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Слово Напиши как их зовут fluffy - однокоренные слова и морфемный разбор слова (приставка, корень, суффикс, окончание):

Морфемный разбор слова:

Однокоренные слова к слову:

Напиши, как их зовут?

Напиши, как их зовут.

Their names are Tom and Jerry

Its name is Fluffy

Its name is Blackie.

Задайте общие вопросы Her name is Ann His name is bob His dog is black her cat is white her dogs are red?

Задайте общие вопросы Her name is Ann His name is bob His dog is black her cat is white her dogs are red.

Look at the boy?

ITS / THEIR names are Sue and frank.

Ls HER / THEIR name Jill or Pam.

Are YOUR / MY names Lin and Vicky?

OUR / ITS names isn’t Bubbles.

Друзья Хелен и Майка участвовали в конкурсе на лучшее стихотворение?

Друзья Хелен и Майка участвовали в конкурсе на лучшее стихотворение.

Как зовут их питомцев?

Впишите пропущенные слова из рамочки и завершите стихотворения.

My Your His Our Her Its Their I am Ned.

He is funny and black.

It is merry and funny.

We are Ann and Miles.

They are very nice.

Her name is Ann как читается?

Her name is Ann как читается.

Надо правильно подставить слово)) The ( boy’s, boys’) names are John and Tom?

Надо правильно подставить слово)) The ( boy’s, boys’) names are John and Tom.

My (brother’s, brothers’) name is Damir.

Our (sister’s, sisters’) names are Malika and Sabina.

My (friend’s, friends’) names are Bob and Andrew.

This is the (girl’s, girls) Workbook.

Заранее большое спасибо)).

Поменяйте слова на местоимения пожалуйста вот слова Ann, their friends, the words, a text, my sister and me, Tom, Kate and me, her friends, his sister, her son?

Поменяйте слова на местоимения пожалуйста вот слова Ann, their friends, the words, a text, my sister and me, Tom, Kate and me, her friends, his sister, her son.

Напишите дальше текс пожалуйстаcking Masha is packing her things?

Напишите дальше текс пожалуйстаcking Masha is packing her things.

Перевод Ann is going to wear her new red dress?

Перевод Ann is going to wear her new red dress.

Masha has got a brown skirt.

Masha is going to buy a brown skirt.

Ann doesn’t like the yellow blouse.

The pink blouse is nine pounds.

My / Our name is Kelly?

My / Our name is Kelly.

Her / His name is Don.

Its / Their names are Sue and Frank.

Is the / their name jill or Pam.

Are your / my names Lin and Vicky.

Our / Lts name isn’t Bubbles.

Вопрос 1. Because on earth there are very few trees and many species of animals have already died or the man himself had erased them from the face of the earth. Вопрос 2. Bad air in my city because of the factoriesвопрос 3. We can plant trees, fe..

A) are you doing am answering answer b) Have you taken part tried Did you win I did not.

1) am writing 2) am staying 3) is 4) have 5) are surrounding 6) is 7) is 8) is 9) don’t like 10) enjoy 11) spend 12) is 13) offer 14) enjoy 15) am sending.

1)The teacher told the pupils to write down the words in the dictionary. Did the teacher tell the pupilsto write down the words in the dictionary? What did the teacer tell the pupilsto do? Who told the pupilsto write down the words in the dictiona..

What is Pharmacy? How else is the word “pharmacy” used? What does Physics deal with? What does Chemistry explain? What is Pharmacognosy? What does the Pharmacopoeia describe.


Теперь вы знаете какие однокоренные слова подходят к слову Напиши как их зовут fluffy, а так же какой у него корень, приставка, суффикс и окончание. Вы можете дополнить список однокоренных слов к слову "Напиши как их зовут fluffy", предложив свой вариант в комментариях ниже, а также выразить свое несогласие проведенным с морфемным разбором.

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