Главная » Правописание слов » Как пишется миннесота на английском

Слово Как пишется миннесота на английском - однокоренные слова и морфемный разбор слова (приставка, корень, суффикс, окончание):

Морфемный разбор слова:

Однокоренные слова к слову:

minnesota usa

1 Ma. Minnesota

2 Minn. Minnesota

3 Minnesota

4 Minnesota

5 Minnesota

6 Minnesota

7 Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory

8 Minnesota

9 Minnesota

10 Minnesota Environmental Control Citizens Association

11 Horticultural Research Center, University of Minnesota

12 Minnesota

13 Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Minnesota

14 Minnesota Environmental Control Citizens Association

15 Minnesota Living With Heart Failure Questionnaire

16 Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory

17 Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory profile

18 Minnesota Reports

19 Minnesota engineering analogies test

20 Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory

См. также в других словарях:

Miss Minnesota USA — For the state pageant affiliated with Miss America, see Miss Minnesota. Kaylee Unverzagt, Miss Minnesota USA 2008 The Miss Minnesota USA competition is the pageant that selects the representative for the state of Minnesota in the Miss USA pageant … Wikipedia

Minnesota Wild — Gründung 25. Juni 1997 Geschichte Minnesota Wild seit 2000 Stadion … Deutsch Wikipedia

Minnesota State University, Mankato — Motto Go further than you thought possible Established 1868 Type P … Wikipedia

Minnesota Military Museum — Established 1977 Location Camp Ripley, 15000 Highway 115, Little Falls, Minnesota, USA Type Military history museum … Wikipedia

Minnesota (État) — Minnesota Pour les articles homonymes, voir Minnesota (homonymie). Minnesota State of Minnesota … Wikipédia en Français

Minnesota Constitution — Minnesota This article is part of the series: Politics and government of Minnesota … Wikipedia

Minnesota Zoo — Mexican Gray Wolf Date opened May 22, 1978 [1] Location Apple Valley, Minnesota … Wikipedia

Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge — IUCN Category IV (Habitat/Species Management Area) … Wikipedia

Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System — Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Established 1995 Type Public university system Chancellor Steven J. Rosenstone Students 4 … Wikipedia

Minnesota State Patrol — Abbreviation MSP Patch of the Minnesota State Patrol … Wikipedia

Minnesota River — Einzugsgebiet und Nebenflüsse des Minnesota Rivers Daten … Deutsch Wikipedia



1 Minnesota

2 Minnesota

3 Minnesota

4 Minnesota

5 Minnesota

6 Minnesota

7 Minnesota

8 Minnesota

9 Minnesota

10 Minnesota

11 Minnesota

12 Minnesota

13 Minnesota

14 Minnesota

15 Minnesota

16 Minnesota

17 Minnesota

18 Minnesota

19 minnesota

20 миннесота

См. также в других словарях:

Minnesota — (Details) (Details) … Deutsch Wikipedia

Minnesota — • One of the North Central States of the American Union, lies about midway between the eastern and western shores of the continent, and about midway between the gulf of Mexico and Hudson s Bay Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Minnesota… … Catholic encyclopedia

MINNESOTA — MINNESOTA, U.S. state in the north central tier with about 4.9 million inhabitants of which the Jewish population is roughly 42,000. (The 2004 Twin Cities Jewish Population Study found 10,900 Jews in St. Paul and 29,100 in Minneapolis. It is… … Encyclopedia of Judaism

Minnesota — es uno de los estados que conforma los Estados Unidos de América. * * * Río del centro N de E.U.A, afluente derecho del Mississippi; 534 km. Estado del centro N de E.U.A., junto al lago Superior (E) y Canadá (N); 218 601 km2 y 4 375 099 h. Cap.,… … Enciclopedia Universal

minnesota — s.f. Rasă de porci creată în America şi crescută pentru producţia de carne. [pr.: mi ni sắu ta] – cuv. engl. Trimis de ana zecheru, 15.05.2003. Sursa: DEX 98  MINNESOTA [pr.: minisăuta] f. 1) Rasă de porci americană crescută pentru carne. 2)… … Dicționar Român

Minnesota 78 — is an old selection of grapevine, developed at the University of Minnesota, United States. It was extensively used in breeding by Elmer Swenson, with its Vitis riparia background providing a degree of adaptation to the harsh climate of the upper… … Wikipedia

Minnesota — (Minesota, Minnisotah), 1) (M. River, d.i. trüber Fluß), so v.w. St. Peters River; 2) einer der Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika u. zwar der jüngste der sechs sogenannten nordwestlichen Agriculturstaaten; grenzt im Norden an die… … Pierer’s Universal-Lexikon

Minnesota — (spr. ßōta, abgekürzt Minn.), nordamerikanischer Unionsstaat, zur Gruppe der Staaten am obern Mississippi gehörig (s. Karte »Vereinigte Staaten«), zwischen 43°30 –49° nördl. Br. und 89°39 –97°5 westl. L., wird im N. von Kanada, im O. vom Obern… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

Minnesota — état du centre nord des È. U., limitrophe du Canada, sur le lac Supérieur; 217 735 km²; 4 375 000 hab.; cap. Saint Paul. Marqué par les glaciations, drainé par le haut Mississippi et son affl. le Minnesota (510 km), cet état est une grande rég.… … Encyclopédie Universelle


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