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Iron Man

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Iron Man (Tony Stark) is an American comic-book superhero who is a mainstay of Marvel Comics. Because of the character’s widespread appeal, Iron Man has appeared in multiple comics, television series, and films.

The arc reactor keeps Tony Stark alive. In the different versions of Iron Man, Stark’s group has been ambushed in Vietnam, the Persian Gulf, and Afghanistan. Stark sustained serious injuries as a result. He created the personal arc reactor to generate energy for an electromagnet keeping shrapnel away from his heart.

In the 2008 Iron Man film, the Iron Man Mark I suit was made of reused parts from Jericho missiles. However, the majority of the more-advanced suits, starting with Mark III, were made not of iron but of a titanium or titanium-gold alloy. In the 2019 film Avengers: Endgame, the suit was constructed of vibranium and nanotech.

In the 2019 film Avengers: Endgame, Iron Man (Robert Downey, Jr.) steals the infinity stones from Thanos and transfers them to his own suit. When Iron Man snaps, he gets rid of Thanos’s army, but this action kills him. In addition to gamma radiation poisoning, the energy required to use the gauntlet is too great for him.

Iron Man first appeared in 1963 in Tales of Suspense no. 39. His creation is officially credited to four people: writer and editor Stan Lee, who plotted the first story; his brother Larry Lieber, who scripted it; artist Don Heck, who drew it; and Jack Kirby, who designed Iron Man’s original armoured battle suit.

Iron Man, American comic book superhero, a mainstay of Marvel Comics, who first appeared in 1963 in Tales of Suspense no. 39. His creation is officially credited to four people: writer and editor Stan Lee, who plotted the first story; his brother Larry Lieber, who scripted it; artist Don Heck, who drew it; and Jack Kirby, who designed Iron Man’s original armoured battlesuit. Iron Man has appeared as the star of his own comic book series, as a regular guest in other popular comics (most notably in the The Avengers), in animated films and television series, and in live-action motion pictures.


Iron Man’s alter ego of Tony Stark—wealthy playboy inventor, owner of Stark International, and international arms manufacturer—was partly based on the wealthy inventor, business mogul, and defense contractor Howard Hughes. In Marvel’s early days, much was made of the company’s creation of “heroes with problems,” and Stark’s problem was potentially fatal: while demonstrating some new weapons in the jungles of Vietnam, he is injured by a bomb and captured by a Viet Cong warlord. With his life ebbing away, Stark is forced to work for his captors, creating new weapons, but unknown to them he secretly builds himself a high-tech suit of armour that will both keep him alive and make him a walking arsenal. Once in the gray clanking suit, Stark defeats the warlord and returns to the United States to assume the role of a superhero, but his tragedy is that he can never remove the chest plate that keeps him alive. To compound his dilemma, the armour needs constant recharging and has the unfortunate tendency to run out of power at the most inconvenient moments, usually in the middle of a pitched battle.

Among those in Iron Man’s supporting cast are Stark’s chauffeur, “Happy” Hogan; his perky secretary, Virginia (“Pepper”) Potts; and James Rhodes, a former U.S. Marine Corps pilot who would eventually don his own suit of armour as the costumed hero War Machine. Iron Man’s major villains included Titanium Man, an armour-wearing Soviet giant (later immortalized by Paul McCartney in a song on his Venus and Mars album); rival industrialists Obadiah Stane and Justin Hammer; the Maggia crime cartel; and his archenemy, the Mandarin. The Mandarin was a sinister mastermind who rivaled Stark in scientific genius, and he wielded 10 rings of alien origin that granted him an array of powers.

Throughout the 1960s and ’70s, Iron Man was a mainstay of Marvel’s output. The character was one of the charter members of the Avengers and has maintained a regular presence in that group. Stark’s wealth funded the Avengers’ mansion, and his technical wizardry led to the creation of a virtual wardrobe of armoured suits. His hulking gray costume was replaced with a succession of ever-sleeker designs that generally hewed to a red and gold colour scheme.

From “Armor Wars” to the silver screen

The story line took a dramatic turn in the 1980s, under the writing team of David Michelinie and Bob Layton and artist John Romita, Jr. Stark International was suddenly hit by industrial espionage, and, as a despairing Stark took to drinking, Rhodes took his place in the Iron Man armour. Stark’s ongoing battle with alcoholism would become a recurring theme in subsequent years. One especially notable story in this era was the “ Armor Wars” saga, which pitted Iron Man against a stable of armoured villains who had capitalized on stolen Stark designs. The 1990s were characterized by uneven stories that too frequently relied on Stark’s apparent death as a plot device. As the Vietnam War became an increasingly distant historical event, Iron Man’s origin was reimagined to have taken place during the Persian Gulf War.

In the early stories of the 21st century, Tony Stark publicly revealed his identity as Iron Man and even served as U.S. secretary of defense. Stark played a major role in Marvel’s Civil War (2006–07) event, and he briefly served as the director of the law-enforcement agency S.H.I.E.L.D. Fan backlash in the wake of Civil War—a story that pitted hero against hero, with Stark serving as the primary antagonist—led to the rebooting of the Iron Man franchise, and writer Matt Fraction and artist Salvador Larroca redefined the character with their award-winning run on Invincible Iron Man (2008–12). When Stark was beaten into a coma during the second Civil War event (2016), the Iron Man persona was assumed by Riri Williams, a brilliant African American teenager who had reverse engineered an Iron Man suit. She eventually adopted the crime-fighting name Ironheart. An alternate version of Iron Man was one of the original members of the title team in The Ultimates, a series about the Avengers’ counterparts in a parallel universe, and he was featured in two Ultimate Iron Man comics miniseries (2005–06 and 2007–08), written by science-fiction author Orson Scott Card.

Animated versions of Iron Man have appeared on television in The Marvel Super Heroes (1966), Iron Man (1994–96), Iron Man: Armored Adventures (2008–12), and The Super Hero Squad Show (2009–11), as well as in the direct-to-video animated films Ultimate Avengers (2006) and The Invincible Iron Man (2007). Marvel Studios and Paramount released the live-action Iron Man in 2008. The film, an enormous commercial and critical success, was directed by Jon Favreau and starred Robert Downey, Jr., who proved adept at capturing Tony Stark’s personality, brilliance, and charisma. Favreau and Downey returned for the sequel Iron Man 2 (2010). Downey became a mainstay of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, reprising his role for The Avengers (2012), Iron Man 3 (2013), Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Captain America: Civil War (2016), Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Avengers: Infinity War (2018), and Avengers: Endgame (2019).


Железный человек

Желе́зный челове́к (англ. Iron Man ), настоящее имя — Э́нтони Э́двард «То́ни» Ста́рк (англ. Anthony Edward Tony Stark ) — Вымышленный супергерой из комиксов издательства Marvel Comics.

В 2011 году Железный Человек был занесен на 12 место в списке 100 лучших героев комиксов по версии IGN.


История публикаций


Впервые, идея создать Железного Человека появилась в 1939 г. на основе героя повести «Satan’s Murder Machines». которой и вдохновился Стэн Ли.

Спустя почти 35 лет, в марте 1963 года оригинальный образ Железного Человека — гениального бизнесмена, готового пойти против мнения людей — появился в Tales of Suspense #39. Он был создан писателем Стэном Ли, сценаристом Ларри Лейбером и художниками Доном Хеком и Джеком Кирби.

I think I gave myself a dare. It was the height of the Cold War. The readers, the young readers, if there was one thing they hated, it was war, it was the military. So I got a hero who represented that to the hundredth degree. He was a weapons manufacturer, he was providing weapons for the Army, he was rich, he was an industrialist. I thought it would be fun to take the kind of character that nobody would like, none of our readers would like, and shove him down their throats and make them like him. And he became very popular.[4]

После создания характера была задача дать направление на создание внешнего образа. [2] По словам Джерри Конвея: «Характер героя, показывал наружнюю невозмутимость даже тогда, когда внутренне состояние было подобно ране. Стэн создал его таким, что сердце Старка было разорвано буквально. Но когда-то проходит любая боль и наш герой возвращает свой внутренний мир к первоначальному состоянию. Всё это, я считаю, сделало характер интересным, что требовало определенной внешности.» [3] И Стэн Ли взял за основу образ величайшего на то время изобретателя, авантюриста, мультимиллиардера, ловеласа и, наконец, психа — основателя Playboy, Говарда Хьюза. Он объяснил это тем, что: «Говард Хьюз был одним из самых ярких людей нашего времени. Но он не был сумасшедшим — он был Говардом Хьюзом». [3]

Пока Ли работал над историей героя и спорил с компанией Liber по поводу долгой конкретизации, Дон Хек и Джек Кирби по идеям автора Тони Старка, создали обложку для первого номера, а также помощников Железного Человека, Пеппер Поттс и Хэппи Хогана. Первоначальный костюм Железного Человека был громоздким, покрытый серым углердо-железным сплавом. Ко второму выпуску броня превратилась в золотую (№ 40). Оригинальный же, титановый, золотисто-красной расцветки, костюм впервые был представлен в № 48 Tales of Suspense под авторством Стива Дитко. Как вспоминает Дон Хек: « По сравнению с первой конструкцией, этот был легче, изящнее, чем тот, который был придуман Кирбишем…» [4]

В первых сюжетных линиях Железного Человека наблюдалось антикоммунистическое направление, выражающаяся в борьбе главного героя с противниками, родом из Китая, Въетнама и других стран азиатского региона. Позже Стэн Ли, сожалея о внимании к этой проблеме, перевел деятельность Старка на помощь армии США, участие в развитии гражданской обороны. Также развивалась история личной жизни Железного Человека, например, показанные в серии «Demon in a Bottle» проблемы с пьянством и психическом состоянии.


Энтони Эдвард Старк — красавчик, баловень судьбы, богатый изобретатель, гений промышленности — занимается созданием вооружения. В один прекрасный день таинственные злодеи похищают Тони Старка, желая использовать его способности для создания супер-оружия. Демонстрируя похитителям готовность сотрудничать, Старк берётся за работу, но весь его гений направлен на изобретение средства побега. Результатом его работы стал специальный бронекостюм, оснащённый высокотехнологическими устройствами и миниатюрным мощным источником энергии. С его помощью Старку удается вырваться на свободу и, вернувшись домой, он переосмыслил свою жизнь, решив защищать слабых при помощи своего костюма — так он стал Железным человеком.

В большей части комиксов Железный человек был членом команды супергероев Мстители, также был показан в нескольких олицетворениях в его собственной линии комиксов.

Главным врагом Железного человека был Мандарин, в сюжете «День М» он имел собственную серию, а в серии «Гражданская война» был одним из главных персонажей. Он возглавлял акт о регистрации супергероев против их полной свободы. Через некоторое время сторонники регистрации победили в войне, а Старк стал директором «Щ. И. Т.».

Через некоторое время после событий «Секретного вторжения» Старка выгоняют с поста директора «Щ. И. Т.» и он пускается в бега, так как злодей Норман Озборн жаждет заполучить информацию обо всех зарегистрированных супергероях. После захвата Норманом Озборном, чтобы спасти информацию, заложенную в его голове, Старк сознательно впада

Другие версии

Marvel Zombies

В Marvel Zombies Тони Старк был заражён вирусом, когда пытался установить координаты в другую вселенную, чтобы помочь оставшимся в живых спастись. Как и другие супергерои, Железный Человек напал на Серебряного Серфера. Однако Серфер защищается и с помощью своих сил режет нижнюю часть Железного Человека пополам. Зомби выживает и съедает его. Позже появляется Галактус, и он вместе с пятью другими зомби съедает его, обретая огромную силу.


Iron Man: Avenger, Industrialist, Hero

Real Name: Tony Stark

Location: New York City

First Appearance: Tales of Suspense #39 (1963)

Created By: Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Larry Lieber, and Don Heck


Without his suit of armor, Tony Stark has no supernatural powers. He is only limited by his imagination. Tony is a brilliant engineer and has used his talents to create a powerful suit of armor that enables the wearer to fly, shoot beams of energy from his hands and chest, and resist the vacuum of space. The suit also protects the wearer from damage and grants superhuman strength.

The suit is constantly being redesigned to face the new challenges that Tony Stark meets on a daily basis. There are specialty suits that have been made such as the Arctic, Stealth, Space, Hulkbuster, and Thorbuster armors. There have been nearly 40 different variations of the Iron Man armor in the current reality of the Iron Man comics.

Team Affiliations: Mighty Avengers, Ultimates

Currently Seen In:

Iron Man
Ultimate Iron Man
New Avengers
Mighty Avengers

Interesting Fact:

The first suit of armor was gray and had roller skates in the feet instead of jets.

Main Villains:

Crimson Dynamo
Titanium Man
Obadiah Stane

Iron Man’s Origin Story

Young Tony Stark was a prodigy of mechanical engineering genius. At 21, he took over his father’s company and launched it into a hugely successful corporation. During a testing of new technology in Vietnam, Tony was hit by a piece of shrapnel from a booby trap. The shrapnel was lodged near his heart and without help, Tony would die.

There, he was captured by a communist leader and imprisoned, forced to make new weapons for the overlord. Also imprisoned with him was Professor Ho Yinsen, a renowned physicist. Together they built the first suit of armor that would become Iron Man. Professor Ho even made the chest plate of the armor with a device to help Tony’s heart keep beating.

Tony used the armor to escape, although in the process, Professor Ho sacrificed his life to give Tony the time to charge it to full capacity. Tony escaped with James Rhodes (now War Machine) and returned to America to become a part of the Avengers, taking his fathers teachings of giving back to the world to heart and using his new armor to aid mankind. He wasn’t without his own demons though, as he struggled with alcoholism throughout his life.

In the midst of being a hero and working with the Avengers, Tony also continued to grow his company into a multi-billion corporation. He developed and sold technology that went to S.H.I.E.L.D. and other organizations, such as the Avengers Quinjet. His success continued to grow, and this to let him being targeted by Obadiah Stane, another billionaire with his own weapons design business.

Obadiah sought to ruin Tony, eventually taking over his company. This set things in motion and Tony ended up becoming homeless forced him to return to the bottle and he even gave up being Iron Man, turning it over to his friend Jim Rhodes. Stane even discovered designs of the Iron Man armor and began to create his own version, called the Iron Monger. Stane planned on selling multiple suits to the highest bidder.

Eventually, Tony got his life together and began a new company and resumed being Iron Man again. He even started a new company called Circuits Maximus. This enraged Stane and led to a battle between Iron Man and Iron Monger. When Stane lost, he committed suicide and this led Tony getting back his company and life.

Later, when more and more villains began to surface with armor based on the Iron Man armor, Stark took it upon himself to stop the use of the technology based on his designs and started what is now know as the “Armor Wars.” He went after the supervillains and even the government agencies that were using similarly powered armor and deactivated them, taking back what he thought was rightfully his.

With such global threats on the horizon, Tony helped start the Illuminati, a group of other superpowered beings that worked to control the fate of the world. The group is comprised of Iron Man, Black Bolt, Sub Mariner, Professor X, Reed Richards, and Dr. Strange. They were responsible for recovering the infinity gems, items when combined with the Infinity Gauntlet, would grant the bearer godlike powers. They were also responsible for sending the Hulk into orbit, which in turn started World War Hulk.

Tony Stark was also a major player in the Civil War, where the government wanted heroes to register themselves, making their identities known and essentially becoming S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. Many heroes balked at this, not wanting to give up their identities or become pawns of the government and so went underground. The heroes eventually split into two groups. There were those for the registration, led by Tony Stark himself, where he was made the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., and those against, led by Captain America. The war split the Marvel universe down the middle and climaxed in a giant battle in New York City, but when Captain America saw the carnage this was causing the American people, he called a cease-fire and turned himself in. He was later assassinated going to the courthouse for trial, a thing that Tony himself feels responsible for.

Lately, Tony Stark is concerned with the fact that there have been Skrulls that have infiltrated agencies and super-powered groups. The main problem is that these Skrulls are undetectable to anyone, and therefore everyone is suspect. He is working against the Skrulls, bringing in the brightest that the world has to offer to find a way to stop this secret invasion.


Напишите пожалуйста текст на английском про железного человека даю 100 балов


My favourite superhero is Iron man. His real name is Tony Stark. He is very smart, brave and funny. Tony has an iron suit, which was constructed by himself. Iron man takes part in Avengers team with Hulk, Captain America, Thor and others. Tony is a superhero because he saved the world several times. Watch this brilliant film!

Мой любимый супергерой — Железный человек. Его настоящее имя — Тони Старк. Он очень умен, отважен и весел. У Тони есть железный костюм, который сконструировал он сам. Железный человек — часть команды Мстителей вместе с Халком, Капитаном Америкой, Тором и другими. Тони — супергерой, потому что он спасал мир несколько раз. Посмотрите этот замечательный фильм!

The stories about Tony Stark (Iron Man) appeared in 1963. In 1968, Marvel filmed a separate story about him. Then there were 332 series of Iron Man more. Tony was born in the family of a wealthy owner of a huge Corporation ‘Stark Industries’. At the age of 15, this young genius entered the Massachusetts Institute, and at the age of 19 he graduated from it. After the death of his parents, when Iron Man was 21 years old, he became the head of the Corporation with his assistant Virginia Potts (Pepper). In 1990, the film company 20th Century, Universal Studios, New Line Cinema have launched the film adaptation of this comic book.

Тони Старк (Железный Человек) появился в 1963 году. В 1968 году Марвел снял отдельную историю о нем. Было всего 332 выпуска в этой серии о Железном Человеке, который родился в семье богатого промышленника, владельца огромной корпорации «Старк Индастриз». В возрасте 15 лет этот гений поступил в Массачусетский институт, а в 19 лет окончил его. Когда ему было 21 год Железный Человек (Тони Старк), после смерти родителей, стал главой корпорации со своей помощницей Вирджинию Поттс (Пеппер). В1990 году кинокомпании 20th Century, Universal Studios, New Line Cinema приступили к экранизации комикса.


Перевод песни Iron man (Black Sabbath)

Iron man

Железный человек

Has he lost his mind?
Can he see or is he blind?
Can he walk at all
Or if he moves will he fall?

Is he alive or dead?
Has he thoughts within his head?
We’ll just pass him there
Why should we even care?

He was turned to steel
In the great magnetic field
When he travelled time
For the future of mankind

Nobody wants him
He just stares at the world
Planning his vengeance
That he will soon unfold

Now the time is here
For Iron Man to spread fear
Vengeance from the grave
Kills the people he once saved

Nobody wants him
They just turn their heads
Nobody helps him
Now he has his revenge

Heavy bolts of lead
Fills his victims full of dread
Running as fast as they can
Iron Man lives again!

Я – железный человек!

Есть ли у него разум?
Он видит или он слеп?
Может ли он ходить,
Или если он сделает движение, то упадет?

Он жив или мертв?
Есть ли мысли в его голове?
Мы просто пошлем его туда,
Почему нас должно это беспокоить?

Он превратился в сталь
В сильном магнитном поле,
Когда путешествовал во времени
Ради будущего человечества

Он никому не нужен,
Он смотрит на мир,
Планируя своё отмщение
Что скоро осуществит.

Пришло время
Железному человеку посеять страх,
Страшная месть из могилы
Уничтожит людей, которых он когда-то охранял.

Он никому не нужен,
Все отворачиваются от него,
Никто не посочувствует ему,
И вот пришла его месть.

Тяжелые свинцовые стрелы
Настигают его жертв, переполненных ужасом,
Убегающих так быстро, как только они могут.
Железный человек снова жив!


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