Главная » Правописание слов » Латинское слово induction переводится как напишите

Слово Латинское слово induction переводится как напишите - однокоренные слова и морфемный разбор слова (приставка, корень, суффикс, окончание):

Морфемный разбор слова:

Однокоренные слова к слову:


1 induction

2 induction

induction from n+1 to n — мат. индукция от n+1 к n

3 induction

4 induction

5 induction

6 induction

7 induction

8 induction

9 induction

10 induction

11 induction

12 induction

induction programme, induction program (US) N — programa m introductorio

13 induction

14 induction

15 induction

16 induction

17 induction

18 induction

19 induction

20 induction

См. также в других словарях:

induction — [ ɛ̃dyksjɔ̃ ] n. f. • XIVe; « suggestion » 1290; lat. inductio 1 ♦ Opération mentale qui consiste à remonter des faits à la loi, de cas donnés (propositions inductrices) le plus souvent singuliers ou spéciaux, à une proposition plus générale. ⇒… … Encyclopédie Universelle

Induction — • Induction is the conscious mental process by which we pass from the perception of particular phenomena (things and events) to the knowledge of general truths Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Induction Induction … Catholic encyclopedia

Induction — In*duc tion, n. [L. inductio: cf. F. induction. See .] [1913 Webster] 1. The act or process of inducting or bringing in; introduction; entrance; beginning; commencement. [1913 Webster] I know not you; nor am I well pleased to make this… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

induction — in‧duc‧tion [ɪnˈdʌkʆn] noun HUMAN RESOURCES 1. [countable, uncountable] the introduction and training of someone into a new job: • departmental induction courses • A team from personnel will conduct the inductions. 2 … Financial and business terms

induction — Induction. s. f. v. Instigation, impulsion. S il a peché, s il a failli. ça esté par induction, à vostre induction. Il signifie aussi, Consequence que l on tire. Tirer une induction d une proposition … Dictionnaire de l’Académie française

induction — (n.) late 14c., advancement toward the grace of God; also (c.1400) formal installation of a clergyman, from O.Fr. induction (14c.) or directly from L. inductionem (nom. inductio) a leading in, introduction, noun of action from pp. stem of… … Etymology dictionary

induction — [n1] taking in, initiation consecration, draft, entrance, greetings, inaugural, inauguration, installation, instatement, institution, introduction, investiture, ordination, selection; concepts 320,384,685 Ant. blackballing, expulsion, rejection… … New thesaurus

induction — Induction, Suasio, Inductus, huius inductus. L induction d une loy, Induire le cas d une loy à une autre, Ius translatitium. Bud … Thresor de la langue françoyse

induction — [in duk′shən] n. [OFr < L inductio] 1. an inducting or being inducted; installation, initiation, etc. 2. Archaic an introduction; preface or prelude 3. an inducing, or bringing about 4. a bringing forward of separate facts or instances, esp.… … English World dictionary

induction — induction. См. индукция. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) … Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.



1 coniectūra

2 inductiō

3 epagoge

4 inductio

nos aquarum inductionibus terris fecunditatem damus,

horum (juvenum in circum),

so on the stage: ficta personarum,

Cic. de Or. 3, 53, 205:

prima trullis frequentetur inductio,

lituras, inductiones, superductiones ipse feci,


Cic. Q. Fr. 1, 11, 32; id. Fam. 1, 8, 2:

cedet profecto virtuti dolor et animi inductione languescet,


5 institutio


institutionem suam conservare,



de aliqua re,

complures Graecis institutionibus eruditi,

ex institutione Stoica se agere,


Just. Inst. 1, 14, 3; Gai. Inst. 2, 116 sqq.

См. также в других словарях:

induction — [ ɛ̃dyksjɔ̃ ] n. f. • XIVe; « suggestion » 1290; lat. inductio 1 ♦ Opération mentale qui consiste à remonter des faits à la loi, de cas donnés (propositions inductrices) le plus souvent singuliers ou spéciaux, à une proposition plus générale. ⇒… … Encyclopédie Universelle

Induction — • Induction is the conscious mental process by which we pass from the perception of particular phenomena (things and events) to the knowledge of general truths Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Induction Induction … Catholic encyclopedia

Induction — In*duc tion, n. [L. inductio: cf. F. induction. See .] [1913 Webster] 1. The act or process of inducting or bringing in; introduction; entrance; beginning; commencement. [1913 Webster] I know not you; nor am I well pleased to make this… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

induction — in‧duc‧tion [ɪnˈdʌkʆn] noun HUMAN RESOURCES 1. [countable, uncountable] the introduction and training of someone into a new job: • departmental induction courses • A team from personnel will conduct the inductions. 2 … Financial and business terms

induction — Induction. s. f. v. Instigation, impulsion. S il a peché, s il a failli. ça esté par induction, à vostre induction. Il signifie aussi, Consequence que l on tire. Tirer une induction d une proposition … Dictionnaire de l’Académie française

induction — (n.) late 14c., advancement toward the grace of God; also (c.1400) formal installation of a clergyman, from O.Fr. induction (14c.) or directly from L. inductionem (nom. inductio) a leading in, introduction, noun of action from pp. stem of… … Etymology dictionary

induction — [n1] taking in, initiation consecration, draft, entrance, greetings, inaugural, inauguration, installation, instatement, institution, introduction, investiture, ordination, selection; concepts 320,384,685 Ant. blackballing, expulsion, rejection… … New thesaurus

induction — Induction, Suasio, Inductus, huius inductus. L induction d une loy, Induire le cas d une loy à une autre, Ius translatitium. Bud … Thresor de la langue françoyse

induction — [in duk′shən] n. [OFr < L inductio] 1. an inducting or being inducted; installation, initiation, etc. 2. Archaic an introduction; preface or prelude 3. an inducing, or bringing about 4. a bringing forward of separate facts or instances, esp.… … English World dictionary

induction — induction. См. индукция. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) … Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.



1 illatio

2 inductio

3 inductus

4 suasio

5 antisagogē

6 assumptivē

7 coniectūra

8 inductiō

9 epagoge

10 inductio

nos aquarum inductionibus terris fecunditatem damus,

horum (juvenum in circum),

so on the stage: ficta personarum,

Cic. de Or. 3, 53, 205:

prima trullis frequentetur inductio,

lituras, inductiones, superductiones ipse feci,


Cic. Q. Fr. 1, 11, 32; id. Fam. 1, 8, 2:

cedet profecto virtuti dolor et animi inductione languescet,


11 institutio


institutionem suam conservare,



de aliqua re,

complures Graecis institutionibus eruditi,

ex institutione Stoica se agere,


Just. Inst. 1, 14, 3; Gai. Inst. 2, 116 sqq.

См. также в других словарях:

induction — [ ɛ̃dyksjɔ̃ ] n. f. • XIVe; « suggestion » 1290; lat. inductio 1 ♦ Opération mentale qui consiste à remonter des faits à la loi, de cas donnés (propositions inductrices) le plus souvent singuliers ou spéciaux, à une proposition plus générale. ⇒… … Encyclopédie Universelle

Induction — • Induction is the conscious mental process by which we pass from the perception of particular phenomena (things and events) to the knowledge of general truths Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Induction Induction … Catholic encyclopedia

Induction — In*duc tion, n. [L. inductio: cf. F. induction. See .] [1913 Webster] 1. The act or process of inducting or bringing in; introduction; entrance; beginning; commencement. [1913 Webster] I know not you; nor am I well pleased to make this… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

induction — in‧duc‧tion [ɪnˈdʌkʆn] noun HUMAN RESOURCES 1. [countable, uncountable] the introduction and training of someone into a new job: • departmental induction courses • A team from personnel will conduct the inductions. 2 … Financial and business terms

induction — Induction. s. f. v. Instigation, impulsion. S il a peché, s il a failli. ça esté par induction, à vostre induction. Il signifie aussi, Consequence que l on tire. Tirer une induction d une proposition … Dictionnaire de l’Académie française

induction — (n.) late 14c., advancement toward the grace of God; also (c.1400) formal installation of a clergyman, from O.Fr. induction (14c.) or directly from L. inductionem (nom. inductio) a leading in, introduction, noun of action from pp. stem of… … Etymology dictionary

induction — [n1] taking in, initiation consecration, draft, entrance, greetings, inaugural, inauguration, installation, instatement, institution, introduction, investiture, ordination, selection; concepts 320,384,685 Ant. blackballing, expulsion, rejection… … New thesaurus

induction — Induction, Suasio, Inductus, huius inductus. L induction d une loy, Induire le cas d une loy à une autre, Ius translatitium. Bud … Thresor de la langue françoyse

induction — [in duk′shən] n. [OFr < L inductio] 1. an inducting or being inducted; installation, initiation, etc. 2. Archaic an introduction; preface or prelude 3. an inducing, or bringing about 4. a bringing forward of separate facts or instances, esp.… … English World dictionary

induction — induction. См. индукция. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) … Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.



1 induction

2 induction

induction from n+1 to n — мат. индукция от n+1 к n

3 induction

4 induction

5 induction

6 induction

7 induction

8 induction

9 induction

10 induction

11 induction

12 induction

13 induction

14 induction

15 induction

16 induction

Even though you may assign the induction of new employees to an assistant it is important that you take time yourself to make newcomers feel that you are concerned about their training and welfare. — Несмотря на то, что вы можете поручить введение новых сотрудников в должность своему помощнику, важно, чтобы вы сами уделили новичкам время с целью продемонстрировать, что вы беспокоитесь об их обучении и благополучии.

17 induction

18 induction

19 induction

20 induction

См. также в других словарях:

induction — [ ɛ̃dyksjɔ̃ ] n. f. • XIVe; « suggestion » 1290; lat. inductio 1 ♦ Opération mentale qui consiste à remonter des faits à la loi, de cas donnés (propositions inductrices) le plus souvent singuliers ou spéciaux, à une proposition plus générale. ⇒… … Encyclopédie Universelle

Induction — • Induction is the conscious mental process by which we pass from the perception of particular phenomena (things and events) to the knowledge of general truths Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Induction Induction … Catholic encyclopedia

Induction — In*duc tion, n. [L. inductio: cf. F. induction. See .] [1913 Webster] 1. The act or process of inducting or bringing in; introduction; entrance; beginning; commencement. [1913 Webster] I know not you; nor am I well pleased to make this… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

induction — in‧duc‧tion [ɪnˈdʌkʆn] noun HUMAN RESOURCES 1. [countable, uncountable] the introduction and training of someone into a new job: • departmental induction courses • A team from personnel will conduct the inductions. 2 … Financial and business terms

induction — Induction. s. f. v. Instigation, impulsion. S il a peché, s il a failli. ça esté par induction, à vostre induction. Il signifie aussi, Consequence que l on tire. Tirer une induction d une proposition … Dictionnaire de l’Académie française

induction — (n.) late 14c., advancement toward the grace of God; also (c.1400) formal installation of a clergyman, from O.Fr. induction (14c.) or directly from L. inductionem (nom. inductio) a leading in, introduction, noun of action from pp. stem of… … Etymology dictionary

induction — [n1] taking in, initiation consecration, draft, entrance, greetings, inaugural, inauguration, installation, instatement, institution, introduction, investiture, ordination, selection; concepts 320,384,685 Ant. blackballing, expulsion, rejection… … New thesaurus

induction — Induction, Suasio, Inductus, huius inductus. L induction d une loy, Induire le cas d une loy à une autre, Ius translatitium. Bud … Thresor de la langue françoyse

induction — [in duk′shən] n. [OFr < L inductio] 1. an inducting or being inducted; installation, initiation, etc. 2. Archaic an introduction; preface or prelude 3. an inducing, or bringing about 4. a bringing forward of separate facts or instances, esp.… … English World dictionary

induction — induction. См. индукция. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) … Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.



1 inductio

2 inductio

См. также в других словарях:

inductio — index introduction Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary

inductio — (s.f.) È il procedimento logico che procede dal particolare al ge­nerale o dagli effetti alle cause. Ad esempio, l oratore può cercare di spiegare le cose (generale) a partire dall osservazione dei fatti (partico­lare). / Secondo Cicerone l… … Dizionario di retorica par stefano arduini & matteo damiani

Inductio — indukcija statusas T sritis gyvūnų raida, augimas, ontogenezė, embriologija atitikmenys: lot. Inductio ryšiai: platesnis terminas – ląstelių atsiradimas ir formavimasis … Veterinarinės anatomijos, histologijos ir embriologijos terminai

Inductio — indukcija statusas T sritis embriologija atitikmenys: lot. Inductio ryšiai: platesnis terminas – organų formavimasis … Medicininės histologijos ir embriologijos vardynas

inductio — (лат.) возбуждение” … Словарь ботанических терминов

inductio — /indaksh(iy)ow/ In the civil law, obliteration, by drawing the pen over the writing … Black’s law dictionary

inductio — /indaksh(iy)ow/ In the civil law, obliteration, by drawing the pen over the writing … Black’s law dictionary

inductio — (Civil law.) A cancellation; an obliteration … Ballentine’s law dictionary

traditio nihil aliud est quam rei corporalis de persona in personam, de manu in manum, translatio aut in possessionem inductio; sed res incorporates, quae sunt ipsum jus rei vel corpori inhaerens, traditionem non patiuntur — Livery is nothing but the transfer or the induction into possession of a corporeal hereditament from person to person, from hand to hand; but an incorporeal hereditament, which is the right itself to a thing or inherent in the person does not… … Ballentine’s law dictionary

Индукция — (inductio введение, наведение) – функциональное взаимодействие нервных центров, проявляющееся изменением их возбудимости; выделяют положительную и отрицательную, одновременную и последовательную … Словарь терминов по физиологии сельскохозяйственных животных

ИНДУКЦИЯ — (лат. inductio, от in в, и duco веду). 1) возбуждение электричества в проволоке посредством приближения её к электризованному телу. 2) метод мышления, иначе наз. наведение, при котором из частных положений выводят общее заключение. Словарь… … Словарь иностранных слов русского языка


Теперь вы знаете какие однокоренные слова подходят к слову Латинское слово induction переводится как напишите, а так же какой у него корень, приставка, суффикс и окончание. Вы можете дополнить список однокоренных слов к слову "Латинское слово induction переводится как напишите", предложив свой вариант в комментариях ниже, а также выразить свое несогласие проведенным с морфемным разбором.

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