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Доктор Стивен Винсент Стрэндж (англ?

Доктор Стивен Винсент Стрэндж (англ.

Dr. Stephen Vincent Strange более известный как Доктор Стрэндж (англ.

Doctor Strange) — персонаж комиксов издательства Marvel Comics ; супергерой, обладающий магическими силами.

Бывший нейрохирург Стрэндж является Верховным магом Земли, основным защитником планеты от мистических угроз.

Дебютировав в Серебряном веке комиксов, персонаж был задействован в собственной одноимённой серии, а также других товарах Marvel Comics.

После этого Стрэндж начал появляться в различных мультсериалах, основанных на Marvel Comics.

В одноимённом фильме 2016 года в рамках Кинематографической вселенной MarveI роль Стивена Стрэнджа исполнил британский актёр Бенедикт Камбербэтч[1].

А где сам вопрос то?

Doctor Stephen Vincent strange (eng.

Dr. Stephen Vincent Strange known as Doctor strange (eng.

Doctor Strange) is a character from the comics

publisher Marvel Comics ; superhero with magical powers.

A former neurosurgeon, strange is the sorcerer Supreme of Earth, the main defender of the planet from mystical threats.

Debuting in the Silver age of comics, the character was involved in his own eponymous series, as well as other products by Marvel Comics.

I please give 40 points not in the translator

First appearance of Dr.

Strange outside of comics took place in the television film «Doctor strange, » which I do not understand fans of the comics and was negatively received by critics, causing all the plans to create a full series about the character was never implemented.

Then strange began to appear in various animated series based on Marvel Comics.

In the film by 2016 in the framework of the Cinematic universe MarveI the role of Stephen Strange played by British actor Benedict Cumberbatch[1].


Доктор Стрэндж

The character was first portrayed in live-action by Peter Hooten in the 1978 television film Dr. Strange. Benedict Cumberbatch portrays the character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe films Doctor Strange (2016), Thor: Ragnarok (2017), Avengers: Infinity War (2018), and Avengers: Endgame (2019). Cumberbatch will reprise his role in Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021) and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022).


История публикации [ править ]

Создание [ править ]

Художник Стив Дитко и писатель Стэн Ли описали, что персонаж изначально был идеей Дитко, написавшего в 2008 году: «Самостоятельно я принес Ли пятистраничный рассказ, написанный карандашом со сценарием страницы / панели моего идея нового, другого типа персонажа для разнообразия в Marvel Comics. Моего персонажа назвали Доктором Стрэнджем, потому что он появится в Strange Tales ». [6] В письме 1963 года Джерри Бейлсу Ли назвал идею персонажа Дитко, сказав:

Early years [ edit ]

Доктор Стрэндж дебютировал в Strange Tales # 110 (июль 1963 г.) [8], разделенной книге, разделенной с функцией « Человек-факел ». Доктор Стрэндж появился в выпусках № 110–111 и № 114 до восьмистраничного рассказа о происхождении персонажа в № 115 (декабрь 1963 г.). Взгляд сценариста Ли на персонажа был вдохновлен радиопрограммой Чанду-Волшебник, которая транслировалась по Mutual Broadcasting System в 1930-х годах. [9] Доктор Стрэндж сопровождал заклинания искусными артефактами, такими как « Глаз Агамотто » и « Жезл Ватумба », а также мистически звучащей лексикой, такой как «Седые воинства Хоггота!». [5] Хотя в них часто упоминаются имена известных мифологических существ, Ли сказал, что никогда не имел представления, что означают заклинания, и использовал их просто потому, что они звучали мистически и загадочно. [10] Дитко продемонстрировал сюрреалистические мистические пейзажи и все более яркие визуальные эффекты, которые помогли сделать эту функцию фаворитом студентов колледжа в то время. Историк комиксов Майк Бентон писал:

1980-е [ править ]

1990-е [ править ]

Стрэндж появился с Человеком-факелом и Вещью в одноразовой публикации Strange Tales vol. 3, # 1 (ноябрь 1994 г.). [32]

Доктор Стрэндж появился в четырех графических романах : Доктор Стрэндж: В Шамбалу (1986); Доктор Стрэндж и Доктор Дум: Триумф и Мучение (1989); Человек-паук / доктор. Стрэндж: Путь к пыльной смерти (1992); и доктор Стрэндж: Что вас беспокоит, Стивен? (1997). [34]

2000-е [ править ]

During Brian Michael Bendis’ time as writer, Doctor Doom attacked the Avengers and manipulated the Scarlet Witch into eliminating most of the mutant population. Doctor Strange’s failure to recognize Doom’s hand in the former and to stop the latter caused him to start to doubt his abilities. [volume & issue needed] After he was forced to use dark magic to confront an enraged Hulk, [36] followed by further use of dark spells to save the New Avengers from the Hood’s supervillain army, [37] Strange renounced his status as Sorcerer Supreme, as he felt that he was no longer worthy of it. The Eye of Agamotto passed the mantle on to Brother Voodoo. [38]

He was also featured in The Order, which spun out of the 2001 Defenders revival, and the Indefensible Defenders mini-series. [volume & issue needed]

2010s [ edit ]

Doctor Strange appeared as a regular character throughout the 2010-2013 The New Avengers series. [39] Brother Voodoo, now newly appointed Sorcerer Supreme Doctor Voodoo, sacrifices himself in order to stop the powerful mystical entity Agamotto from reclaiming the Eye. [40] A guilt-ridden Strange rejoins the New Avengers, and offers the team his valet Wong to act as their housekeeper. [41]

Strange eventually regains his position of Sorcerer Supreme, [42] but is possessed by a demon [volume & issue needed] and becomes leader of the Black Priests. [43]

After the various Marvel universes merge into one, Doctor Strange acts as righthand man of Doctor Doom, who has become the ruler of this world after erasing all recollection of the previous separate realities that existed. Circumstances force Strange to open a pod that releases the surviving heroes of the original Marvel continuity, known as Earth-616. Doom kills Doctor Strange. [44]

In 2015, Jason Aaron and Chris Bachalo teamed up for the fourth volume of Doctor Strange. [45] A new character, reluctant librarian Zelma Stanton, agrees to reorganize Strange’s magical library. [46] [full citation needed] Brother Voodoo returns, and the series and a spinoff, Dr. Strange: Last Days of Magic, sees such characters as Medico Mistico, Magik, Scarlet Witch, Mahatma Doom, Professor Xu, Monako, and Alice Gulliver. [47] [full citation needed] В связи с фундаментальным изменением законов магии и потерей своих прежних ресурсов Доктор Стрэндж вынужден полагаться на свои собственные физические навыки и изобретательное использование своих немногих функциональных заклинаний. В конце концов, у него больше нет доступа к большинству своих прежних заклинаний или левитирующей накидке. [48] [ требуется полная ссылка ]

During the «Infinity Countdown» storyline, Doctor Strange goes on a space mission. He encounters Super-Skrull who has the Time Gem. After defeating Super-Skrull, Doctor Strange claims the Time Gem. [49] Doctor Strange then tracks down the Mind Gem and finds it in Turk Barrett’s possession as Turk managed to evade him. When Black Widow’s clone arrives seeking out Doctor Strange where she wants to dispose of the Space Stone, he did not want to take it as he knows what would happen if they are in the same proximity. Using a magic spell, Doctor Strange spoke to the holders of the Infinity Gems and requested a parley to reform the Infinity Watch. He states to Adam Warlock, Black Widow’s clone, Captain Marvel, Star-Lord, and Turk Barrett that they need to safeguard them from such calamities even if one of them is Thanos. [50]

Fictional character biography [ edit ]

Стивен Стрэндж, доктор медицины, доктор философии, эгоистичный врач, который заботится о богатстве только из своей карьеры. Кости в его руках сломаны в автокатастрофе, что привело к обширному повреждению нервов. Его руки неконтролируемо дрожат, что делает невозможным операцию. Слишком тщеславный, чтобы соглашаться на преподавательскую работу, Стрэндж отчаянно ищет способ восстановить двигательную функцию в своих руках.

In The Unbelievable Gwenpool #3, Strange encounters Gwendolyn Poole, who explains herself to be from a reality where all Marvel characters are fictional characters in comic books. As Strange helps her locate her home reality in order to create a fake background for her in the Marvel Universe so that she can get a Social Security number, driver’s license and other essential documents, he discovers that Benedict Cumberbatch has been cast to play him in Gwen’s universe, remarking that he «could see that». [57]

Powers and abilities [ edit ]

Powers and skills [ edit ]

In addition to his magical abilities, Strange is trained in several martial arts disciplines, [62] including judo, [63] and has shown proficiency with numerous magically conjured weapons including swords and axes. [64] Strange was a skilled neurosurgeon before nerve damage impaired his hands. [52]

Doctor Strange is described as «the mightiest magician in the cosmos» [65] and «more powerful by far than any of your fellow humanoids» by Eternity, the sentience of the Marvel Universe. [66] He holds the title of Sorcerer Supreme beginning with the 1973 storyline in which the Ancient One dies, [21] and retains the title thereafter, except during an interruption from 1992 [67] to 1995. [68] He relinquishes the title once again in a 2009 storyline, [38] but reclaims it in a 2012 story when he proves himself willing to protect the world even without the title. [42]

Артефакты и технологии [ править ]

Книга Вишанти [ править ]

The Book of the Vishanti is portrayed as being written by unknown authors, is closely associated with Doctor Strange, and is the greatest known source of white magical knowledge on Earth. The Book of the Vishanti contains spells of defensive magic and is indestructible. Its counterpart, the Darkhold, contains all the knowledge of black magic in the Marvel Universe, and is likewise indestructible. It is possible to destroy single pages of either book, but the balancing spell in the other book is destroyed as well to maintain a mystical balance. A collective of the three powerful magical beings – Agamotto, Oshtur and Hoggoth, known as the Vishanti – must allow the spell to be destroyed.

Помимо заклинаний и мистических знаний, книга также содержит информацию о людях и событиях. Неизвестно, как книга может содержать самую свежую информацию, хотя она была написана тысячи лет назад.

The first known owner of the book was the Atlantean sorcerer Varnae from around 18,500 BC. The next known owner was the Babylonian god Marduk Kurios. Marduk set a griffin to guard the Book. The sorcerer known as the Ancient One traveled back in time to c. 4000 BC and defeated the griffin and returned to the 20th century. The Ancient One would remain the book’s owner, despite a brief loss when the dark wizard Kaluu returned the Book to the Griffin, until he deemed his student, Doctor Strange, worthy of taking it.

Плащ левитации [ править ]

Внешний вид [ править ]

There were two distinctly different cloaks worn by Doctor Strange bequeathed to him by his mentor, the Ancient One: a billowing, full-length blue cloak, that had minor abilities and spells woven into it, and the later, red cloak that Strange is usually seen wearing. The first appearance of the first (blue) cloak was in Strange Tales #114 (November 1963). The first appearance of the second (red) cloak was in Strange Tales #127 (December 1964). [69] The Cloak of Levitation is seen in a great many battles where it often plays a very significant role. While it is extremely durable, there are a few occasions when it is damaged. Its repair requires that Strange engage an ally, Enitharmon the Weaver. [70] [71]

Глаз Агамотто [ править ]

Сфера Агамотто [ править ]

The Orb of Agamotto rests in Doctor Strange’s Sanctum Sanctorum in a room called the Chamber of Shadows. It usually is inside a display case with three curved legs. When summoned, the glass covering rises and the ball levitates. While powerful, the Orb has been blocked by exceptionally powerful mystic forces (such as Umar) who do not want their exact location known. On at least one occasion, it has been used to open a dimensional portal to the realm of Agamotto. In the film Thor, the Orb is briefly shown in Odin’s Trophy Room in Asgard. [75]

Enemies [ edit ]

The following are the enemies of Doctor Strange:

Другие версии [ править ]

The character has starred in several alternate universe titles. In the miniseries Marvel 1602 #1-#8 (Nov. 2003 – June 2004), Sir Stephen Strange is both the court physician and magician to Queen Elizabeth I. The title Spider-Man 2099 introduced a female version of Strange who shares her body with a demon in issue #33 (1995). The miniseries Strange #1-#6 (Nov, 2004 – April 2005), written by J. Michael Straczynski and Samm Barnes, with artwork by Brandon Peterson, reimagined the character’s origin, allies and enemies in a contemporary setting.

In the miniseries Marvel Zombies #1-#5 (Feb.–June 2006), Strange is infected with a zombie virus along with many other heroes. He reappears in the second sequel, Marvel Zombies 3 #1-#4 (Dec. 2008 – March 2009)

In the alternate future universe of the Marvel imprint MC2, Doctor Strange is no longer the Sorcerer Supreme, the title there held by Doc Magnus. Doctor Strange uses his remaining power to reform the superhero team the Defenders in A-Next #3 (1998) and to fight the Norse god of mischief, Loki, Last Hero Standing #4 (Feb. 2005).

The Ultimate Marvel title Ultimate Marvel Team-Up introduced a version of the character called «Stephen Strange, Jr.», the son of the original Doctor Strange, in Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #12 (July 2002). The character was killed in battle by the Ultimate Marvel version of Dormammu in the miniseries Ultimatum #1-#5 (Jan.–Sept. 2009).

1602 [ edit ]

Set in the Marvel 1602 universe. Sir Stephen Strange, both the court physician of Queen Elizabeth I and a magician, senses that there are unnatural forces at work. He is the replacement in the 1602 universe for John Dee and is married to a version of Clea. Here, he cannot use his ‘Astral Projection’ (which he refers to as a magic mirror) as well as the modern one could, lacking modern materials, and is often physically drained after it is finished, and lacks memory of what he saw in astral form. During this time, he makes indirect contact with Uatu, который предупреждает его об опасности, вызванной появлением «Предтечи» в прошлом, но вынужден не говорить и не действовать на основании этого знания. В конце концов, когда Элизабет мертва, он позволяет казнить себя за колдовство и измену, чтобы его голова, которую Клеа сохраняла в живых в течение некоторого времени после казни, могла продолжать помогать, делясь информацией, полученной от Уату, с другие герои, чтобы они могли предотвратить разрушение реальности. [ требуется том и выпуск ]

2099 [ править ]

Set in the Marvel 2099 universe. The Sorceress Supreme of Earth is a young woman who calls herself «Strange». She secretly shares her body with a monstrous demon. She is very inexperienced in her powers and uses them recklessly. In one incident, she causes the death of her brother. Her main opponent is Garokk who wishes to use her past torments and inexperience to gain the title of Sorcerer Supreme for himself. [98]

In a ‘reset’ 2099 timeline where the Maestro has conquered a decimated world, he apparently kept Strange contained in a mystical circle. [99] When Miguel O’Hara emerged into this timeline and released Strange, she claimed that the demon possessing her protected her from major world-shifts, working with Miguel to repair an old time machine of Doctor Doom’s so that he could return to 2015 and avert this timeline. However, after Miguel’s departure, Strange revealed that she was working with the Maestro and was under the control of the demon within her. [100]

Strange later appears on Battleworld as a member of the Defenders 2099. [101]

When Miguel returns to a new variation of the 2099 timeline where having superpowers is illegal, he witnesses Strange’s demon being banished from her body with Moon Knight using a soul sword. [volume & issue needed]

Age of X [ edit ]

In the Age of X timeline, Doctor Strange poses as a Mutant-hunter for hire, but is in reality a double agent working with Magneto, who teleports mutants to Fortress X for safety. [volume & issue needed]

Amalgam Comics [ edit ]

Bullet Points [ править ]

Duckworld [ править ]

Set in Howard the Duck’s home-world and home dimension. This version of Doctor Strange is Ducktor Strange, an anthropomorphic Duck. In this reality, he is still a Sorcerer (the «Mallard of the Mystic Arts»), but is also a drunken derelict, who seems to live in alleys drinking «sorcerous sauce» (alcohol). He has appeared in Howard the Duck magazine #6 (July 1980), wherein he sends Howard and Beverly back to Earth; and in She-Hulk, vol. 4, #20 (Sept 2007), wherein he helps Stu the Intern return to Earth (since Stu’s extensive knowledge of Marvel Comics continuity reminded him that he could find the Ducktor and how he could be returned by the Mystic Mallard). [volume & issue needed]

Earth-A/Earth-721 [ edit ]

In She-Hulk (vol. 2) #21, a non-powered counterpart of Dr. Strange from Earth-A comes to Earth-616 (aka Earth-B) and impersonates the 616 Dr. Strange. The impostor is revealed when he can’t think of a rhyme for the word «Cyttorak». [volume & issue needed]

Earth X [ edit ]

Set in the Earth X universe. Dr. Strange’s body is murdered by Clea (this Earth’s Sorceress Supreme) under the behest of Loki. His astral form aids Captain Marvel in his journey through Death’s Realm as one of the few inhabiting heroes aware of his death. [volume & issue needed]

Exiles [ edit ]

An alternative Dr. Strange helped the Exiles briefly. This character was not a mystic, but instead was still a practicing physician who specialized in superhumans. This version of Doctor Strange was killed by an alternative version of Deadpool. [104]

Fantastic Four: The End [ edit ]

В этом сериале доктор Стрэндж теперь является Древним, и у него была дочь от Клио, которая стала новым доктором Стрэнджем. [105]

Стражи Галактики [ править ]

Marvel Zombies [ править ]

In the Marvel Zombies universe, Dr. Strange is one of the last heroes in the alternative «zombie world» to be transformed into a zombie. He was last seen in living form as part of Nick Fury’s resistance to defeat the zombified Marvel superheroes in the spinoff Dead Days before he and the rest of the surviving superheroes are later overwhelmed by the zombie Fantastic Four and turned. [107] He participates in the multi-zombie attack on Doctor Doom’s castle, in an effort to capture and devour the unaffected Latverian citizens inside. [108] While part of a multi-zombie chase of Ultimate Reed Richards, he vanishes under a rain of cars launched by Magneto. [109] However, he later resurfaces in Marvel Zombies 3 but with limited function as a result of Magneto’s wrath. He is part of Kingpin’s undead alliance and can only perform two spells, one of which allows viewers to see into other universes which becomes an essential tool to Kingpin’s plans. Ultron kills Zombie Dr. Strange. [110]

MC2 [ edit ]

Set in the MC2 universe. Dr. Strange is retired and the title of Sorcerer Supreme has been passed to the younger Doc Magus. [111]

Mutant X [ edit ]

Ветчина-паук [ править ]

Тор: Викинги [ править ]

Dr. Strange assists Thor in the MAX mini series Thor: Vikings, when zombified, evil Vikings massacre Manhattan by pillaging and killing its citizens. Strange helps Thor locate the descendants of a victim that the Vikings had slain, just after the victim, a village wiseman had placed a curse on the Vikings that caused them to become zombified. With Strange’s instruction, the battle-experienced descendants all fight the Vikings with Thor. [115]

Ultimate Marvel [ edit ]

Set in the Ultimate Marvel Universe. First appearing in flashbacks, Dr. Stephen Strange married his former student, Clea, and the two of them had a child, Stephen Jr. Strange Sr. later vanished, and Clea decided to raise Stephen Jr. away from magic. [volume & issue needed]

As a college student, Stephen Jr. was approached by Wong, who told him about his father and took him on as a student. He supports himself as a new-age guru to the rich, powerful and famous, and is seen as a celebrity, appearing on television talk shows. He is known to the public as «Dr. Strange», although he does not hold a medical degree or doctorate. He has bemoaned his lack of knowledge in things mystical and usually, just barely saves the day with one last desperate, untried spell. Starting in Ultimate Spider-Man #107, this Doctor Strange is a member of Daredevil’s team fighting against the Kingpin, the Ultimate Knights. In Ultimatum, Strange is gruesomely killed by Dormammu when Ultimate Hulk rampages through his house. [116]

The title of «Sorcerer Supreme» was only self-proclaimed by the elder Strange as reported in the comics during a TV news broadcast. [volume & issue needed]

Venomverse [ edit ]

В других СМИ [ править ]

Телевидение [ править ]

Фильм [ править ]

Video games [ edit ]

Novels [ edit ]

Music [ edit ]

Прием [ править ]

In 2008, Doctor Strange was ranked 83rd in Wizard ‘ s «200 Greatest Comic Book Characters of All Time» list, [158] and in 2012 was ranked 33rd in IGN’s list of «The Top 50 Avengers». [159] He was also ranked 38th on IGN’s list of «Top 100 Comic Book Heroes». [160]

Notes [ edit ]

References [ edit ]

Writer Roy Thomas and penciller Andre Coates created this new series that ran until 1995.

Scribes J. Michael Straczynski and Samm Barnes, with artist Brandon Peterson, retold Dr. Strange’s mystical origin for a new generation of fans in this six-issue limited series.

Dr. Strange’s archenemy, Baron Mordo, was introduced in Strange Tales #111.

Clea, Dr. Strange’s longtime girlfriend from the Dark Dimension, debuted in Strange Tales #126.


Наверняка стало известно об участии в картине Доктора Осьминога, а также были сделаны жирнейшие намеки на возвращение Электро с Зеленым гоблином. При этом до сих пор неясна диспозиция всех противников на импровизированном поле боя, поэтому в фанатском сообществе назрела очередная безумная теория.

Согласно ей, вышеперечисленные суперзлодеи вкупе с Ящером и Песочным Человеком на поверку могут оказаться вполне приличными гражданами, что при желании, натянув хорошенечко метафорическую сову на глобус, можно логически увязать с трилогией Сэма Рэйми и дилогией Марка Уэбба.

А вот настоящим аспидом, душегубом и ультимативным злом может выступить не кто иной, как доктор Стрэндж, или же одна из его версий из альтернативных реальностей. В самом трейлере на это указывают как минимум две сцены: поездка на крыше поездка, где Паук противопоставляется верховного магу, и эпизод с вышибанием астрального тела Паркера.

Способов подвести к тому, что старина Стивен не такой уж и лапочка, несколько.

Версия первая. Стрэндж, которого показывают в трейлере, на самом деле замаскировавшийся Мефисто, появления коего фанаты ждут еще со времен «Ванды/Вижна».

В пользу этого домысла говорит то, что уж слишком просто волшебник, призванный защищать земное измерение, решился на эксперименты с пространственно-временным континуумом из-за хотелок какого-то тинейджера, пусть даже и помогшего в свое время в спасении половины Вселенной. Кроме того, сам Стрэндж после потери Камня времени в «Войне бесконечности» должен был стать значительно слабее, поэтому местный Дьявол запросто мог отправить душу колдуна в какой-нибудь специально припасенный для этого случая котел. При этом сам Глаз Агамотто, который раньше вмещал в себя камень времени, почему-то до сих пор всегда присутствует в кадре.

Кроме того, до сих пор неясно, что же на самом деле послужило причиной создания мультивселенной: опыты Ванды с книгой Даркхолд в «Ванде/Вижне», убийство Сильвией Канга в «Локи» или ритуал Стрэнджа в помощь Питеру Паркеру.

Возможно, что все три события происходили одновременно, что и послужило причиной столь масштабных коллапсов.

Вышеперечисленные теории хоть и выглядят стройно и достаточно занятно, на практике могут запросто не найти подтверждения, хоть и сюжетный поворот со сменой амплуа героя Камбербэтча выглядел бы очень интересно.

Теперь стоит дождаться выхода самого фильма, премьера которого назначена на декабрь текущего года.


В Фокусе




Теперь вы знаете какие однокоренные слова подходят к слову Доктор стрэндж на английском как пишется, а так же какой у него корень, приставка, суффикс и окончание. Вы можете дополнить список однокоренных слов к слову "Доктор стрэндж на английском как пишется", предложив свой вариант в комментариях ниже, а также выразить свое несогласие проведенным с морфемным разбором.

Какие вы еще знаете однокоренные слова к слову Доктор стрэндж на английском как пишется:

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