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Слово Липецк на английском языке как пишется - однокоренные слова и морфемный разбор слова (приставка, корень, суффикс, окончание):

Морфемный разбор слова:

Однокоренные слова к слову:

Как пишется Липецк на английском?

Как на английском будет Липецк?

Как написать Липецк на английском?

Липецк, английский: как пишется?

Написание Липецк на английском.

В повседневной жизни россиянам почти не приходится использовать названия городов на английском, не считая, конечно, уроков иностранного языка в школе/колледже/ВУЗе или на образовательных курсах.

Однако, липчанам приходится писать латинницей название своего города при заказе товаров на зарубежных сайтах.

Как пишется Липецк на английском

Липецк по-английски пишется следующим образом:

Можно использовать и варианты Lipezk или Lipetzk, но они менее правильны.

А я не стала долго парится с переводом, переводя фразу по словам и словосочетаниям, а просто взяла и вбила ее в Яндекс Переводчик, ведь я всегда им пользуюсь когда необходимо что-то перевести и у меня получилось: «Упс, похоже, что-то пошло не так».

Кстати, такую фразу часто можно увидеть если возникает ошибка в доступности с интернет-ресурсом, чаще всего это ошибка сервера (его доступности) или информация была удалена. В первом случае вам просто необходимо подождать и очень скоро проблема минует (рекомендуется так же сбросить кеш на ПК путем нажатия сочетания Ctrl+F5), ну а во втором случае сообщение продолжит висеть.



1 Липецк

2 Липецк

3 Липецк

4 Липецк

5 Липецк

6 Липецк

См. также в других словарях:

Липецк — город, ц. Липецкой обл. В 1702 г. начато строительство металлургических заводов на р. Воронеж при впадении в нее реки Лйповка; название реки от липа. Возникшее селение стало нзэываться Липские (позже Липецкие) Железные Заводы; в 1779 г. оно… … Географическая энциклопедия

ЛИПЕЦК — ЛИПЕЦК, бальнео грязевой курорт в Елецком округе ЦЧО. Расположен на правом берегу реки Воронежа, на высоте 127 м над ур. м., в 2 км от одноименной станции ли нии Орел Сталинград Юго Восточн. ж. д. Л. один из старейших русских курортов. Начало его … Большая медицинская энциклопедия

Липецк — Липецк. Памятник Петру I. ЛИПЕЦК, город (с 1779), центр Липецкой области, в России, на реке Воронеж. 463,6 тыс. жителей. Железнодорожная станция; аэропорт. Черная металлургия (Новолипецкий металлургический комбинат; производство труб и др.),… … Иллюстрированный энциклопедический словарь

липецк — сущ., кол во синонимов: 1 • город (2765) Словарь синонимов ASIS. В.Н. Тришин. 2013 … Словарь синонимов

Липецк — уездный город Тамбовской губ.; возник на месте другогогорода, существование которого относит предание к глубокой древности.Принадлежал к курскому княжеству, затем был резиденцией липецких князей.В 1284 г. Л. разорен татарами за непослушание… … Энциклопедия Брокгауза и Ефрона

Липецк — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Липецк (значения). Город Липецк … Википедия

ЛИПЕЦК — город, центр Липецкой обл. РСФСР (с 1954). Расположен на р. Воронеже. Ж. д. узел. На 1 янв. 1964 218 т. ж. (в 1897 20,5 т. ж., 1923 20 т. ж., 1939 66,6 т. ж., в 1959 157 т. ж.). На месте Липецкого городища известны древнейшие поселения. В 10 13… … Советская историческая энциклопедия

Липецк — город, центр Липецкой области РСФСР. Расположен по обоим берегам р. Воронеж (бассейн р. Дон). Ж. д. станция на линии Орёл Грязи Волгоград, в 508 км к Ю. В. от Москвы. Население 327 тыс. человек (1973; 21 тыс. в 1926, 67 тыс. в 1939, 157… … Большая советская энциклопедия


Субъекты Российской Федерации.



Часто у переводчиков возникает вопрос, как правильно писать на английском языке названия субъектов Российской Федерации. На наш взгляд самым логичным было посмотреть перевод Конституции Российской Федерации, выложенный на каком-то из заслуживающих доверие сайтах, например, на www.constitution.ru.

Согласно переводу статьи 65 Конституции РФ на английском языке субъекты РФ имеют следующие названия:

Республика Адыгея (Адыгея) Republic of Adygeya Республика Алтай Republic of Altai Республика Башкортостан Republic of Bashkortostan Республика Бурятия Republic of Buryatia Республика Дагестан Republic of Daghestan Республика Ингушетия Republic of Ingushetia Кабардино-Балкарская Республика Kabardino-Balkarian Republic Республика Калмыкия Republic of Kalmykia Карачаево-Черкесская Республика Karachayevo-Circassian Republic Республика Карелия Republic of Karelia Республика Коми Komi Republic Республика Крым Republic of Crimea Республика Марий Эл Republic of Mari El Республика Мордовия Republic of Mordovia Республика Саха (Якутия) Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Республика Северная Осетия – Алания Republic of North Ossetia – Alania Республика Татарстан (Татарстан) Republic of Tatarstan Республика Тыва Republic of Tuva Удмуртская Республика Udmurtian Republic Республика Хакасия Republic of Khakassia Чеченская Республика Chechen Republic Чувашская Республика – Чувашия Chuvash Republic

Territories Алтайский край Altai Territory Забайкальский край Trans-Baikal Territory Камчатский край Kamchatka Territory Краснодарский край Krasnodar Territory Красноярский край Krasnoyarsk Territory Пермский край Perm Territory Приморский край Primorye Territory Ставропольский край Stavropol Territory Хабаровский край Khabarovsk Territory

Амурская область Amur Region Архангельская область Arkhangelsk Region Астраханская область Astrakhan Region Белгородская область Belgorod Region Брянская область Bryansk Region Владимирская область Vladimir Region Волгоградская область Volgograd Region Вологодская область Vologda Region Воронежская область Voronezh Region Ивановская область Ivanovo Region Иркутская область Irkutsk Region Калининградская область Kaliningrad Region Калужская область Kaluga Region Кемеровская область Kemerovo Region Кировская область Kirov Region Костромская область Kostroma Region Курганская область Kurgan Region Курская область Kursk Region Ленинградская область Leningrad Region Липецкая область Lipetsk Region Магаданская область Magadan Region Московская область Moscow Region Мурманская область Murmansk Region Нижегородская область Nizhny Novgorod Region Новгородская область Novgorod Region Новосибирская область Novosibirsk Region Омская область Omsk Region Оренбургская область Orenburg Region Орловская область Orel Region Пензенская область Penza Region Псковская область Pskov Region Ростовская область Rostov Region Рязанская область Ryazan Region Самарская область Samara Region Саратовская область Saratov Region Сахалинская область Sakhalin Region Свердловская область Sverdlovsk Region Смоленская область Smolensk Region Тамбовская область Tambov Region Тверская область Tver Region Томская область Tomsk Region Тульская область Tula Region Тюменская область Tyumen Region Ульяновская область Ulyanovsk Region Челябинская область Chelyabinsk Region Ярославская область Yaroslavl Region

Города федерального значения

Cities o f Federal Importance

Москва Moscow Санкт-Петербург St. Petersburg Севастополь Sevastopol

Autonomous Region s

Еврейская автономная область Jewish Autonomous Region

Ненецкий автономный округ Nenets Autonomous Area Ханты-Мансийский автономный округ – Югра Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area – Yugra Чукотский автономный округ Chukotka Autonomous Area Ямало-Ненецкий автономный округ Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area

Мы в своей работе используем именно этот вариант.

Справедливости ради следует отметить, что перевод Конституции РФ, размещенный на сайте www.kremlin.ru, несколько отличается. Перевод названий субъектов в статье 65 полностью соответствует приведенной таблице, но вот в переводе статьи 66 мы видим следующую картину: «The status of a kray, oblast, city of federal significance, autonomous oblast, autonomous okrug shall be determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the charter of the kray, oblast, city of federal significance, autonomous oblast and autonomous okrug which is adopted by the legislative (representative) body of the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation.» – т.е. «Territory» превращается в «Kray», «Region» в «Oblast», «City of Federal Importance» в «City of Federal Significance», «Autonomous Region» в «Autonomous Oblast», а «Autonomous Area» в «Autonomous Okrug». Все, что можно было перевести по-другому, было переведено по-другому.

Но это, скорее всего, временное явление и в ближайшем будущем размещенный текст будет заменен, дабы устранить разночтение.


Lipetsk city, Russia

Lipetsk is a city in Russia, the administrative center of Lipetsk Oblast. Located about 430 km south of Moscow, Lipetsk is known primarily as the “city of metallurgists”, as it is the core of the largest Russian agglomeration specializing in the full cycle ferrous metallurgy.

Lipetsk city flag

Lipetsk city coat of arms

Lipetsk city map, Russia

Lipetsk city latest news and posts from our blog:

History of Lipetsk

Foundation of Lipetsk

According to one version, a fortified Slavic settlement on the site of modern Lipetsk existed even before the Mongol invasion of the mid-13th century. In the chronicles, the settlement of Lipovichsk was first mentioned in 1283-1284. In 1284, it was completely destroyed and for the next several centuries there was no mention of it.

The village of Malye Studenki Lipskie, located on the site of Lipetsk, was first mentioned in the chronicles in the first half of the 17th century. The road from Moscow to Voronezh passed through this place. Presumably from the end of the 17th century, the development of iron ores began here.

In 1703, the construction of iron plants for the needs of the Russian fleet and army began on the Lipovka River, at the place of its confluence with the Voronezh River. Soon, these plants took the second place in Russia in pig iron smelting. This year is considered the foundation date of Lipetsk.

In 1709, the village was renamed to Lipskie Zavody (“Lipskie Plants”). The traveling palace of Peter I and a number of churches were located here. The rapid expansion of production led to the need to build a unique and largest man-made water reservoir (Lipetsk pond) in pre-Soviet Russia with an area of about 0.7 square kilometers. Lipetsk became a production and logistics center for a large metallurgical complex.

In 1779, by decree of Catherine II, Lipskie Zavody received the status of a town of the Tambov Governorate with the name Lipetsk. At that time, its population was about 6 thousand people. In 1781, Lipetsk received its coat of arms, which depicted a spreading linden tree (“lipa” in Russian) on a gold background, which symbolized the name of the town.

Lipetsk as a resort town of the Russian Empire

In 1791-1803, the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ, the highest church in Lipetsk, was built. Today, it is still an architectural dominant of the city. The end of the Russian-Turkish war of 1787-1791 moved the Russian borders to the Northern Black Sea region and the need to maintain the Voronezh shipyards disappeared. This fact, together with the depletion of the forests used for fuel, led to the decline of industrial life in Lipetsk.

In 1795, after the opening of new iron-smelting plants in the south of the Russian Empire with a new, more advanced technology for smelting pig iron and steel, the plants in Lipetsk were closed, the bulk of the equipment and workers were transferred to the Lugansk Foundry in Lugansk.

Built for the needs of the plant, the pond in Lipetsk stood out not only in size, but also in its absence of fish. This fact was noticed by the local population. In 1800, Vander, a county medical doctor, reported to the medical board about the healing properties of local mineral waters.

In 1805, a chemical analysis showed the similarity of the Lipetsk mineral waters with the waters of the famous Western European resorts. As it was the time of the Napoleonic wars and social tension in Europe, the resort in Lipetsk gained popularity in the high society of the Russian Empire as a Russian analogue of the Belgian Spa. In 1806, on the territory of the plant and pond, an “English garden” was laid out. Later, it was named Nizhniy Park and became the largest city park in Lipetsk.

In 1806, a big fire broke out in the wooden chaotically built up Lipetsk. After it, the town was rebuilt according to the General Plan with straight wide streets and buildings made of stone and brick. Resort buildings, a hotel, an entertainment hall were built. Noble and merchant mansions were constructed on Dvoryanskaya (Lenina) Street.

In 1862, there were 11,659 residents in Lipetsk. The city had 8 Orthodox churches, 3 schools, a hospital and a post station, three fairs, and five factories producing mainly candles and soap. In 1868-1869, the South-Eastern Railway passed through the city. By the last third of the 19th century, the resort also offered mud, peat, and kumis therapies.

Lipetsk in the first half of the 20th century

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the industry of Lipetsk was revived, when, in connection with the expansion of railway construction, Russian and foreign entrepreneurs decided to re-use the iron ore deposits near Lipetsk. According to the all-Russian census, a little more than 20 thousand people lived in the city at that time. In 1899, the construction of the first blast furnace of the Sokolsky Metallurgical Plant began. During the First World War, aircraft construction began to develop in Lipetsk.

In 1921, the Lipetsk Drama Theater was opened. Lipetsk continued to develop as an aviation center. In 1923, an aviation school was opened in Lipetsk to train a new generation of Soviet aviators. But the existing knowledge, technology, and financial resources were lacking. That’s why, in 1925, it was decided to organize a secret joint Soviet-German aviation school here. After Hitler came to power in Germany, it was closed. In 1934, the Red Army Air Force Higher Tactical Flight School was opened in its place.

In 1931, the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant was founded. Today, it is known as Novolipetsk Steel or NLMK, one of the largest steel companies in Russia. The construction of this enterprise became a turning point in the history of Lipetsk. Lipetsk turned into a large industrial center. In 1939, the population of Lipetsk was 66,644 people.

During the Second World War, evacuation hospitals were organized on the territory of Lipetsk. In total, up to 40 hospitals functioned in the city during the war. In the period from 1941 to 1942, and then until the end of the war, equipment, several shops and a blast furnace of the metallurgical plant were evacuated to Chelyabinsk and were not returned back. About 7 thousand residents of the city mobilized into the ranks of the Red Army were killed in battles.

On January 6, 1954, during the downsizing of a number of regions of central Russia, a separate Lipetsk Oblast was created, and the city of Lipetsk received the status of a regional center. In 1956, the population of Lipetsk was about 123,000.

The regional capital status allowed the city to develop intensively. Construction of many regional institutions began, roads were paved, a large-scale program of landscaping and street lighting was carried out. In 1966, a direct railway connection with Moscow was opened, and the building of the Lipetsk airport was constructed. In 1989, the population of Lipetsk was 449,635 people.

In the early 1990s, because of the collapse of the USSR, a lot of local industrial enterprises found themselves in a difficult situation, failed to adapt to the market economy, and went bankrupt. However, the city continued to develop.

Today, Lipetsk is known as a major producer of steel and rolled products, building materials, household appliances, juices, and mineral water, as well as a training center for Russian pilots. The aerobatic team “Falcons of Russia” is based in Lipetsk.

Pictures of Lipetsk

Peter the Great Square and general view of Lipetsk

Author: Sergey Polovinkin

On the street in Lipetsk

Author: Dmitry Lelikov

Regional Palace of Culture in Lipetsk

Author: Sergey Polovinkin

The climate is temperate continental. Despite the fact that Lipetsk is located at the latitude of Berlin and Amsterdam, winter in the city is with a stable snow cover, the average temperature in January is minus 7.3 degrees Celsius. Summer is warm, the average temperature in July is about plus 20 degrees Celsius.

Lipetsk is the core of the largest agglomeration in Russia with a specialization in the field of full cycle ferrous metallurgy, as well as an industrial, agro-technological, and aviation center. The main enterprise of the city is Novolipetsk Steel (NLMK), which is the largest steel plant in Russia.

The main supplier of raw materials for the enterprise is the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly, one of the largest deposits of iron ore in the world located about 350 km from Lipetsk. NLMK is also the city’s largest air pollutant, although pollution levels have been gradually decreasing in recent years.

The city is located between the federal highways “Don” and “Caspian” and has a developed network of industrial railways. The airport of Lipetsk is located 15 km north-west of the city center and offers regular flights to Moscow. Buses and trams are used as urban public transport.

Main Attractions of Lipetsk

Fine Arts Center. In the halls of this center, opened in 2007, the works of contemporary artists of Lipetsk and Russia are exhibited: paintings, souvenirs, arts and crafts, graphics. Kosmonavtov Street, 98.

Lipetsk Park of Miniatures in “Bykhanov Sad” Park. Here you can see models of the most interesting buildings of Lipetsk and neighboring towns such as Yelets, Lebedyan, Dankov, as well as villages of the Lipetsk region. Gagarina Street, 70b.


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