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Слово Как по английскому пишется классики - однокоренные слова и морфемный разбор слова (приставка, корень, суффикс, окончание):

Морфемный разбор слова:

Однокоренные слова к слову:


1 classic

a juvenile classic — книга для юношества, завоевавшая широкое признание на протяжении нескольких поколений

classic authors — классические писатели древности; греческие и римские классики

2 classic

3 classic

4 classic

5 classic

6 classic

специалист по античной филологии classical: classical классический;
classical scholar = classic

7 classic

The reason he gave for being late was a classic. — Он классно объяснил, почему опоздал.

8 classic

9 classic

10 classic


12 classic

13 classic


15 classic

16 classic

17 classic

18 classic

19 classic

20 classic

См. также в других словарях:

Classic FM TV — Owned by Global Radio Broadcast area United Kingdom Website www.classicfm.co.uk/classic fm tv Classic FM TV is a web based internet channel owned by … Wikipedia

Classic FM — may refer to: Classic FM (UK), a British classical music radio station Classic FM TV, a British classical music television channel ABC Classic FM, an Australian classical music radio station run by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Classic… … Wikipedia

classic — classic, classical 1. Classical is the customary word when reference is to the arts and literature of ancient Greece and Rome (a classical scholar / classical Greek / architecture of classical proportions), to traditional forms of dance… … Modern English usage

Classic — (englisch für klassisch) ist ein Begriff, der in verschiedenen Zusammenhängen auftritt: Wein, siehe: Classic (Qualitätsstufe) Automodell mit Retro Design aus dem Jahre 1996, siehe Toyota Classic eine Tankstellenkette, siehe Classic (Tankstellen)… … Deutsch Wikipedia

classic — [adj2] characteristic, regular prototypal, prototypical, representative, simple, standard, time honored, typical, usual, vintage; concepts 533,547 Ant. abnormal, irregular, uncharacteristic classic [n] model chef d’oeuvre, exemplar, magnum opus,… … New thesaurus

classic — [klas′ik] adj. [L classicus, relating to the (highest) classes of the Roman people, hence, superior < classis,CLASS1] 1. of the highest class; being a model of its kind; excellent; standard; authoritative; established [a classic example of… … English World dictionary

Classic 21 — is a Belgian radio station based in Mons and it broadcasts across Wallonia and Brussels (French Community of Belgium) on the FM band. Being part of the RTBF broadcasting organisation it is the only Classic rock radio in Belgium. Classic 21 was… … Wikipedia

Classic — Clas sic (kl[a^]s s[i^]k), Classical Clas sic*al, a. [L. classicus relating to the classes of the Roman people, and especially to the frist class; hence, of the first rank, superior, from classis class: cf. F. classique. See , n.] 1. Of or … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Classic — Clas sic, n. 1. A work of acknowledged excellence and authority, or its author; originally used of Greek and Latin works or authors, but now applied to authors and works of a like character in any language. [1913 Webster] In is once raised him to … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Classic VB — is a term coined by [http://vb.mvps.org/ Karl E. Peterson] to define what he also refers to as VB.COM. (vs. VB.NET) in his [http://vb.mvps.org/articles/go200505.asp Petition to Microsoft] on March 31 2005. Karl built a website for that petition… … Wikipedia

Classic FM — [Classic FM] a British national commercial radio station, begun in 1992 and broadcasting popular ↑classical music … Useful english dictionary


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