Как написать js на onetap
IN OT V3 CRACK NOT WORKS [ ChokedCommands ] Syntax: Globals.ChokedCommands()
Returns amount of choked commands.
[ REALTIME ] Syntax: Globals.Realtime()
Returns time in seconds since CS:GO was started.
[ FRAMETIME ] Syntax: Globals.Frametime()
Returns time in seconds it took to render the frame.
[ CURTIME ] Syntax: Globals.Curtime()
Returns the game time in seconds.
[ TICKINTERVAL ] Syntax: Globals.TickInterval()
Returns the game time in seconds.
[ TICKRATE ] Syntax: Globals.Tickrate()
Returns server tick settings, usually 64 or 128.
[ TICKCOUNT ] Syntax: Globals.Tickcount()
Returns amount of ticks elapsed on the server.
[ TICKCOUNT ] Syntax: Globals.FrameStage()
Used to get current frame stage
[ ADDLABEL ] string text.
[ TOGGLEHOTKEY ] Syntax: UI.ToggleHotkey(. item)
Can be used to toggle a hotkey or simulate key press.
Return Values: 1 is key is active, 0 if the key is inactive
[ ADDTEXTBOX ] Syntax: UI.AddTextbox(«string»)
Adds a textbox in which you can input text and read it later on.
Returns an array of strings.
[ SETCOLOR ] Syntax: UI.SetColor(. item)
Used to set precise RGBA color codes in color picker.
[ ADDCOLORPICKER ] Syntax: UI.AddColorPicker(string name)
Adds a color picker.
[ ISMENUOPEN ] Syntax: UI.IsMenuOpen()
Returns true if the menu is open, false otherwise.
[ ISHOTKEYACTIVE ] Syntax: UI.AddSliderInt(name, min_value, max_value)
Can be used to determine whether or not hotkey is active.
Return values undefined if an item could not be found, or if the item doesn’t contain a key picker; otherwise 1 if the key is active, 0 if the key is inactive.
[ GETCOLOR ] Syntax: UI.GetColor(. item)
Can be used to get precise RGBA color codes from color picker.
Return values undefined if an item could not be found, or if the item doesn’t contain a color picker
[ GETSTRING ] Syntax: UI.GetString (. item)
Returns a string representation of an item’s current value.
UI item searches are not explicit: the search will return the first found item. This means that UI.GetValue( «Legit», «Triggerbot», «Enabled» ) will return the same value as **UI.GetValue( «Legit», «GENERAL», «Triggerbot», «Enabled» ). **
All script-added items are located in a groupbox within the misc tab, under javascript group called «Script items». Searching for ( «Script Items», item name ) is certain to return a script control.
[ SETENABLED ] Syntax: UI.SetEnabled (. item)
Changes menu item(s) visibility.
UI item searches are not explicit: the search will return the first found item. This means that UI.GetValue( «Legit», «Triggerbot», «Enabled» ) will return the same value as UI.GetValue( «Legit», «GENERAL», «Triggerbot», «Enabled» ).
All script-added items are located in a groupbox within the misc tab, under javascript group called «Script items». Searching for ( «Script Items», item name ) is certain to return a script control.
UI.SetEnabled does not work on tabs/subtabs.
[ SETVALUE ] Syntax: UI.SetValue (. item, value)
Sets the value of an UI item’s setting.
Return values undefined if an item could not be found, setting value otherwise UI item searches are not explicit: the search will return the first found item. This means that UI.GetValue( «Legit», «Triggerbot», «Enabled» ) will return the same value as **UI.GetValue( «Legit», «GENERAL», «Triggerbot», «Enabled» ). **
All script-added items are located in a groupbox within the misc tab, under javascript group called «Script items». Searching for ( «Script Items», item name ) is certain to return a script control.
[ GETVALUE ] Syntax: UI.GetValue (. item) Returns the value of UI item’s setting.
UI item searches are not explicit: the search will return the first found item. This means that UI.GetValue( «Legit», «Triggerbot», «Enabled» ) will return the same value as UI.GetValue( «Legit», «GENERAL», «Triggerbot», «Enabled» ).
All script-added items are located in a groupbox within the misc tab, under javascript group called «Script items». Searching for ( «Script Items», item name ) is certain to return a script control.
[ GETRENDERBOX ] Syntax: Entity.GetRenderBox(entity_index)
Returns an array object with state (valid/invalid), min X, min Y, max X, max Y
[ GETWEAPONS ] Syntax: Entity.GetWeapons( entity_index )
Returns an array of weapons of the entity.
[ GETENTITIESBYCLASSID ] Syntax: Entity.GetEntitiesByClassID( int classid )
Returns entities of given Class ID.
[ GETHITBOXPOSITION ] Syntax: Entity.GetHitboxPosition(int ent_index, int hitbox_index) Returns an array object with X, Y, Z for hitbox position.
Hitbox indexes: HITBOX_HEAD = 0
[ GETEYEPOSITION ] Syntax: Entity.GetEyePosition(int ent_index).
Returns an array object with X, Y, Z for eye position.
[ GETGAMERULESPROXY ] Syntax: Entity.GetGameRulesProxy()
Returns entity index of game rules entity.
[ ISBOT ] Syntax:Entity.IsBot(ent_index)
Entity.IsBot can be used to check whether passed entity index is a bot or not.
[ GETWEAPON ] Syntax:Entity.GetWeapon(ent_index)
Entity.GetWeapon returns weapon name of entity index passed as argument.
returns weapon index of entity index passed as argument.
[ SETPROP ] Entity.SetProp(player_entity_index, table_name, prop_name, new_value)
Can be used to override property values.
[ GETPROP ] Syntax:Entity.GetProp(player_entity_index, table_name, prop_name)
Returns the value of the property.
[ GETRENDERORIGIN ] Syntax:Entity.GetRenderOrigin()
Entity.GetRenderOrigin returns an array of x, y, z.
[ GETNAME ] Syntax:Entity.GetName(entity_index)
Returns a string that is the player name..
[ GETCLASSNAME ] Syntax:Entity.GetClassName()
Returns a string that represents the class name instead of the class ID.
[ GETCLASSNAME ] Syntax:Entity.GetClassID(entity_index)
Returns a number that is the class ID, lists of class IDs can be found HERE: https://pastebin.com/jyx5sGyC
[ ISDORMANT ] Syntax:Entity.IsDormant(entity_index)
Finds out whether an entity is dormant.
[ ISALIVE ] Syntax:Entity.IsAlive(entity_index)
Finds out whether an entity is alive.
[ ISVALID ] Syntax:Entity.IsValid(entity index)
Finds out whether an entity is valid.
[ ISLOCALPLAYER ] Syntax:Entity.IsLocalPlayer(entity_index)
Finds out whether an entity is the local player.
[ ISENEMY ] Syntax:Entity.IsEnemy(entity index)
Finds out whether an entity is an enemy.
[ ISTEAMMATE ] Syntax:Entity.IsTeammate(entity_index)
Finds out whether an entity is a teammate.
[ GETENTITYFROMUSERID ] Syntax:Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(userid)
Finds the entity of the given user id.
[ GETLOCALPLAYER ] Syntax:Entity.GetLocalPlayer()
Returns the entity index of local the player.
[ GETTEAMMATES ] Syntax:Entity.GetTeammates()
Returns an array of teammate entity indexes.
[ GETENEMIES ] Syntax:Entity.GetEnemies()
Returns an array of enemy entity indexes.
[ GETPLAYERS ] Syntax:Entity.GetPlayers()
Returns an array of player entity indexes.
[ GETPLAYERS ] Syntax:Entity.GetEntities()
Returns an array of entity indexes.
[ FILLEDCIRCLE ] Syntax:Render.FilledCircle(x, y, r, color)
Draws a filled circle with the given position, radius, and RGBA color.
Returns true on success or false on failure.
[ TEXTUREDRECT ] Syntax:Render.TexturedRect( x, y, width, height, texture );
Draws a textured rectangle with the given position, size, and texture.
Returns true on success or false on failure.
[ TEXTUREDRECT ] Syntax:Render.TexturedRect( x, y, width, height, texture );
Draws a textured rectangle with the given position, size, and texture.
Returns true on success or false on failure.
[ ADDTEXTURE ] Syntax:Render.AddTexture( path );
Adds a texture.
Returns texture identifier.
[ TEXTSIZECUSTOM ] Syntax:Render.TextSizeCustom( string text, font );
Finds the text width size of the given string with custom font.
Returns given text height and width.
[ STRINGCUSTOM ] Syntax:Render.StringCustom( int x, int y, int align, string text, [ color ], font )
Draws a string with custom font.
Returns true on success or false on failure.
[ FINDFONT ] Syntax:Render.FindFont( string name, int size, int weight );
Searches for custom font.
Returns font identifier.
[ ADDFONT ] Syntax:Render.AddFont( string name, int size, int weight );
Adds a custom font.
Returns font identifier.
Argument weight defines from thickness. 100 Lightest. 200 Bolder than 100, lighter than 300. 300 Bolder than 200, lighter than 400. 400 Bolder than 300, lighter than 500. Equivalent of normal. 500 Bolder than 400, lighter than 600. 600 Bolder than 500, lighter than 700. 700 Bolder than 600, lighter than 800. Equivalent of bold. 800 Bolder than 700, lighter than 900. 900 Boldest.
[ FINDFONT ] Syntax:Render.FindFont( string name, int size, int weight );
Searches for custom font.
Returns font identifier.
[ POLYGON ] Syntax:Render.Polygon( [ [ x, y ], [ x1, y1 ], [ x2, y2 ] ], [ R, G, B, A ] );
Draws a polygon with shape based on arguments passed.
[ GRADIENTRECT ] Syntax:Render.GradientRect( x, y, w, h, dir, [ col1 ], [ col2 ] );
Draws a gradient rectangle with the given position, size, and RGBA color.
Returns true on success or false on failure.
[ GETSCREENSIZE ] Syntax:Render.GetScreenSize()
Returns width and height of your screen.
[ WORLDTOSCREEN ] Syntax:Render.WorldToScreen([x, y, z])
Finds the world position for the given screen position.
Returns the value of the parameter or false.
[ CIRCLE ] Syntax:Render.Circle(x, y, r, color)
Draws a circle with the given position, radius, and RGBA color.
Returns true on success or false on failure.
[ FILLEDRECT ] Syntax:Render.FilledRect(x, y, width, height, color)
Draws a circle with the given position, radius, and RGBA color.
Returns true on success or false on failure.
[ RECT ] Syntax:Render.Rect(x, y, width, height, color)
Draws a rectangle with the given position, size, and RGBA color.
Returns true on success or false on failure.
[ LINE ] Syntax:Render.Line(x, y, x1, y1, color)
Draws a line with the given position RGBA color.
Returns true on success or false on failure.
[ STRING ] Syntax:Render.String(x, y, align, message, color, int size [optional])
Draws a string with the given position, align, RGBA color, and size.
Returns true on success or false on failure.
[ SETSTRING ] Syntax:Convar.SetString(«cmd», string)
Sets the string value of the given console command.
Returns true on success or false on failure.
[ GETSTRING ] Syntax:Convar.GetString(«cmd»)
Finds the string value of the given console command.
Returns the value of the parameter or false.
[ SETFLOAT ] Syntax:Convar.SetFloat («cmd», value)
Sets the float value of the given console command.
Returns true on success or false on failure.
[ GETFLOAT ] Syntax:Convar.GetFloat(«cmd»)
Finds the float value of the given console command.
Returns the value of the parameter or false.
[ SETINT ] Syntax:Convar.SetInt(«cmd», value)
Sets the integer value of the given console command.
Returns true on success or false on failure.
[ GETINT ] Syntax:Convar.GetInt(«cmd») Finds the integer value of the given console command.
Returns the value of the parameter or false.
[ RAGEBOT_FIRE ] Syntax:ragebot_fire
Returns information on ragebot_fire event.
Following arguments can be used with Event.GetInt for the ragebot_fire event
0 = no exploit
1 = hide shots/1st shot from doubletap
2 = second shot from doubletap
[ GETSTRING ] Syntax:Event.GetString(string) Finds the string value of the given game event.
Returns the value of the parameter or false.
[ GETFLOAT ] Syntax:Event.GetFloat(float)
Finds the float value of the given game event.
Returns the value of the parameter or false.
[ GETINT ] Syntax:Event.GetInt(int)
Finds the int value of the given game event.
Returns the value of the parameter or false.
[ RAWLINE ] Syntax:Trace.RawLine( int skip_index, vec3 start, vec3 end, unsigned int mask, int type )
Used for advanced line tracing.
Returns entity index and number fraction.
Fraction info:
1.0 means it didnt hit anything, 0.5 means it hit something half way through, 0.1 is hit
Skip index:
skips a certain entity, can be 0 to not skip any entity.
filters what should and shouldn’t be taken into consideration when tracing
masks can be combined, example below:
IN OT V3 CRACK NOT WORKS [ SMOKE ] Syntax:Trace.Smoke(array start, array end)
Used to check if smoke is between two points.
Returns 1 if there was smoke.
[ BULLET ] Syntax:Trace.Bullet(int ent_index, int target, array start, array end);
Used to trace bullet between two entities.
Returns entity index, damage, visibility, and hitbox.
[ LINE ] Syntax:Trace.Line(int ent_index, array start, array end);
Used to trace line between point A and B.
Returns entity index and number fraction.
Fraction info: 1.0 means it didnt hit anything, 0.5 means it hit something half way through, 0.1 is hit
[ GETMOVEMENT ] Syntax:UserCMD.GetMovement();
Used to obtain movement values.
Returns an array object with forward move, side move, and up move.
IN OT V3 CRACK NOT WORKS [ SETVIEWANGLES ] Syntax:UserCMD.SetViewAngles( [x,y,z], bool silent );
Control user angles.
Please note that this function may be overruled by internal processing related to, but not limited to, shot handling, anti-aim, and exploits.
Please note that this function may be overruled by internal processing related to, but not limited to, shot handling, anti-aim, and exploits.
Used to set buttons.
Used to set buttons.
Returns buttons.
[ SETMOVEMENT ] Syntax:UserCMD.SetMovement([forwardmove, sidemove, upmove]);
Control user movement.
[ STOPMICROPHONE ] Syntax:Sound.StopMicrophone( );
Used to stop Sound.PlayMicrophone
[ PLAYMICROPHONE ] Syntax:Sound.PlayMicrophone(path)
Plays a sound on microphone.
[ PLAY ] Syntax:Sound.Play( string path )
Plays a sound.
[ GETINACCURACY ] Syntax:Local.GetInaccuracy();
Returns inaccuracy.
[ GETSPREAD ] Syntax:Local.GetSpread();
Returns spread.
[ GETFAKEYAW ] Syntax:Local.GetFakeYaw();
Returns fake yaw angle.
[ GETREALYAW ] Syntax:Local.GetRealYaw();
Returns real yaw angle.
[ SETCLANTAG ] Syntax:Local.SetClanTag(string text);
[ SETVIEWANGLES ] Syntax:Local.SetViewAngles(array)
Sets user-defined view angles.
[ GETVIEWANGLES ] Syntax:Local.GetViewAngles();
Returns array object with pitch, yaw and roll of your local view.
[ LATENCY ] Syntax:Local.Latency()
Returns local player ping to the server.
[ GETUSERNAME ] Syntax:Cheat.GetUsername()
Returns forum username.
[ PRINTCHAT ] Syntax:Cheat.PrintChat(string text)
Prints a message in in-game chat.
[ REGISTERCALLBACK ] Syntax:Cheat.RegisterCallback(callback, function)
Callback: any function/event listed below
Function: function to be invoked
Currently available
«CreateMove» useful for adjusting antiaim/ragebot settings with a script before antiaim/ragebot runs
«Draw» the only place in a script u can call Render functions, is inside a «Draw» callbacks
«Unload» called when script is unloaded
«Material» called before materials are applied. Material functions (except Create and Destroy) must be called in this callback
Other game events
list can be found HERE https://wiki.alliedmods.net/Counter-Strike:_Global_Offensive_Events
[ EXECUTECOMMAND ] Syntax:Cheat.ExecuteCommand(cmd)
Prints a message in in-game chat.
[ PRINTCOLOR ] Syntax:Cheat.PrintColor([ r, g, b, a ], «Text»)
Cheat.PrintColor is used for same purpose(s) as Cheat.Print, in addition you can make your console outputs in different colors.
[ PRINT ] Syntax:Cheat.Print(message)
Used to print out wide ranges of information to your console, as well as simple messages.
[ GETCURSORPOSITION ] Syntax:Input.GetCursorPosition()
Returns an array object with X, Y for cursor position.
[ ISKEYPRESSED ] Syntax:Input.IsKeyPressed(VK_KEY)
Returns boolean value whether or not a key was pressed.
[ GETCURSORPOSITION ] Syntax:World.GetServerString();
Returns server IP.
[ GETMAPNAME ] Syntax:World.GetMapName();
Returns current map name.
[ SETLBYOFFSET ] Syntax:AntiAim.SetLBYOffset(int degree);
Sets the LBY offset of your fake angle.
[ SETREALOFFSET ] Syntax:AntiAim.SetRealOffset(int degree);
Sets the offset of your Real angle. Your Real angle is relative to your Fake.
[ SETFAKEOFFSET ] Syntax:AntiAim.SetFakeOffset(int degree);
Sets the offset of your Fake angle. Fake is the master offset of the AntiAim functions, your Real and LBY are relative to the fake offset.
[ GETOVERRIDE ] Syntax:AntiAim.GetOverride();
Returns the anti-aim override state.
[ GETOVERRIDE ] Syntax:AntiAim.SetOverride(int state);
Enables/disables anti-aim overriding.
The values used by AA are updated AFTER each send to the server, you can edit them mid cycle, but they wont apply until the next.
It is recommended to update values in CreateMove callback.
Spamming SetOverride with alternating values is undefined behavior, just spamming it with 1 or 0 is totally fine though.
After disabling a script that uses SetOverride, it will not revert back to the original state, you need to change it before the script is disabled.
The values are offsets to your base yaw, base yaw is affected by the following settings.
Yaw offset
Jitter offset (and thus jitter)
At targets
Auto direction
Manual direction
It is therefor recommended to pay attention and handle this accordingly, disable these settings if your script takes control of it.
Understanding Anti-Aim Your fake will be used as a master angle, every other setting is relative to your fake angle.
The maximum possible angle between your final fake angle and final real angle is 60°.
SetFakeOffset’s default value (0) will set your head backwards, angles are based off 0° being your origin angle.
IN OT V3 CRACK NOT WORKS [ OVERRIDETOLERANCE ] Syntax:Exploit.OverrideTolerance(int value);
Lower value results in faster double-tap.
Default value: 2
Maximum value is clamped to 8.
IN OT V3 CRACK NOT WORKS [ OVERRIDESHIFT ] Syntax:Exploit.OverrideShift(int value);
Higher value results in faster double-tap.
Default value: 12
Maximum value is clamped to 14.
[ ENABLERECHARGE ] Syntax:Exploit.EnableRecharge();
Enable automatic recharge
[ DISABLERECHARGE ] Syntax:Exploit.DisableRecharge();
Disables automatic recharging
[ RECHARGE ] Syntax:Exploit.Recharge();
Forces a recharge.
[ GETCHARGE ] Syntax:Exploit.GetCharge();
Returns a fraction (0 to 1).
[ IGNORETARGET ] Syntax:Ragebot.IgnoreTarget( entity_index );
Ignores a target for 1 tick
This example will force ragebot to ignore target player with name «llama» if possible.
You can change the name in code and use this as a whitelist for your friends on HVH servers.
Note: ForceTarget is only active for 1 tick and must be called on CreateMove callback.
[ FORCEHITBOXSAFETY ] Syntax:Ragebot.ForceHitboxSafety( hitbox_index );
Forces safety on a specific hitbox
Hitboxes: 0 = head ( 4x damage )
1 = neck ( legacy in CSGO, does not actually register damage )
2 = pelvis ( 1.25x damage )
3 = body ( 1.25x damage )
4 = thorax
5 = chest
6 = upper chest
7 = left thigh
8 = right thigh
9 = left calf
10 = right calf
11 = left foot
12 = right foot
This example will force ragebot to target only safe point of the hitbox if target velocity is less or equal to 90.
Note: ForceHitboxSafety is only active for 1 tick and must be called on CreateMove callback.