Главная » Правописание слов » Напишите вопросы и отрицания как показано на примере simon likes tea

Слово Напишите вопросы и отрицания как показано на примере simon likes tea - однокоренные слова и морфемный разбор слова (приставка, корень, суффикс, окончание):

Морфемный разбор слова:

Однокоренные слова к слову:

Напишите вопросительные и отрицательные предложения как в примере?

Напишите вопросительные и отрицательные предложения как в примере.

Does Simon like tea?

Simon dosent like tea.

2. We often play basketball on Saturdays.

Bill drives to work every day.

Our dog likes biscuits.

They live in France.

Samantha works in a supermarket.

Paul and Mary often go to the gym.

David always gets up at 8 o * clock.

Miss Jones teaches maths.

Sue and Jill usually wear jeans.

Do we often play basketball on sunday?

We do not play basketball on sunday

Does our dog like biscuits?

Our dog doesnt like biscuits

Do they live in France

They dont live in France

Does Samanta work in a supermarket?

Samanta doesnt work in a supermarket

Do Paul and Mary go to the gym?

Paul and Mary dont go to the gym

Does David get up at 8 o * clock?

David doesnt get up at 8 o * clock

Does Miss Jones teach maths?

Mis Jones doesnt teach maths

Do Suel and Jill usually wear jeans?

Suel and Jill doesnt usually wear jeans.

Ответить на вопросы любопытного слоненка Do you like bread?

Ответить на вопросы любопытного слоненка Do you like bread?

Does the monkey eat bananas?

Does the tiger like meat?

Does the fish eat butter?

Does the mouse like carrots?

Нужно ответить на эти вопросы по русский.

Поставь глаголы данные в скобках в present simple?

Поставь глаголы данные в скобках в present simple.

Затем ответь на вопросы, как в примере.

John and David are friends.

(like) sports and they 2).

(play) basketball every week.

(like) reading books.

1 Do John and David like sports?

2Do John and David play basketball.

3 Do John and David play tennis.

4 Does Devid like running.

5 Does John like reading books.

6 Does John read stories every night.

Simon : «David was ill?

Simon : «David was ill.

Make up sentences 1 having / they / picnic / are / now / a / 2 swimming / river / are / the girls / in / the / 3 collecting / doesn’t / Simon / coins / like / 4 brother / like / what / your / does / d?

Make up sentences 1 having / they / picnic / are / now / a / 2 swimming / river / are / the girls / in / the / 3 collecting / doesn’t / Simon / coins / like / 4 brother / like / what / your / does / doing /.

К этим предложениям написать вопросы и отрицания : 1) We often play basketball on saturdays?

К этим предложениям написать вопросы и отрицания : 1) We often play basketball on saturdays.

2) Bill drivers to work every day, 3) Our dog lekes biscuits.

4) They live in France, 5) Samantha works in a supermarket.

6) David always gets up at 8 o, clok.

7) Miss Jones teaches maths.

8) Sue and Jill usually wear jeans.

Переведите текстThe British have a sweet tooth?

The British have a sweet tooth.

That means they like eating sweet things like puddings and pies, jams, biscuits and buns, cakes and rolls.

During holidays like Christmas and Easter, and on special days like Mother`s Day and Vaentine`s Day, they eat even more sweet things.

B)Complete the questions with Do and Does?

B) Complete the questions with Do and Does.

Then ask and answer the questions with your classmate.

1. _____ you like tea?

2. _____ Freddy like tea?

3. _____ you like red?

4. _____ Freddy like red?

Как читается This beautiful, strong archaeologist fights robots and does acrobatics all day, right?

Как читается This beautiful, strong archaeologist fights robots and does acrobatics all day, right?

Well, not every day!

Let’s see what she does when she’s at home!

Lara always gets at 7 o’clock, and gets dressed.

Lara a big breakfast at about quarter to nine, then she sometimes goes shopping or works her computer for a while.

Lara usually eats lunch at about quarter past one.

Her father John often visits her and they have a of tea and talk about work together.

Помогите по английскому?

Помогите по английскому.

Tick the correct sentences.

Change the incorrect

1 Do you want a cheeseburger?

2 I always have a cereal for breakfast.

3 I like a tea but I don’t like coffee.

4 Would you like cheese sandwich?

5 He usually has a banana with his coffee.

6 I never have a milk in my tea.

7 I often have meat and rice for lunch.

8 I don’t often eat a bread.

Some people put ___ in their tea but I don’t like sweet tea?

Some people put ___ in their tea but I don’t like sweet tea.

Вопрос 1. Because on earth there are very few trees and many species of animals have already died or the man himself had erased them from the face of the earth. Вопрос 2. Bad air in my city because of the factoriesвопрос 3. We can plant trees, fe..

A) are you doing am answering answer b) Have you taken part tried Did you win I did not.

1) am writing 2) am staying 3) is 4) have 5) are surrounding 6) is 7) is 8) is 9) don’t like 10) enjoy 11) spend 12) is 13) offer 14) enjoy 15) am sending.

1)The teacher told the pupils to write down the words in the dictionary. Did the teacher tell the pupilsto write down the words in the dictionary? What did the teacer tell the pupilsto do? Who told the pupilsto write down the words in the dictiona..

What is Pharmacy? How else is the word “pharmacy” used? What does Physics deal with? What does Chemistry explain? What is Pharmacognosy? What does the Pharmacopoeia describe.


Иностранный язык (стр. 2 )

Из за большого объема этот материал размещен на нескольких страницах:
1 2 3

Does Tina eat meat? No, she doesn’t.

Does Tony eat meat? Yes, he does.

2 (drink a lot of coffee)

5 (study a foreign language)

8 (like computer games)

Present Simple отрицание и общие вопросы.

1. Do you like milk? 2. ……………..

5. Does Tilly like onions?

25. Read. Then put the words in the correct order and answer the questions.

Suzie loves hamburgers but she only

eats hamburgers on Saturdays.

And Joe doesn’t like hamburgers!

Suzie washes and brushes her hair

And Joe brushes his hair only on

They are very strange!

1 Suzie hamburgers does love

Does Suzie love. hamburgers.

2. a hamburger eat every day does Joe

3 eat on Saturdays hamburgers does Suzie

4 every day brush his hair Joe does

5 Suzie brush does on Mondays her hair

26. Write negative sentences. Use short forms.

0 My dad eats salad for breakfast.

My dad doesn’t eat salad for breakfast.

1 My sister and I wear coats in the summer.

2 She likes her school uniform.

3 My friend watches television every day

4 My mum works in the summer holidays.

5 I stay with my grandma every summer.

27. Put the words in the correct order. Then answer the questions.

0 you a long holiday do have in the summer

Do you have a long holiday in the summer?

1 go do to the seaside you every summer

2 swim your mother in the sea does

3 your friends to the cinema do go every week

4 in your country does rain it a lot

Отрицание и общий вопрос Present Simple.

28. Make negative sentences.

1 Mickey goes to France every summer. Mickey doesn’t go to France every summer.

2 Mickey and his family swim every day.

3 Ben meets Jade in the school holidays.

4 I wear jeans in the summer.

5 Sophie’s friend likes dresses.

6 We play tennis in the park.

29. Put the questions in the correct order. Then ask and answer.

1.eat / bones / Tilley / does

Does Tilley eat bones?

2. a coat / does / in the winter / Ted / wear

3. wash / Joe and Suzie / do / the dogs

4. Joe / in hot water / Ted / wash / does

5. hamburgers / like / do / Ted and Tilley.

6. Suzie and Joe / love / the dogs / do

30. Ask and answer about Joe and Suzie. Then ask your partner.

Does Suzie drink milk? Yes, she does,

31. Make questions and complete the answers. Then do the quiz.

1. Dogs /eat onions Do dogs eat onions?

3 parrots / speak Spanish

4 dogs / play football.

с haven’t got a dog.

5.elephants / wear clothes

с Only in the winter.

32. Form questions using the prompts below, as in the example.

1 John’s father drives fast, (your brother)

Does your brother drive fast, too?

2 Tom plays the guitar every day. (Peter)

3 Sarah goes shopping on Mondays. (Anna and Mary)

4 Fiona likes video games. (Lucy)

5. Mother watches TV in the afternoon, (the children)

33. Imagine you are interviewing Julia Thomas. In pairs, ask and answer questions as in the examples.

1. You /’ go to the restaurant / at four o’clock?

SA: Do you go to the restaurant at four o’clock?

2. the waiters / arrive/ at four o’ clock?

SA: Do the waiters arrive at four o’clock?

SB: No, they don’t. They arrive at ha past four.

3. you / set the tables

4. the waiters / tidy the kitchen?

5. the chef/come/at half past four?

6. he / prepare the food?

7. the restaurant / open / at seven o’clock?

8. many people/eat here?

9 he restaurant / close / at one o’clock?

34. Write questions and negations as in the example.

. Does Simon like tea. Simon doesn’t like tea.

2 We often play basketball on Saturdays.

3 Bill drives to work every day.

4 Our dog likes biscuits.

5 They live in France.

6 Samantha works in a supermarket.

7 Paul and Mary often go to the gym.

8 David always gets up at 8 o’clock.

9. Miss Jones teaches Maths.

9 Sue and Jill usually wear jeans.

plete the sentences. Use do, does-, don’t, or doesn’t

2 We speak Spanish, but we________________ speak French.

3 ‘._______________ you like beer?’ ‘No, I____

4 ‘_______________ they usually go out in the evening?’ ‘Yes, they________.’

5 ‘________Francoise live in Spain?’ ‘Yes, she________________________

6 He____________ have an American car. He has a Japanese car.

7 She usually goes to bed at twelve o’clock. She________go to bed early.

36. Answer the questions. Write true answers about you.

1 Do you speak English? Yes. I do.

2 Do you live in Moscow? No. I don’t I live in Paris.

3 Do you live in England?

4 Do you work in an office?

5 Do you like English?

6 Do you drink coffee?

7 Do you play tennis?

37. Write answers.

38. Read the text. Answer the questions.

1 Do Javier and Jorge live in Chile?

No, they don’t. They live in Spain.

2 Do they work in a hospital?

3 Do they speak Spanish?

4 Do they speak English and German?

5 Do Jorge and Teresa live in the centre of Oviedo?

6 Do Javier and Jorge like Spanish food and wine?

7 Do they play sports?

8 Do they like tennis and swimming?

Angeles Perez is a violinist. She plays in the New York Philharmonic. She lives in a flat in Manhattan.

She gets up at six o’clock and has a cup of coffee. She practises the violin until eight o’clock. She doesn’t have breakfast. At nine o’clock she goes to the concert hall and plays with the orchestra. She usually has lunch at home. In the afternoon she sometimes goes for a walk in Central Park, and then listens to music.

At six o’clock she cooks dinner and drinks a glass of beer. In the evening she usually goes out with friends. She never listens to music in the evening!

plete the sentences about Angeles. Use the negative.

1 She doesn’t get up at seven o’clock.

2 She_____________in a house.

3 She_____________ breakfast.

4 She_____________lunch at work.

5 She_____________wine with her dinner.

6 She____________to music in the evening.

40. Make the sentences negative.

1 Andreas lives in Britain.

Andreas doesn’t live in Britain.

2 Shinji leaves work at one forty-five.

3 Raoul goes to work by taxi.

4 Ramiro eats toast for breakfast.

5 Piet gets home at four thirty.

6 Oliver speaks French.

7 Lidia works in a bank.

8..Raquel has three children.

41. Write the sentences in your language.

1 She leaves home at eight forty-five.

2 ‘Does Idoia live in Manchester?’ ‘No, she doesn’t.’

3 ‘Where does Thomas live?’ ‘In Oxford.’

4 Maria doesn’t go to work by bus.

5 Oman never stays at home in the evening.

42. Questions. Look at the answers and write questions about Margaret’s daily routine.

1 What time .does she get up?

At about half past six.

In a cafe near her office.

At half past seven.

At about six o’clock.

At about seven in the evening.

plete. Use who, what or where.

— It is Queen Shari’s robot.

— Anna and Luke are in the sky car.

— It is the super sky car.

— Mot is King Set’s friend.

It’s a palace. The bone is on the chair.

— The football is under the table.

46. Match the questions with the answers

2 Do you take the bus to work every day?

3 What time do you start work?

4 Do you enjoy your job?

5 What do you do in the evening?

6 How often do you go to the cinema?

7 Do you like comedies and romantic films?

8 Do you live in a house or a flat?

9 Do your parents live near you?

10 Where do you keep your clothes?

a I usually go out.

e At half past seven.

g About once a month.

i No, I usually walk to work.

47. Questions and answers. Put the words in the right order.

1 you / where / do / live /?

2 like / you / Chinese food / do /?

3 work / do / where / you /?

4 you / drink / do / coffee /?

5 like / what sports / you / do /?

48. Write questions.

1 Jean-Marie and Helene work in Paris.

Do they work in Paris?

3. They play football.

4. Pedro and Concho like Coca-Cola

5. Olga and Dmitry live near the centre of town.

7. They work in a bank.

plete the sentences with is, are, or do.

1 ‘Do you like skiing? ‘Yes, I____.’

2 ‘Where____Jacek from?’ ‘He____from Poland.’

3 ‘____you from France?’ ‘No, I’m from Germany.’

4 How____you spell ‘nurse’?

5 Dina and Vicky____students.

6 ‘____they live in a flat?’ ‘Yes, they____.’

7 ‘____she a teacher?’ ‘Yes, she____.’

8 What sports____they play?

50. Put the words in the correct order to make questions.

What time does Angeles get up?

2 live / where / Angeles / does /

3 breakfast / does / have / she /?

4 go / when / she / does / to the concert hall /?

5 she / usually have / does / lunch / where /?

6 she / sometimes do / does / in the afternoon / what /?

7 dinner / have / does / she / what time /?

8 usually go out / in the evening / she / does / with friends /?

51. Write questions.

1 does / for lunch / have / what / Emily /?

What does Emily have for Iunch?

2 that / how much / dictionary / is /?

3 you / do / what time / start work /?

4 Pierre / to work / how / does / go /?

5 play / do / how many / you / sports /?

6 to school / walk / Sandra / does / why /?

7 does / live / where / Maria /?

8 favourite pop star /your / who / is /?

9 old / how / you / are /?

52. Answer the questions. Write true answers about you.

1. Where do you usually go on holiday?

2. What music do you listen to?

3. Who do you like on TV?

4. Why do you want to learn English?

5. How many brothers and sisters do you have?

53. Write the sentences in your language.

1. How much money do you have?

2;’Why don’t you like him?»Because he’s horrible!’

3;’What’s that?»It’s a computer.

4. This is a camera.

5 It’s a beautiful old building.

54. Глагол to have. Put the words in the correct order. Then write true answers.

1 you have a brother got

Have you got a brother?

Yes, I. have,/No,.I haven’t.

2 a dog got you have

3 got have a yellow T-shirt you

4 a skateboard have got you

5 got a sister have you

55. Write the questions and answers.

1. Ted / a little basket (X)

Has Ted got a little basket?

2. Suzie / a computer (+)

3. Joe / a computer (X)

4. Tilley / a big bone (X)

5 Joe / a new skateboard (+)

56. Write true answers.

1 Have you got a computer?

2 Have your mum and dad got a car?

3 Has your friend got a ruler on her desk?

4 Have you got a parrot?

5 Has your uncle got a big house?

57. Write the questions.

0 I’ve got a new jacket.

Have you got a new jacket?

1. He’s got an old car.

2. She’s got a big dog.

3. They’ve got a great teacher.

4. We’ve got a new house.

59. Write negative sentences. Use short forms.

1 She’s got brown eyes.

She hasn’t. got brown eyes.

2 I’ve got short legs.

3 My friend’s got big ears.

4 Tilley’s got a funny body.

5 You’ve got an ugly nose.

60. Circle the correct words.

We 1 have got / haven’t got round faces.

We 2 have got / haven’t got long hair.

We 3 have got / haven’t got big ears.

We 4 have got / haven’t got long noses.

61. Write negative sentences. Use short forms.

1 The Kalians have got short hair.

They haven’t got short hair.

2 They’ve got red and yellow hair.

3 They’ve got little ears.

4 The Mavrans have got long hair.

5 They’ve got happy faces.

62. Look at the picture and write about Max, Jessie and Andy.

Max hasn’t got a television

Jessie and Andy have got a television.

|63. Look at Exercise 62. Write about what you have got and haven’t got.

64. Rewrite the sentences. Use short forms.

0 We have not got an English teacher.

We haven’t got an English teacher.

1 She has not got a big car.

2 I have not got friends in Russia

3 They have not got computers.

4 Mike has not got brown eyes

5 You have not got long hair.

65. Write negative sentences. Use short forms.

0 Parrots have got ears.

Parrots haven’t got ears.

1 I’ve got five legs.

2 My mum’s got an elephant.

3 My cat’s got a long tail.

5 We’ve got a new teacher.

6 They’ve got long hair.

66. Глагол to plete the sentences.

have haven’t has (x2) hasn’t

67. Put the words in the correct order.

1 you / nice faces / got / have

You have got nice faces.

2 got / have / we / a beautiful planet

3 have / round houses / got / the Mavrans / not

4 have / a king / got / we / not

5 got / a good queen / you / not / have

6 sky buses / got / have / they

68. Make questions. Put the words in the correct order.

1 a good queen / have / the Mavrans / got Have the Mavrans got a good queen?

2 got / the guards / the king’s son / have

3 the Kalans / have / a laser / got

4 friends/ have / in the Blue Mountains / got / King Set and his people

5 a super sky car / got / have / King Set and Mot

69. Глагол to have. First say what they have got, and then write as in the example.

1 He has got a guitar.

70. Fill in have got or has got. Then write questions and negations, as in the example.

2 Sally. an umbrella.

3 Anna and Tom. a parrot.

4 The table. four legs.

6 The dog. a long tail.

8 Julie. a big house.

71. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences and write them out using the full form of the verbs, as in the example.

She hae got blonde hair.

2 a / got / Tony’s / red / ball

3 goldfish / seven / got / he’s

a / it’s / kite / yellow

5 a/ got / they’ve / car / new

6 big / a / it’s / house

72. Look at the objects in the table. In pairs, ask and answer what you, your parents and your brother/sister have/ has got or haven’t/hasn’t got, as in the example.

e. g. SA: Have you got a calculator?

SA: Have your parents got a jeep?

plete the sentences with have/has got or haven’t/hasn’t got and one of the words from the list.

a lot of pets, a headache, four legs, toothache, her glasses, a balcony, enough money, sharp teeth

1 I don’t feel very well. I’ve got a headache.

2 It’s a nice flat but it.

4 Katy likes animals. She.

5 I’m going to call the dentist. I.

6 Grandma can’t read the letter. She……………..

74. Make sentences which are true using can or can’t.

1 An artist /paint pictures An artist can paint pictures.

2 A cat / fly a cat can’t fly.

3 A monkey / climb trees.

4 A leopard / run fast.

5 A pilot / fly an airplane.

9 A baker / make bread.

10 A hamster / ride a bicycle.

75. Глагол to be. To be positive

She’s it ___________

76. To be questions and short answers

Yes, lam. / No, I’m not

Yes, ______. / No, _____

Yes, he is. / No, he_____

Yes, ______. / No, _____

Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

77. Write true answers.

1 Is your favourite colour red? Yes, it. is. / No, it. isn’t.

3 Is your teacher happy?

4 Is your best friend a girl?

5 Is your best friend in your class?

6 Are you in a classroom now?

7 Are you John Smith?

78. Write the questions.

0 She’s a nice girl.

.Is. she a nice. girl?

1 Her new school bag is blue.

2 Anna’s in the computer room.

5 You’re in class 6A.

79. Put the words in the correct order.

1 Mango’s birthday is it

It is Mango’s birthday.

2 from is Mango Planet Zango

4 friends Tango’s Mango is

5 a nice boy is Mango

80. Write negative sentences.

1 Sandy is Sophie’s kitten.

Sandy is not Sophie’s kitten.

2 We are a big family.

3 Mackey is Annette’s brother.

5 You are a good friend.

6 She is my sister.

81. Rewrite the sentences. Use short forms.

2 Mackey is not her brother.

3 I am not your friend.

4 Sophie is not my sister.

5 They are not here today.

7 You are not in my class.

82. Write negative sentences. Use short forms.

1 It’s a red school bag.

It isn’t a red school bag.

2 They’re good friends.

3 We’re best friends.

4 You’re new in the class.

5 My sister’s little.

83. Write negative sentences. Use short forms

0 We’re in France now.

We. aren’t. in France. now.

2 Ted and Tilly are from France.

3 Sandy is Joe’s crazy pet.

4 Joe is the King on Planet Selest.

5 We’re from Planet Selest.

84. Write true answers.

1 Are you and your family from Russia? Yes, we are. / No, we aren’t.

2 Are your best friends from your country?

3 Are your grandma and granddad from France?

4 Are you and your friends from Greece?

5 Are your mum and dad from your country?

1 is your mum where from

Where is your mum from?

She is from Australia.

2 they are where from

3 she where from is

4 your uncle from is where

86. Circle the correct words.

0 Are you from France?

1 Is Philip your friend?

a No, it isn’t. b No, he isn’t.

2 Is Nicole’s hair long?

a No, it isn’t. b No, they aren’t.

3 Are your brother and sister tall?

a Yes, he is. b Yes, they are.

4 Am I your best friend?

a Yes, you are. b Yes, I am.

5 Is it a present for Simon?

a No, it isn’t. b No, he isn’t.

87. Put the words in the correct order.

0 you are where from

1 are China they from

2 your friend is from Great Britain

3 Earth from is Queen Shari

4 your is from your best friend country

Упражнения уровня Elementary

(read) she..reads. 3 (fly) it 5 (have) she

(think) he 4 (dance) he 6 (finish) it..

Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1. She to the shops every afternoon. (go)

2. Casey up after dinner, (wash)

3. Sue badminton. (play)

4. She her homework in her bedroom. (do)

5 Mrs. Scott about Terry, (worry)

6. Mr. Moore his car on Saturdays. (clean)

7. He the train at half past eight. (catch)

8. The shop at five o’clock, (close)

9. Kamala swimming on Sunday morning. (go)

10. She often the bus, because she gets up late. (miss)

11. Mrs. Moore work at nine o’clock. (start)

12 she work at half past three. (finish)

13 Vince the guitar every evening.(practise)

14 Mr. Scott often. his car. (fix)

15 Kamala French at school, (study)

16 Vince sport on television, (watch)

plete the sentences about the people in the pictures. Use these verbs:

eat go live play play sleep

He plays the piano. 4 tennis.

2 They in a very big house. 5 to the cinema a lot.

3 a lot of fruit. 6 eight hours a night.

4. Write sentences from these words. Put the verb in the right form (arrive or arrives etc.).

(basketball / I / play / often) I

(work / Margaret / hard / usually)

(Jenny / always / nice clothes / wear)

(dinner / we / have / always / at 7.30)

(television / Tim / watch / never)

(like / chocolate / children / usually)

(Julia / parties / enjoy / always)

5. Write sentences about yourself. Use always/never/often/sometimes/usually.

(watch television)I never watch television

(get up before 7 o’clock)

(go to work/school by bus)

plete the sentences about Rupert’s day. Use the correct form of the verbs in 1.


Теперь вы знаете какие однокоренные слова подходят к слову Напишите вопросы и отрицания как показано на примере simon likes tea, а так же какой у него корень, приставка, суффикс и окончание. Вы можете дополнить список однокоренных слов к слову "Напишите вопросы и отрицания как показано на примере simon likes tea", предложив свой вариант в комментариях ниже, а также выразить свое несогласие проведенным с морфемным разбором.

Какие вы еще знаете однокоренные слова к слову Напишите вопросы и отрицания как показано на примере simon likes tea:

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