопедический словарь

Менделеева, Любовь Дмитриевна — Любовь Блок Любовь Дмитриевна Блок актриса, историк балета Имя при рождении: Любовь Дмитриевна Менделеева … Википедия

Менделеева вулкан — действующий вулкан на о. Кунашир (Курильские острова) в Сахалинской области РСФСР. Экструзивный купол высотой 890 м находится в разрушенном кратере, окружённом обширной кальдерой. Лавы апдезитовые и андезито базальтовые. Фумаролы, горячие … Большая советская энциклопедия

Менделеева хребет — подводный хребет в центральной части Северного Ледовитого океана. Протягивается примерно на 1500 км от района о. Врангеля к центральной части хребта Ломоносова. Наименьшая глубина над хребтом около 1500 м. Открыт в 1949 Советской… … Большая советская энциклопедия

Менделеева вулкан — в юж. ч. о. Кунашир (Курильские о ва). Конус высотой 890 м построен лавами. Много фумарол и горячих источников, некоторые используются в качестве естественных лечебных ванн. Последнее сильное извержение в 1880 г. Склоны покрыты хвойно… … Географическая энциклопедия


Биография Дмитрия Менделеева на английском языке

Здесь вы можете прочитать биографию Дмитрия Менделеева на английском языке.

Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev was born on 8 February 1834 near Tobolsk. He was a Russian inventor and chemist. The most famous invention of Mendeleev is periodic table of elements.

Mendeleev’s parents were Maria Mendeleeva (nee Kornilieva) and Ivan Mendeleev. According to the different sources there were approximately seventeen children in their family. Mendeleev was the youngest child. His father worked as a teacher but he became blind and stopped working. As a result Maria Mendeleeva began to work and re-established the glass factory which belonged to her family. It is also known that Mendeleev’s grandfather was a priest of the Russian Orthodox Church. When Mendeleev was 13 he entered the Gymnasium in Tobolsk.

In 1849 his family moved to Saint Petersburg. In 1850 Mendeleev joined The Main Pedagogical Institute. Following the graduation he developed tuberculosis and was forced to relocate to the Crimean Peninsula. Living there, Mendeleev became a science master of the Simferopol gymnasium #1. In 1857 after recovery he arrived in Saint Petersburg.

From 1859 to 1861 Mendeleev worked in Heidelberg and researched the capillarity of liquids. In April 1862 he married Feozva Nikitichna Leshcheva. Two years later Mendeleev became a professor at the Saint Petersburg Technological Institute. In 1865 he became a professor at Saint Petersburg State University. The same year Mendeleev completed his dissertation «On the Combinations of Water with Alcohol». By 1871 Saint Petersburg was known as a center for chemistry research. In 1876 Mendeleev fell in love with Anna Ivanova Popova. In 1881 he made a proposal of marriage to her. The following year Mendeleev married her. The same year he divorced his first wife. Mendeleev had two children from his first marriage: Olga and Vladimir. His other children from the second marriage were Lyubov, a pair of twins and son Ivan. It should be noted that Lyubov was the wife of Russian poet Alexander Blok.

Mendeleev obtained a lot of awards from different scientific organizations but he resigned from Saint Petersburg University in 1890. Three years later Mendeleev was appointed Director of the Bureau of Weights and Measures. His task was to formulate new standards of vodka. According to the new standards created by Mendeleev all vodka had to be made at forty percent alcohol by volume. He also researched the composition of petroleum and made a contribution to the foundation of the first Russian oil refinery.

In 1906 the Nobel Committee for Chemistry suggested to the Swedish Academy to award the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for 1906 to Mendeleev for his discovery of the periodic system. This proposal was approved. But at the full meeting of the Academy one of the members recommended the candidacy of Henri Moissan. Moreover Svante Arrhenius who had influence on the Academy also advised to reject the candidacy of Mendeleev. The contemporaries state that Arrhenius was against Mendeleev because of his critique of Arrhenius’s dissociation theory. As a result the candidacy of Mendeleev was rejected.

Dmitri Mendeleev died of influenza in Saint Petersburg in 1907.


Dmitri Mendeleyev

In 1869 the great Russian scientist Dmitri Mendeleyev announced the discovery of the Periodic Law of elements. So science received the key to the secrets of matter.
All the greatest discoveries which have been made since then in the fields of chemistry and physics have been based on this law.
The elements in Mendeleyevs Periodic Table follow one another in the order of their atomic weights. They are arranged in periods and groups.
Mendeleyev s discovery made it possible for the scientists to find 38 new chemical elements to fill the empty spaces left in the Periodic Table.
At the same time they tried to find elements heavier than the last element in the Periodic Table.
In 1955 the American scientist Dr. Glenn Seabord obtained element No 101 and named it Mendelevium in honour of the creator of the Periodic Law.

Дмитрий Менделеев

В 1869 г. великий российский ученый Дмитрий Менделеев объявил об открытии Периодической таблицы элементов. Таким образом наука получила ключ к тайнам бытия.
Все самые большие открытия, которые были сделаны с тех пор в области химии и физики, были основаны на этом законе.
Элементы в Периодической таблице Менделеева следуют друг за другом в соответствии с их атомным весом. Они систематизированы в периоды и группы.
Открытие Менделеева позволило ученым обнаружить 38 новых химических элементов, заполнивших пустые места, оставленные в Периодический таблице.
В то же самое время они попытались найти элементы более тяжелые, чем последний элемент в Периодической таблице.
В 1955 г. американский ученый д-р Гленн Сиборд получил элемент номер 101 и назвал его Менделевиум в честь создателя Периодического Закона.


In 1869 the great Russian scientist Dmitri Mendeleyev announced the discovery of the Periodic Law of elements. So science received the key to the secrets of matter.

All the greatest discoveries which have been made since then in the fields of chemistry and physics have been based on this law.

The elements in Mendeleyevs Periodic Table follow one another in the order of their atomic weights. They are arranged in periods and groups.

Mendeleyev s discovery made it possible for the scientists to find 38 new chemical elements to fill the empty spaces left in the Periodic Table.

At the same time they tried to find elements heavier than the last element in the Periodic Table.

In 1955 the American scientist Dr. Glenn Seabord obtained element No 101 and named it Mendelevium in honour of the creator of the Periodic Law.

В 1869 г. великий российский ученый Дмитрий Менделеев объявил об открытии Периодической таблицы элементов. Таким образом наука получила ключ к тайнам бытия.

Все самые большие открытия, которые были сделаны с тех пор в области химии и физики, были основаны на этом законе.

Элементы в Периодической таблице Менделеева следуют друг за другом в соответствии с их атомным весом. Они систематизированы в периоды и группы.

Открытие Менделеева позволило ученым обнаружить 38 новых химических элементов, заполнивших пустые места, оставленные в Периодический таблице.

В то же самое время они попытались найти элементы более тяжелые, чем последний элемент в Периодической таблице.

В 1955 г. американский ученый д-р Гленн Сиборд получил элемент номер 101 и назвал его Менделевиум в честь создателя Периодического Закона.


Дмитрий Менделеев биография на английском

Краткая биография Менделеева на английском языке изложена в этой статье.

Дмитрий Менделеев краткая биография на английском

Dmitri Mendeleyev was born in Tobolsk, Russia, on February 8, 1834. After receiving an education in science in Russia and Germany, he became a professor and conducted research in chemistry. Mendeleyev is best known for his discovery of the periodic law, which he introduced in 1869, and for his formulation of the periodic table of elements. He died in St. Petersburg, Russia, on February 2, 1907.

Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleyev was born on February 8, 1834, in the Siberian town of Tobolsk in Russia. His father, Ivan Pavlovich Mendeleyev, went blind around the time his final son was born, and died in 1847. The scientist’s mother, Mariya Dmitriyevna Kornileva, worked as the manager of a glass factory to support herself and her children. When the factory burned down in 1848, the family moved to St. Petersburg.

Mendeleyev attended the Main Pedagogical Institute in St. Petersburg and graduated in 1855. After teaching in the Russian cities of Simferopol and Odessa, he returned to St. Petersburg to earn a master’s degree. Mendeleyev continued his studies abroad, with two years at the University of Heidelberg.

As a professor, Mendeleyev taught first at the St. Petersburg Technological Institute and then at the University of St. Petersburg, where he remained through 1890. Realizing he was in need of a quality textbook to cover the subject of inorganic chemistry, he put together one of his own, The Principles of Chemistry.

While he was researching and writing that book in the 1860s, Mendeleyev made the discovery that led to his most famous achievement. He noticed certain recurring patterns between different groups of elements and, using existing knowledge of the elements’ chemical and physical properties, he was able to make further connections. He systematically arranged the dozens of known elements by atomic weight in a grid-like diagram; following this system, he could even predict the qualities of still-unknown elements. In 1869, Mendeleyev formally presented his discovery of the periodic law to the Russian Chemical Society.

At first, Mendeleyev’s system had very few supporters in the international scientific community. It gradually gained acceptance over the following two decades with the discoveries of three new elements that possessed the qualities of his earlier predictions. In London in 1889, Mendeleyev presented a summary of his collected research in a lecture titled «The Periodic Law of the Chemical Elements.» His diagram, known as the periodic table of elements, is still used today.

Beyond his theoretical work in chemistry, Mendeleyev was known for his more practical scientific studies, often for the benefit of the national economy. He was involved in research on Russian petroleum production, the coal industry and advanced agricultural methods, and he acted as a government consultant on issues ranging from new types of gunpowder to national tariffs.

Mendeleyev remained occupied with scientific activities after leaving his teaching post in 1890. He contributed numerous articles to the new Brockhaus Encyclopedia, and in 1893 he was named director of Russia’s new Central Board of Weights and Measures. He also oversaw multiple reprints of The Principles of Chemistry.

Mendeleyev was married twice, to Feozva Nikitichna Leshcheva in 1862 and to Anna Ivanova Popova in 1882. He had a combined six children from those two marriages.

In the later years of his career, Mendeleyev was internationally recognized for his contributions to the field of chemistry. He received honorary awards from Oxford and Cambridge, as well as a medal from the Royal Society of London.

Mendeleyev died on February 2, 1907. At his funeral in St. Petersburg, his students carried a large copy of the periodic table of the elements as a tribute to his work.


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